

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N
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To dream of a website represents feelings about your ability to access, explore, or engage with a specific area of interest or information in your life. Your connection to a specific topic, idea, or theme, reflecting your thoughts about how you interact with or understand these concepts. A need for self-empowerment, active planning, and taking concrete proactive steps towards involvement and engagement with your aspirations.

Positively, dreaming about a website may represent a sense of empowerment and convenience in accessing information or resources related to a specific interest or topic. Your ability to efficiently gather knowledge, connect with like-minded individuals, or stay updated on a particular subject matter. A desire for more information or a deeper understanding of a specific area of your life.

Negatively, dreaming about a website may represent feelings of frustration, confusion, or limitation in your ability to access, explore, or engage with a specific area of interest or information in your life. Difficulty engaging with or connecting with like-minded individuals. Your disconnection or difficulty in comprehending a particular topic, idea, or theme, reflecting your thoughts about how you struggle to interact with or understand these concepts. A loss of interest in accessing or engaging with a specific area of interest after getting closer to it. Jealousy that your ability to access or engage with a specific area of interest is open to other people accessing or engaging with it as well.

Consider the colors, topic, or feel of the website for additional meaning.

To dream of a website being down or inaccessible on the Internet may represent feelings of barriers or limitations in accessing information, resources, or connections. A temporary obstacle or frustration in your pursuit of knowledge, goals, or relationships. A disconnect from a source of information or a particular community that you rely on.

Please See the themes section for specific websites

Example: A woman dreamed of believing that if she had been more prepared and researched a university website it would have allowed her to get accepted to the university. Everyone else she was with got accepted into the school except her. She was last in line. In waking life, she was pushing herself to get passed her depression while being unemployed. In this case, the university website may have reflected a need for self-empowerment, active planning, and taking concrete proactive steps toward engaging and being involved with her aspirations.

*Please See Dating Website

Refer to the themes section for websites for a more in-depth look at website symbolism.

Abe Lincoln

To dream of Abe Lincoln represents feelings about honesty, integrity, and doing what's right in the face of adversity. It could symbolize a respect for truth and justice, as well as a strong moral compass. Your thoughts about the importance of ethical conduct, leadership, and making difficult decisions that are in the best interest of the greater good.

Positively, dreaming about Abe Lincoln may represent wisdom, courage, and the ability to navigate through challenging situations with honesty and moral fortitude. A conscious choice to stand up for what you believe in, even if it's unpopular or challenging. A sense of fairness and the desire to treat everyone equally.

Negatively, dreaming about Abe Lincoln could represent feelings of being overwhelmed by the responsibility of making tough decisions. It might symbolize the burden of knowing the right thing to do but facing significant opposition. Perhaps you feel that your principles are being tested, or you might be struggling with a situation where the right choice is clear but difficult to execute.

Interesting Fact: President Abe Lincoln is the 16th president of the United States Of America. The events of his presidency are completely consistent with the number 16 (confronting negativity or arrogance) with the civil war, releasing slaves, and hopelessly being shot while not aware of his assassin.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of walking into Abe Lincoln's library. In waking life, she was having problems with growing distant from one of her best friends and didn't know what the answer was to fix it. In this case, the Abe Lincoln Library may have reflected her search for an honest and wise approach to resolve the issue and restore their friendship, despite feeling hopeless about the situation.

*Please See President

*Please See 16

To dream of represents feelings about experiences with other people where you easily ordering something to happen all on it's own. Confidence in feeling that there isn't anything wrong with ordering something to happen on its own. Experiences with other people where you have the feeling of not having to think about something again after having decided it. Experiences with other people where you feel confidently respected that your request is certain to happen eventually without having to ask twice. An easy delegation experience in life you feel is amazing without thinking it matters. Experiences with other people involving asking for something to happen and easy having it perfectly respected all on it's own. Feelings about help or assistance that never thinks of itself as important while thinking you are. Feeling the power to simply say you want someone to respect something happening and noticing that they will. Simply asking someone else to just take care of something for you because you don't have time.

Negatively, dreaming about may reflect too much reliance or expectation to easily delegate something you want to happen without thinking it about too hard. Embarrassing yourself not having to think about something again after you've decided it. Dishonestly or dangerously not thinking there is anything wrong with ordering something to happen on its own.

