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To dream of a tower represents a high standard of achievement. Not wanting anything less for yourself. Feelings of superiority. Alternatively, a tower may reflect an achievement of someone else that is being admired or looked up to. Thinking highly of someone else.

Negatively, a tower may reflect jealousy or insecurity about someone else's achievements. It may also be a sign that you think too highly of yourself.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing monks at the top of a tower. In waking life she was very focused on her weight and maintaining the physique she had worked very hard to achieve by keeping away from junk food.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her 28 year-old daughter standing in a tower with fluttering doves inside it with her. In waking life her daughter had suffered from a disorder that out her in a coma. The tower in this case may have reflected her feelings about how important she felt her daughter's life was during the medical crisis.

*Please See Skyscraper

Train Station

To dream of a train station represents feelings about transitional moments in your life, where you are waiting for something significant to happen or preparing to embark on a new journey. A time in your life that feels like a hub of activity, connectivity, and change with a goal that takes time to "arrive" at. Thoughts about looking forward to embarking on a new journey, whether it's a job, relationship, or personal endeavor while being aware that it may take a long time to achieve.

To dream of a train station platform represents feelings about confidently waiting for a new opportunity or journey in life to start. Trusting that a new opportunity or different possibility will come if you wait. Feeling ready to seize the right opportunity as soon as it "arrives" in your life.

Negatively, a train station in a dream could indicate feelings of uncertainty, being stuck, or not knowing how long a long-term goal will take to achieve. Annoyance with starting a long-term goal with no idea when it will conclude, how much work it will take to finish, or how many people you will need to talk to to complete it.

Example: A woman dreamed of standing on a train station platform. In waking life, she was searching for a job. In this case, the train station platform may have reflected her sense of anticipation and readiness for new employment as she expected a months-long journey to find the right employment. She was in a transitional phase, much like the platform serves as a transitional space between different journeys. The dream captured her state of preparedness and confidence that a suitable job opportunity would eventually come her way if she continued to search and wait. In essence, the platform represented her own state of readiness to board the 'train' to a new professional destination as soon as it arrived.


To dream of a treehouse represents feelings about a waking life situation or relationship that safely allows you to have feelings of nostalgia, freedom, escape, or independence that ignores your normal life perspective. Playing with an idea or perspective in life that will never be adult or realistic.

Positively, dreaming about a treehouse may represent a refuge from the complexities of daily life, providing comfort, solace, or a special place for personal thoughts, creativity, or memories. A period of self-discovery, learning, personal development, or a conscious choice to isolate one's thoughts or emotions from outside influences. Cherished childhood memories or aspirations, an inventive spirit, or a unique perspective on life.

Negatively, dreaming of a treehouse may represent avoidance or escapism, where you're avoiding reality, responsibilities, problems, or conflicts in your waking life. A reluctance to face reality or a tendency to isolate yourself from others when you should be addressing important issues. Consider whether you are using the treehouse as a means to avoid necessary confrontations or responsibilities. Never being allowed to think of a situation or relationship in a realistic way while enjoying a moment of playing with it in your mind. Enjoying a moment of unrealistic emotional respite while thinking of a secure relationship with an ex-partner during a moment of trouble in a new relationship.

Dreams of treehouses are common to people thinking or communicating with former love interests. This may reveal feelings of playing with forbidden emotions in a "safe" space, separate from your real-life obligations.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of sitting on the front porch of her ex-boyfriend's treehouse while they sat together in silence enjoying each other's company. In waking life, she missed her ex, but was currently experiencing frustrations while being involved in a current relationship. In this case, the ex-boyfriend's treehouse may have reflected her state of mind allowing her to feel comforted by her past relationship while ignoring the complexities or frustrations of her current one. Thinking about her ex-boyfriend became a mental and emotional retreat where she could reconnect with the positive feelings she used to have, providing a temporary escape from her present relationship challenges. The treehouse symbolized a nostalgic space where the past relationship was idealized, offering emotional solace and a sense of freedom from her current dissatisfaction.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of looking out a window across a lake to see a tree with a big treehouse on it. In waking life, she was thinking about summertime life at the lake being left behind as school started. The lake was a place where she and her friends hung out every summer. In this case, the treehouse may have reflected her desire to escape from the responsibilities of school and her day-to-day life, longing for the carefree and fun-filled days she enjoyed at the lake with her friends. It represented a form of escapism and nostalgia for a simpler and more enjoyable time in her life.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a treehouse and seeing a former love interest in a black bikini. She chased her. In waking life, the former love interest had sent him a text on his cellphone. They were both now happily married to other people. In this case, the treehouse may have reflected his subconscious desire to escape from the realities of his current life and indulge in romantic fantasies about his former love interest. It symbolized a mental and emotional retreat into the past, away from the commitments and responsibilities of his current relationships.


