To dream of Eminem represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's feeling good being more arrogant or confident than someone else about keeping it real without having to think of itself as important, talking back to whoever you want saying whatever you want, never letting go of putting up with whatever it takes to believe in yourself, while deserving to be safe the way you are. Your desire to be heard, to make a difference, and to leave your mark on the world while being as "real as it is." Behavior that is creative, edgier, keeps it as real as it is, without having to think of itself as being important while talking back to people.
Negatively, dreaming about Eminem may represent feelings about behavior that overdoes being arrogant or cocky about doing whatever it takes to safely get away with talking back to people about "keeping it real" because you don't think of yourself as important.
Rap Stars in general may represent arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.
Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing 2 houses that were owned by Eminem who had deep family and relationship issues. The houses have marks and smudges on them. In waking life, she had pent-up feelings of rage, anger, and confusion about her past relationship with his ex-boyfriend. Her ex-boyfriend has also moved on to a new girlfriend. In this case, the 2 houses owned by Eminem with marks and smudges on them may have reflected her authoritative stance (ownership of houses) about being accustomed to believing it was normal (houses) to arrogantly think that she was safe about being better than her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend while "keep it real" about talking about them behind their back about their relationship being desperate as long as she didn't say that was better looking than either of them. The smudges on the houses may have reflected her feelings about something her ex-boyfriend did that was better than she thought that ruined her ability to perfectly talk back to people about their relationship looking stupid.
Example 2: A teenage boy dreamed of seeing his mother sitting on a bench sitting beside Eminem. Eminem was staring at him and eventually got up and walked away. In waking life, he felt confused about his future and which career to pursue. He had had no idea which direction to take in life. In this case, Eminem standing up and walking away may have reflected the dreamer's fleeting feelings of confidence about talking back to people about not believing it was important to be serious about choosing a specific program to enter in University yet. He may have feel good about believing that putting up with whatever it took to get good grades and staying safely aligned with a university future was all he needed to do when he began to feel pressure from people about needing to be more serious about picking a specific program.
To dream that you are emotionless represents your feeling that nothing is important at all. You may be have lost respect for someone or don't feel that being involved is a good idea. It may also reflect the belief that a problem is not your concern.
Alternatively, being emotionless may reflect your feeling of being isolated or that you're an outsider. Feeling cutoff from people.
Emotions in dreams often reflect how powerful or important you believe something is. They often mirror your waking emotional state.
See our themes section for more on emotion symbolism.
To dream of an emperor represents all-encompassing total control and power. "Wanting it all." Feeling that nothing is not yours to control or own. All must be yours first. Expecting automatic compliance or subordination. Thinking everything should be given to you no matter what.
To dream of emphysema represents a situation or relationship that is slowly reducing your ability to express yourself, think freely, or feel in control. A sign that a big step may need to be made to restore your freedom or equality.
To dream of an employee represents an aspect of yourself that is working towards a particular goal or objective. It can also represent your relationship with authority figures or your own sense of authority over others. Additionally, it may symbolize your feelings about your own worth or contribution to a particular situation or group. A store employee may represent an authority figure who you feel can handle a situation and provide reassurance that everything will be okay. A sense of responsibility and power in their decision-making. Feeling that you can communicate your feelings and preferences about choices or important matters. Feelings about telling someone to do exactly what you need them to do.
To dream of being an employee represents a sense of loyalty, duty, or responsibility to a particular person, organization, or cause. Serving a cause and feeling that you never have to say anything about it.
Negatively, dreaming about being an employee represents a sense of being subordinate, feeling undervalued or underappreciated in your work or personal life. It may also indicate a feeling of being limited in your ability to make decisions or take control of a situation. Feeling stupid about being told what to do.
Alternatively, dreaming about being an employee may reflect work issues or how you feel about your job. Frustrations about work while you are on vacation.
To dream of having an employee represents a sense of power, authority, and responsibility over others. You may be in a leadership position, or have control over a situation or project. It may also represent your ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities to others, and your trust in others to carry out those tasks. Alternatively, it may indicate a need for help or support in your personal or professional life.
Example: A man dreamed of being inside a hospital and seeing a futuristic plain white human head on top of a table making announcements. The head turns into a human head of a hospital employee making an announcement. In waking life he went to a hospital and they were prepared to do standard tests he already had and thought were wasting is time. He told the doctors that he decided he didn't want those tests. In this case the hospital employee head may have reflected his feelings about doctors at the hospital being real people who could communicate his feelings and preferences to regarding his medical procedures.
Example 2: A woman dream of needing to prove she was a valuable employee by
being faster at her job while at work. In waking life she was feeling inadequate at work due to her health problems. Her job was very physical and many times she felt she couldn't handle it.
Example 3: An older woman dreamed of a medical patient that was also an employee. In waking life the woman was on vacation from work for 2 weeks. In this case the patient that is also an employee may have reflected the woman's feelings of being connected to her work even while on vacation.
*Please See Boss
To dream of employment represents your feelings about obligations or responsibilities being mandatory. A person or situation you need to take care of because you risk losing status, power, or progress already made.
Negatively, employment may be a sign that you are feeling too obligated to something that may not be in your best interest or as important as you feel it is.
To dream of needing employment may reflect a desire to regain feelings of relevance being needed, or carrying your own weight. Feeling unimportant. Alternatively, needing employment may be a sign that you anxious to find a way to prevent losing status, power, or resources. Feeling that if you don't do something all the time or help someone else enough that you'll end up losing in some way. Negatively, needing a job may be a sign that you feel obligated with someone else's problems or don't want to let go of an old role.
To dream of having a new job may reflect feelings about extra responsibilities you are taking on. New situations you are experiencing that "feel like work." Not enjoying something you expected to enjoy. Feelings about being obligated to someone. Feeling that someone is bossing you around too much or not appreciating your contributions. Feeling subservient to people you are doing favors for.
Alternatively, dreams about your job or employment may reflect waking life frustrations with your job.
Example: A woman dreamed of being offered a job. In waking life she was out of work due to a serious wrist injury that required all her time to recover from.
*Please See Career
To dream of something being empty represents feelings about something being missing or lacking in your life. It may also reflect feelings of missing someone or something. A sense of loss. Emptiness. Mourning or missing someone deceased. Some kind if emptiness or void in your life. Empty gestures. Lacking motivation, feeling uncertain, lacking ideas. Failed expectations. Feelings about lacking purpose or spirit in your life.
Positively, dreaming of something empty may reflect feelings about problems being completely cleared away. A lack of concern about problems for which progress was made. Feeling that a situation isn't dangerous anymore. Enjoying solitude, peace of mind, or a renewed sense of rationality.
Alternatively, dreaming of something empty may reflect your desire to avoid people or situations. Preferring a lack of social contact with others. Wanting people out of your life.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing an empty house. In waking life he felt that his life was empty and meaningless after he contracted a serious illness.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing an empty house. In waking life she wanted to avoid meeting or spending time with her boyfriend's family.
Example 3: A man dreamed seeing an empty parking lot. In waking life he was not looking forward to someone visiting him.
Example 4: A man dreamed of having an empty gun. In waking life he was let go from his police officer job because he was redundant to the force he was working for. He had to find another job.
Example 5: A man dreamed of seeing an empty space. In waking life he felt empty inside because his Grandfather had just died.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of an empty theater. In waking life she got a job she tried very hard to get, but then didn't like working at the job.