Some people may dream of when they are experiencing issues with using the website and not contacting technical support to address it.

Example: A woman dreamed of having issues using gift certificates on the website. In waking life she was having trouble redeeming her certificates while repeatedly trying to use the same malfunctioning option to redeem the certificates over and over.


To dream of BitTorrent represents feelings about a situation where you are waiting for all the bits and pieces of knowledge or resources from a diverse group of sources to come together in order for it all to make sense or be utilized. A situation or experience in your life that involves sharing, collaboration, or collective effort. Patience and determination to piece together information bit by bit, relying on a diverse range of inputs and learning to adapt to a new field.

Positively, dreaming about BitTorrent may symbolize your ability to collaborate with others effectively, harnessing collective efforts to achieve a common goal. The efficient acquisition of knowledge, skills, or resources from a diverse group of people. Your skill in navigating complex systems to access valuable information or opportunities. The power of collective effort, where everyone contributes a small part to achieve a larger goal.

Negatively, dreaming about BitTorrent may suggest feelings of guilt, illegality, or unethical behavior related to accessing or distributing information or resources without proper authorization. Feelings of uncertainty or risk associated with sharing or collaboration. Concerns about the potential consequences or risks associated with your actions in seeking shortcuts or exploiting others' efforts for personal gain. Feeling wary about the intentions of others in a collective project, or you might be struggling with the fear of losing individual control or credit in a collaborative effort. Alternatively, it could indicate a fear of being overwhelmed by a flood of information or resources beyond your capacity to handle.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a BitTorrent software program running with 3 separate torrent files downloading. In waking life, he was trying to make a new life for himself that required learning an entirely different field of knowledge to his current skillset to start a new business after walking away from his old one. He had to slowly learn whatever he needed in small pieces of numerous sources while waiting for life to go back to normal. In this case, BitTorrent may have reflected his patience and determination to piece together information bit by bit, relying on a diverse range of inputs and learning to adapt to a new field.

Dating Website

To dream of a dating website represents feelings about your involvement or engagement with the potential for new relationships, partnerships, or enjoyable opportunities. Your thoughts and feelings about self-empowerment with seeking new connections, exploring romantic possibilities, or your openness to meeting new people. The dating website in your dream reflects how you perceive your own romantic or social opportunities and desires.

Positively, dreaming about a dating website may represent an optimistic or open attitude towards meeting new people, exploring romantic interests, or actively seeking a partner. It could symbolize a readiness for new experiences, a desire for companionship, or the pursuit of love and happiness. This dream might also indicate confidence in your ability to attract potential partners or a sense of excitement about the prospects of new relationships.

Negatively, dreaming about a dating website may represent feelings of loneliness, desperation, or frustration in your love life. Doubts about finding a suitable partner, concerns about being judged or rejected, or anxiety about putting yourself out there in the dating world. Jealousy that other people want to date the same person that you do and that your crush will prefer talking to them more than you. Jealousy of needing to keep yourself interesting to a potential romantic partner. Insecurities about your attractiveness or worthiness in romantic relationships. Alternatively, it might signify the challenges or complexities of modern dating, such as navigating online interactions or dealing with superficial or temporary connections. Jealousy of needing to get to know people or talking to people you want to date without feeling exclusive yet.

Creating a Profile: May reflect how you present yourself to potential partners or your efforts to put your best foot forward in romantic situations.

Browsing Profiles: Could symbolize your assessment of available options or your criteria for an ideal partner.
Messaging Someone: Might represent communication or the initial stages of forming a connection.

Rejection or Unsuccessful Matches: Could reflect fears of not being accepted, feelings of inadequacy, or past disappointments in relationships.

Successful Matches: May indicate optimism, hope for future relationships, or positive self-esteem in your ability to form meaningful connections.

Example: A teenage boy dreamed about a girl whom he had a crush on at school giving him a gift of a dating website account. The dream scene changes to him running away from school down a road. In waking life, he was spending a lot of time thinking about how the girl had tried to talk to him. In this case, the dating website may have reflected his feelings of opportunity and potential to explore a romantic connection with the girl he had a crush on. The change of scene to him running away from school down a road could represent his ambivalence or anxiety about taking the first step towards starting a romantic relationship, possibly due to fears of rejection or uncertainty about how to proceed.