To dream of a urinal represents a disorderly attempt to relieve yourself of problem or situation. You may have found a way to solve a problem, but it's sloppy or unpleasant. Not caring about anything except dealing with your problem. A urinal may reflect desperation or low standards in resolving conflict.

To dream of pooping in a urinal represents a attempt to relieve yourself of a problem that places the burden on someone else.

*Please See Public Bathroom

Value Village

To dream of being at Value Village represents an experienced decision or feeling that anything at all might help you if you aren't picky. Feeling supportiveness that intelligently never wants you to even believe you are wasting time or money if you aren't thinking you are better than others. Intelligently waiting for the possibility to fix your problem or save resources while not showing off or believing you are better than others. Situations feel obsessed with something different happening all the time that might help you if you don't care about what you want. Everyday waiting for anything at all to fix a problem because it's smart. Everyday trying to fix a problem that will eventually lead to something happening without a high personal cost if you keep believing in it. Supportiveness that isn't attractive about responsibly giving you something helpful all the time.

Feelings of supportiveness that obsesses with new options if you keep close to it and are never picky. Feelings of supportiveness that is obsessed with something different happening all the time if you don't care about what you want that occassionally surprises you something awesome.

Negatively, dreaming of Value Village may reflect feelings about nothing else impressive is happening in your life so you feel good taking a chance to see what could happen. Feeling good that nobody has laughed at you trying to fix a problem, but you don't want to waste any more time with it. Not feeling embarrassed with an underhanded or low standard situation that never stops trying to help you reduces personal costs or fix a problem.

Dream of Value Village may be common to people who don't like a situation not working while hoping for anything at all with a humble carefree attitude.

Example: A man dreamed of being in Value Village. In waking life he choose to except a problem he had as unimportant for appearances and noticed someone worried and helped him with a perfect solution after waiting a feew weeks.

*Please See Thrift Store


To dream of wallpaper represents feelings about the unique boundaries or underlying aspects of a situation that set a specific mood or tone that's more original than typical situations. A particularity of feelings of a situation or set of boundaries that's unique. A situation has been intentionally designed to feel original or unique all the time. Unique underlying attitudes, beliefs, or situations that subtly influence your decisions and the way you perceive the world around you. Your thoughts about a unique atmosphere or setting in which you find yourself, or how uniquely chosen background influences can shape your experiences and behavior. Choosing a situation or area of your life to feel very specific about boundaries or limits. A distinctive situation that aligns with personal preferences, values, or beliefs.

Positively, dreaming about wallpaper may represent comfort, stability, and a unique sense of identity provided by boundaries that are different than normal situations. Underlying boundaries and rules that set a specific mood or tone that's more original than normal situations. A personal choice to create a situation that reflects your tastes, beliefs, or values, giving you a sense of belonging or individuality. Comfort with being different. Being original about how you protect yourself from people.

Negatively, dreaming about wallpaper may represent feelings of being trapped or limited by a unique set of boundaries or underlying attitudes and beliefs that shape a situation. A desire for change or a feeling of being stuck in a unique situation due to the prevailing mood or atmosphere. Perhaps you feel constrained by a unique or original set of boundaries in your life or you might be struggling with the need to change or refresh a situation to better align with your personal values or goals.