Example 7: A woman dreamed of being in an empty home. In waking life her husband had died.
To dream of an encyclopedia represents all known experience or knowledge in some area of your life. Reading an encyclopedia may reflect your search for answers by consulting an expert or talking to as many people as you can about something. It may it may even reflect an area of your life that you know everything about.
*Please See Books
*Please See Library
To dream of reaching an end to something may represent an achievement or goal that has been reached. It may also mean that the bad times are coming to an end. Negatively, it may be a sign that you feel that time has run out and you need to make a decision about some issue. Some kind of functionality in your life is impossible to maintain.
The end of something may also reflect the beginning of something new in your life.
To dream of reaching the end of the road represents a waking life situation or experience that is coming to an end. A goal or achievement may have been reached. You may be realizing that you can't continue on in some way. A habit, situation, or relationship is no longer possible. Maturing or moving on is now inevitable. A journey or era is over.
Negatively, reaching the end of the road in a dream may be a sign that you are having difficulty moving on from a situation. You may feel that you haven't prepared for the future.
End Of The World
To dream of the end of the world represents fundamental change to your ways of being and thinking. The foundation of your current life has been altered. It symbolizes your thoughts or feelings about a dramatic change or situation in life where you don't know what to do. You may be experiencing anxiety for the future, and there may be a lot of changes that confuse or frustrate you.
The dream may indicate the end of one kind of lifestyle and the beginning of another. There may be a need for help or extra time to make adjustments. A sign that you need to show more courage as you move into the next chapter of your life.
To dream that it feels like the end of the world is near, but not happening yet may reflect feelings about problems in your life, such as fearing a job loss causing enormous change in your life. Feeling the potential for a life changing event.
End of the world dreams are common to people who have experience the death of parent or loved one.
Example: A young man dreamed that it was the end of the world. In waking life he felt forced to move away with his family to a different state and leave behind all his friends and the comfortable life he had gotten used to. The end of the world symbolism most likely reflected his overwhelming feelings of anxiety about the enormous amount of change he was experiencing. Feeling forced to shift from one life to another very quickly.
Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of dangerous scene with mountains and lava while hearing a voice say "this is not the end of the world." In waking life she felt scared and forced to move to a trailer park with people she felt she would difficulty becoming friends with. The voice telling her that "this is not the end of the world" may have reflected her attempts to remain confident and rational about moving away from her current home and life.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being talked to about the end of the time. In waking life she was worried about going to jail and that her mother might be close to death.
Example 4: A man dreamed that the end of the world may be near. In waking life he was having difficulty with his job feeling the potential for losing it.
Example 5: A young woman dreamed that it was the end of the world. In waking life her boyfriend got a good job so they were moving away. She also needed to get a job and start college after she moved. In this case the end of the world symbolism may have reflected the dreamer's feelings of uncertainty and fear about the major changes happening in her life.
*Please See Armageddon
To dream of an endoscopy represents feelings about being tested or scrutinized in your ability to perfectly handle situations or regularly complete certain responsibilities. Feeling tested or scrutinized on your ability to be perfectly honest over a prolonged period of time.
Example: A man dreamed of getting an endoscopy and having difficulty breathing. In waking life he was nervous about failing a background check on his skills, credentials, and certifications for a job application to make sure he was qualified enough to manage the job's responsibilities.
To dream of your enemy represents an aspect of yourself that feels intentionally opposite to your own ideas or goals. It may also reflect a person or situation in your life that seems to be purposely trying to make you lose or hurt your self-esteem. Awareness of a problem or challenge in your life that continually embarrasses you. An enemy may also reflect your inner conflict with addiction or resisting temptation.
Dreaming of an enemy may also reflect your staunch rejection of a person or situation. A person or problem that you want to avoid.
Alternatively, dreaming of an enemy may reflect your own lack of confidence or self-esteem that is holding you back. Putting yourself down or a fear that you are struggling to overcome.
To dream of kissing an enemy represents embracing or approving of self-harm. Choosing to give up because you feel it's a perfect solution. Alternatively, it may reflect embracing or approving of negative or arrogant behavior that you don't agree with under normal circumstances.
*Please See Fighting
To dream of energy represents feelings about how emotionally charged you feel. How viril or restless you feel. How emotionally or physically charged you feel. A measure of stamina of yourself or a problem.
To dream of low energy may represent feelings about yourself or someone else being wearied, tired, or exhausted. A low energy mood.
To dream of an energetic change may reflect mood changes or changes in physical energy you are experiencing in waking life.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing lots of energy. In waking life she had made a relationship breakthrough with her difficult son felt a long lasting emotionally charged mood.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of strange energies around her. In waking life she was a strange mood in her home when her boyfriend got bad news regarding a health issue.
*Please See Electricity
Energy Ball
To dream of an energy ball represents feelings about something in your life that feels powerful and safely doesn't change itself no matter what. Little effort on your part for why something powerful won't go away. Power that is safe no matter what it does. Feelings about all your decisions work out no matter what happens. Feeling that mistakes never matter because life always seems to correct itself towards your advantage. Perfect successful that thinks of every mistake or problem as unimportant because they can all be integrated into success with adjusted plans no matter what. No escaping successful despite your own attempts to screw something up. It doesn't matter what you do because you will always win.
Negatively, an energy ball may reflect feelings about something in your life that is dangerous, mean, or evil that safely never goes away. Showing off to your face that can't do anything about it. Feeling that something powerful is are powerless to change anything else for you, but it keeps doing something that notices it's strong.
To dream of a purple energy ball with yellow electricity may represent feelings about something that safely never changes, feels powerful in ways that lets you see it, but never does precisely what you want. God's presence that's listening in a neutral state, but not doing exactly what you think he should be.
Alternatively, an energy ball may represent God or your feelings about God's prescence.
Example: A man dreamed of a blue energy ball with yellow electricity. In waking life he believed he was experiencing God give him daily visions for years on end.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a white energy ball that was slightly translucent. In waking life he had a near death experience with a dream that he felt was God experiencing the universe to him. In this case the white energy ball may have reflected his feelings about God's presence in near death experience. The translucent nature of the energy ball may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about God letting him "see through him" with clarity to understand him with nothing to hide.
Example 3: A man dreamed of a purple energy ball with yellow electricity. In waking life he was experiencing upto 20 visions a day while waking up and going to sleep that had no apparent meaning. He believed it was God refusing to speak in English while communicating in metaphorical language. The purple energy ball represented God in neutral state while the yellow electricity represented his feelings about God's power giving him so many visions.
Energy Beam
To dream of an energy beam represents highly focused effort or personal power that's directed at a problem or goal in dedicated manner. Thinking about something all the time being helped or successful. Focusing all the time on a specific goal with full mental, physical, or emotional strength. Wanting something to make something work using all your full attention, strength, and abilities.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a superhero with a giant light blue energy beam coming out from his eyeballs. In waking life the dreamer was using all his strength or overcome evil in his life in a spiritual ceremony that required thinking of other people getting positive energy nonstop for 4 days on end with no sleep, food, or water until his feet bleed all in the name of God. During this 4 day period the dreamer experienced powerful hallucinations of confronting evil where God gave him the impossible strength to complete the ceremony.
