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Calves (Legs)

To dream of calves represents how powerful you or someone else is on their own. How well you are able to do things for yourself. A reflection or projection of self-sufficiency.

To dream of smaller women's calves may reflect you or someone else that has to have things done for them. It may also represent your feeling of needing to do things for someone else.


To dream of a cheek represents awareness of how sensitive or insensitive you feel. Cheeks may also reflect your feelings about how caring or uncaring a situation feels all the time. How nice or awful a situation always feels to you. Consider how adorable, withdrawn, or ugly the cheeks are to determine the degree of sensitivity being felt.

To dream of red cheeks represents embarrassment that your true feelings or thoughts are on display to others.

Gentle cheeks represent innocence or high degree of sensitivity. Sculpted cheeks represent an unwillingness to be a treated like a loser, talked down to, or feelings of never being desperate. Withdrawn cheeks represent some aspect of yourself that doesn't care about feeling good again. Chubby cheeks may reflect sensitivity about always needing a lot of something.

To dream of a hole in a cheek represents a problem with maintaining a comfortable feeling about yourself. Feeling forced to be sensitive about a problem that is out of control. Feeling forced to feel losing.

To dream of being kissed on the cheek represents admiration, reverence, or respect. It may also reflect approval for one's actions.


To dream of a male chest represents assertive or dominant power. You or someone else that's proving their powerful or showing power off. The size of the chest is indicative of how powerful you or some area of your life is.

A large sexually desirable male chest may represents how powerful or influential you feel. It may also reflect your difficulty resisting something powerful.

An Ugly or misshapen chest reflects the power of something you are experiencing that may not feel good. How strong an unpleasant aspect of your life is. Feeling yourself being powerful in a way that you don't like.

A flat chest symbolizes powerlessness. An area of your life that is ineffective or impotent. Feeling small in some way.

To have scars on a chest represents difficult events or life lessons that are hard to forget. Attaining power through great difficulties. Something unpleasant you had to endure to get where you are today. Difficult events or sacrifices made to gain power that are hard to forget.

To dream of a tattoo on a chest represents feelings about yourself or others being dangerous while showing off with power. It may also reflect your feelings about someone yo think is stupid to control their power or abuses power too much.

To dream of having a wound on your chest represents feelings about your ability to prove your powerful to others being negatively effected.

Dreams about your chest may also reflect medical problems with your breathing or lung disorders such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, or severe colds.

Example: A young man dreamed of being shot in the chest by a gun he did not see. In waking life while asleep a friend's laptop was stolen and the friend attacked him for being be a terrible irresponsible person. He felt he couldn't prove his worthiness as a friend anymore.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing his chest with scars on it. In waking life he had just endured a traumatizing initiation experience into a secret club that he would never forget. He felt more powerful as a man for having gone through the ordeal, but he was bit bitter about it.

Example 3: A young boy dreamed of a man standing on his chest holding the whole world in his hands. In waking life the young boy was suffering from pneumonia and while sick felt that he had the "weight of the world" on his chest.

*Please See Breasts


*Please See Dead


To dream of a dog represents feelings about behavior that is emotionally protective that helps you maintain confidence and security. Behavior that is emotionally protective of never having to say whatever it's doing is a problem. Your efforts to shield yourself from difficult emotions. The type, size, and color of the dog all reflect how you choose to protect yourself from difficult emotions or confront problems.

Positively, a dog reflects emotional self-defense or protectiveness to keep confident. The ability to confront challenges and negative situations while maintaining self-assurance. Never fearing anything because there is always a reason to encourage you to stay self-assured. Choosing to confront a person or negative situation while keeping confident. Something in your life you can rely on in yourself or in others to keep insecurity at bay. Repeating something to yourself to help fend off fear, jealousy, or other people's harsh words. An emotional barrier you put up to protect yourself. Sensing danger or a protective attitude about confronting dangerous people or situations. Loyalty, taking sides, or being emotionally protective of friends, family, or work.

Negatively, a dog may represent emotional protectiveness that is excessive or creates problems with self-control. A loss of self-control over instincts and urges. A loss of control over sexual urges.

To dream of an angry dog almost always represents uncontrolled anger, hostility, and viciousness towards other people. Heated arguments. A loss of your temper. Angry dog may also reflect feelings about someone angry in your life that you feel has an alpha male mentality. Feelings about your own alpha mentality when you get angry or lose your temper.