Example 2: An older woman had recurring dreams for 5 years about finding links to dating websites, porn, and emails from other women on her husband's laptop. She waited for him to come home to explain it. In waking life, her husband died 7 years ago and left her completely broke because of his reckless behavior in the last year of his life. In this case, the dating websites on the deceased husband's laptop may have reflected her lingering feelings of betrayal, mistrust, and unresolved issues stemming from her husband's involvement and engagement with interests with people counter to her financial security interests.


To dream of eBay represents feelings about your ability to access, explore, or engage with opportunities where a sphere of social connectedness that allows you to exploit biding your time, waiting for the right moment, having the right conditions, and avoiding being more jealous than someone else is personally useful to you. Ease of access to social opportunities or experiences where patience, timing, conditions, and strategic decision-making can lead to favorable outcomes. The importance of strategic decision-making, assessing worth, or competitive interactions. Trying to maximize your benefit from a circumstance. A strategic approach to opportunities or your patience in waiting for the right deal or moment.

Positively, dreaming about eBay may represent your ability to recognize value, make smart choices, and engage in savvy negotiations within a sphere of social connectedness. It may reflect a conscious choice to wait for the right opportunity or to engage in a process where patience and strategic bidding lead to a rewarding outcome. It could also indicate your skill in navigating competitive situations or your knack for finding good deals or advantageous opportunities.

Negatively, dreaming about eBay may represent engaging in opportunities that maximize provoking jealousy or competition with others for the same opportunity to get the most out of it for yourself. Exploiting making other people jealous that they are not doing enough. Feelings of constantly monitoring opportunities and fearing that others might do more than you, leading to missed chances or a sense of inadequacy in comparison to others. Fear of missing out, indecisiveness, or the stress of competitive situations.

Alternatively, if you associate selling with eBay more than buying then eBay can symbolize an experience in life where you are trying to get the most out of a situation by challenging people's jealousy, patience, and tolerance for conditions.

Example: A woman dreamed of a man being suspicious of what website she just cleared off her smartphone. She replayed that it was just eBay. In waking life, she was financially struggling while dating 3 guys. In this case, eBay on her phone may have reflected her feelings about being involved in multiple romantic relationships simultaneously and needing to be strategic or patient in attempting to engage in an opportunity to make the men jealous of each other not doing enough to deserve dating her.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of the Devil's daughter saying that he should keep his Satanic Cafe buyer's card because she had no use for it. He replied that she should keep it because the amount she could get off eBay was greater than his sense of novelty for it. In waking life, he was about to start a new corporate job with a former sexual partner. In this case, the reference to the Devil's daughter using eBay to sell the novelty buyer card may have reflected his attempt to make friends, family, or romantic partners jealous of his former sexual relationship restarting and doing whatever possible "up the ante" of support to avoid the potential for the dreamer to sleep with his former sex partner again.

Example 3: A man dreamed of miscalculating his shipping costs so much that he lost all his money. In waking life, he recently started an eBay seller and due to inexperience he messed up on shipping and lost some money. In this case, eBay represents his experience of navigating the complexities and learning curves associated with new business ventures.

*Please See Websites


To dream of social media represents feelings about managing social interactions with others that revolves around one's status or the ongoing affairs of others. Social interactions that seem more consequential than usual, as though everything you say or do is closely monitored or considered. A heightened sense of power or importance as you perceive others paying close attention to your status or activities. Awareness of other people's attention to your thoughts and actions, embodying social validation, attention, or recognition. Feelings about your social influence, reputation, or connections. Feelings about having to control yourself while everyone you know is aware of everything happening in your life.

Negatively, dreaming about Facebook may represent the stress of maintaining impersonal interactions that revolve around one's status or the ongoing affairs of others. Disliking social interaction that revolves around everyone being aware of your social status. Social connections that feel distant or detached. An unhealthy preoccupation with online validation or a fear of negative judgment, issues of self-comparison, or discomfort with the idea of keeping up with others' interest in you. A dislike for other people paying attention to what you're thinking or doing, feelings of insecurity or loneliness, or the fear of missing out. You might also be longing for more personal and intimate connections, rather than superficial interactions. Pressure to make others believe that everything in your life is progressing perfectly.

Alternatively, dreaming about Facebook may mirror actual waking life feelings about using Facebook.