*Please See Lasers
To dream of a wedding engagement represents emotional or psychological commitment. It may reflect your intentions for the future, a promise that has been made, or a desire for security.
Example: A woman dreamed of an engagement. In waking life she beginning to recover from a traumatic shipwreck that occurred and finally felt that full recovery was possible with enough time.
Engagement Ring
To dream of an engagement ring represents a commitment or promise that hasn't been finalized. Choosing a situation or relationship without having "sealed the deal" completely. Knowing what you want while you wait to make it permanent.
To dream of a damaged or flawed engagement ring represents feelings about your future plans not being as perfect or with as much integrity as you'd like. It may also reflect embarrassments, doubts, or negative memories that you feel will always prevent you from feeling a situation is as perfect as you want it to be.
*Please See Wedding Ring
*Please See Engagement
To dream of an engineer represents an aspect of the self that has adept problem solving skills. Superior management abilities. Clever application of skills to keep a situation progressing. Behavior that intelligent about explaining how something works. Logical and analytical thinking, problem-solving skills.
The dream may suggest that you are seeking stability and structure in your life, and that you are a logical and organized person who can see and understand complex systems.
On the negative side, dreaming about an engineer may represent a sense of rigidity or inflexibility. You may be feeling constrained by rules and regulations, and feeling frustrated by your inability to break free and express your true self. The dream may also suggest that you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed by the demands of your work or personal life, and that you are struggling to maintain balance and control.
On a positive side, being married to the engineer in the dream may represent the young woman's confidence in her ability to achieve her goals and her belief that her future self will have a successful and fulfilling career as an engineer. On a negative side, the dream may symbolize her fear of failing or not measuring up to the expectations she has set for herself in her future career as an engineer.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being married to a new engineer. In waking life she was preparing for an entrance exam to a higher school of learning. In this case the engineer represents the young woman's aspirations and ambitions towards higher education and a more knowledgeable and skilled future self. The engineer may symbolize her drive for logical and analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the desire to be a part of a profession that is both practical and challenging.
*Please See Train Driver
To dream of an engine represents the power or forcefulness of decisions. An engine may also reflect the driving force or effectiveness of a situation. A factor in a situation that makes something work keep up momentum.
Consider the condition of the engine and how well it is running. If an engine does not start it may reflect an obstacle that is getting in the way of your progress and goals.
To dream of England represents a state of mind that is certain about power or status. Confidence that you can't be embarrassed by problems or enemies. You are "knowing it." Being surrounded by people with more experience, confidence, or accomplishment than you.
Alternatively, England may reflect your confidence about proper conduct. You know you are right, being moral, or that something you're doing is effective.
English Class
To dream of English class represents a concern that you're not doing anything wrong. Worrying or deep concern that everything you're doing or saying is proper.
Negatively, you may think you have offended someone, that someone is mad at you, or that something you said was taken the wrong way.
Alternatively, you may be making sure that something is as good as you can get it.
English Muffin
To dream of an English Muffin represents a quality experience of feeling that you don't have problems or don't have notice anyone else's problems. Feelings about a situation being lovely that everything happening is easy. Confidently beginning a situation believing that nothing is wrong. A experience that noticeably feels that nothing is permanently losing because it's easy to change whatever you want. Feeling that everything in your life is listening to you. Feeling that you don't have to listen to anyone else tell you that you aren't just fine the way you are. Nothing laughs at you without having to think twice about it.
Negatively, dreaming of an English muffin may reflect a snobby or entitled sense of confidence about never needing to notice any problems. Noticing you are better than other people as though it doesn't even matter. Ease of not having to notice any problems that is ignorant to other people. Feeling that you are not in love with everything going in a situation, but you are not worried. No humor about not worrying about anything at all with ease.
Example: A woman dreamed of not being served the English muffin that she ordered. In waking life she had issues with values and faith of new location she moved to once she got married.
To dream of watching some form of entertainment represents your feelings about the manner in which you are experiencing a waking life situation. Consider what you are watching or how you are watching it for additional meaning. Theaters reflect important events requiring effort to have and tv's are casual attitudes to events.
Enjoying a form of entertainment may reflect a positive attitude about how a new situation feels to you. Liking how something happening to you feels or manner in which a situation is progressing. A higher degree of interest in an area of your life.
Not enjoying entertainment may reflect jealousy or disappoints you feel subjected to. Not liking how events have turned out.
Alternatively, watching a form of entertainment may represent your amusement with how a situation is progressing without your direct involvement. It may also symbolize feeling good noticing someone else is ridiculous or embarrassing themselves. Negatively, entertainment may reflect pleasure you are getting from making someone else's life difficult or observing others you are manipulating,
To dream of entertaining other people may reflect waking life situations where you taking "center stage." Negatively, it may reflect showing off or too much concern impressing people who have little respect for you.
*Please See Television
*Please See Guts
*Please See Door
To dream of an envelope represents feelings about an important, personal, or private matter being relayed. Relaying a personal or private message. Feelings about relaying information about a private matter or an issue that is nobody else's business.
Negatively, dreaming about an envelope may reflect feelings about relaying personal or private information. Relaying dishonest information or realizing you have the ability to relay dishonest information.
To dream of opening an envelope may reflect waking life situations where you or someone else is finding out about a personal message or private matter. Accepting an opportunity or choosing to learn the truth.
To dream of purposely leaving a letter unopened may reflect a lack of interest in communicating or being associated with someone. Not being interested in what someone else has to say. Feeling that an issue, secret, or opportunity is best left alone. Preferring to live with uncertainty.
Negatively, it may be a sign that you are afraid of learning the truth or learning more about a sensitive issue. Not wanting to know the truth.
Example: A teenage boy dreamed of getting an envelope that blamed him with fault for something to a girl. In waking life he had lost his virginity and was fearing that he got the girl pregnant. The envelope in this case may have reflected about being privately told by the girl he lost his virginity with that she got pregnant.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being given an envelope with money in it. In waking life she thought it was a good idea to relay allegation information about 2 friends she had.
Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing an envelope with green Arabic writing on it. In waking life he received confirmation that he was no longer eligible for unemployment benefits after losing his job.
*Please See Mail
To dream of an epidemic represents a problem that is effecting every area of your life. It may also reflect a problem that is negatively influencing all your relationships. It could also represent trouble or hard times that is effecting everyone you know. Something that bad or unwanted that is everywhere or happening all the time.
To dream of equipment generally represents the tools, resources, or skills that you have at your disposal to accomplish a task or goal. This may refer to your personal abilities, skills, knowledge, or other resources that you can use to achieve success. Forms of education or expertise you can rely on. The type of equipment and how you are using it in the dream can give additional insight into the specific areas of your life where you feel prepared and capable, or where you may be lacking and need to improve. Overall, dreaming of equipment suggests a need to assess and evaluate the tools and resources that you have available to you, and to consider whether they are adequate or if you need to acquire additional resources to achieve your goals.
Example: A woman had recurring dreams of a building and it's equipment always being the same while she's very comfortable with everyone around her. In waking life, she was recently widowed. In this case, the equipment that is always the same may have reflected her feelings of stability and security in her life despite the loss of her husband because she has the resources she needs to move forward and navigate her new circumstances without her husband.
