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To dream of a building represents a perspective on a situation. How you view a situation. Consider the purpose or design of the building for further meaning.

The levels of the floors of the building may use dream numerology to reflect your mental state or intentions. For example, a 5th floor may reflect situations where change is occurring and the 9th floor may reflect an ending of some kind. Higher floors may represent higher levels of understanding and lower floors may reflect lower levels of understanding, stress, or fear.

To dream of jumping off a building represents a choice being made in waking life to never think in a certain way ever again. Purposely abandoning a view or idea.

To dream of falling off a building represents mistakes or accidents that have forced you to change the way you think or look at a situation. Losing control. An unstoppable reduced sense of achievement or consciousness.

To dream of a building that is damaged or in ruins represents an outlook or perspective on a situation that isn't as strong or confident as it used to be. Significant changes may be occurring in your life. Feeling that you can never go back to your old ways. It may also reflect damage to your confidence or self-image. Feelings that change is necessary.

To dream of a building collapsing represents feeling that a situation in your life is coming to an end on it's own. A situation is "falling apart." An unstoppable loss. It may also reflect feelings about the ending of a situation being inevitable. Shocking disappointment.

Example: A man dreamed of being driven up the side of a building. In waking life he was in therapy and was being made to discuss a problematic outlook on life he had.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a building that was collapsing. In waking life she had a terrible altercation with a family member that made her feel like all of her family life was impossibly ruined.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing an incomplete building. In waking life she felt she never had enough money to complete her goals in life.

*Please See Apartment Building

Bunk Beds

To dream of bunk beds represents inaction on an issue from multiple perspectives or having more than one reason not to change how you think. It may also mean that you have two issues that you are simultaneously avoiding changing.

Alternatively, bunk beds may reflect you and someone else that are both unwilling to change. Facing a similar issue as someone else at the same time. Negatively, it may reflect shared fears, guilt, jealousy, or laziness.


*Please See Bomb Shelter


To dream of a wood cabin represents a wish to be alone or to do something by yourself. You may need your privacy or don't feel like talking to anybody.

Example: A woman dreamed being inside a cabin. In waking life they were spending a lot of time alone writing a book.

Example 2: A man dreamed of driving out to a cabin and being offered drugs before deciding to leave to avoid doing the drugs. In waking life the man a recovered drug addict in school to be a drug counselor. He was feeling temptation to abandon school and do drugs again, but decided to return to school. The cabin reflected his wish to be alone and do drugs.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in a cabin. In waking life she had taken time off work to be pregnant at home.


To dream of a castle represents your perspective on a situation where you are aware of yourself being most the powerful or the most influential. Feelings about yourself others being too strong to lose. You can always have your way, people listen to you the most, or you have a lot of control. Believing yourself to be too important to listen to other people's concerns or ideas.

A castle may reflect a high level of personal achievement, power, or recognition. Feeling that you are the most important person in a situation or the center of attention.

Positively, dreaming of a castle may reflect feelings of being too powerful to be submissive or passive. Resisting someone attacking you, criticism you, or trying to control you. Total confidence that you are powerful winner.

Negatively, dreaming of a castle may reflect arrogance that demands only the biggest or best. Exploiting power or control. Corruption with total power. Feelings about yourself or others thinking they are too important to listen to others. Monopolizing all the power or attention. Demanding "royal treatment." Arrogantly believing that you are perfect in every single way. Looking down on others.

Alternatively, from a negative perspective a castle may reflect a false or naive perception of yourself being too powerful or resourceful. Being too defensive. Isolating yourself with power or being too introverted. Strong interior barriers. Anxiety about someone else having to be totally respected. A fear of upsetting a customer.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a castle. In waking life she was recovering in the hospital and felt that all her friends and family were giving her "royal treatment" while she recovered.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being inside someone else's castle. In waking life he was annoyed by family members whom he thought were too controlling and domineering.

Example 3: A young girl dreamed of being led out of a castle by a friend. In waking life the dreamer realized that she was too introverted and defensive about it. A friend helped to tone down her defensive nature.