To dream of being bitten by a dog may represent feelings of being attacked, bothered, or threatened by others. Feeling the effects of others viciousness or territorialness. A clash of agendas. Difficulty with addiction. Patients in hospitals may dream of dogs attacking them to reflect fears about unpleasant medical treatment that is in their best interest.

A dog on a leash represents self-control that is managing emotions, instincts, and urges effectively.

To dream of a dead or dying dog may represent feelings of giving up or losing something that once provided you with confidence and emotional security. It may indicate a loss of loyalty, trust, or protection in your life. You may have lost something that gives you confidence or makes you feel safe.

To dream of "cutting a dog's head off" represents taking actions to stop someone else from feeling confident or to prevent them from defending themselves. A desire to undermine someone's self-assuredness or to strip them of their ability to protect themselves. Preventing someone from defending themselves or having something to rely on.

To dream of a lost dog represents feelings of losing confidence in yourself or the ability to protect yourself emotionally. Feeling that you can no longer stand up for yourself. Feeling that a situation is too dangerous to confront. Problems arguing your side of a conflict or defending yourself due to distractions or neglect. Feeling negligent with the feelings of someone who was protecting you. Distractions that have made you avoid protecting your strengths.

Example: A man once dreamed of a caramel dog being delivered to him in a basket. In waking life, he was facing serious financial trouble and had just thought up a plan to get out of it. In this case, the dog may have reflected how his plans gave him the emotional security and confidence to believe in himself while using his idea to keep thinking of the future while currently being broke.

Example 2: A person once dreamed of seeing a black angry dog growling at them. In waking life, they were talking about someone they didn't like in a very angry vicious way. In this case, the black angry dog may have reflected a projection of the dreamer's fears or anxieties about being on the receiving end of someone else's anger or hostility.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a dog biting her hands. In waking life, she was in the hospital getting surgery done on her hands. In this case, the dog biting her may have reflected her feelings about the emotional protectiveness of doctors telling her that she had nothing to worry about with the surgery on her hands causing her to worry more.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a mean black dog trying to bite her. In waking life, she felt that her mother was being very angry, rude, and making degrading comments. In this case, the mean black dog may have reflected her feelings of being attacked and threatened by her mother's aggressive and hurtful behavior.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of her dog being euthanized or "put down." In waking life, she was fired from her company and she lost all her loyalty to the company. In this case, the euthanized dog may have reflected the abrupt and painful end to her relationship with her company, which she had previously relied on for emotional support and a sense of belonging.

*Please See Puppy

*Please See Pitbulls

*Please See German Shepherd

*Please See Doberman Pinscher

*Please See Rottweilers

*Please See Dog Poop


To dream of dying represents change that you feel in inevitable. Negatively, dying may reflect feelings of failure or undesirable changes being inevitable.

*Please See Death


To dream of ears represents receptivity. Being open or receptive to guidance or new ideas.

To dream of whispering into an ear represents sharing of privileged information or guidance.

To dream of an ear being pulled may symbolize feelings of forced to accept guidance or new ideas.

Example: A man once dreamed of seeing a person with really big ears. In real life they had become too preoccupied with advice they had received.


To dream of an elbow represents flexibility or being able to adjust. Being open to alternative choices or opinions.

To attack someone with an elbow represents a need for space. It may also reflect assertiveness or making boundaries known.

To dream of injury to the elbow represents an inability to be flexible or a lack of choice. You or someone else may be limited or unable to function in full capacity.


*Please See Guts


To dream of eyebrows represents feelings of dignity and self-respect about appearances of being intelligent with your decision-making. Dignity and self-respect about appearances of being wise.

Positively, dreaming about eyebrows might symbolize the self-respect you have for your appearance with the ability to make wise choices. A conscious understanding of your actions and decisions and their impacts. Your awareness of how others perceive you based on your choices.

Negatively, dreaming about eyebrows could represent feelings of losing dignity or self-respect in your decision-making. You may be struggling with a perceived need to exaggerate or embellish your actions or experiences, which conflicts with your principles. It might symbolize fear of appearing foolish or unwise in the eyes of others or the feeling of being misunderstood or undervalued for your decisions.

To dream of losing eyebrows represents a loss of dignity or self-respect about appearing intelligent about your decision-making. A situation that feels terrible about not being able to appear wise to anyone.

To dream of shaving an eyebrow off represents the choice to temporarily put your dignity or self-respect about appearances aside. Making strange or embarrassing choices that others don't understand or respect you for. Consciously losing others' respect for your decision-making ability or wiseness.