Example: A woman dreamed of getting pregnant and looking up the father on Facebook. The scene suddenly changes to being with a guy she doesn't know. In waking life, she was separated from her husband, dating a guy she didn't like, while wanting to move homes. In this case, Facebook may have reflected her feelings about managing social interaction with other people that revolved around updating everyone she knew about her status with wanting to move away with her new boyfriend. The sudden change of scenery may have reflected her abrupt change of mind about moving away with the boyfriend she didn't like anymore.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of looking up the Facebook profile of a woman that was dating a man whom she wanted to date. She wanted to see the Facebook status or information on how long they have been dating, but couldn't find any. In waking life, she was jealous of another woman dating a man she wanted to date, but she had no idea who the woman was, but she was curious. In this case, Facebook may have reflected her feelings of managing her jealousy by seeking social cues or updates about her romantic interest's relationship status by asking people she knew.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of a Facebook scene where all his comments had been blocked out. This is followed by a scene of himself talking to his ex-girlfriend on the phone as though everything is working out well between them. Suddenly, even she goes silent and stays silent. In waking life, he was having problems getting over his ex-girlfriend. He was the one who broke up with her, but he regretted it while she had moved on. In this case, his Facebook comments being blocked out may have reflected his thoughts about feelings of being ignored or shut out by his ex-girlfriend after breaking up with her while being self-conscious about all his friends being aware of it and possibly thinking he's stupid because of it.

Example 4: A teenage girl dreamed of her father telling her to take an unusual picture of the moon and 3 stars and post it on Facebook. The moon scene faded out and was replaced by a smiling Indian woman. She never takes the picture. In waking life, she had a difficult time breaking up with her boyfriend and started talking to her ex-boyfriend who was a really good friend. She had a fear of being single. In this case, her father telling to her post a moon picture on Facebook may have reflected her thoughts about telling everyone she knew about her ex-boyfriend being interested in her so her ex would get jealous and it would make her single status more interesting looking to people she knew.

*Please See Websites


To dream of Google represents feelings about your search for the most relevant answers, clarity, or understanding for whatever is on your mind in the present moment that's usually right all the time like it's simple without anyone minding it. Your curiosity or your obsession with safely finding out relevant information in the present moment without repercussions. Feelings about asking people questions to get relevant answers like it's simple without believing that anyone minds it. Your thoughts and feelings about your ability to access and utilize information and resources to address various aspects of your life, from everyday questions to significant challenges and decisions without anyone getting back at you for being curious. Your desire for more information or a deeper understanding of a specific aspect of your life.

Negatively, google may represent feelings about overdoing asking people questions to get relevant answers without believing that anyone minds it. A feeling that the most relevant answers don't feel confident, acceptable, or likable. An excessive preoccupation with seeking the most relevant answers to the point of feeling empty. Wasting your time looking for relevant answers for an issue that's hopeless. Not liking keeping private about most relevant answers, clarity, or understanding of whatever is on your mind. Not liking how simple the most relevant answers or understanding of a situation is.

To dream of the Google search box with text typed in it without the search button clicked yet may represent a sense of readiness or anticipation about embarking on a quest for answers, clarity, or information in your waking life. It reflects the initial stages of your curiosity, suggesting that you are contemplating seeking relevant knowledge or understanding about a particular matter.

To dream of Google Maps represents feelings about your search for the most relevant way of navigating life's complexities, choices, and directions with a clear plan or guidance that's usually right all the time without minding it. It could symbolize your thoughts about asking someone for a relevant well-defined path or strategy to reach your goals, aspirations, or desired destinations because they're usually always right without minding it. This dream may reflect your reliance on external guidance, advice, or planning to make your way through unfamiliar or challenging situations. Looking for the most relevant directions for navigating life circumstances to avoid problems.

Positively, dreaming about Google Maps may represent clarity, confidence, and reassurance about the most relevant methods to navigate problems and situations that feel easy. A sense of being on the right track, having a clear understanding of where you are heading, or feeling guided and supported in your choices because you talked to someone who knows best. A phase of life where you are efficiently navigating through obstacles or decisions with ease and precision.

