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Water Guns

To dream of a water gun represents decisions that you know aren't positive. It symbolizes an awareness of your choices being improper. It may also reflect decisions that you know are a bit mischievous.

A super soaker water gun may reflect a mischievous attitude that doesn't want to lose or likes rubbing it in.

Bottled Water

To dream of bottled water represents a convenient and readily available emotional resource that helps you navigate challenging situations without experiencing jealousy or desperation. It symbolizes your ability to endure difficulties and maintain emotional well-being because you have access to something that sustains and supports you. This dream reflects your sense of security and preparedness in handling various life challenges. An emotional resource that helps you endure, feel sustained, avoid jealousy, or gets you through a situation as though it isn't difficult. Not worrying about experiencing or enduring a difficult, jealous, or desperate situation because you have something to keep you going. A resource or opportunity that you can utilize at your convenience to restore or maintain your well-being. The essential emotional resources you need to sustain yourself while you navigate challenges. Emotional backup to feel supported while never being jealous. Emotional and social support that never lets you feel jealous or desperate.

Positively, dreaming about bottled water signifies your ability to manage your emotional needs effectively. You may have established a reliable source of emotional support or coping mechanisms that provide you with comfort and reassurance. It represents your balanced approach to self-care, ensuring that you always have the resources needed to maintain your well-being. Comfortably and conveniently avoiding difficulty, jealousy, or desperation. Comfort, reassurance, or a sense of security provided by having easy access to resources or support. A conscious choice to maintain a source of renewal that you can turn to in times of need. A balanced approach to self-care, where you keep resources at hand to ensure your well-being.

Negatively, bottled water in a dream may represent an excessive focus on appearing composed and free from desperation to others. You may be overly concerned with not revealing your vulnerable emotions or showing signs of jealousy, even to your own detriment. This dream suggests that you might be making efforts to hide your true feelings and maintain a facade of emotional stability, possibly as a means of social survival. A desire for emotional resources in response to difficult or jealous circumstances. Not worrying about experiencing or enduring the worst thing ever because you have something to keep you going. Too much concern with needing to appear comfortable, paced, and without desperation to other people. Preparations you are making to fake that you are not jealous or desperate to someone else. Feelings about never saying anything about yourself jealous as a means to socially survive. Coping with uncomfortable emotions while maintaining her social facade. Controlling of emotions during new social interaction.

To dream of sparkling or carbonated bottled water implies that your source of emotional replenishment or support is more lively, exciting, or interesting than usual. A coping mechanism or resource that not only helps you endure challenges but also adds some level of excitement or vigor to the situation. A more lively or refreshing approach to handling difficulties or refreshing yourself emotionally.

Negatively, carbonated bottled water in a dream may represent a desire for more stimulating or exciting coping strategies or support systems, even if they are not necessarily beneficial in the long run. Your current means of emotional or psychological sustenance might feel dull, leading to a craving for something more exciting, even if it's not the most helpful or beneficial approach.

Example: A man dreamed of holding some bottled water. In waking life, he was having a problem meeting women and a friend told him he knew someone that would be perfect for him. In this case, the bottled water represented his feelings about preparing to behave in a way that appeared comfortable, paced, and never desperate while on a date with the woman he was being set up with.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of having pizza with her high school crush (male) and her best friend (also male). After collecting the pizza, she turned around to see her crush and best friend making out. She pretended she didn't see it and ditched them for other people. She never told anyone about her crush or her best friend, but at every mention of them, she felt like jumping off a cliff. The next day, she went to the vending machine and it only had sparkling water, which she hated. In waking life, she was angry at her best friend for embarrassing her in front of her crush. In this case, carbonated bottled water may have reflected feeling about needing to find new and more exciting ways (possibly lying or talking about liking someone else) to cope with her emotional discomfort and jealousy to endure the social embarrassment of having been embarrassed in front of her high school crush, yet being dissatisfied with the available options.

Example 3: A man dreamed of girls with bottled water chasing him inside a McDonald's restaurant. He avoided them, but they squirted the water bottle into the face of a stranger who walked by. In waking life, he didn't want to talk to his mother ever again because she gossiped or said negative things behind his back. In this case, the bottled water may have reflected his feelings about people who heard his mother's gossip having the emotional resources needed to keep laughing at him or making fun of him.