To dream of plucking an eyebrow represents feelings about carefully adjusting how dignified or wise you appear in your decision-making. The precision and detail you apply to maintain or improve the perception of your intelligence and wisdom in the eyes of others. The fine-tuning of personal identity. Shaping or controlling how you are perceived by others intellectually, especially in social situations.

Positively, dreaming of plucking eyebrows may represent a proactive approach to refining your self-image or presentation to showcase your intelligence and wisdom. A conscious effort to present oneself in the best light, eliminating anything that could hinder or distort the perception of your wise choices.

Negatively, plucking an eyebrow in a dream may represent an obsession with perfection or the fear that any minor flaw in your presentation or decisions could diminish your perceived dignity or wisdom. Feelings of vulnerability, where you believe every small imperfection is under scrutiny, or the fear of being perceived as less intelligent or less capable than you truly are.

To dream of over-plucking or accidentally removing an eyebrow suggests feelings of having gone too far in trying to refine or adjust your image. Feeling that you might not be able to respect yourself with dignity or look intelligent to other people for a long time.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing people with eyebrows that looked fake and overly hairy. In waking life, he felt he was unfairly fired from his job due to an issue with a superior and felt that he may need to start lying about what happened at his old job in order to make getting a new job easier. In this case, the fake overly hairy eyebrows may have reflected his feelings about the perceived need to embellish or exaggerate his story in order to maintain dignity and self-respect of being intelligent about the decisions he had made at his old job that got him fired.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing someone with a unibrow. In waking life, he had chosen to be single for a very long period of time and he began to sense that the people around him thought he was a loser because of it. In this case, the unibrow may have reflected the man's self-perception of maintaining dignity and self-respect in his decision to remain single, despite it being viewed as unusual or strange by others.

Example 3: A man dreamed of his mother telling him to pluck his eyebrows. In waking life, he felt that his mother still treated him like a child. In this case, plucking the eyebrows may have reflected his feelings of discomfort and irritation about his mother's attempts to adjust or criticize his appearance and decisions, making him feel like he needed to refine or improve himself to meet her standards of maturity or wiseness.

*Please See Unibrow


To dream of eyelashes represents allure or appeal. It may reflect how attractive or interesting you naturally feel. It may also indicate how appealing an outlook on a situation is. Feelings about much more or less of an interesting person you are.

Having long lashes represents you or someone else that is exceptionally alluring.

In a negative context eyelashes may reflect conceit, narcissism, or that everything you do is exceptionally more attractive than other people. Showing off with how much more interesting or appealing you are. Feeling "cooler" or more intelligent about easily being with the in crowd than other people. You or someone else that is noticing they are they are never jealous about being "awesomer" than other people are.

Eyelashes that fall out symbolize feeling less attractive or a loss of appeal. Feelings about the loss of power to be appealing with ease.

To dream of fake eyelashes represents feelings about using something to make yourself or your views more appealing. Needing or depending on something else to be more interesting to other people than you genuinely are. Awareness of yourself making yourself more interesting or appealing with professional rhetoric or "lingo." Knowing you are just a fake while you show off being more interesting or appealing.

To dream of ice form on your eyelashes may reflect feelings about a situation so terrible that nobody wants to do anything with you in the current moment no matter how interesting or appealing you are.

Example: A woman dreamed of a scary wolf whistling at her for being attractive and complimenting her on her long curly eyelashes. In waking life she was trying to find a new job and didn't believe she'd ever interest a new employer in her skills with police services. The scary wolf complimenting her on her eyelashes may have represented her anxiety about never getting a job that pays the same if she left police services opening her to be someone else's appealing option to exploit.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing his girlfriend with eyelashes accidentally burned off. In waking life he had exhausted all efforts to convince someone important to go along with a business idea leaving his no choice but to try covert attempts to force the transaction. The eyelashes burned off in this case may have reflected his feelings about being unable to impress a person with how interesting or appealing the business idea was.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing people's eyelashes in lucid hyper-detail. In waking life he was very stressed out about performing well on a test he was studying for. The lucid hyper-detailed eyelashes in this case may have the dreamer's feelings about noticing how "interestingly intelligent" or not other students in the class were based on class performance. His perceptions of each student's "bragging rights" to look good be called intelligent.

*Please See Mascara


To dream of eyes represents perception, clarity, and awareness. It could indicate an increased understanding of your surroundings or a situation. It may also suggest the need to pay closer attention to something important in your life. Observation, judgments, and consciousness. The way you or some aspect of your personality sees a situation.