Negatively, dreaming about Google Maps could represent being more frustrated than you usually are about finding the most relevant way of navigating life's complexities, choices, and directions with a clear plan because your usual resources or people you rely on aren't helpful. Being so overly concerned with looking for the most relevant way of navigating life's complexities, choices, and directions with a clear plan that you don't actually pursue it. An over-reliance or dependency on asking other people for direction in your life. A lack of confidence in your own decision-making abilities. Confusion, uncertainty, or feeling lost despite having guidance. It could also point to anxiety about making wrong turns or decisions, even with all the available resources and information. Real-life feelings of uncertainty and the challenges you face in making a significant transition.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Google searchbox with the word "reflection" on a page that looked like a person had already made a search, not the front page. In waking life, he was experiencing himself curiously and safely asking a lot of people what was going on in their waking life to try to match it to the metaphorical storyline of dreams. He began to see dreams as a "reflection" of people's lives as long as the information they gave him was current and relevant. In this case, Google may have reflected his awareness of his approach to understanding people's lives through their dreams, emphasizing the importance of relevant and up-to-date information when asking them with a method that was reliable and safe about not upsetting anyone.

Example 2: A man dreamed of moving to Australia and getting an apartment, but kept getting lost while trying to use Google Maps to find the apartment. In waking life, he was thinking of moving to a new city, but couldn't find a suitable job to make moving realistic. In this case, Google Maps may have reflected his feelings of trying to navigate the complexities and choices involved in relocating, seeking a clear path or plan to make it happen. The difficulty in using Google Maps to find the apartment symbolizes his struggle to align his aspirations of moving with the practicalities and realities of finding suitable employment.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of using Google Maps and then discovered that the road she was on ended, turned into a boat dock, and that she was about to crash into the water. In waking life, she recently graduated from college and after a really bad experience with an employer she was unemployed looking for a new job. She was confident she could survive 3 to 4 months without a job, but she wanted her life to have a purpose without hating any new job she found. In this case, Google Maps may have reflected her feelings of initially having a simple, clear, and relevant direction or plan for her career after college, but then facing unexpected challenges and uncertainties in the job market that made her feel lost.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of using Google Maps to navigate a neighborhood of abandoned homes with vampires in them. She was with her daughter. They eventually reached nicer new homes, but Google Maps stopped working. She then found herself inside a hotel with her daughter who ran upstairs and the dreamer couldn't get her to come back down. In waking life, she liked having a simple life with a simple job while feeling that her daughter wanted a better life trajectory in life than her. In this case, Google Maps may have reflected her feelings about trying to navigate through life's complexities in a way that was relevant and simple in accordance with her own lifestyle choice, but didn't make sense to her daughter.

*Please See Websites


To dream of represents a persistent experience in life where you are seeing exactly what someone else is thinking all the time. Easily understanding a person's impression of a situation all the time. Persistent attempt to keep someone interested in you. Always understanding exactly what someone else is thinking because it's being made obvious. Persistently projecting yourself to others in an interesting way with a "picture perfect" story or impression of yourself. Persistently communicating in a very interesting manner to someone else.

Negatively, Instagram may reflect jealousy of keeping up with someone who never stops talking about them-self. Feeling that what someone is experiencing is always thought of as being obviously more important or interesting than what other people are experiencing. Feeling that someone is trying too hard to make you understand exactly what they are thinking in an obvious way. Feeling that other people are more interesting than you all the time. Someone else's impressions or recollections always outweigh yours. Wishful thinking that other people will remain interested in you, your ideas, recollections, or impressions of a situation. Persistently communicating to others in a way that is too personal.

To dream of people following your Instagram account may reflect feelings about an experience where you are persistently trying to make someone else clearly and easily understand your thoughts. Trying to project feelings to others that everything you are noticing is felt to be more important than what other people are noticing. Your impressions or recollections are always felt to be more important. Negatively, this may reflect wishful that people believe you are as interesting as you think you are.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of posting a picture of herself on Instagram and noticing that a boy she liked was impressed with the picture. In waking life, she tried hard to impress the boy she liked with an interesting story about herself hoping he would stay interested, but he didn't. in this case may have reflected her wishful thinking that trying to make the boy she liked interested her with a "picture perfect" story would make him like her.