To dream of a water current represents feelings about the natural flow of uncertain situations or emotions in your life. Feelings or experiences related to the flow of events or circumstances in your life. The direction or momentum of your personal journey, the influence of external factors, or the course of events beyond your control. Your thoughts about going with the flow, adapting to changing circumstances, or the power of natural forces in shaping your life's path.

Positively, dreaming about a current may represent a sense of ease and alignment with life's natural rhythms. A period of harmony, where things are progressing smoothly and effortlessly. A conscious choice to embrace the direction in which things are naturally moving, trusting in the process and allowing yourself to be guided by life's flow. A period of smooth progression, where you feel that things are moving forward in a positive and effortless manner.

Negatively, dreaming about a current may represent feelings of being overwhelmed, carried away, or controlled by life's challenges and circumstances. A struggle against the direction in which things are heading, a sense of powerlessness to change your course, or being swept up in emotions or situations that feel turbulent and chaotic. Perhaps you feel caught in a situation that is moving too fast for you, or you are struggling against the current of prevailing trends or opinions.

To dream of swimming against a strong current may represent your efforts to overcome obstacles or go against the prevailing trends or opinions. It may suggest that you are determined to pursue your own path, even if it means facing resistance.


To dream of a gunman represents feelings about yourself or someone else with the power to make a very serious change.

Negatively, a gunman may reflect feelings about the potential for serious or dangerous choices to be made with lasting consequences. Drastic choices that will be made with full awareness. Feeling that it's just your job to make a serious powerful decision that will negatively effect someone else. Fear of someone who you think wants to embarrass you at an important moment or who is looking to cause you irrecoverable failure. Someone who intentionally wants to get revenge on you. Feelings about a very jealous enemy who wants to attack you. An over-protective attitude. Risking making a decision that is too serious. Feeling that someone wishes to cause harm to you on purpose. A dangerous choice that is intentional. Serious choices that are cold and insensitive. Feelings about someone on your life being a dangerous person to make jealous. Feelings about a person or problem with the potential to seize control in a dishonest manner.

Positively, a gunman may reflect your readiness to make a serious decision if you have to. Feeling that it's your responsibility to protect something. Feeling that someone is ready to defend you if necessary. Feelings about cold and insensitive choices that you or someone else is willing to make if needed. Feelings about your never having to be told what to do.


To dream of a gun represents feelings about the ability to assert control, power, or assertiveness in decision-making. A serious decision with canceling power to never think of something the same way ever again. A sense of dominance, protection, or having the upper hand in a situation with the intention to make a powerful decision. Your sense of control over a particular situation or your desire to gain control over something that feels chaotic or unpredictable. A critical moment of choice. Choices to stop or ruin something with a single action. Choices made by you or against you with powerful consequences. Angry choices or reactions. Confrontational choices. The option to defend yourself with a powerful or final decision. The power to control decisions. Assertive power to compel or force behavior. The power to resist, assertively say no, or choose to never put up with something ever again. A highly decision that may have serious consequences. The power to decide to attack someone's character or reputation. The power to decide to break up a relationship, business, contract, or friendship. Considering or intending to make a serious or dangerous choice that may have permanent consequences. The ability to make impactful choices.

Positively, dreaming about a gun may represent a sense of empowerment, confidence, or being well-prepared to confront challenges. A feeling of being in control or having the necessary resources and strength to face obstacles. A gun in a dream can also symbolize self-protection, standing up for oneself, or maintaining boundaries.

Negatively, dreaming about guns represents dangerous choices with powerful consequences. Feeling threatened by a dangerous choice that may stop you, embarrass you, or ruin you. Power to decide something permanent that you may regret. A dangerously passionate choice. The power to seriously embarrass someone in a heated argument. Issues with control or power, either an abuse of power or a feeling of powerlessness. The power to threaten someone with ruining something. Too much power dangerously wielded. Powerful decision-making with control that doesn't need permission. A powerful decision that could easily get back at you or someone else.

Whoever you see in a dream holding a gun reflects a personality trait that is in control of powerful decision-making that may have serious or dangerous consequences. If you hold the gun in a dream it reflects your interest or motivation to make a serious choice to stop something or defend yourself.

