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Broken Glass

To dream of broken glass window represents broken promises or shattered expectations. Your feelings may be hurt or a situation may be turning into a crisis.

To dream of shards of broken glass represents issues that can only bring you more pain or difficulties if you confront them. Disappointments that are difficult to respond to effectively. Shards of broken glass can often reflect an abusive situation.

To dream of having shards of broken glass in your throat represents a sensitive issue that creates more conflict if you express your true feelings about it. You may feel paralyzed to express yourself and are suffering for it.

Crack House

*Please See Crack Cocaine

Drinking Glass

To dream of an empty drinking glass represents confident expectations about something you are planning on doing. Expectations to do something easily. You know you can do something if you want to. Waiting for or needing one thing to happen before to you can do something easily.

To dream of drinking from a glass represents an easy or quick experience. A situation where you "taking it all in." Negatively, it may reflect a problem situation that you are getting involved with something too quickly. Something is happening faster than you want it to.

Consider what fluid you are drinking for additional meaning. For example, drinking milk from a glass may reflect a quick or easy experience that you feel is good for you or in your best interests.

Example: A woman dreamed of looking into an empty glass and then getting scared. In waking life she was considering killing herself, but then scared herself away from it.

Looking Glass

*Please See Mirror

Magnifying Glass

To dream of a magnifying glass represents awareness of everything you are noticing becoming amplified. The choices, experiences, or problems you are most focused on becoming more dramatic or powerful once you pay attention to them.

Negatively, a magnifying glass may represent feelings of bad luck or having your problems singled out.

Sea Glass

To dream of sea glass represents how good it feels to notice something in your life never being dangerous ever again. Feeling good noticing that the worst part of a situation is over for good. It may also reflect relief or enjoyment that the worst of a problem has been dealt with for you.

Stained Glass Windows

To dream of stained glass windows may reflect a positive attitude about the future that you can't see. A positive attitude about something in the future that requires blind faith.

Negatively, stained glass windows may be a sign that you are putting too much blind faith into a problem instead of moving on. Thinking it's a beautiful thing to be faithful for the future for problems that are hopeless or repeatedly prove they are impossible to fix. Trusting someone too much for their future potential.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing stained glass windows in a church. In waking life she was having serious marital problems and trying hard to have faith in the future of the relationship while feeling that she could never really be certain about her marriage surviving.

Wine Glass

To dream of a wine glass represents receptivity to celebrating, enjoying your achievements, or relaxing with a sense of completion. Wanting or a willing to feel good about hard work completed or what you have done.


To dream of an addition represents feelings of improvement, enhancement, or expansion of your perception of normal life. Doing more than you usually do in your normal life. A desire for something new, additional, or extra. Thoughts about the importance of growth, progress, or increasing your opportunities and resources.

Positively, dreaming about an addition may represent your ambition to improve yourself or your current circumstances. The pursuit of knowledge, skills, or experiences that will enrich your life. An addition might also suggest a sense of abundance, prosperity, or increased well-being.

Negatively, an addition in a dream could represent feelings of being overwhelmed, excessive demands, or a sense of being burdened by too much in regard to your normal perspective of a situation. A fear or frustration of change, particularly if you prefer to maintain the status quo. Alternatively, it could indicate that you are taking on too much at once and need to focus on the essentials rather than expanding too rapidly.

*Please See Houses


To dream of an airport represents the beginning or the end of plans or ideas. Waiting to depart on a plane reflects a new idea or plan that is ready to take off. You are approaching a new departure in your life. You may be preparing to experience a new relationship, new career path or new adventure.

Waiting for a plane to land reflects a current plan or idea that is finishing up. You may be expecting a relationship, career, or adventure to come to an end.

Positively, dreaming about an airport may reflect high ambitions or high expectations as you prepare to embark on a new plan, project, or new situation.

Negatively, an airport may reflect a naive, unprepared, or hasty mindset as you embark on new situations. Getting involved in new situations you are completely unqualified for. Getting ready to do something for a long period of time or the rest of your life without really thinking it through properly.

Alternatively, an airport may reflect your feelings about preparing to travel. An elderly woman dreamed of being in an airport filling out forms. In waking life she was busy planning for a trip Israel that should couldn't afford at all with no serious plan to actually travel.