Jon Stewart

To dream of Jon Stewart represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else about being exceptionally perceptive and lighthearted when it comes to recognizing the irony of politically embarrassing or absurd behavior while accepting it. A perspective that combines intelligence, humor, and a keen awareness of the absurdities or contradictions in life, especially in political or social contexts while not being serious about doing anything about it. Feeling good not being crazy about having a sense of humor about politically embarrassing behavior with an attitude that isn't serious when it is serious. Your capacity to strike a balance between humor and seriousness in your approach to a politically embarrassing situation. You have the ability to see through political or social fa�ades that isn't too serious while not losing sight of their significance. Intelligently witnessing what politically embarrassing behavior is while pretending it isn't serious when it is. A humorous yet perceptive viewpoint on politically embarrassing behavior. Your desire for a balanced and well-informed perspective that also appreciates the irony or absurdity in situations. A talent for observing and commenting on life's inconsistencies.

Negatively, Jon Stewart may represent focusing too much on the absurdity or irony in politically embarrassing situations at the expense of taking constructive action. Struggling with balancing humor and seriousness in addressing important issues.

Dreams of Jon Stewart appear to be common to people who become aware of their need to reduce marijuana usage.

Example: A man dreamed of Jon Stewart sitting in the passenger side of his vehicle holding a paper shopping bag while making a lighthearted comment about "not being your mother." Slowly Jon Stewart becomes more careful about being mean with humor. In waking life, he was taking low THC CBD oil for inflammation and slowly increased it over days. At first, it was safe, but slowly it began to make him scarily paranoid forcing him to cut the dosage in half. In this case, Jon Stewart may have reflected his perceptiveness of the absurdity of choosing to keep ingesting CBD oil in increasing amounts if the THC level sensitivity was slowly causing increasing paranoia.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of Jon Stewart while trying to pop a zit on her knee. In waking life, she was perceptive of daily marijuana smoking causing her to stop remembering any of her dreams. As soon as she reduced her marijuana smoking her dreams came back. In this case, Jon Stewart may have reflected her humorous and insightful perspective on her own behavior, which involved her using marijuana and experiencing a lack of dreams. She was laughing at herself for attempting to "pop" the problem by reducing her marijuana intake, which allowed her dreams to return.

Keanu Reeves

To dream of Keanu Reeves represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about being noticeably laid back and unassuming despite skills or status. Respect for modesty, cool demeanor under pressure, or the ability to handle complex situations with a sense of calm and collectedness. Your thoughts about the importance of being grounded or your admiration for someone who embodies humility and competence. Behavior that is more incredible than other people about having to believe in itself a whole lot without ever getting angry or having to speak a lot about itself.

Positively, dreaming about Keanu Reeves may represent an aspiration to handle life's challenges with grace and composure. Behavior that is perceived as skilled and capable without flaunting its abilities or seeking attention. It could also be indicative of a wish to navigate through life's ups and downs while maintaining a sense of inner peace and respect for others. Qualities such as being grounded, compassionate, or unaffected by fame and success. Behavior that remains cool under pressure or a desire to emulate that trait.

Negatively, dreaming about Keanu Reeves could represent feelings of not living up to an ideal of composure and competency. A struggle with remaining humble or a sense that you are not receiving recognition for your calm approach in difficult situations. Perhaps there's a fear of being overlooked or undervalued despite your capabilities and level-headedness. Feelings about someone who is noticeably laid back and unassuming despite their skills or status that is not respecting you the way you want. Feeling that you can't control someone who is laid back or unassuming. Feeling that someone laid back and unassuming is much more self-serving than you thought. Feelings about trying to use someone who is laidback and unassuming because you think their passive attitude makes them stupid about loving whatever you are doing.

Example: A woman dreamed of talking to Keanu Reeves, traveling with him, and then seeing him inside an elevator hitting the stop button to have his way with a woman. In waking life, she was talking to a business person in a similar field who made her an offer to buy her website to spare her from shutting it down due to expenses. He was laid back, unassuming, and thoughtful about letting her take her time to make the deal work. In the end, she fixed her website's problems and didn't need the deal while believing she could make the businessman pay her bills in other ways. The businessman stopped talking to her and went back to using her website without responding to her. In this case, Keanu Reeves may have reflected her feelings about the businessman being laidback, unassuming, with status along with her naive belief that she could easily use him.