To dream of shooting a bad person may represent overcoming a problem or bad influence by making a powerful decision to never care about it ever again. Your ability to take decisive action and eradicate harmful behaviors, thoughts, or influences that are holding you back. A willingness to confront and address these issues head-on in order to reclaim your power and well-being. The act of confronting and dealing with the negativity.

To dream of shooting a good person may represent feelings of guilt, regret, or making a hasty decision that you fear could have negative consequences. A powerful choice to stop something good or innocent in your life. An inner conflict between your moral values and the actions you feel compelled to take. Misjudging a situation, person, or decision, leading to actions that you later regret. Feelings of betrayal or hurting someone who has been supportive or beneficial to you. A struggle with ethical or moral dilemmas where you find yourself taking actions that are contrary to your core beliefs or values. Feelings of being overwhelmed by circumstances that lead you to make decisions that are not in line with your true character. Never believing in a serious or powerful decision until it's too late. Choosing to be bad or immoral.

To dream of being shot with a gun represents a powerful or serious decision that negatively impacts you or changes your perspective. Feeling victimized, overpowered, or unfairly targeted by someone else's decisions or actions. Experiencing the consequences of someone else's assertive choices that drastically alter your situation. Feeling suddenly cut off, stopped, or limited by someone else's power or control. Feeling that someone else's decision has caused you a lot of pain or loss. Feeling that you've hurt yourself with a powerful or serious decision. A bad choice you've made that has made a situation turn on you. People or situations that you feel intend to make you lose. A powerful or serious decision that is impacting your life and subjecting you to its influence. Feelings about a choice you've made being the stupidest choice you ever made in your life. Feeling that a person that doesn't like you is powerfully defending themself against you. It may also reflect someone else that you feel is intentionally making the decision to ruin you, embarrass you, or get back at you. The harsh reality of an unexpected or unanticipated change imposed upon you. Feeling betrayed, attacked, or sabotaged by someone you trusted or depended on.

Bad people with guns represent negative personality traits that control or dominate a situation with the power to make serious or harmful decisions (e.g. fears, anger, guilt, dishonesty, addiction). A bad habit or negative influence that holds destructive power over your mind exerting negative control or threatening your well-being. A bad situation that you fear could get out of control. A perception of danger or harm from external sources, suggesting a need to address these threats in waking life. Feelings about the potential for a bad habit or negative influence to ruin you, your stability, or your happiness.

Good people with guns represent positive aspects of your personality that have the power to make assertive or protective decisions (e.g. courage, confidence, honesty). A feeling of being protected, guided, or having the strength to confront challenges or threats. Good judgment to make serious final decisions to stop something that threatens you. A sense of security, moral integrity, or the ability to stand up for what is right. Positive intentions with the ability to make impactful choices.

To dream of a gun that doesn't work or jams up may represent frustration, hesitation, or fear of acting. A lack of will, courage, or power to carry out a powerful decision. You don't have what it takes to assert control or power in a situation. A lack of confidence in your abilities or resources. Concerns about your plans not working out as expected or encountering unexpected obstacles that prevent you from asserting your power or making a crucial decision. A fear of not being able to defend yourself or protect your interests when it matters most. You may doubt your abilities to confront challenges or assert your boundaries. A sign that you need to address any obstacles or doubts that are hindering your ability to make important decisions or assert your authority.

To dream of loading a gun represents a readiness to assert control or power in a situation. Your preparation to make a powerful decision or take assertive action. You are getting ready to confront challenges or defend your interests. Loading a gun in a dream can symbolize your determination to be in control of a critical moment of choice.

To dream of loading a gun represents a readiness to assert control or power in a situation with serious decision with potential consequences. Your preparation to make a powerful decision or take assertive action. You are getting ready to confront challenges or defend your interests. Loading a gun in a dream can symbolize your determination to be in control of a critical moment of choice. Preparing to cancel a problem or stop something dangerous. Using available resources to stand up for yourself or get back at someone. Your desire to equip yourself with the necessary resources or knowledge to face unpredictable or chaotic circumstances. A proactive approach to gaining control over a particular situation that may have powerful consequences.

