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To dream of a backyard represents issues or situations that you don't like thinking about. Something you don't like noticing or seeing in yourself. Things you don't want to confront, don't want to deal with, or make you upset when you have to think about them.

Backyards in dreams may also reflect issues you want to keep hidden from people or jealousy of having to deal with an embarrassing issue. Irritation or prolonged trouble.

Example: A man dreamed of standing in his backyard. In waking life he was embarrassed to be witnessed by other people as single person with no girlfriend or wife.


To dream of a balcony represents a mindset that is elevated, intelligent, and safely removed. Noticing every single thing happening in a situation with a broader view and detached view. Feeling safe from your perspective and that other people can't see a situation from your vantage point. An intelligent understanding of why everyone else's lives are working while you don't have to discuss it. Being objective about a situation, and having intellectual control. You are aware, see things for what they are, and have a good understanding of what is happening around you. Seeing yourself as a better person from a higher perspective.

Negatively, dreaming about a balcony may reflect a mindset that believes it's better than other people and doesn't have to talk about it. Confidence that you see yourself and in higher standing that's safe about never needing to discuss it. Feeling safe from your perspective that doesn't have to deal with people that worse off than you. An intelligent understanding of why everyone else's lives are working while you are safe from having to say why you life isn't working. Awareness that someone is ripping you off while you don't do anything about it.

To dream of a church balcony may be a sign that you see yourself as safely and objectively elevated with God above others. Are you too concerned with believing God protects you more than other people because your life is better than other people at church?

Example: A divorced mother dreamed of sitting on a balcony with her son above a large goat. In waking life the woman was protective of her son after he experienced abuse at his father's home. The son was adamant that the abuse was real and the dreamer believed him. In this case the balcony may have reflected the woman's feelings about a higher perspective about her former husband being a dangerous abuser and keeping her son safely removed him. She may have felt she was a wiser, safer, better parent from experience.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of someone knocking on her balcony door whispering her name, but then the whispering stopped and she fell asleep. In waking life the woman worked for someone who hadn't paid her in 3 months while she felt completely dependent on them while also living with them. In this case the balcony door being knocked on while a voice whispers may reflect her own inner voice trying to wake her up to seeing a more elevated intelligent safer view of her employer ripping her off for her payments.

Example 3: A middle aged female church minister dreamed of saving a baby and returning it to a woman on the balcony of a house who didn't seem very concerned by it. In waking life she was seeking God's insight as to how to direct her ministry. In this case the balcony may have reflected her feelings about a person in her church who already had an elevated view of themselves as being a wiser, safer, person of faith more than other people.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of standing on a church choir balcony and hiding. The brother of her first love asked her to leave the church. In waking life she was experiencing a divorce. In this case hiding on the church choir balcony may have reflected her feelings of being embarrassed to feel good in church or with her faith. She may have been unable to feel elevated, intelligent, or safe with her faith noticing that people saw it.


To dream of a banister represents feelings about how easily a situation is progressing. Feeling carried or supported to the next stage of a situation. Feeling that all you need is readily provided as you need it as you move forward.


To dream of being at a bar represents feelings that it's safe or permissible to enjoy yourself without restraint. A wish for a light-heated experience or to give yourself permission to temporarily forget about your problems. A wish for enjoyable social interaction. Feeling that it's safe or permissible to go overboard in some manner. Areas of your life that you consciously obsessed with or passionate about. Going out of your way to enjoy doing something a lot, possibly to the point of excess. It may also reflect topics that you like discussing in great detail or for long periods of time.

Negatively, a bar may reflect issues with needing to appear to be having a good time to other people. Issues with needing to be accepted for who you are with your flaws. Being too involved with activities that you are addicted to. Insecurity that makes you feel you need permission to enjoy yourself. A casual attitude about excessive behavior that you feel doesn't need to be changed. Excessive behavior that you feel you never need to explain. Problems accepting the need to be more serious about a problem or important life situation. Difficulty letting go of leisure time or social activity.

Example: A young man dreamed of wanting to go to a bar. In waking life he was undergoing psychiatric treatment and believed that due to some improvements he had made he wanted to get out of the mental hospital and be more social. The bar in this case may have reflected the dreamer's wish to give themselves permission to socially interact with others as a way to forget about his mental health issues.