Example 2: A man dreamed of leaving North Korea to return to the USA to get a job in a technology company that produced "forward thinking" equipment. In waking life, he had left the military and wanted to return to school to get a masters degree. In this case, the "forward thinking" equipment may have reflected his desire to become more resourceful or skilled to accomplish the task of a getting a better job.
Example 3: A man dreamed of pulling his equipment truck over to the side of the road. In waking life, the man felt paralyzed in his ability to apply his knowledge to situation in order to achieve a goal. In this case, the equipment truck may have reflected the dreamer's own abilities and resources that he possesses to achieve his goals. The act of pulling the truck over to the side of the road may symbolize a temporary halt or obstacle in his pursuit of his goals, indicating that he needs to reassess and possibly utilize different methods or approaches to overcome the challenge he is facing. The truck itself may represent the tools and resources he needs to move forward, and the dream could be suggesting that he needs to take stock of what he has and make sure he is fully utilizing all of his available resources to achieve success.
To dream of an eraser represents feelings about your capability to change your mind about an issue, remove errors, mistakes, or unwanted aspects of a situation with ease. An opportunity to correct a mistake in your life. An opportunity to adjust, refine, or improve your decisions, beliefs, or attitudes. Your desire to "erase" or rectify any perceived missteps or uncertainties. The power to revise, correct, or completely eliminate something from your life or plans. The ability to "wipe the slate clean" and start over without any repercussions.
Positively, dreaming about an eraser may represent flexibility, forgiveness, and the willingness to correct mistakes. An open-minded approach to problem-solving, learning from errors, and making amends.
Negatively, an eraser in a dream could represent a tendency to avoid accountability, erase evidence of wrongdoing, or escape consequences. Feelings of regret or guilt about something you wish you could undo. Alternatively, the dream may highlight a fear of loss, impermanence, or the erasure of memories or identities.
To dream of being erased represents feelings of insignificance, being overlooked, forgotten, being replaced, or excluded from a situation or relationship. Feelings of being deemed irrelevant. A sense of losing one's identity or sense of self-worth, feeling like you're fading away or becoming invisible in some aspect of your life. Feeling that your contributions or presence are being completely disregarded.
Example: A woman dreamed of being erased from the erased from the universe. In waking life, she had caught the flu and had to take time off at home to rest. In this case, being erased from the universe may have reflected feelings of losing her identity or sense of self-importance being temporarily sidelined or removed from her usual roles and activities due to illness.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of meeting with a man who was a professional memory eraser to erase memories about an ex-boyfriend she dated. In waking life, she was having problems forgetting her ex-boyfriend. In this case, the professional memory eraser may have reflected her desire to completely remove or forget the memories associated with her past relationship in order to move on with her life.
To dream of an erection represents motivated interest. You or someone else that is feeling excited about winning. Something in your life is motivating you to try harder to succeed or feel good "getting ahead" in life.
Erections may also reflect how powerful or capable you feel. They may also symbolize your current sexual interests.
Example: A man dreamed of getting an erection. In waking life he was experiencing renewed interest in reviving his business after a long period of stagnation. He was experiencing renewed motivation to succeed financially.
To dream of erosion represents feelings about some area of your life that may not last forever. Thinking about something in your life slowly being lost. Feeling that something in your life is slowly or dangerously become less safe. Feeling that something in your life will slowly become less attractive or less confident. Feeling that something will not last forever. Slow loses to financial stability. Feeling that your stability is secure in the current moment, but that you may lose stability long-term. Feelings about wasting time believing that something is ever going to come back. Some area of your life that you feel would take years to lose. Feeling that a situation will only get worse. Awareness that you are needing to do something about a problem when you are not. Feelings about losing something to time. Feelings about aging. An area of your life that won't work forever while you "hang on" or stubbornly refuse t change.
To dream of cliffs that are eroding may represent feelings about "on the edge" of a dangerous situation that will only slowly get worse.
Example: A man dreamed of thinking of passing through a place with erosion. In waking life he was focused on a financial crisis. The erosion in this case may have reflected feelings about financial stability "eroding away" with the financial crisis causing losses.
To dream of erotica represents sensitivity or appreciation about things you desire or may not believe you can ever have. Noticing every single little detail about goals that you wish to have.
Negatively, erotica may be a sign that you are too concerned about how much you like something without ever doing anything about it.
*Please See Pornography
*Please See Volcano
Escalade (Cadillac)
To dream of a cadillac escalade represents a decision-making style that is concerned with enjoying yourself impressing or embarrassing other people with power. An attitude that is too big to lose and loving every minute of it.
Negatively, an escalade may reflect going too far with showing off or needing to impress others with your power.
To dream of an escalator represents a situation where every single thing is done for you while you wait for it to happen. Someone may be carrying you though situation or taking care of everything you need. Making progress with ease. Rising or falling confidence. Little effort on your part as you arrive to another level of conscious, or a new phase of your waking life.
Going up an escalator symbolizes easy progress. A slow increase in understanding or confidence.
Going down an escalator could symbolize regressing or returning to old habits. It could also point to problems and setbacks slowly getting out of your control. Alternatively, going down an escalator reflects a slow return to a normal state.
To dream of trying to escape a situation or room may represent your eagerness or desperation to change your waking life circumstances. Dissatisfaction with the way things are. Finding an easy way out may not an option for you. Your wish to avoid something unpleasant. Trying to get away from something you feel stuck with. Feelings about consequences being too severe. Avoiding confrontation or a dramatic situation. Trying to avoid a difficulty.
Negatively, trying to escape something in a dream may reflect your attempt to avoid responsibilities. It may also reflect your wish to get away with something wrong you know you are guilty of.
To dream of escaping prison, cages, ropes or shackles represents a new sense of freedom from something that was limiting your choices or independence. A new opportunity has arisen. Avoiding continuing repression. A release from a stressful situation. Liberation of creativity.
To dream of trying to escape people who are trying to catch you represents problems you are trying to avoid dealing with at all costs. An eagerness or desperation to avoid embarrassment or unpleasant consequences. You don't want to deal with a problem right now. Negatively, it may reflect a refusal to confront your problems head on. Avoiding having to think or feel something right now.
To dream of someone trying to escape you represents feelings about people eluding your control or problems that may be getting out of control. Feelings about losing control over your bad habits. Feeling that it's difficult to keep a problem controlled.
*Please See Exit
Escher's Relativity
To dream of Escher's Relativity represents feelings about situations that defy normal expectations, logic, or understanding. A situation where nothing ever makes sense or is ever going to work normally while everyone involved accepts it as normal. Your perception of paradoxes, conflicting realities, or impossible scenarios that you are trying to navigate or comprehend. Feelings of being overwhelmed by the complexity of a situation where nothing has to stop or be spoken about as strange. Trying to navigate a complicated family situation with conflicting views and opinions. A situation where the rules and reality were constantly shifting. A situation where everything seems topsy-turvy or contrary to usual expectations. Feelings about a complex paradoxical situation where everyone's reality is valid but contradicts each other. You may feel like you are a situation where predictability and stability are impossible to achieve.
Negatively, Escher's Relativity may a dishonest situation that is is confusing or deceptive in nature, where dishonest actions or manipulations are being disguised as normal or acceptable. A situation that is strange about everyone is involved being up to something that never wants to tell anyone else what they're up to. Feeling stuck in a complex and frustrating situation where the rules keep changing, or logic and reason are constantly being twisted. You might feel that those around you are deliberately creating confusion or are not acknowledging the true complexity or oddity of a situation. Different people wanting different things from you without anyone wanting to understand you or explain themselves. Strained relationships with people that will always want things from you that you can't ever do. Feeling that you will never be happy caring about too many other people's feelings or wishes all at once. Feeling like you are wasting your time and effort trying to make things work or feeling that you will never be able to satisfy everyone.