To dream of accidentally shooting yourself with a gun represents a self-inflicted mistake or decision that backfired. A hasty or ill-considered decision. A serious mistake that harms you or negatively impacts your situation. A lack of caution or a rushed approach to a crucial choice, leading to regrettable consequences. Embarrassing yourself with a lack of carefulness while preparing to defend yourself or make a serious choice. Not being careful or responsible enough with the power you hold. Unintentionally create problems for yourself due to lack of foresight or careful consideration. Feeling that you've put yourself in a difficult situation due to a reckless or thoughtless action. The dream is a reminder to be more cautious and deliberate in your decisions, especially when they have the potential to have serious consequences.

To dream of intentionally shooting yourself with a gun represents self-destructive behavior, self-punishment, or a deliberate act of self-harm. Choosing to make a decision that you know may have negative or harmful consequences. Choosing to self-cancel, lose, or ruin yourself with a significant or dangerous choice. Knowingly engaging in actions that could lead to personal harm. Feelings of guilt, self-punishment, or a belief that you deserve to suffer.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing someone point a gun at a man. In waking life, she was having a heated debate with someone whom she felt could explode with anger at her if she wasn't careful. In this case, the gun may have reflected the potential decision to explode with anger that held power over her. She may have felt that she may be "emotionally shot" by the man who might permanently hate her.

Example 2: A boy dreamed of seeing men pointing a gun at him. In waking life, he felt his teacher was singling him out for embarrassment. In this case, the gun may have reflected his feelings about his teacher holding the potential power to choose embarrassment.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of retrieving a pistol to defend herself against her angry husband. In waking life, she was confident about not putting up with her husband's dishonesty anymore. In this case, the gun may have reflected her willingness to protect herself while arguing with her husband with a serious threat to divorce him.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a man who was lying on the ground shooting a gun off in random directions and then eventually toward her, which required her to lie on the ground. In waking life, she was comfortably over her past relationship with her ex-boyfriend when he called her on the phone and began discussing getting back together with her in an aggressive manner. In this case, the gun being fired off may have reflected her ex-boyfriend's aggressive attempts to assert control or dominance in the conversation about restarting their relationship. She may have been thinking about her ex-boyfriend getting back at her or doing things to powerfully ruin her new life without him.

Example 5: A young man dreamed of seeing a criminal holding a gun at him. In waking life, he was experiencing powerful pressure to decide to cave into a bad habit that would cost him a lot personally. In this case, the gun may have reflected the young man's perception of the imminent and dangerous consequences of deciding to give into the bad habit. The criminal with the gun symbolized the negative or harmful aspect of himself that was pressuring him to make a decision that could have serious repercussions on his life, representing a critical moment of choice where he felt his personal integrity or well-being was at stake.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of watching a fight where one man pointed a gun at another man's horse. In waking life, she was concerned with someone having the power to attack her character or professional reputation. In this case, the gun may have reflected anxieties about how easily her reputation or personal integrity could be challenged or damaged by someone else's aggressive actions or decisions.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of a man pointing a gun at her while she sat in her car. In waking life, she got into a heated argument with her boyfriend. In this case, the gun may have reflected her feelings about her boyfriend holding the power to make the choice to breakup with her while they were arguing if she didn't agree to something he wanted.

Example 8: A young man dreamed of lots of sex, alcohol, and being drunk that included men with guns who wanted to murder him. In waking life, he was worried that if he didn't slow down on drinking alcohol that he would kill himself. In this case. the guns may have reflected his feelings about the potentially fatal consequences of choosing to continue his current lifestyle.

Example 9: A man dreamed of thinking about needing a gun to shoot a lion which backfired and ended up hitting him. In waking life, he got into an argument with someone and believed he could win, but the person ended up being too angry to talk to. In this case, the gun may have reflected his belief that asserting dominance and control in the argument would allow him to "shoot down" or cancel the other person's confidence, anger, and opposition with a threat that was too powerful to do anything about.

*Please See Shooting

*Please See Bullets

*Please See Hand Gun

*Please See Machine Gun

*Please See Revolver

*Please See Rifle

*Please See Shotgun


To dream of hearing a gunshot represents your awareness of someone else in your life making a powerful decision or warning. It may also reflect your awareness of the delayed consequences of a decision you made finally making itself present in your life.