To dream of a barn represents feelings about your ability to be resourceful with new ideas or creativity. Your personal cache of ideas, talents, or abilities. Feelings about "other things" you do or could do apart from normal life. The second side or hidden side of your private life that keeps you looking interesting or productive. Drawing from your background, past experiences, or originality.

Negatively, a barn may reflect feelings of interrupting the status quo or stopping your current level of happiness with the way things are. Not liking new ideas or having to get creative for new situations. Issues with situations that you feel are way they are supposed to be. Feeling that you have everything you need or that there is no need to change.

Example: A girl dreamed of her abusive ex-boyfriend meeting her inside a barn. In real life she was very happy with her new life in a new town away from her ex, but still having conflicting feelings about her old life with him. The barn reflected her new life projecting a sense of having moved on from her ex and not needing him because she had her own ideas. The barn was her store of "other ideas" and her second life of friends and family that allowed her to move on from her ex if she wanted to.

Example 2: A young boy had a recurring dream for years that would occur a week before Halloween about pumpkins being inside a barn, and then having a hellish time getting out of the barn. In real life he didn't like Halloween and didn't like having to go along with everyone else who did. The barn he couldn't escape reflected the status quo mentality of friends and family around Halloween time the felt felt forced into joining.

Example 3: An older woman dreamed of seeing a new barn being built. In waking life she was always trying new things and trying to keep learning. The new barn reflected her developing sense of personal experience and originality she could draw from with other people.


To dream of army or military barracks represents a mindset that is focused on never being lazy while trying hard to keep a situation the same. Trying hard to stay on top of things. A concerted effort to stay organized or be ready. Always being proactive or ready just in case.

Negatively, you may be too concerned with avoiding change or staying on top of a situation. You may be experiencing a restrictive situation. It may also reflect anxiety about appearing lazy.


To dream of a basement represents your deepest darkest thoughts, emotions, and memories. A basement points to problems that you don't want to deal with or issues that may be very uncomfortable thinking about. A situation or memory that is so negative that you can't forget it or think about anything else.

Alternatively, a basement may reflect the worsening of a problem or trouble that you are overwhelmed by.

A basement is a sign that you may have unresolved issues, or problems that the ego may not allow you to explore without assistance.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his father fall down the basement stairs. In waking life his father had a health problem that suddenly took a big turn for the worse.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a girl he liked from high school in his basement. In waking life he was thinking about how he embarrassed himself with her. Something he had a lot of difficulty forgetting.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing himself going into his father's basement and then coming back up another pair of stairs into a much nicer house. In waking life he was having serious financial problems with his business and was considering killing himself before being surprised when his business picked up again.


To dream of a bathroom represents a cleansing process. Confronting issues, negative emotions, or negative life situations.

To dream of dirty bathroom represents difficulties during a cleansing process. A sign that more effort is needed to confront mental and emotional problems or that a current situation is unsupportive of progress.

To dream of cleaning a bathroom represents your attempt to make facing problems easier for yourself. Getting rid of distractions or difficulties that may get in your way as your try to improve yourself.

To dream of not being able to find the bathroom or make it on time represents distractions, pressures, or postponing your own wishes for too long. You're unable to get rid of a problem.

*Please See Toilets

*Please See Urinal

*Please See Public Bathroom


To dream of a bathtub represents a positive or comfortable mindset as you get rid of problems. Feeling good or enjoying yourself as negativity or conflict is dealt with. Feeling good about situations where you are effectively controlling problems. Effectively managing emotions.

Alternatively a bathtub may reflect self-reflection over issues or problems you have as they are being cleansed from your life.

To dream of seeing a bathtub where the water turns red may reflect a relaxed attitude towards problem solving that has turned emotionally dangerous. Feeling that you may have made a problem worse by being too casual about confronting it.

Example: A woman dreamed of having her bathtub ripped out of her house. In waking life she had just had knee surgery and found doing chores or taking personal time for herself to be extremely difficult since she couldn't bend over.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a bathtub with water that suddenly turned all red. In waking life she was feeling good having finished dealing with a problem in her life when suddenly her menstrual period started.