Example: A woman dreamed of feeling helpless to get to the airport. In waking life she was frustrated by her husband not contributing to the family bills enough to help the family move on to a better life.


To dream of an apartment represents a perspective of normalcy of a situation where you feel you don't have complete control or independence. A perspective on a situations where you feel you don't have full independence, absolute free will to act as you wish, or total control because there may be obligations or secondary issues that you must respect. Minor obstacles to overcome while feeling generally secure. You may feel generally secure or stable but with minor emotional or financial turbulence. An apartment may also reflect feelings of having to put up with problems or annoyances that you don't want to deal with or feeling annoyed that you can't get alone time or do something privately. A situation isn't as interesting as you'd like it to be because you have to respect secondary issues or obligations. Stability in a situation where you don't have full control. It may also reflect feelings about living with a relationship.

Positively, dreaming about an apartment may represent a perspective on a situation that is respectably suites your needs. You feel grateful or lucky to have a less than perfect experience. You may be willing to put up with problems or share with others if it means experiencing some kind of success or winning. Your perspective may be more holistic, considering the needs and wishes of others while dealing with your own concerns. Feelings of being able to manage on your own or being able to handle a difficult situation. Feeling of starting over or a new beginning.

Negatively, being in an apartment unit may reflect feelings of having no choice about putting up with problems or annoyances that you don't want to. You may feel like you have no control over situations and are unable to assert your will or independence. Feelings of constraint or limitation. Feeling restricted in your personal or creative space. Consider the saying "beggars can't be choosers." Feeling annoyed that you can't get time alone or do something privately. Sharing or doing everything with someone else doesn't feel good. Feeling that you can't be the best because someone else is with you or causing your problems. Financial difficulties or a sense of social inferiority.

Alternatively, an apartment may reflect a transitional period or a starting point towards a higher level of success.

The size and quality of the apartment may reflect your feelings about your current level of success or lack thereof.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in an apartment unit and feeling sad. In waking life, her male friend whom she wanted to date was devastated by a breakup and this prevented her from making a move on the male friend until he got over breakup. In this case, the apartment may have reflected her feelings of being unable to fully pursue the relationship she desired with her male friend due to his emotional turmoil from the breakup. She felt a sense of stability and connection with him, but the circumstances prevented her from taking full control and expressing her feelings. The apartment symbolizes her perception of a less-than-ideal situation in which she had to respect the emotional needs of her male friend while also managing her own desires and feelings of sadness.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of living in an apartment with her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she was in the process of getting her life back together after getting a new job and was annoyed that she couldn't move in with her boyfriend yet to fully restart their relationship. In this case, the apartment may have reflected her feelings of being unable to regain full independence and control in her relationship due to her current living situation and financial circumstances. While she was making progress in rebuilding her life, the apartment symbolized the lingering sense of not having complete freedom to reunite with her boyfriend and fully restart their relationship. The apartment represents her perception of a situation that was not ideal, requiring her to be patient and navigate her own needs and the needs of her relationship, as well as the practical concerns of her living situation.

Example 3: A man had recurring dreams of moving out of his old apartment that he shared with his ex-girlfriend. In waking life, he was single for almost a year. In this case, the recurring dreams of moving out of an apartment may have reflected the man's feelings of being unable to fully let go of his past relationship and regain his independence in his emotional life. Even though he was no longer with his ex-girlfriend, the lingering memories and emotional connections tied to their shared living space may have been preventing him from fully embracing his single status or seeking new relationships. The apartment in the dream symbolizes his perception of being stuck in a situation that is not ideal, requiring him to work through his emotional baggage, let go of the past, and move forward in his life.

Apartment Building

To dream of an entire apartment building represents a perspective on a situation where you are experiencing a lack of free will or independence. There are obligations, responsibilities, or commitments that you are forced to be mindful of. Other people or other issues must be considered simultaneously with your own concerns. Consideration for others wishes may be a priority. You are not free to do as you please. Forced to live with problems or issues that you have no control over. Thinking of other people's problems while also dealing with your own.