Alternatively, Escher's Relativity may represents a situation that you find beautifully in your favor for why everyone involved has to accept that nothing ever works normally. It can symbolize a complex situation that you have managed to turn to your advantage, making use of the confusion or conflicting realities to achieve your goals or ambitions. A situation that feels rewarding or liberating because the complexity or oddity works in your favor, allowing you to manipulate the scenario to your benefit or get away with behavior that would not usually be accepted.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a scene similar to Escher's Relativity with famous celebrities walking on the stairs. In waking life, he was entangled in a strange legal situation with numerous famous people that where everything seemed topsy-turvy or contrary to usual expectations.
To dream of espresso represents feeling good doing something new faster than other people. A situation in your life where you wish to enjoy being helped to learn or become familiar with something quicker than normal. Liking to stay "ahead of the game." Feeling sophisticated or professional with how you approach something new.
To dream of wanting espresso and not being able to have it may reflect your frustrations with not being able to find or use an advantage to get ahead faster. A lack of sophisticated resources or solutions. Feeling like a loser because you are behind.
*Please See Coffee
To dream of an essay represents feelings about your ability to formally articulate your thoughts, ideas, or feelings effectively. It may reflect your attempts to clearly express or communicate your personal views or experiences. An essay in a dream can symbolize the process of self-reflection, analysis, or evaluation of your thoughts and beliefs.
Positively, dreaming about writing an essay may represent a sense of empowerment and clarity in how you convey your ideas or beliefs. It could represent the articulation of a well-thought-out plan or a well-argued point of view. This dream might symbolize a period of personal growth where you are developing your voice and learning to express yourself more confidently.
Negatively, dreaming about an essay may represent feelings of anxiety, pressure, or uncertainty about expressing your thoughts or opinions. A fear of being judged or criticized for your views. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings of inadequacy in your ability to communicate effectively or a struggle with organizing your thoughts.
Example: A young man dreamed of being inside a classroom, but not having any paper in his notebook to write an essay. In waking life, he had a really bad argument with his girlfriend and she was violent towards him. He forgave her but said she had only one more chance for forgiveness. He had been thinking about the argument for days which frustrated him. In this case, the essay may have reflected the young man's struggle to formally process and articulate his thoughts and feelings about the recent argument with his girlfriend. He may have struggled to find a way to clearly express his emotions or set boundaries in the relationship with his girlfriend.
To dream of the estate of someone deceased represents legacy, stability, and the enduring resources or influence residing with an aspect of your life that has canceled, experienced total failure, or moved on. A sense of connection to something enduring and meaningful.
To dream of the estate of someone living represents feelings about the current influence, resources, personal accomplishments, or stability of someone in your life. Feelings of responsibility for maintaining personal accomplishments or living up to a legacy. Pride in what you or someone else has accomplished. A sense of connection to something enduring and meaningful. Thoughts about preserving or utilizing those resources for future growth. Thoughts or fears about needing to maintain everything you have.
Example: A person dreamed of an old acquaintance being deceased and giving them $80,000 from their estate. In waking life, they had left an old job they hated to return to a former job. They felt saved and happy to return to their old job. In this case, the estate of the deceased acquaintance may have reflected the feelings about the legacy stability, and remaining social resources of still knowing people at their former job that would rehire them after having left it behind.
*Please See Aliens
To dream of Ethiopia represents a mindset immersed in a situation where everyone around you makes you feel like everything they are doing is a priority while ignoring you. Feeling that your concerns or ideas can never be the most important to focus on.
Ethiopian People
To dream of Ethiopian People represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that is content that noticing nothing is personal about putting up with whatever problems have to face. Contentment and simplicity of putting up with whatever struggles or problems you have to.
Negatively, Ethiopian people in a dream may represent a sense of resignation to suffering or hardship, without taking action to improve one's situation. It may also indicate a lack of ambition or motivation to strive for something better, or a mindset of being content with mediocrity. Additionally, it could represent feeling inferior or unimportant in comparison to others, or a sense of being overlooked or forgotten. Feeling good suffering when you don't have to.
Example: A teenage boy dreamed of seeing an Ethiopian angel flying up in the sky in space that disappeared into a hole to go to heaven. In waking life, the boy was practicing fasting and sexual abstinence in order to make God give him success with his soccer team and to heal his brother's injury. In this case, the Ethiopian angel may have reflected his feelings about himself in the eyes of God spiritually nicer than other people for putting up with the struggle of fasting and sexual abstinence.
To dream of eucalyptus represents feelings about behavior that's supportive of whatever is happening if you choose it, without having to think about itself needing to be more important. Behavior that feels good believing in itself supporting others however they wanted without having to think about itself needing to be more important. Support that respects whatever you wanted without having to say anything else about it because it doesn't want to impose or control you. Feelings about peers being neutrally supportive, meaning they were there for you but not proactive in their support.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being given a ziplock bag full of marijuana, but it didn't look like normal marijuana. It looked like oregano, cilantro, rosemary, and eucalyptus. In waking life, he did get a ziplock bag of normal-looking marijuana, but she and her friend debated about whether the marijuana was viable or going to make them sick. She never smoked the marijuana. In this case, the eucalyptus may have reflected her feelings about the coworker who gave her the marijuana being supportive of her enjoying it without having to be her best friend (or most important person she knows.)
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being in a eucalyptus forest before being taken down a tunnel by an ex-boyfriend who made unwanted advances to toucher her. She told him to leave her alone. The eucalyptus forest then turned into a thick eucalyptus jungle. In waking life, she was disgusted by a guy flirting with her and trying to touch her while riding a bus to school. In this case, the eucalyptus trees may have reflected feelings of supportive friends or classmates not minding the flirting being a problem unless she said it was serious about needing to stop. The eucalyptus tree scene shifting from a forest to a jungle may indicate that while her friends or peers were a supportive presence, they might not have been as aware or as responsive as needed when circumstances became more serious about needing the harassment to stop. She may have felt that her peers were neutrally supportive, meaning they were there for her but not proactive in their support.
To dream of a eulogy represent sensitivity about a loss or change that has occurred. Noticing every single thing about something that is now gone.
*Please See Funeral
To dream of Europe represents a state of mind that is focused on doing things different. Living or thinking in completely different way than you are used to.
Alternatively, Europe may reflect a laid back mindset. You may think that something isn't as important as you used to believe it was.
To dream of euthanasia represents respectful, dignified, or peaceful end to a situation. A civilized ending to a relationship. Habits, beliefs, or situations that you are planning to get rid of by choice. Ending or changing something on your own terms. The dream signals a transformative experience or a period of self discovery. Choosing to let go. Ending a situation or relationship because it spares you of difficulties or pain in the long term.
To dream of animal being euthanized represents an end to something you care deeply about. It may also reflect giving up peacefully or making a difficult change because it's cleaner or less painful for the long term.
Example: A man dreamed of having to have euthanasia performed on a puppy. In waking life he felt it was time to peacefully end a friendship.