To dream of old wallpaper peeling off the wall may represent feelings about unique boundaries or a unique sense of identity becoming outdated or worn out. Feelings about the process of shedding old identities, beliefs, or situations that no longer serve your current life circumstances. Feeling that being original about being the way you are has to change. Aspects of your life or personality that you once found comforting or defining are now feeling obsolete or irrelevant, prompting a need for renewal or revitalization.

Consider the image of the wallpaper for additional insight into what kind of unique boundaries you or someone else is experiencing.

To dream of a computer screen background wallpaper may represent feelings about your unique attitude or mood while thinking about a specific task or project. How you perceive or approach your work or responsibilities based on the 'background' thoughts, feelings, or conditions that influence your mindset. The personalization of your mental space, indicating how your personal preferences or states of mind affect your decision-making or perspective on a certain issue. It might be pointing to your desire to customize or tailor your approach to fit your unique way of thinking or feeling.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a wall in his father's house with forest wallpaper on it. In waking life, this man's father was someone who was dead set on keeping him in the dark about any important issues. He preferred to never give his son a straight answer leaving him confused a lot of the time. In this case, the forest wallpaper may have reflected his feelings about the unique and confusing atmosphere his father created in his life. The forest wallpaper symbolizes a sense of being lost or unable to see things clearly due to the intentional vagueness or lack of direct communication from his father.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of seeing her boyfriend with her best friend kissing and having fun while they decided on whether the new wallpaper should be blue or green. He told her how much he loved her. The dreamer became jealous. In waking life, she was having arguments about her boyfriend always being late while having less time to spend with her boyfriend due to attending university. In this case, the wallpaper may have reflected her feelings about the boyfriend seeing the unique boundaries of their relationship with her university enrollment schedule and his personal schedule as a reason to make him cheat on her.


To dream of a wall represents a mental or emotional barrier, limitation, or obstacle to progress. Obstacles or barriers in one's life that are difficult to overcome or resolve. The challenge you face in achieving your goals or overcoming personal issues. If you are trying to climb or break through a wall in your dream, it may suggest that you are actively working to overcome obstacles and find solutions to your limitations. Emotional boundaries you have set up to protect yourself from being hurt or to maintain a certain level of personal space.

To dream of a wall in your house represents your codes of behavior, your belief systems, and attitudes. Things you think and feel that keep you the way you are, or that you're afraid to go outside of. What makes you individual or makes you unique from others. Personal or emotional boundaries as an individual.

Bedroom walls may reflect your private or personal thoughts about your own personality. Often a reflection of a person's secret dislike of themselves in some way or what they are hiding about themselves from other people.

Colors or designs on the wall will help to point out the theme of the obstacle.

To dream of an orange wall represents an obstacle or boundary that feels very powerful, strong, effective, or too important to ignore. The orange color could represent the energy and intensity of the obstacle you are facing.

To dream of a red wall represents a very negative or dangerous obstruction that must be processed. The red wall may also indicate that you need to confront or address certain issues with determination and courage. The red color could represent the urgency of the obstacle you are facing.

To dream of a white wall represents a barrier or obstacle that is perfect about certain behavior not being allowed beyond a current situation. A barrier or obstacle that is mean about requiring perfect purification instead of the progress you expected. The need for a clear and honest approach when dealing with the obstacles you face. Progress is not allowed unless your perfect. Alternatively, a white wall may indicate that you are facing barriers that seem insurmountable with being perfect, but may not be as difficult as they initially appear. Facing a white wall in your dream could encourage you to address an issue with a sense of optimism and perseverance, as well as a focus on maintaining your integrity and values while overcoming the obstacles.

To dream of a glass wall represents a emotional barrier, limitation, or obstacle to progress that is transparent, fragile, or easily shattered. You are aware of the obstacles in your life, yet you might feel unable to break through or overcome them. Feelings of being held back and forced to observe.

To dream of reaching through a wall represents thinking that boundaries or limitations aren't important, don't need to be respected, or pushing passed obstacles. Pushing past obstacles in order to achieve personal growth, establish deeper connections, or reach your goals. Your attempt to try to new ideas or look at problems from different angles. Not letting current views hold you back. A willingness to have a new attitude or belief about a problem that doesn't fear boundaries, rules, or authority.