To dream of closed eyes represents a lack of insight, denial, or ignorance. Avoidance of truth or intimacy. A lack of awareness or naivety. It could suggest a hidden truth or information that one is not ready or willing to face. Not wanting to consider or accept truth.

To dream about red eyes may represent a negative outlook on a situation or bad intentions. Feelings about being aware that someone is angry at you or thinking of getting back at you. Perception or motivations that negative and doesn't like to perceive itself that way. You or some aspect of your personality that is afraid, angry, destructive, or dishonest. Thinking patterns or areas of your life that are dangerous, passionate, or upset with needing to get their way Feelings about evil being aware.

To dream of light blue eyes may represent a positive outlook on a situation, good intentions, or thoughtfulness. A reflection of positive thinking patterns or good choices. You or some aspect of your personality is confident, sympathetic, constructive, or honest. Thinking patterns or areas of your life that are helpful.

To dream of dark blue eyes represents an insensitive outlook or view of a situation. Seeing a situation with a brutally honest perspective. Perception that is very focused on hard truth, reality, all business minded.

To dream of dark green eyes represents a selfish outlook. Selfish observations and judgments. Perception that is totally arrogant, immoral with greed, or jealous. Perception that is suicidal and cares about nobody else's feelings to achieve it.

To dream of light green eyes may reflect an outlook or perception regarding to fixing problems. An area of your life where you are very focused on healing. Awareness of yourself want to improve a situation. A progressive attitude because you feel something is not good enough.

Negatively, light green eyes can reflect jealousy, greed, or arrogance. Observing a situation from a perspective of not liking being jealous. Being very focused on not wanting to be a loser.

To dream of black eyes represents an outlook or observation on a situation based on fear or excessive behavior. An issue that consumes you with fear or that you believe is totally overboard.

To dream of yellow eyes represents an outlook, observation, or a sense of clarity on a situation that notices what is happening. Clarity of a situation by getting attention drawn to it. Observation of yourself or someone that is self-aware of getting attention.

To dream of bloodshot eyes represents feelings of perception of a situation through the lense of exhaustion, stress, or emotional turmoil. It may indicate that you are overwhelmed by a situation, struggling to cope with the pressure, or experiencing emotional distress in your waking life that might scare you that you can't do anything about it. Feeling stressed to the edge. Your view of a difficult or stressful situation with the hope that it doesn't get any worse or didn't do anything permanent.

Dreaming of being poked or injured in the eye can signify conflict or jealousy of acknowledging a certain reality.

To dream of sad eyes may represent an outlook that is disappointed. Feelings of empathy, sympathy, or emotional pain. It may indicate that you are experiencing a challenging situation, struggling with your own emotions, or sensing the emotional struggles of others in your waking life.

To dream of bleeding eyes representing feelings of awareness or observation that hurts you suggests that you are facing a situation where being aware of a particular issue or observing a certain aspect of your life is causing you emotional pain or discomfort. This could indicate that you are forced to confront a harsh reality or acknowledge a difficult truth that you would rather avoid or remain unaware of. An emotional toll that comes with being a witness to someone else's pain or suffering. The consequences of being too observant. Observing a failed relationship or a personal setback and experiencing the emotional pain you from being aware of the situation's negative aspects. A reminder to focus on healing and growth, rather than dwelling on the hurtful aspects of the experience.

To dream of rolling your eyes represents feelings of annoyance, dismissiveness, or skepticism towards a situation or person in your waking life. It may indicate that you are encountering a situation that you find trivial or unimportant, and you are expressing your disinterest or lack of concern. Rolling your eyes in a dream could also symbolize a lack of patience or tolerance for a particular behavior, attitude, or opinion that you disagree with or find unreasonable. Awareness of yourself pretending to agree with someone who you think is stupid or a loser.

To dream of two different colored eyes may reflect a dual perspective or noticing a situation in two different ways. Left is intelligent, logical, good. Right is unintelligent, crazy, or bad. Consider the color mixed with the left or right side for additional symbolism.

To dream of eye contact represents feelings of mutual understanding, mutual acknowledgement, agreement, or shared awareness between you and another person. Feeling that someone, something, or a habit likes you. Alternatively, it may reflect feelings about realizing the important to listen to or acknowledge some aspect of yourself. Realizing how serious or important something is. If the eye contact in your dream is uncomfortable or intense, it could represent feelings of unease, distrust, or confrontation with someone. You may feel like you are being scrutinized or judged, or that someone is trying to challenge your beliefs or opinions. Feeling like evil has it's eye on you.