To dream of an evacuation represents an urgent need to abandon a situation for safety reasons or to take precautions to avoid something bad happening. A cautious need to carefully and completely isolate yourself from a problem. Uprooting your life or work just in case. An evacuation may also reflect a precautionary need to cleanse some area of your life or "lighten the load" for a urgent purpose.
Negatively, an evacuation may be a sign that you are isolating yourself or being too cautious. Unnecessary safety precautions. Oversensitive need to abandon a situation.
To dream of evacuating a planet represents an urgent need to abandon the main purpose your life revolves around for safety reasons. Abandoning an old life for a new one before something bad happens.
Example: A woman dream of evacuating one planet for another planet. In waking life she abandoned a lot of old friends after a breakup with a boyfriend encouraged her to move away and then got serious about meeting new friends through her church.
Evangeline Lilly
To dream of Evangeline Lilly represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's respecting yourself deserving to expect to believe in yourself safely without anyone thinking it's important to embarrass you. Deserving to expect nothing to embarrass you while believing in yourself without having to say anything about it. Behavior that is more attractive than someone else about grace, self-respect, and an unyielding belief in oneself without the need for external validation. Feeling good that you are never alone about deserving to believe in yourself. Unapologetically embracing your own worth and to deserve recognition for your authenticity and self-assuredness. A deep-seated conviction in your worth and capabilities, coupled with the expectation that others will recognize and respect this without you having to prove it or explicitly demand it.
Positively, dreaming about Evangeline Lilly might indicate a period of self-empowerment, where you are embracing your inner strength and confidence. It could reflect a newfound belief in your abilities and a commitment to maintaining your dignity and self-respect in the face of challenges or in dealings with others. This dream may encourage you to uphold your standards and values, reinforcing the idea that you deserve to be treated with respect and that you should not have to compromise your beliefs or lower your standards for anyone.
Negatively, dreaming about Evangeline Lilly may represent overdoing feeling good that you are never alone about deserving to believe in yourself safely without anyone thinking it's important to embarrass you. Anger that doesn't believe in other people's feelings ever again because they weren't thinking of you believing in yourself safely without embarrassment.
Example: A man dreamed of being married to Evangeline Lilly. In waking life, the man was spending a lot of time yelling at his business partner who was being irresponsible about demanding too much from him. In this case, being married to Evangeline Lilly may have reflected how he felt committed to maintaining his self-respect and assertiveness about safely deserving to believe in himself while dealing with his irresponsible business partner with the belief that it should already be understood without needing to speak about it.
To dream that water is evaporating represents negativity or uncertainty in your life that is slowly disappearing, fleeting, or going away on its own.
Negatively, water evaporation may represent ignoring or avoiding problems in your waking life, hoping they will just go away on their own. A lack of action towards resolving issues that ultimately result in the problems persisting or worsening over time. An arrogant or ignorant method of avoiding being responsible so that other factors will solve the problem for you. Additionally, the dream may symbolize a loss of emotional or creative energy.
To dream of evaporation that doesn't involve water may reflect feelings about something fleeting, slowly disappearing or fading away, whether it be a relationship, opportunity, or aspect of oneself. Negatively, it may reflect anxious feelings about losing something valuable or important without being able to control the outcome. Alternatively, it may represent a lack of commitment or effort in pursuing goals, leading to missed opportunities and regret. Surprise or disappointment at how fleeting and easy it is to lose something valuable. Loses that are slow, fleeting, and impossible to stop.
Example: A young girl dreamed of seeing her father's new fiance evaporating every time she would try to hug her. In waking life, she felt that he father's new finance didn't really like her and would keep pretending to like her before quickly become mean again. In this case, the evaporating may have reflected her feeling of being rejected by the fiance and the relationship feeling fleeting.
To dream that it's evening represents the end of a cycle or stage being close at hand. Being on the cusp of change or that a situation is almost over. The feeling of the unknown being upon you when a significant change is about to happen in your life.
Negatively, evening may reflect your feelings about unrealized hopes or failure. Feeling that unwanted change is inevitable. Struggling to come to terms with a current situation and the prospect of unwanted change. Dealing with disappointment and uncertainty. Feeling nervous about a pending issue or unresolved matter close at hand and you are hesitant to speak about it to anyone. Not liking the feeling of the unknown being upon you when a significant change is about to happen in your life.
Example: A man dreamed that it was evening. In waking life, he had recently received news that he was not selected for a job he had applied for and was experiencing anxiety about his bank savings being used up while he was unemployed. In this case the evening may have reflected the man's feelings about his financial safety being on the cusp of complete ruination due to being rejected for a job and bank account savings draining. He felt that hopelessness was close.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed it was evening as the sun was going down. In waking life her family was about to move 9 hours away from her and that was a little bit frightening to her. In this case, the evening may have reflected the end of the current phase of her family's life, as they prepare to move and start a new chapter. The sunset may symbolize a transition or change, indicating that the dreamer is on the cusp of a new phase in her own life. The fear she experiences may reflect her anxiety about the uncertainty and changes that are coming with the move, and the realization that things will never be quite the same again.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of a party in the evening time. In waking life she was experiencing change in almost all areas of her life and hoping for a breakthrough for the future. She broke up with her boyfriend and she was close to graduating. In this case, the evening may have have reflected the end of a cycle or stage being close at hand in woman's life as she was experiencing significant changes and hoping for a positive outcome in the future.
Example 4: A man dreamed of fireflies lighting up the evening and deciding to catch some. In waking life he was in the military and about to return home to his wife. In this case, the evening may have reflected the end of a cycle or stage in the man's military deployment and his upcoming return to his normal life with his wife.
*Please See Dusk
*Please See Night
To dream of an event represents feelings about a situation in waking life that you feel is significant. A situation that is a "big deal." A situation you are looking forward to. An "earth shattering" situation that has occurred or that you expect to occur. Feeling that history will be made or that a certain day will be remembered for a long time. Expectations for situations with a lot of people present. Feeling intimidated by by big parties, events, or social occasions.
Negatively, dreaming about an event may reflect anxiety about expected future situations that you perceive to be dangerous or scary. Expectations for significant situations to occur that might never occur because you are naive about all the facts. Anxiety about significant potential embarrassments being witnessed by a lot of people.
Evergreen Trees
To dream of an evergreen tree represents an established area of your life that's impervious to change and never cancels no matter how terrible a situation gets. A stable area of your life that was impervious to change. Feelings about people, family, or situations with a sense of continuity, consistency, and longevity. The ability to thrive even in adverse conditions. A source of comfort and stability amidst life's changes. An aspect of your life or personality that remains unaffected by changes. A situation or aspect of your life that feels unchanging and static.
Positively, it reflects relationships or situations that can always be relied on no matter what. An inability to lose. Continuity beyond life's apparent changes or endings. The ability to sustain oneself through challenging times.
Negatively, an evergreen tree reflects a problem that survives all attempts to cancel it. Feelings about negative people who are established and impervious to change. A negative situation or aspect of your life that feels unchanging and static.