To dream of driving into a wall represents feelings of hitting a barrier, obstacle, or limitation to progress in your life with your current decision-making style. Progress has come to a sudden stop. Feelings of self-destructiveness or making poor decisions that lead to negative outcomes. Driving into a wall may reflect feelings of impulsive behavior, recklessness, or acting without considering the consequences. A sense of frustration, disappointment, or a need to change course or find a different approach to overcome the challenges in your life.

To dream of a broken wall represents feelings about emotional barriers coming down or obstacles not blocking you anymore. Confronting a problem or feelings about a problem reversing on it's own. Pushing past obstacles. Feeling that nothing can stop you anymore.

Example: A person dreamed of seeing that no apartments in their building had walls. In waking life, they were living in Nazi Germany while the government was slowly eroding privacy rights. In this case, the lack of walls may have reflected their perception of the government's invasive actions that were eroding personal boundaries and leaving people exposed to scrutiny and control.

Example 2: A man had annual recurring waking visions of seeing Hebrew letters on his walls. In waking life, these visions would occur for 6 weeks every year following Yom Kippor. The visions may have reflected his private feelings of disliking his personality being obligated to "think religious" for extended periods of time following the holiday.

Example 3: A young boy dreamed of the walls in his home collapsing and falling apart. In waking life, his parents were getting a divorce and his family life was in ruins. In this case, the walls collapsing and falling apart may have reflected his feelings of instability and the breakdown of the emotional structure in his family, as well as his perception of the once-solid foundations of his home life crumbling before him.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a red walls fall down. In waking life, she was hoping that a work visa and transfer license applications that had been frustrating her would finally end up being processed allowing her work again. In this case, the red walls falling down may have reflected her desire for the removal of the negative or urgent obstacles related to her work visa and transfer license applications, allowing her to regain control over her career and move forward with her professional life.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing a wall breaking down. In waking life, she was contemplating a divorce. In this case, the wall breaking down may have reflected acceptance that the barriers and obstacles within her marriage were crumbling, symbolizing the impending end of her relationship and the opportunity for new beginnings and personal growth.

*Please See Bricks


To dream of a Walmart store represents feeling supported having to behave like a grownup in order to save yourself something or "get by" with something that is good enough. Nothing fantastic or exceptional about normal objective choices to save resources. Feeling that you have to use someone or something more grownup than you in order to save resources or "get by." Choices revolving around needing to use someone for personal savings or "get by" in the current moment. Feelings of perfect confidence that you are supported noticing reduced personal costs if you don't need to feel better than anyone else. Nothing awesome, but confident that your personal costs are less. Respecting yourself noticing you are not better than anyone else to get a reduced personal cost or "get by."

Choices that reduce a personal cost if you feel that you aren't better than anyone else. Feeling that family or friends aren't stupid about why you need them. Having to respect someone else while they are happy to save you time or money. Supportiveness with reduced personal costs that you are happy to accept by not thinking you are too special. Asking parents for help to afford something.

Negatively, dreaming about Walmart may reflect feelings about support or choices that make you uncomfortable that everything offered to you is too easy, not beautiful enough, or too grownup to enjoy. Feeling that saving is mandatory that doesn't feel fantastic. Using people less

To dream of working at a Walmart store represents feelings about being supportive of others saving resources if they respect themselves not thinking they are better than anyone else. Dreaming of Walmart workers may reflect feelings about people whose job you feel it is to teach you something to save resources on your own. The boredom of living with parents or grandparents letting you live with them to save money.

People who work at Walmart may have dreams of Walmart if they are experiencing issues with work or coworkers. Also consider how certain locations inside the building at work feel and how they may mirror waking life situations not related to work.