Example: A woman dreamed of looking in the mirror and seeing that her eyes were blue, when in reality they were brown. In waking life she had been making a lot of changes in her behavior to make herself a more honest person. The blue eyes in the mirror may have reflected her feelings about being aware of her outlook on life being more positive.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her mother roll her eyes. In waking life she felt that her daughter's choice for a husband was terrible while pretend she approved of the relationship.

Example 3: A man dreamed of eye contact by looking into the eyes of an unattractive girl he knew from high school where both of them had similar facial gestures of respect. In waking life he was coming to terms with accepting his life being married to his wife.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her husband having two different eye colors, one brown and one blue. In waking she was shutting down her company and helping her husband build his company. In this case her husband having two different eye colors, brown and blue, may have reflected her feelings about her husband's view of the situation being very intelligent about noticing her business being shut down (brown is purging) and building his business up (blue is positive feeling).

*Please See Black Eye


To dream of a face represents the personality. Ugly faces represent negative aspects of your personality or things you don't like about yourself. Beautiful faces represent positive aspects of your personality or things that you do like about yourself. When you dream of a face it may reflect your awareness of personality changes in yourself or others.

When trying to decode the symbolism of a dream face try to focus on how the features of the face makes you feel.

To see your own face being attractive points to positive feelings about your own personality. Seeing your own face as ugly points to negative feelings you are having about yourself.

To dream of the left side of your face may represent the logical or honest aspect of your personality.

To dream of the right side of your face may represent the creative or dishonest aspect of your personality.

Example: A man dreamed of ugly, demonic, melting faces pouring down a wall of red paint. In waking life he had a powerful spiritual experience taking ayahuasca that started to make him reconsider his wish to kill himself. The ugly melting faces may have reflected his feelings about all the things he didn't like about himself that drove him to want to kill himself starting to "melt away" after he found God.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing blood on her face at work in a mirror. In waking life she was experiencing frustrations at work. The blood on her face may have reflected her feelings about arguments or problems at work making her personality look bad or with a lingering embarrassment of being mean to someone.

*Please See Faceless


To dream of a faceless person represents feelings of uncertainty or ambiguity about the identity or characteristics of a person or situation in your life. It can indicate unknown or undefined expectations, confusion about roles or relationships, or a sense of unfamiliarity. An aspect of your personality that is undefined or undecided. Feelings about a person, relationship, or situation being undecided, uncertain, or unknown. Your feelings about an unknown future situation. Not knowing what to expect.

Positively, dreaming of a faceless person can represent a sense of freedom or possibility - an open canvas on which to project new ideas or aspirations without predefined limits or assumptions.

Negatively, a faceless person may symbolize anxieties or fears about the unknown, or a sense of insecurity about how to approach an unfamiliar situation. Not really knowing whether or not a person is supportive of you because you don't know them very well.

To dream of a faceless lover represents the dreamer's uncertainty about what they truly want in their love life, or their openness to exploring new possibilities without any preconceived notions or expectations.

Example: A woman dreamed of having sex with a faceless lover. In waking life, she was enjoying being single and trying new things. She felt a sense of freedom in not knowing what she really wanted in life. In this case, the faceless lover may have reflected her uncertainty about what she truly wanted in life, and the freedom to discover that without any preconceived notions or expectations.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a faceless man. In waking life, she was pregnant by a man she didn't know that well and was nervous about whether or not he would be a good father. In this case, the faceless man may have reflected her uncertainty about the future and the unknown qualities of the man she was pregnant by.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a faceless man bathing naked with her inside a bathtub. In waking life, she was unsure if she could ever be romantically involved with a man again after having a few bad experiences with men. In this case, the faceless man in the bathtub may have represented her feelings about her lack of clarity or fear about future romantic encounters along with her need to heal and cleanse herself from past relationship traumas before she can comfortably explore new romantic opportunities. She considered her sex life to be undecided, uncertain, or unknown.

Facial Hair

To dream of having facial hair may reflect feelings about your personality being masculine or assertive in a waking life situation.

To dream of a 5 o'clock shadow may represent the personality being unconcerned with being perfect or sensitive at all times.

To dream of a goatee may represent feelings about you or someone else being perceived as having a "dangerous" personality.

For a woman to dream of having light facial hair or "peach fuzz" may represent sensitivity about being noticed too masculine or assertive by others. If you are embarrassed by the facial hair it may reflect waking life regrets about having acted too assertive or unfeminine.

*Please See Beard

*Please See Moustache



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