Alternatively, gunshots may reflect dangerous or powerful choices. Choices with consequences.

Example: A woman dreamed that her two family dogs were shot to death. In waking she had experienced a a premature labor and delivery and lost her twin sons. The gunshot deaths may have reflected her feelings about how unexpectedly powerful and dangerous she felt that some of her life choices were that resulted in the premature labor.

*Please See Guns

*Please See Shooting

Hand Gun

To dream of a hand gun represents a decisions or control that's self-protective. Not being interested in losing or changing something. Being protective of your choices or decisions.

To dream of having a hand gun held on you by a criminal or evil person represents a negative aspect of yourself that doesn't want to change. A part of you that may not feel that certain positive changes are important or beneficial.

*Please See Guns

Holy Water

To dream of holy water represents thoughts, habits, or life situations that are totally redeeming, perfectly positive, or completely rid you of problems and negative situations. A redeeming action or quality that is unquestionable.

Negatively, holy water may reflect too much faith that something will instantly fix your problems.

To dream of holy water you don't trust represents your suspicions about promises or claims about something being a perfect solution, or that is totally redeeming.

Example: A deeply religious woman dreamed that she wasn't allowed to use holy water to heal herself. In waking life she was dealing with serious family issues with the possibility of her children being taken away from her. She felt that God was ignoring her praying for her problems to go away.

Hot Water

To dream of hot water represents the exacerbation or worsening of problems. Negative emotions that are being encouraged. It may also reflect a heightened sense of uncertainty or fear. A sign that a problem has been neglected or allowed to increase in severity. Relationships that feel tension or anger worsening.

To dream of hot water being spilled on you represents feelings about exacerbated problems or negative feelings from others effecting you. Feeling that something in your life has been made worse ad "dumped" on you. Being embarrassed by something that feels terrible or dangerous.

Example: A young girl dreamed of soaking her younger brother in hot water. In waking life she was very hostile towards her brother and had gotten him into trouble.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a fish struggling in a boiling pot of water that turned into a bird when she turned down the temperature and looked at it closely. In waking life she was getting subtle feelings that a fight was going to make her boyfriend stop talking to her so she stopped arguing with him to calm him down. The dream may have been a sign that she was more concerned with achieving her goals then she was with her boyfriend's feelings. Thew hot water in this case may have reflected her feelings about the increasing tension in the relationship.

Hot Water Tank

To dream of a hot water tank represents powerful negativity that is consistent in your life. Problems that don't go away or have a noticeable long-term negative influence over you. Negative beliefs or feelings that are supported by a real world problems that won't change. A well supported or well maintained problem.

A hot water tank could reflect powerful fears, trauma, or consequences that you feel you can't overcome. It may also represents a very resourceful enemy.

To dream of a hot water tank being removed from your house symbolizes a powerful fear or problem that has been dealt with.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a hot water tank removed from his basement. In real life he had faced a powerful fear related to his physical appearance. Due to an illness his hair was destroyed and after 10 years he finally took his hat off in public.

Murky Water

To dream of murky water represents feelings of uncertainty and confusion. A situation or emotional state that lacks clarity, where motives, intentions, or outcomes are unclear.

Negatively, dreaming of murky water can indicate feelings of being overwhelmed by confusion, fear, or problems that seem impossible to understand or resolve. Unwanted changes that are difficult to navigate. A lack of transparency in your waking life or dealing with deceitful situations where you feel unable to discern the truth. Fears or anxieties about venturing into the unknown or facing unresolved issues. Doubt, fear, or mistrust, as well as the difficulty in making decisions due to obscured perceptions or misleading information.


To dream of the muzzle of a gun represents feelings about the potential for decisions or actions to be dangerously final. The potential for decisions to have irreversible consequences. Feelings of potential conflict, power, or the threat of violence. A situation that feels tense, charged, volatile, or ready to erupt. Feelings of being on the edge or facing a potential confrontation. A situation where you or someone else is contemplating a powerful choice that could have irreversible consequences. Your thoughts about the power of decisions, the impact of actions, or the seriousness of threatening situations. The power or authority. Coercion.