Example: A 20 year-old woman dreamed of being in a Walmart parking lot. In waking life she was unemployed hoping to get involved in a number of artistic fields. The Walmart parking lot in this case may have reflected her awareness of herself using her family to save money by living with them while simultaneously feeling her future was "parked" or not doing anything exceptional for her future.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of going to Walmart with his crush. In waking life he had moved away from this crush and spend a lot of time thinking about how easy it would be to have her as his girlfriend if he moved back to his old town. Walmart in this case may have reflected his confident feelings about the potential choice to move back home not feeling fantastic, but making it easier to have a romantic experience with the girl instead of meeting someone new. Possibly also a reflection of using family who lived back home with an unexciting return trip to temporarily visit to be with her.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of having a birthday party at Walmart. In waking she had decided to stay home on her birthday because it's cheaper and didn't requiring any planning. Walmart may have reflected her feelings about using her house to have a party feeling less fantastic than other choices such as going out, but it would allow her to save money. Not thinking she is better than other people to save money by celebrating at home with her family.


To dream of a warehouse represents resources, ideas, or goals that are on hold. A warehouse may also reflect your memories.

Alternatively, a warehouse may represent your feeling of having everything you need at your disposal. Your personal storehouse of possibility or potential. Your arsenal or tools to succeed.

To dream of putting something in a warehouse may reflect ideas, plans, or resources you are putting on hold for a later time. It may also reflect your adding of something to your personal or professional tool set.

To dream of an empty warehouse represents depletion of resources, ideas, or tools. You need to replenish your energy or resources. You have nothing left to offer or depend on.

To dream of an abandoned warehouse represents a loss of motivation to be resourceful or educated. You don't care about saving, reading up, or being ready for problems anymore. You've lost interest in something.

To dream of taking something out of a warehouse represents resources or ideas that are being used. You may have decided to restart something. Finally getting to use something you've been saving.

Example: A woman dreamed of putting something in a warehouse. In waking life he was putting off her career until her child was old enough.


*Please See Bathrooms

*Please See Public Bathroom


To dream of a waterbed represents negative situations or uncertainty that you are comfortable with and aren't interested in confronting or discontinuing.

If a waterbed leaks it points to acknowledgment of problems or issues that can't be ignored any longer.


To dream of windows represents feelings about your perspective or outlook on a situation, relationship, or an aspect of your life with a sense of being safely insulated from what is happening. A safe and detached perspective of a situation. The ability to understand what is happening inside or outside a situation with a sense of being safely insulated. Your level of understanding or insight into a situation, and how you are processing your current life experiences. Your perception of reality, your awareness, and your viewpoint with a sense of being safe the way you are. Feelings about yourself or someone else safely understanding what is happening in a situation without having to be involved yourself. A perspective or insight on current events that safely thinks about what happening without having to be involved.

To dream of looking out a window represents insight into what's happening outside your situation while your life stays safe, insulated, or protected the way it is. A wish to observe or understand something without directly getting involved. Staying safely insulated while understanding or thinking about what is happening in a situation. Your curiosity about what is happening outside of your immediate experience or awareness. Your capacity to assess a situation from a safe and detached standpoint, allowing you to make informed decisions or gain insights without exposing yourself to potential risks or emotional involvement. Feeling that you are better at understanding a situation than you were before. Safely noticing something new happening now while having time to think about it.

Negatively, dreaming about looking out a window may represent a perspective or outlook on a situation, relationship, or an aspect of your life with a sense of being unable to engage with it fully. Feelings of isolation, a fear of missing out, or a reluctance to engage with life fully. Expectations about the future that are based on fear, anxiety, or non-objective perspective.

To dream of someone else looking out a window at you may reflect a sense that others are assessing or observing your actions, behaviors, or choices from a safe and detached standpoint. Feeling that someone is listening to what you are doing without talking to you about their personal thoughts.

To dream of looking inside a window represents a glimpse of insight, a point of view, or a perspective on a situation or relationship that allows you to see or understand something that was previously hidden or unclear. The act of gaining access to information or awareness about a matter that was once concealed or secretive. Your curiosity or desire to uncover the truth or gain a deeper understanding in a particular area of your life. Gaining insight or a new perspective on a situation or relationship from a safe distance. A desire to understand more about what is happening without directly involving oneself. A period of observation, contemplation, or gaining awareness about something that was previously hidden or not fully understood. Snooping or over-listening about someone else who is not aware of you paying attention to them.