*Please See Shower


To dream of a bedroom represents private thoughts, or issues that you don't feel comfortable discussing with other people. It's often pointing to sexual issues, personal problems, or things you find embarrassing. Relationship issues.

To dream of your bedroom door opening may represent a willingness to discuss to deal with private issues. A bedroom door closing may represent you decision to keep certain issues private or no longer discuss something openly.

To dream of looking out your bedroom window represents your perception of the future on personal or private matters. What's coming later in regards to your relationships or secrets.

To dream of cleaning your bedroom may represent your choice to be more conservative or objective about a personal or private matter. Alternatively, it may reflect how you are getting your personal or private matters in order. You may have been overwhelmed by a personal problem.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the ceiling and walls in his bedroom cracking. He feared the ceiling falling on him. In waking life he had recently broke up with a long time partner and feared never being good enough to fall in love like that again. In this case the bedroom may have reflected a private and intimate aspect of the dreamer's life or self. The cracking ceiling and walls may symbolize the dreamer's fear of the instability and uncertainty of his emotional and personal life following the breakup.

Example 2: A young boy dreamed of seeing his cat staring at him like it was evil on the foot of his bed. In waking life he didn't like having to put up with the cat attacking him and felt that the cat was mean . He may have had issues with keeping the cats assaults to himself or privately choosing to not tell his parents about the cat's behavior.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in his bedroom sitting down looking towards the bedroom door. Suddenly, a former friend he didn't like came into the bedroom and he started insulting the former friend until the former friend left uncomfortably. In waking life, the dreamer had privately held negative thoughts about the former friend but had not expressed them until an opportunity arose where he could perfectly express his lack of respect to the former friend without being seen or heard by others. The bedroom in this case represents the dreamer's private thoughts and feelings about the former friend that had not been revealed to others yet.

Example 4: A man dreamed of his parents invading his bedroom. In waking life he had revealed very personal secrets to his family and his parents found out. In this case the bedroom with the parents invading may have reflected a feeling of invasion of privacy and personal space by the dreamer's parents.


To dream of a bed represents an issue you are not interesting in doing anything about. Situations you have chosen to accept, live with, or do nothing about. Making the choice to metaphorically "sleep on it."

Sitting on a bed may be a sign that you are thinking about taking action with a situation you have accepted for too long. It may also reflect hesitance or fear of standing up to a problem.

To dream of an unmade bed may reflect indecision or unfinished progress. A made bed may reflect a final decision or a conclusion to an issue you've done something about. Feeling content that nothing else needs to be done with an issue.

To get out of bed symbolizes an effort to fix a problem, or make a change.

If you are waking up in a different and/or unknown bed it may reflect a new awareness of yourself. It could also reflect motivation to deal with issues in ways you've never thought of before.

If you find yourself sitting in someone else's bed then it represents inaction, or acceptance of an issue through a perspective based on whatever qualities stand out the most about that person.

Having sex in a bed symbolizes a positive or enjoyable experience you are having and don't want to change.

To dream of being forced onto a bed or feeling held down on a bed may reflect feelings about wanting to a make a change in your life, but feeling that something stops you.

To dream of two people in bed together without sex symbolizes two aspects of your personality that are inactive or not doing anything about an issue. Ask yourself what qualities or feelings about the people stand out the most and how those qualities may apply to waking life situations where you are comfortable keeping a situation as it is or feel comfortable not doing anything about a problem.

To dream of having no bed represents feelings about lacking an ability to keep a situation secure or stable. No way to rest on an issue or permanently be at ease.

Example: A young boy dreamed of pushed down on his bed and being unable to breathe. In waking life he felt forced to experience his father being abusive to his father with no way to stop it. He felt powerless to speak up and forced to accept the abusive situation.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a girl he knew sitting on a bed. In waking life he felt that the girl was unintelligent and could never leave home while the girl's parents never choose to responsibility encourage her to grown up. The bed in this case may have reflected his feelings about how the girl was choosing to waste her life accepting herself living at home.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being afraid as she was stuck to her bed unable to get off her bed. In waking life she was unable to find a new job and feared that she would be stuck living at home for the rest of her life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of sitting in bed with a strange woman sitting between her and her husband. In waking life she was aware of a problem she had accepted as never being confronted and hadn't made enough effort to deal with.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of herself and others in bed and then suddenly being shot to death by someone. In waking life she was very worried about hurricane preparation not being completed by other people while a hurricane was forming.