Positively, dreaming about the muzzle of a gun may represent a heightened awareness of potential risks or dangers, allowing you to take necessary precautions to protect yourself or others. The readiness to confront issues decisively.

Negatively, a dream about the muzzle of a gun could represent feelings of fear, danger, or the threat of harmful consequences. Aggression, conflict, or the escalation of tensions to a potentially destructive point. Feelings of being threatened, the fear of making a grave mistake, or the anxiety of facing a situation where the stakes are high and the outcome uncertain. Feelings of imminent danger. Fear of harm or injury from someone or something in your waking life. A sense of being targeted. Self-preservation or avoidance of conflict.

*Please See Guns

Tommy Gun

To dream of a Tommy Gun represents a serious decision with cancelling power that doesn't hold back or doesn't care about anything except that "all of it" goes away. Feeling good not listening to what you're told no matter what while getting back at someone. Feeling good that nothing can change its mind to stop you. Cancelling power that feels good that nothing is coming back to get back at you. A grownup attitude about "everything has to go and never come back" that is never concerned with getting into trouble.

To dream of an enemy or dangerous person with a Tommy Gun intended towards you may reflect thoughts about a life situation where you feel someone dishonest will never hold back if they get a chance to stop you while never fearing getting caught.

Tommy gun symbolism may be commonly accompanied with symbolism for the mafia or that a person is evil towards you.


To dream of water represents negativity or uncertainty that you are experiencing. An unpredictable situation. Water may also reflect a negative emotional state such as fear or ill-intentions. Our negative unconscious thoughts and emotions. Negative situations that bring uncertainty, the unfamiliar, obstacles, or unwanted changes.

Positively, water can symbolize renewal and regeneration with symbolism such as bathing, drinking water, or bottled water.

To dream of calm clear water represents peace of mind. You've confronted a problem or emotional issue. You may also be very comfortable noticing a problem all the time.

To dream of dirty water represents negative situations or uncertainty that has to be cared about all the time or requires you to be always be careful. Dirty drinking water may reflect a method of rejuvenation that has been compromised or ruined. Feeling that your chance to improve has been taken away from you.

To dream of being underwater represents waking life situations where you feel overwhelmed by a problem or negative emotions. You may be in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions.

To dream that you can breathe underwater represents feelings about yourself being able to manage or handle yourself well in situations with very powerful uncertainty or negativity. You are adapting to serious problems or responsibly coping with the worst moment of your life.

To dream of hot or boiling water represents emotional turmoil or very active negative thinking patterns. You have fears, desires, guilt, or some other negative thinking pattern that is imbalanced or excessive. It may also reflect bad intentions you have for someone you're angry at.

To dream of cold water represents positive unconscious thoughts, emotions, or habits. Things that are positive that you are unaware of or don't concern yourself with.

To dream of running water represents negative situations or uncertainty that you are noticing all the time. Dripping water may reflect a problem situation that is slowly beginning to surface.

To dream of walking on water represents total control over your emotions or a negative situation. You have a handle on a problem or don't even care about a problem being a problem.

To dream of being unable to enter a body of water may reflect your feelings of being held back or incapable of facing a problem or challenge that you want to face. Negatively, it may be a sign that you want to choose a dangerous option but feel someone or something holding you back.

To dream of water overflowing represents feelings of uncertainty as a situation gets out of hand. Fear, stress, or frustrations starting to become too much to handle.

Different bodies of water represent different forms of negativity in our lives that we must confront.

See the themes section for water for a more in-depth look at water symbolism.

Example: A man dreamed of having a hot water tank removed from his basement. The day before the dream he had faced a power fear he had been plagued with for years. The hot water tank reflected the constant negative emotional state created by his fear.

Example 2: A man dreamed of standing on a beach facing the ocean. In waking life, he was dealing with a serious health crisis and feared the possibility of death.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of crossing water. In waking life, she was experiencing a situation causing a lot of worrying.

*Please See Underwater

*Please See Ocean

*Please See River

*Please See Lake

*Please See Stream

Water Balloons

To dream of a water balloon represents your wish to feel good embarrassing someone else. Venting frustrations or anger in a playful way.

Alternatively, it may reflect your feeling that someone else enjoyed embarrassing you.



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