Example 4: A wealthy woman dreamed of being imprisoned inside a castle. Shortly after the dreamed occurred she contracted the "sleeping sickness" and her entire life was ruined. The castle symbolism in this case may have reflected her confident feelings about herself being trapped with her illness while being a wealthy person that no doctor could help as her illness progressed.

*Please See Fortress


To dream of a ceiling represents your feelings about a limitation you have in attaining a goal, insight, or achievement. "How high the bar has been set." Higher ceilings may reflect a sense of limitations being distant or that there is a lot that can be done. Lower ceilings may reflect awareness of limitations being clear and present.

Positively, a ceiling may reflect how comfortable you feel experiencing a situation where nothing can stop you or that clear limits have been established.

Negatively, a ceiling may represent feelings that you can't progress any further.

To dream of being on the ceiling and looking down at yourself symbolizes feelings of having reached a limit psychologically or spiritually. You may be aware of yourself being unable to improve yourself in some way.

To dream of a crack in the ceiling represents discomfort that a secure boundary is not as secure as you thought. Positively, it may reflect a new opportunity to make progress that is slowly revealing itself

To dream of a ceiling falling down or caving in represents feelings that an entire situation must change. Inevitable or unstoppable change.

To dream of water dripping from the ceiling represents feelings of uncertainty or anxiety about the future. Feelings that a problem in your life is slowly getting worse and can't be avoided any longer. It may also reflect an unpleasant truth or inevitability slowly surfacing.

To dream of a ceiling getting lower represents feelings about limitations getting worse or being closed off in some manner.


To dream of a storage cellar represents ideas or situations that you are saving for a special occasion or moment.

*Please See Basement


To dream of a chimney represents feeling good or enjoying yourself without having to notice problems. A situation where all that you don't like is easily dealt with. Pleasure, entertainment, or enjoying one's self "without a hitch." Not bothering yourself with the hassles of maintenance or upkeep. Comfort knowing that what you like is always working.

A chimney may also reflect enjoying power that is unchallenged or never embarrassed. Never caring about what you don't like at all.

Alternatively, a chimney may reflect you or someone else being viewed by others as comfortable with power. The projection of your dignity and status to others.

Negatively, a chimney may reflect enemies you feel "have it all" or feel good knowing they can't be stopped.

To dream of a blocked chimney represents delays or problems that keep ruining your ability to enjoy yourself. You can't sit back and relax. The inability to effortlessly notice yourself with respect, power, or dignity.


To dream of cleaning anything represents negativity you are removing from some area of your life. Self-improvement, overcoming obstacles, or improving a relationship. Making progress or moving forward. Cleaning may also reflect old problems or faulty relationships you have found solutions for. Giving up bad habits or finally telling the truth.

*Please See Housework


To dream of a closet represents things about yourself that you hide because you don't want anyone else to know about them, or because you are not comfortable accepting them in yourself. Area of your life that you choose to put away. Difficult issues you don't fell comfortable discussing.

Negatively, a closet may reflect problems with honesty or repressing yourself. Putting off revealing the truth because it's too embarrassing.

Alternatively, a closet may reflect problems or fears that you believe are waiting for you.

To dream of putting something in your closet may reflect a wish to hide something about yourself or avoid embarrassment. Intentionally keeping something about yourself a secret.

To clean a closet symbolizes becoming more comfortable with who you are. Being more accepting of your own past or aspects of your own personality that you may not have previously been very comfortable with.

To dream of a monster in a closet may reflect concerns about a dangerous or unfair aspect of your life that you want to keep hidden. A part of life that you feel is terrible and scary if acknowledged.

Example: A young boy had recurring nightmares about a lawnmower coming out of his closet to get him. In waking life he had his toes and foot cut off by a lawnmower. The dream may have reflected his fear of the lawnmower waiting to hurt him again if he ever took it out of the garage again.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being inside a closet. In waking life she was pregnant and had anxiety about having to tell anyone about it.