Example 6: A young woman dreamed of being in a bedroom with two single beds, which seemed strange to her. In waking life, she was experiencing her boyfriend of four years being unusually upset with her, and she suspected he might be considering leaving her. The two single beds may have represented her feelings about both her and her boyfriend feeling separated in their personal and sex lives, and having to accept it that way.

*Please See Mattress


To dream of seeing blinds represents discretion being used in revealing information or the truth. Choosing how much you want others knowing. You or someone else that is controlling what others are allowed to notice.

Negatively, blinds may represent insecurity or jealousy about letting others notice your flaws or weaknesses. Only letting other people notice the good stuff.

*Please See Curtains


To dream of a boutique represents feelings about personal choices related to your identity that are protective of feelings of exclusivity, quality, uniqueness, refinement, and individuality. Feelings about high-quality special options or choices that other people don't have. Feelings about owning something that is out of reach for most people. Choices that make you look good being original or exclusive about respecting yourself. Your thoughts about the value of uniqueness, personal expression, and the careful selection of what you incorporate into your life. The importance you place on personal style, selective tastes, or the pursuit of distinct experiences. Your thoughts about the importance of standing out from the crowd and expressing your distinct identity. A desire for personalized experiences tailored to your specific tastes and preferences. Your desire to treat yourself or others with special care and attention. Struggling to find a balance between your desire to be unique and your desire to conform to societal expectations.

Positively, dreaming about a boutique may represent your appreciation for high-quality options and the value you place on maintaining a sense of individuality. It reflects your conscious choice to honor your distinct identity and adhere to selective tastes, making you feel special and refined. You may take pride in the exclusivity of your choices and the unique path you've chosen in life.

Negatively, dreaming about a boutique may represent feelings of being overly selective or exclusive to the point that it doesn't help you. A resistance to mainstream or mass-produced ideas, choices, or experiences. You may be struggling with a desire to distance yourself from common or ordinary things, possibly leading to isolation or elitism. Feelings about spending too much money. A tendency to make impulsive or extravagant purchases. A need to find a balance between your desire for luxury and her financial reality.

Alternatively, dreams about a boutique may reflect feelings about paying too much for clothing and regretting it afterward.

Boutique symbolism may be common to people having or attending a wedding.

Example: A woman dreamed of trying to dissuade her friend from trying to set up a boutique in New York. She felt that the boutique wouldn't survive the economy if she stuck with her plan to sell brownies and baked goods. In waking life, she was very focused on buying a wedding dress, her baby, and shopping the day after Valentine's Day. In this case, the boutique may have reflected her concerns about her wedding plans being too expensive for her guests to afford attending with current economic conditions.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of ordering a shirt from a boutique whose owner she knew in real life. The store sent her $1000 in clothes that she didn't really want. In waking life, she did order a shirt from a friend who owned a clothing store and felt that the purchase was a little bit expensive. In this case, the dream may be more literal as it mirrors her waking life regret of spending too much money at her friend's store.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of trying on a wedding dress in a boutique. In waking life, she was discussing changing her last name with her boyfriend. She felt that changing her last name would be a great way to leave everything behind associated with her last name and past behind. In this case, the boutique may have reflected her desire for a fresh start and a new identity with a sense of relationship exclusivity using her boyfriend's last name. She was playing with the idea of taking her boyfriend's last name like it an exclusive personal choice that only getting married could provide.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of shopping at a boutique and purchasing a pair of boots. After she bought them she wasn't sure how much they cost and found out that they cost $900. In waking life, she had spent too much money on her budget for the month. In this case, the boutique may have reflected the woman's recognition of overindulging in impulsive or extravagant purchases, and the high cost of the boots could represent the financial consequences of these behaviors.