To dream of a Nintendo video game system represents feelings of engaging in friendly and enjoyable challenges, where the focus is on having fun and testing your abilities without taking things too seriously. The desire to explore social and acceptable activities that allow you to challenge yourself in a light-hearted and entertaining way. Challenging yourself in increasing levels with a friendly, socially acceptable, cool, or fun situation that doesn't embarrass anyone else. Challenging yourself in increasing levels with an attitude that is safe about nothing being too serious and that's easily understood by everyone involved. Challenging yourself to see how far you can take a friendly situation that doesn't get back at you like it's awesome. Challenging yourself in increasing levels to see how much better you are than someone else without embarrassing anyone with it being too serious.

Positively, dreaming about Nintendo may reflect your ability to find joy and excitement in simple, socially acceptable challenges that don't put others in uncomfortable situations. Your desire for friendly competition and testing your skills in a safe and fun environment. Challenging experiences that see how far you can take it based on family life, affordability, or social acceptability don't embarrass anyone involved with being mean. Safely teaching yourself something different by taking it as far as you can without being dangerous to anyone else.

Negatively, dreaming about Nintendo may indicate a tendency to avoid serious or significant challenges in favor of more superficial and socially acceptable activities. A fear or reluctance to confront more substantial issues in your life. Privately challenging yourself to an idea in a friendly way that other people might not see the same way that you do if they found out. Feeling good that nobody can ever stop you from enjoying challenging yourself childishly with how far you can take a situation. A challenging experience of friendliness that isn't serious at all when that isn't what you really want. Challenging yourself to getting away with something with family or friends who are annoyed or angry that you don't stop it.

Example: A young woman dreamed of playing Super Nintendo in a locked room for a few days. In waking life, she going through a tough time being lonely trying to figure out how to socialize with classmates and get over social anxiety. In this case, the Nintendo may have reflected her attempt to challenge herself in her bedroom to come up with socially acceptable, cool, or fun ideas to help her socialize with classmates by telling them about them.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of playing Super Nintendo with a guy who tells her he likes her. In waking life, she had a boyfriend, but a friend suggested that if she was single she should start dating the other guy who appeared in her dream. In this case, the Nintendo may reflect the socially acceptable friendly nature of testing the idea of dating another guy or seeing how much she could learn about the guy's interest in her without embarrassing her boyfriend with jealousy.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of playing virtual reality Nintendo games. In waking life, she was aware of herself going to extreme lengths to help a friend. In this case, the Nintendo symbolism may reflect feelings about challenging herself in a friendly way to see how far she could help her friend out without embarrassing her friend or anyone else with feeling it was too serious.

*Please See Video Games


To dream of a quiz represents feelings about a situation or phase in your life where you are being tested or challenged to prove your knowledge or capabilities about being up to date. Feeling surprised with a test or challenge to prove you have stayed up to date. A need to demonstrate what you have learned or to validate your preparedness about being up to date. Your thoughts about the importance of performance, the anxiety of being evaluated, or the pressure of having to meet certain standards or expectations. Anxieties about everyday tasks or decisions, the need for continuous self-assessment, or concerns about staying updated and prepared in various aspects of life. Feelings about failing a test or challenge on being up to date that isn't a big deal.

Positively, dreaming about a quiz may represent an opportunity for self-assessment or personal growth. Confidence and preparedness to face challenges or obstacles. It may reflect a chance to show off your skills or knowledge, or the satisfaction of being recognized for your competence that's up to date. Your readiness to move on to the next level or phase in your life, having confidently acquired the necessary wisdom or experience.

Negatively, dreaming about a quiz may represent feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, self-doubt, unpreparedness, or a fear of judgment about not being up to date. Situations in your waking life where you feel unprepared, uncertain, or unqualified. Doubts about your abilities or fear of failure. Perhaps you feel that you're being unfairly scrutinized or that you're facing a challenge for which you're not yet ready. The dream could also point to a fear of being exposed for not having the answers or not being as competent as others expect you to be.

Successfully completing a quiz in a dream might indicate a sense of achievement and validation.

Failing a quiz in a dream might signify a fear of inadequacy or a fear of being exposed as unskilled or uninformed in a particular area.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of meeting her mother at a hospital to check on her grandfather. While at the hospital she had to fill out a quick quiz provided by a doctor. In waking life, she was being adopted by her stepmother and didn't want to hurt her biological mother's feelings while meeting with her to inform her about the decision. She was nervous about the upcoming meeting because she feared that her biological mother would never want to talk to her again. In this case, the quiz may have reflected her feelings about being overly concerned with needing to challenge herself with not hurting her mother's feelings as though it was something she was always prepared for.