To dream of evergreen trees that are cut represents feelings about a stable area of your life that was impervious to change no longer being impervious. Difficult people who are not difficult anymore. Some area of your life that was permanent that stopped. Negatively, it may reflect areas of your life that are impervious to change to your detriment or frustration.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing 2 cut evergreen trees standing in front of him. In waking life, 2 criminals who were very difficult to catch were finally facing the total embarrassment of being caught with serious legal problems. In this case, the evergreen trees may have reflected the man's perception of these criminals as impervious to efforts to apprehend them.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of driving down a road surrounded by a lot of evergreen trees. In waking life, she was spending a lot of time thinking about issues involving family and friends and recently gotten to spend time with them like she used to after a long period of time of not seeing them. In this case, the evergreen trees may have reflected her feelings about the enduring, unchanging nature of her relationships with family and friends.
To dream of an eviction represents a forced change of perspective. You or someone else may have grown comfortable with a certain life situation that is being taken away. Helplessness or powerlessness. Your inability to stop a relationship or situation from failing. Feeling unwelcome or that you don't belong.
Negatively, dreaming of an eviction may represent neglect or irresponsible behavior that is finally catching up with you. The free ride is over.
Alternatively, you may feel that you are being treated unfairly.
To dream of evidence represents feelings about proof, validation, or the need to substantiate a belief, suspicion, or claim. Your desire for clarity, truth, or justice in a situation. Thoughts about the importance of facts, reality, or the need to substantiate your actions or decisions. Needing confirmation in a situation where doubt or uncertainty prevails. Your desire to be transparent, honest, or to hold others accountable by seeking or presenting proof of their actions or intentions. Feelings about verification or validation of beliefs or suspicions.
Negatively, dreaming about evidence could represent feelings of fear, guilt, or anxiety about being exposed or caught for something you’ve done. A fear of judgment, being accused, or having to defend yourself against accusations. Trying to prove yourself or justify your beliefs in the face of skepticism or opposition. Being worried about the consequences of your actions being discovered.
To dream of having no evidence may represent feelings of frustration, doubt, or insecurity about not being able to prove your beliefs, suspicions, or claims. Fear of being unable to substantiate your actions or defend yourself against criticism or accusations. A sense of helplessness or vulnerability in a situation where you feel you need to justify yourself but lack the means to do so. The anxiety of not being believed or taken seriously due to a lack of proof.
To dream of losing evidence represents feelings of anxiety, regret, or fear about missing an opportunity to validate your claims, suspicions, or beliefs. It may symbolize a fear of losing credibility, being discredited, or failing to prove your innocence or intentions. This dream might reflect concerns about being unable to hold someone accountable or the fear of having your efforts to seek justice or truth undermined. The distress of feeling like you’ve lost the means to protect yourself or others in a critical situation.
To dream that someone or something is evil represents a part of yourself or someone else that you believe is immoral, corrupt, or malevolent. A negative or destructive aspect of your personality. Negative thinking patterns or situations in your life. Behavior that you see as being that is seen as harmful or wicked. Your own ill intentions towards someone else. It may reflect fears, desires, hate, anger, jealousy, or guilt that you need to confront.
Alternatively, evil people may reflect people or situations that you feel are out to get you, are mean, or that scare you. A fear of an external threat or challenge, such as an oppressive authority, mean person, or an ominous force that is beyond one's control. Evil in a dream may represent a warning or a call to take action against something or someone perceived as a threat.
To dream that you are evil represents awareness that your own immorality. Feelings of reflect guilt or regret you have for something you did. The fear of losing control over oneself or one's actions. Feeling of guilt or shame, as well as a fear of being judged or condemned by others for something you did in the past. A belief that you are fundamentally flawed or unworthy of forgiveness.
Evil people in a dream can often times reflect difficulty with powerful addictions.
Example: A person had recurring dreams of being evil. In real life they had powerful feelings of regret for something they did to a friend. They felt that they will never have the chance to explain themself or be forgiven. In this case the dreamer being evil may have reflected a deep-seated feeling of guilt or shame, as well as a fear of being judged or condemned by others for something they did in the past. The dream may be an expression of their inner turmoil and the struggle to come to terms with their actions and find a way to make amends. It may also reflect their belief that they are fundamentally flawed or unworthy of forgiveness, and that they will never be able to redeem themselves in the eyes of others or in their own eyes.
Example 2: A man dreamed of an attractive evil woman whose eyes went black with an evil look of satisfaction. In waking life he was trying to give up masturbation because he believed every time he masturbated he felt God's wrath. In this case the evil woman may have reflected his sexual temptation that he felt was leading him down a sinful path. The black eyes of the woman may represent his fear that giving into temptation would lead him to God's wrath."
*Please See Ex-Partner
*Please See Ex-Partner
*Please See Ex-Partner
To see an ex-partner usually represents a personality trait in yourself based on whatever quality or memory stands out most about that person. Ex-partners are very open symbols that are based completely on your most honest memories and feelings about them. Ask yourself what's the first thing that pops in your head when you think about that person.
Alternatively, an ex-partner may reflect a bad habit or a failure you're experiencing. They may also represent the return of a recurring problem. If you really don't like your ex they may reflect a negative situation that is repeating itself in your life. Ex's can also reflect the re-experiencing of breakups or unpleasant relationship scenarios.
Ex-partners can sometimes be a sign that you are unconsciously repeating bad habits or that your falling into the trap of dating someone who is just like your ex.
If you still have feelings for your ex then they may symbolize your lingering desire for them. They could also represent your desire for something in life you really want, but feel is unattainable. A certain type of experience you want, but feel is not possible.
If you have an ex who was enthusiastic about sex they may represent good luck, success, or a positive experience you are having in waking life. Something you are doing or experiencing is very supportive of your happiness or well-being.
If you have an ex that you can't stand, or believe to be dangerous to your safety they could symbolize a bad choices you regret or negative experiences that you feel you can't escape.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing his ex-girlfriend. She was someone whom he felt was so responsible that she never felt good or enjoyed herself. In waking life, this man had to give an arrogant family member the silent treatment in order to teach them a much needed lesson. The ex-girlfriend in his dream symbolizes how helpful it was to him to avoid feeling good and give his family member the silent treatment.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend. He was someone she remembered most for cheating on her. In waking life, she was experiencing friends lying to her.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend and then running out of a house. In waking life, she realized that her new boyfriend had a lot of the negative qualities that her previous boyfriend had and felt she had to try harder to be with someone with different qualities.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of walking into her ex-husband's house and being told that he wanted to marry someone else. In waking life, he she was losing trust in her boyfriend after having a number of fights. The ex-husband reflected how she didn't feel the same love, security, and loyalty anymore after having felt it.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of calling her ex-boyfriend and being questioned why she didn't call him on his birthday. In waking life, she was still having feelings for her ex and his birthday had just recently passed.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of her ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend talking to her while she tried to be happy, even though she felt disrespected by her. In waking life, the woman was talking to her ex-boyfriend even though he was seeing someone else. In this case, the ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend talking to her and disrespecting her while she tried to be happy may have reflected her attempts to be genuinely happy for her ex-boyfriend when he spoke to her about his new girlfriend, even though it sparked jealousy within her.
*Please See Ex-Partner
To dream of taking an exam represents a very challenging situation in your life that may require your complete focus or dedication. A challenge that may foster powerful uncertainties, require a lot of preparation, or put a lot at stake. An exam dream may stand as a barometer of pressure you're feeling.
To dream of failing an examination may reflect an inability to prove yourself, overcome a challenge, or a sense of personal failure. Feeling that you didn't perform adequately or live up to expectations. It may also reflect your worst fear coming true.