To dream of someone looking in your window may represent situations that uncomfortably allow other people to understand you from a detached viewpoint. Others gaining insight into you. Feelings of being scrutinized, judged, or closely observed by others who are detached or uninvolved directly in your life. You may feel vulnerable, exposed, or concerned about how others perceive you. Privacy invasion or anxiety about others discovering your personal life or secrets. Feelings about people learning things from you who don't say anything about it. Feeling that someone is curious about you but may not be making direct contact or engagement. Feel uncomfortable or exposed to someone else's curiosity or scrutiny.

To dream of a broken window represents feelings of vulnerability, exposure, or a sense of insecurity regarding your perspective or outlook on a situation. Your ability to maintain a safe and detached perspective may be compromised. A disruption in your level of understanding or insight into a situation, relationship, or aspect of your life, leaving you feeling exposed to potential risks, emotional involvement, or the intrusion of external influences. Concerns about a loss of privacy, boundaries, or a feeling that your viewpoint is no longer protected. The need to reassess your beliefs, opinions, or outlook on life due to new information or experiences that have disrupted your usual way of thinking.

To dream of washing a window represents an effort to gain a clearer perspective, outlook, or understanding of a situation, relationship, or aspect of your life. The process of cleaning up your thoughts, clearing away misunderstandings, or removing biases to see things more objectively. Clarifying a distorted issue. You may be taking steps to remove emotional or mental barriers that were clouding your viewpoint. A sign that you are working to improve your understanding or awareness of a certain matter, striving for mental clarity, and trying to look at things from a fresh, unobstructed viewpoint. A willingness to address and resolve any issues that have been blocking your insight or understanding.

To dream of a foggy window represents confusion or uncertain behavior that is making it hard for you to safely understand what else is happening in a situation.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful view outside a window. In waking life, he was beginning to have a more positive view about healing from a serious injury after hearing good medical advice. In this case, the window may have reflected his newly optimistic outlook on his recovery process with a sense of being safely isolated with this new outlook. This dream highlighted his changing perspective from one of uncertainty and concern to one of hope and positive anticipation for his healing journey.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a large penis object while peering inside her sister's bedroom window. In waking life, she had gained an understanding of why her sister's boyfriend was such a jerk. In this case, looking inside a window may have reflected gaining a new perspective on her sister's relationship while still remaining safely isolated socially from it.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing 3 rows of 3 triangles floating in front of an open window. In waking life, he was privately having a large amount of very strange visions which he drew while planning to share them with people a few months to try to figure them out. In this case, the open window may have reflected his feelings of openness with his visions after first feeling safely isolated while drawing them.

Example 4: A man dreamed of an inside view of a window across a room that had morning light outside and he was wondering what was outside. In waking life, a dangerous criminal situation began to reduce and he was wondering what was going to happen next. In this case, the window may have reflected his feelings of observing the changes in his circumstances from a safe isolated perspective, contemplating the potential outcomes and possibilities that lay ahead.


To dream of a workshop represents a sense of creativity, innovation, and resourcefulness to make a situation work. Feelings about being able to do whatever you want if you put your mind to it. You may feel that you have the skills and tools to do something new, whether it be a project, a business, or a new aspect of your life. A need to hone your skills or learn new ones in order to achieve a particular goal or task. Working on building your own future. A desire to learn new skills and improve yourself in order to be more competitive in the job market.

To dream of a learning workshop represents learning and growth, where you can acquire new knowledge and skills to improve yourself and your abilities. Skills, talents, and interests that you are actively developing and refining. Collaboration and teamwork, where you work alongside others towards a common goal or project.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a tool workshop with his grandfather having a long conversation before he realized his grandfather was a ghost. In waking life he was unemployed, looking for a job, and worried about money. In this case the workshop may have reflected his desire to work on building his own future and taking control of his life, despite feeling uncertain and vulnerable about his financial situation.



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