To dream of bricks represents solidarity or endurance with the basic building blocks or fundamental components of a situation, relationship, or project. The core elements of a problem or solution, and the sense of stability, strength, resilience, and permanence that these components offer. Feelings about something being meant to last. The groundwork or foundational aspects of a permanent outlook on life.

Negatively, dreaming about bricks could represent feelings of burden, pressure, or the weight of responsibilities. Feeling stuck, hindered, or limited by foundational issues or structural problems. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task at hand or the painstaking effort required to build or break down something substantial.

To dream of a brick house represents a perspective on a situation that is secure, unwavering, or confident. A perspective about a situation being solid, dependable, and resistant to change. A state of mind or a situation in your waking life that is established and unlikely to change, which can be either comforting or stifling depending on the context. An outlook on life that is secure in why it can't be canceled easily. A sense of security, protection, and resilience. A state of affairs that you perceive to be firmly established, reliable, and difficult to tear down. Family life security that is unwavering. Negatively, a brick house may represent a mindset that is too fixed or stubborn, resisting necessary change or adaptation.

To dream of a brick wall represents feelings about encountering a seemingly insurmountable obstacle or barrier. Your perception of a challenge or difficulty that seems hard to overcome or resistant to change. Barriers or restrictions in your path that prevent you from moving forward or achieving your goals. Feeling that there is nothing else left to do except stop. A secure, unwavering, or confident obstacle that isn't allowing you to continue. People, a force, or rules that solidly stand against you. A warning symbol for a major change is coming up in your life and you don't see it.

Negatively, dreaming about a brick wall could represent feelings of frustration, impasse, or limitation. It might symbolize a sense of helplessness or defeat in the face of an immovable obstacle. Perhaps you feel stuck, blocked, or thwarted in your efforts to progress in some aspect of your waking life. It might also signify rigid or unyielding boundaries, possibly indicating a relationship or situation that feels confining or restrictive. Feelings about some part of your life that absolutely must stop or you will experience "pain" or serious consequences. Feelings about not doing anything else for the rest of your life with the way you are because you have no choice other than to change.

Example: A woman dreamed of a truck carrying a load of bricks that was beginning to spill the bricks. In waking life, she was having trouble paying her mortgage. In this case, the bricks falling off the truck may have reflected her feelings about the foundational stability and security of her home life starting to crumble or become unstable due to her financial difficulties. She may have felt that every last dollar counts in order to pay her mortgage where each brick lost represents money lost that could have been used towards the security of her mortgage being completely paid off.

Example 2: A man dreamed of standing in front of a white brick wall. In waking life, he confronted the first day of the most powerful spiritual challenge of his life. In this case, the white brick wall may have reflected his feelings about the magnitude of the challenge that wouldn't let him progress without it. It was a call to absolute honesty and integrity because he had to change all his bad habits for the rest of his life without exception.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a teenage girl outside a brick home before being hit by a truck. In waking life, the woman was frustrated with her teenage daughter choosing to move out. In this case, the daughter being outside a brick home may have reflected her feelings about her daughter's decision to leave home unintelligently giving up unwavering family security.


Bugs and insects in dreams are almost always hinting at people or situations that really annoy you. Irritations. Situations that annoy you that you have to put up with them. The dominant characteristics of the bugs in your dream are usually reflect what type of situation or behavior that annoys you.

Dreams with bugs or insects infesting the home commonly appear when a person has physical health issues. Waking state aggravation or infection. If the dreams are recurring it may be a sign that you should get a checkup or see a doctor.

Bugs dreams can point to health problems, people doing irritating things near you, inconsiderate remarks, or bad memories.

Example: A woman dreamed of her home being overrun by bugs. In waking life she had been diagnosed with fibromylagia. The bugs reflected her constant state of annoyance with being unable to do anything she wanted because we always always so tired or depressed.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being stung by a black bug. In waking life she had some annoying pain in her hand after having recovered from a serious injury.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of having bugs crawling on her. In waking life she was experiencing a lot of annoyances related to living with her pregnancy.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of bugs being all over her mother-in-law's floor. In waking life she was experiencing repeat situations with her mother-in-law saying things to her that she found annoying.

Refer to the themes section for bugs for a more in depth look at bug symbolism.



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