*Please See Exams

*Please See Tests

Social Media

To dream of social media represents feelings about managing interactions with others that seem more consequential than usual, as though everything you say or do is closely monitored or considered. A heightened sense of power or importance as you perceive others paying close attention to your status or activities. Your awareness of other people's attention to your thoughts and actions, embodying social validation, attention, or recognition. How you feel about your social influence, reputation, or connections.

Negatively, dreaming about social media could represent feelings of managing impersonal interaction with other people that notices status and everything you say or do is closely monitored or considered. The stress of maintaining impersonal interactions that revolve around one's status or the ongoing affairs of others. Social connections that feel distant or detached. An unhealthy preoccupation with online validation, a fear of negative judgment, issues of self-comparison, or discomfort with the idea of keeping up with others' interest in you. Insecurity, loneliness, or the fear of missing out. Longing for more personal and intimate connections, rather than superficial interactions. Pressure to make others believe that everything in your life is progressing perfectly or working out great.

Example: A young woman dreamed of the older sister of her ex-crush text messaging her about her crush not accepting any messages on social media, which made the dreamer mad. In waking life, the woman was currently arguing with her mother. In this case, refusing to accept messages on social media may have reflected her feelings about her mother arguing with her about an issue she felt was too socially impersonal to be involved with.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of wanting to use social media apps with someone, but they refused. The person wouldn't even talk on the phone to her, preferring personal contact when the time was right. In waking life, the woman was very depressed about her appearance and mental capacity. In this case, the social media apps being refused may have reflected her feelings about her inability to connect with others or present herself positively in a social context due to her depression and recent disappointment.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of her friend saying that the boy she had a crush on was on social media with her, but couldn't to him herself. In waking life, she lost her phone and was unable to talk to her crush and didn't want him to think she was ignoring him. In this case, the friend talking to her crush on social media might have reflected her feelings about keeping up to date with the social activities and relationship status of her crush in an impersonal way.

*Please See Facebook

*Please See Instagram

*Please See Snapchat

*Please See Twitter

*Please See WhatsApp

*Please See Youtube


To dream about the website represents feelings about managing social interaction that's quicker than usual and concise about being intuitive with understanding and keeping up with whatever someone is up to. Experiencing people intuitively understanding what you are saying without having to say a lot. Feelings about yourself being better than usual about saying something that's understood like it's simple. Rapid and concise social interactions that are intuitively understood. Feeling that people are "following you" intuitively in a manner that is quick and concise. A symbol for leadership or experiencing yourself being persuasive, or with a sense of intuition that is quick and concise. Feeling that it's easy to have people listen to you. Feelings about people quickly and concisely following your thoughts all on their own.

Negatively, Twitter in a dream may reflect feelings about managing social interaction that annoys you or is a problem about experiencing quicker than usual understanding from people because it isn't thorough or detailed when something important or serious is happening. Feeling that rapid and concise social interaction that is intuitively understood is unsuitable or insufficient for the in-depth, comprehensive discussions necessary to understand a serious situation. Experiencing yourself being persuasive that is more quick and concise than usual with people following you all on their own.

Example: A man dreamed of hearing someone talking about using Twitter. In waking life, he felt that his father was oddly always agreeable or thinking about the same choices he was. In this case, Twitter may have reflected social interaction with his father that was notably intuitive, quick, and synchronized with his thoughts.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her father's doctor saying that he's available on Instagram and Facebook, but that he avoids Twitter while recommending they not use it. In waking life, his father was very sick and receiving "telehealth" visits from the comfort of his bedroom. In this case, the recommendation to avoid Twitter may have reflected her feelings about needing a slower, more detailed, and thorough communication method with her father's doctor due to the seriousness of his condition. The rapid and concise interactions associated with Twitter may have been seen as unsuitable or insufficient for the in-depth, comprehensive discussions necessary to understand her father's health situation.

Example 3: A man dreamed of using Twitter. In waking life, he was using a portable intercom device with another family member between his house and his separate study building. In this case, Twitter may have reflected the social interaction between him and another family member that was using the intercom system between buildings with quick, concise, and intuitive communications that may have annoyed him with needing to keep up with whatever the other family members were doing.

*Please See Websites



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