To dream of being unprepared for an exam may reflect your feeling of lacking of preparation or that you didn't listen to a warning. Feeling accountable for the failure of a project or plan. You may be expecting too much of yourself.
*Please See Tests
To dream of being excited represents feelings of anticipation or enthusiasm about something in your waking life. It may symbolize the energy and enthusiasm you feel towards a new project, idea, or opportunity. Dreaming of being excited may also reflect a sense of adventure, curiosity, and willingness to take risks or try new things. Alternatively, it may reflect an inner desire for stimulation and excitement in your waking life.
Negatively, dreaming of being excited may represent over-eagerness or impulsivity that could lead to poor decision-making. It may also reflect a lack of control over one's emotions or actions, leading to reckless behavior or impulsive actions. Anxiety or nervousness about an upcoming event or situation, particularly if the excitement feels overwhelming or out of control. Feelings about enemies being enthusiastic about doing bad things to you.
To dream of excitement that fades away may represent a sense of disappointment, disillusionment, or unfulfilled expectations. It may reflect a situation or relationship that started out with a lot of promise or excitement, but has since lost its luster or failed to live up to expectations. This type of dream may also indicate a fear of losing enthusiasm or motivation for a project or goal, or a warning to stay realistic and grounded in one's expectations. It may be a reminder to avoid getting too caught up in the hype or excitement of something, and to focus on long-term sustainability and fulfillment rather than short-lived bursts of excitement.
To dream of excitement for a wedding represents a sense of anticipation, enthusiasm, or eagerness for a new beginning or change in one's life. Feelings of support and connection during a time of transition.
Example: A woman dreamed of feeling excited while being underwater. In waking life it was her last week at her work while she was looking for a new job. In this case being excited while underwater may have reflected her feelings of enthusiasm or anticipation for new better job while also feeling overwhelmed with uncertainty of leaving her old job. The dream may indicate a mix of positive and anxious feelings about the upcoming changes in her career.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his enemy smiling with excited expectation before the enemy lowered his head in total disappointment. In waking life the man felt that an enemy was happy to try to humiliate him with a business deal that would ruin the dreamer's life that the dreamer fully intended to reject before pressing criminal charges. In this case the enemy being excited may have reflected the dreamer's awareness of the enemy's malicious intentions and enthusiasm to cause harm or disappointment.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of talking to her boyfriend over Skype and feeling his excitement throught he laptop screen before the excitement feeling faded away quickly. In waking life she was having a long distance relationship with her boyfriend and having issues with fully believing that her boyfriend loved her. In this case the fading excitement may have reflected her fear that the initial excitement and passion in their relationship was diminishing and that her boyfriend's feelings for her were fading away. It could also reflect her own waning enthusiasm for the relationship due to the distance and the difficulties that come with it. The dream may be highlighting her desire for more sustained and meaningful excitement in her relationship, rather than a fleeting and temporary feeling.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of Jesus on a cloud being excited about telling her that God wanted her to return to heaven immediately. In waking life she was was very focused on getting closer to God while fearing her boyfriend leaving her. In this case seeing Jesus being excited may have reflected the dreamer's hope and optimism for a positive outcome in her spiritual journey, despite her fears and uncertainties in her personal relationships.
*Please See Feces
To dream of an execution represents a deliberate elimination of some area of your life. It may also reflect your feelings of having to wait for an inevitable failure. A crucial deadline. Dreading an ending or consequences for an unforgivable action. An untreatable illness.
To dream of being executed represents your feelings about being deliberately eliminated from a situation. You may feel like you are on the "chopping block" of life, like there is a lot at stake, or are fearing failure. Fearing being fired from a job for poor performance. Fear of not meeting an important deadline. Feeling cut off or that your life is hopelessly failed.
Example: A woman dreamed of waiting for her execution. In waking life she was stuck in an unhappy marriage and felt that waiting or hoping for a solution would inevitably waste her life. She felt that by choosing to stay in her marriage she was potentially "killing off" she chances for future happiness.
Example 2: A man dreamed of waiting to be executed. In waking life he was dying of cancer. He feared he could die the next day.
Example 3: A man dreamed of fearing the possibility of being executed. In waking life he was very sensitive about performing well at work and fearing losing his job if he didn't.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of watching someone being executed. In waking life she couldn't pay her water bill and was fearing the inevitable moment when the city water department would shut her water off.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of a baby being ordered to be executed. In waking life she was having second thoughts about a relationship she had started and felt it may be best to coldly end it.
Exercise Room / Weight Room
To dream of an exercise room, or weight room represents your mindset being focused on improving or strengthening some area of your life. Trying to be the best you can be.
If you see evil people, people dressed in red, red objects, or red light in a weight room this symbolizes negative habits or thinking patterns that may be getting out of control. You may be increasing fear, dishonestly, or arrogance in some way.
To dream of exercising represents feelings about preparations or practice. A wish to prevent yourself from looking like a loser. Trying hard to maintain a winning position or leading role. Feeling the need to keep skills strong. A mindset that focused on training. Feeling highly focused on not losing an important opportunity to win. Concerns about school work not being good enough or being behind on homework.
Negatively, dreaming of exercising may reflect situations where you are exhausting yourself trying to prevent yourself from looking like a loser. Trying too hard to prepare for a conflict or challenge. Fear of accepting yourself weaker or less skilled than someone else. An excessive drive to prevent losing. Anxiety about not being good enough at something.
To dream of exercising that isn't helpful may reflect feelings about training or studying that isn't effective.
Example: A woman dreamed of waking up in a strange exercise room. In waking life she had neglected homework and training responsibilities in college and felt bad unprepared. The exercise room in this case may have reflected her feelings about learning and studying in college.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being in an exercise room. She felt the exercise wasn't helping her. In waking life she felt that no matter how much she studied for her school program she couldn't improve.
Exhaust Pipe
To dream of a car's exhaust pipe or tail pipe may reflect awareness of yourself or someone else that's feeling good not having to listen. You or someone else that is noticeably more focused on their own agenda. Feeling good ignoring people while you pursue your own goals. Feeling that other people's concerns are "behind you" (rear position) and that you don't need to care about issues that "negatively effect others (toxic output).
A reflection of you or someone else that wishes to be a "responsible jerk" with their personal agenda because you want to mitigate angering or insulting others as you peruse your own decisions or take control of a situation. Awareness of your goals contrasting with others. Politely asserting yourself as your pursue goals.
An exhaust pipe may also reflect a confident attitude that is aware of not having to stop what you are doing if someone else doesn't like it.
Positively, an exhaust pipe may reflect feelings about deserving to not be singled out, picked on, or unfairly restricted.
Negatively, an exhaust pipe may reflect a complete lack of respect for other people as you freely make your own decisions or pursue your own agenda. Ruining other people's experiences or ignoring their complaints while you enjoy yourself. Alternatively, it may reflect extreme sensitivity about small or insignificant actions being too selfish.
To better understand this symbol you may benefit from first trying to understand the symbolism for cars, which is a reflection of decision making style.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing an exhaust pipe leaking water. In waking life she felt that taking the newer nicer of two family vehicles for her own chores was selfish towards her husband and child whom she felt needed the nicer newer vehicle more than she did. The exhaust pipe in this case may have reflected her heightened feelings selfishness for her actions.