To dream of a condominium represents a professional or experienced attitude about putting up with other people in your everyday life. A professional or experienced attitude about putting up with problems while living your life normal. Feeling pressure to avoid danger, angering others, or respect others while trying to live normally. Excepting that other people deserve to be respected for appearances as much as you do. Feeling pressure to put up with appearances. A responsible attitude about accepting a situation the way it is so that everyone likes it. A noticeably higher about of support and respect between close people to endure a difficult situation with integrity.

Dreams of condos are common to people who feel forced to share living arrangements. Issues related to the stress of living with another person.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a condominium. In waking life her son had moved into her home and she was trying her best to comfortably alter her life to cater to her son needs.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a condo. In waking life she was experiencing a lot of death in her family and felt pressure within her family to respect and support each other more than usual to cope safely.


To dream of something being under construction represents a new perspective on life being formed. You are working towards new phase of your life or finalizing an achievement. Hard work is going towards a goal or long-term project. The slow forming of a new relationship or venture.

New building construction may also reflect a lot of self-improvement you are working on. People may also dream of construction when they are building a new business, trying to lose weight, preparing to retire, or educating themselves.

To dream of reconstructing something that was destroyed may represent your feelings about repairing or restoring some area of your life. Possibly a reflection of bad idea or failed relationships being restored. Risking wasting your time repeating the past.

Example: A man dreamed of construction being done to rebuild a road. In waking life he was trying to help his father rebuild his business, but his father wasn't listening to the advice.


To dream of a cottage represents your perspective on a situation being centered around escaping problems or responsibilities. You are taking a break from your problems or would prefer to not to deal with them right now. Feeling good or enjoying yourself while avoiding doing something that you know may be serious or important. There may be a need for quiet or simplicity during a difficult moment.

*Please See Cabin


To dream of a couch represents total comfort with an issue or situation. You are comfortable, bored, or lazy about something. You may feel that nothing is wrong at all with a particular issue. A comfortable or laid back attitude about a situation you are experiencing. It may also reflect a relaxed attitude about accepting a particular situation as it is.

Negatively, a couch in a dream may be a sign that you are too comfortable with certain beliefs, ideas, or situations you are experiencing. A casually attitude about overlooking a serious or potentially dangerous problem A comfortable attitude about accepting a problem the way it is. Risking your integrity because you feel being proactive or taking action in some way is asking too much of you. So comfortable with an issue or problem that you don't think it's a problem.

To dream of sitting on a couch with another person represents total comfort with some aspect of your personality based on whatever qualities stand out the most about that person. It's common to dream of sitting on a couch with people that you feel are lazy or sleazy as it reflects your awareness of yourself being too casual or laid back with a problem that needs to be addressed.

To sit on a couch with a crush or romantic interest may symbolize a high degree of comfort with sexually desiring that person. A sign that you need to stop daydreaming about them and do something about initiating a real relationship.

Example: A woman dreamed of sitting on a couch with a man she thought was sleazy. In waking life she had an embarrassing lapse of judgement by too casually overlooking a problem that angered her neighbor.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a person whom he felt was a really lazy person whom annoyed him. In waking life he was being pressured into working an excessive amount of overtime by his boss whom was making him feel like he was lazy if it didn't want to work too much.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her friend keeping her deceased mother on a sofa while not expressing her feelings to the friend. The couch in this case may have reflected her feelings about the friend being so comfortable with discussing her dead mother or being depressed about it as though it wasn't a problem that it was starting to bother the dreamer.

Example 4: Albert Hoffmann, Ph.D (inventor of LSD), experienced a waking vision in which he saw himself dead on a couch. In his waking life, he had accidentally taken LSD for the first time, which overwhelmed him and led him to question whether he had damaged his brain from an overdose. In this case, the couch may have symbolized his comfort in not revealing his accidental overdose at work due to experimenting with drugs. His lifeless body represented his temporary belief that he had died or ruined his life, while simultaneously feeling comfortable with the decision to keep his LSD intoxication a secret by choosing to go home.

*Please See Living Room


To dream of a deck represents your enjoyment of success. Freely using power or doing whatever you want. Feeling good noticing things you want happening easily.

*Please See Balcony



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