Positively, an entire apartment building may reflect a perspective on a situation where you feel lucky or grateful to have a less than perfect experience. A willingness to put up with problems or share with other people if it means you get to experience winning. Not thinking of yourself having total independence or free will because obligations, problems, or other people require you to be mindful of them.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a strange apartment building. In real life he had a business plan he wanted to release, but couldn't because it required a lot of preparations. The apartment building reflected his perspective on the situation being obligated or tied down to the preparations. He had to be mindful of his problems or obligations while pursuing his goals.

*Please See Apartment


To dream of being in an insane asylum represents feelings about situations that attempt to manage trauma or irrationality because there is no other intelligent solution. Situations that feel that you or someone else can never get over a sensitive problem or trauma. Situations that feel psychologically nonsensical that need to be endured or managed the way they are because there is no other rational solution. Attempting to control or manage powerful emotional over-sensitivity. Controlling a situation that feels "hopelessly insane" because it's safer to do so. You may feel ostracized, embarrassed, or like people have lost all respect for you because you are not behaving normal. You may also feel left out, excluded, and ignored because people don't believe your behavior is rational. Fear of being told you are irrational or crazy when you are not. Situations where you feel it's important to prove yourself as psychologically sound before being released from someone else's control.

Alternatively, dreaming about an insane asylum may reflect feelings about enduring psychological problems that you or someone else has. Psychological issues that has reduce you or someone else to being incompetent or unimportant. PTSD, anxiety, or trauma that must be managed because it's too difficult to overcome. Awareness of yourself or others losing their minds. Fear that psychological problems can never be fixed. Highly stressful situation in your life that you are attempting to manage.

To dream of being treated by a doctor in an asylum may represent a difficulty changing unhealthy habits or beliefs. Feelings about the difficulty of finding medical assistance that can reverse trauma or psychological problems. Attempts to manage trauma or dangerously nonsensical behavior.

To dream of escaping an asylum may represent feelings about a second chance or a new lease on life by abandoning managing the irrationality of a situation. You may have thought up a way to regain respect or restore your reputation. Abandoning people you think are too "crazy" to put up with anymore.

Example: A man dreamed of being in an American insane asylum. In waking he had PTSD and so did his younger son who has recently survived accidentally almost dying at the hands of an older son. The father felt it was impossible to reverse his son's trauma.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a lunatic asylum with her brain needing to be cut into pieces. In waking life she was enduring being separated from her husband and expecting property divisions. She couldn't fix the situation with her husband no matter what she did. The asylum in this case may have reflected her feelings about how irrational her life felt having to live a new life separated from her husband with some people she knew possibly not believing her side of the story about the separation.

Example 3: A man dreamed of going back and forth between an insane asylum and a dungeon. In waking life he was a medical intern trying to pass a medical board certification test by proving himself competent.

*Please See Mental Hospital


To dream of an attic represents things you think that you don't respect or intentionally neglect. Anything or anyone in the attic symbolizes what it is that you don't respect. An "out of sight otu of mind" attitude about something in your life.

Negatively, an attic may be a sign that you are intentionally neglecting something or someone until it serves you. Taking a risk disregarding something important

To dream of yourself being in an attic may reflect waking life situations were you are intentionally and needlessly isolating yourself from people. Feeling intentionally neglected or that people don't think you are important. Accepting yourself as someone who never needs to matter.

Example: A man dreamed of a man being inside his attic. In waking life he had a demanding boss whom he regularly lied to and spoke ill of behind his back.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being in an attic looking at birdhouses. In waking life he was living with his parents to save money while looking for a way to attract people to his skills to get opportunities. In this case the attic may have reflected his feelings about intentionally neglecting to help pay any of this parents bills while he lived with them.


To dream of going out a backdoor represents confronting problems that you don't want to think about. You may be facing a negative situation that is unpleasant to notice.

To dream of coming in the back door represents a conclusion to a problem or negative situation. You have finally decided to do something about a problem. If you see a criminal or person you have negative feelings about walking in a backdoor it may reflect fear or embarrassment that is becoming common place for you.

To dream of hearing knocking on the backdoor represents a conclusion to a problem or negative situation that you don't want to think about. A problem may be forcing you to deal with it.

*Please See Door



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