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To dream of a shower represents a renewal, or a fresh start. A shower symbolizes something you are thinking, or something that is happening in your waking life that is allowing you to relieve a burden or stress of some kind. Something may have happened that allows you to stop worrying.

If you can't find a shower, or have difficulty using one it symbolizes a burden or emotional difficulties that are holding you back.

Negatively, a shower may reflect negative or dishonest actions that improve your life in some way. Feeling that your social standing changes from a loser to a winner because you did something illegal or took drugs around people who pressured you. Awareness of yourself becoming a winner because you are choosing to change your life with an illegal decision.

Example: A young girl dreamed of being in a shower and pulling out her teeth. In waking life she felt that she was getting more respect from her friends after taking drugs for the very first time.

Example 2: A man had recurring dreams of being in his shower. In waking he was experiencing recurring bouts of anxiety that would fade away after a period of time leaving him feeling better about himself.

Example 3: A man dreamed of being in a shower. In waking life was experiencing a serious complication with his health slowly going away.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of crying in the shower. In waking life she felt that she was emotionally stable moving on from her mother's death and then suddenly found it difficult to get over her mother's death after thinking about her for too long.

Example 5: A man dreamed of walking towards a shower and then being told that he didn't need to so he turned around. In waking life, the man thought he was going to have to go to the hospital for a serious health condition, but his health stabilized at the last minute. In this case, the shower may have reflected his feelings about thinking he needed to go to the hospital to get medical assistance to restore his body to normal function.

*Please See Soap

*Please See Bathtubs

*Please See Bubble Bath

Shower Curtain

To dream of a shower curtain represents feelings about some kind of situational barrier you are using to not embarrass yourself while improving or "refreshing" your life. Using to a situation or factor in your life to maintain privacy or avoid unpleasant revelations about yourself as you try to fix your life up. Hiding embarrassing things about yourself that you are trying to remove from your life. Feelings of personal discretion or having no intrusions into your private dealing while restoring some area of your life.

Example: A young man dreamed of holding a shower curtain in front on him while naked and blocking a girl from having sex with him. In waking life he was using the prolonged legal situation of the death of his father to avoid beginning dating a girl because his life wasn't perfectly financially secure until all the legal work was over. He didn't feel confident about himself dating the girl until he had full control of all the money from the sale of the property and his was completely financially secure.


To dream of real functioning window shutters represents signals about what you or someone else really feels about a situation. An indicator of mood or openness. Positively, shutters may reflect an unwillingness to be be noticed by others in a degrading, risky, or embarrassing manner.

To dream of closed window shutters represents an unwillingness to be noticed liking something. It may also reflect closing others off or not wanting to be involved with a situation. It may also point to sensitivity about situations having to feel good all the time.

Negatively, closed shutters may represent a childish attempt to avoid noticing something happening that can't be stopped. Closed window shutters may also reflect you or someone else that is being a prude or snob. Wanting to be noticed by others as being better than them.

To dream of decorative window shutters represents a preference to be noticed by others as having a lovely life. Feeling good noticing everything happening in your life is always perfect.

Negatively, decorative window shutters may reflect appearances without substance. Trying too hard to appear like everything in your life is perfect.

*Please See Blinds

*Please See Curtains

*Please See Windows


To dream of a silverware set represents a sophisticated, intelligent, or mature approach to an experience you are having. Having an adult conversation with someone. A special or rare occasion in a relationship.

Alternatively, silverware may reflect experiences which require a higher than normal show of integrity or respect. Difficult or serious conversations about topics that are rarely discussed.

Positively, silverware may reflect an attempt to instill respect, integrity, or harmony in relationships or family life.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing silverware. In waking life she was trying to have a serious adult conversation with her husband about her suspicions that he was cheating on her.

*Please See Knife

*Please See Forks

*Please See Spoons


To dream of a sink represents preoccupation with finishing some aspect of your life. Noticing yourself getting rid of ideas, feelings, plans, or situations. Wanting or choosing to end a way of thinking or living.

To dream of a kitchen sink is often symbolizes preparation to finish or get rid of some area of your life. Often an intuitive symbol for a change of thinking that is almost upon you. You are planning or about to feel that it's a good idea to change.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing dishes being washed in a sink. In waking life he was realizing that it may be a good idea to stop desiring a girl he liked.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a sink overflowing. In waking life she was experiencing an unusually heavy menstrual cycle. The dream most likely reflected her frustrations with being unable to control or end her period.

*Please See Sinking


To dream of a skyscraper represents accomplishments, high ideals, or power. Being recognized for your superior achievements, resources, or talents. You view of yourself or others as superior. An area of your life where you feel you have risen above others. Elevated social or professional status.

Negatively, a skyscraper may reflect your sense of total power superiority over others or a feeling that someone else's power towers over yours.

To dream of building a skyscraper represents you view of yourself or someone else that is working towards a high level of recognized achievement, status, or power. Working hard to be noticed as the powerfullest, most skilled, or best in your field. Trying hard to elevate your status above others.

Women commonly dream of skyscrapers at the end of the pregnancies. This may reflect their heightened sense of accomplishment at being a mother. Woman also commonly dream of standing on skyscrapers when they get pregnant and have to consider taking maternity leave. They may reflect anxiety about hurting their careers while taking time off.

Example: A woman dreamed of her comfortable country home being surrounded by skyscrapers in the middle of the city. In waking life she was a lawyer who felt that all the men in her firm were getting better treatment because they were all partners in the firm and paid better.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of standing on a very narrow skyscraper. In waking life she was very happy with her career achievements, but also pregnant and knew she would have to stop working soon.

Example 3: A man dreamed of sitting on top of a skyscraper. In waking life he was finished a book waiting for public attention.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a man walking on the top of skyscraper. In waking life the man was experiencing an enormous amount of success running a company. In this case the skyscraper may have reflected his feelings of superior achievement.

Sliding Glass Door

To dream of a sliding glass door represents feelings about smooth gradual access to change, easy opportunities with nothing in your way, or how effortless a change feels. A smooth transition towards a new option or idea. Seeing a future possibility clearly which you believe you can gradually initiate without bothering anyone.

Negatively, a sliding glass door may reflect total arrogance that believes making a change is very easy if done gradually when other people may find it very unpleasant. Disregarding others feelings with a gradual change as though it was too easy. Gradual change being made dishonestly because nobody is looking. Full awareness of a dishonest future opportunity or change you are gradually initiating.

Example: An older man dreamed of opening a sliding glass door. In waking life he was prepared to quickly sell a family home that had been in the family for generations with no sympathy for any of his family members. The sliding glass door in this case may have reflected the man's feelings of full awareness of the future upsetting his family while slowly and privately preparing for the home selling anyway.

Smoke Detector

To dream of a smoke detector represents a person or situation in your life that warns you when a situation is getting out of hand. An indicator of trouble or excess. It may also reflect someone who controls you by telling you when you're going overboard.

To dream of a smoke detector going off represents awareness that a situation feels dangerous or excessive. You or someone else has gone too far with something. A supervisor, parent, or situation may be signaling you to cut back or abandon something.

Negatively, a smoke detector may be a sign that you are taking risks and not concerned with being responsible until the worst has occurred.

Smoke Stacks

To dream of smoke stacks represents a lack of concern for how influential negative behavior is on others. Not caring about the consequences of bad behavior or ill intentions. A smoke stack may also reflect a lack of remorse for the burden you are constantly putting on others.

Spiral Staircase

To dream of a spiral staircase represents slow or incremental progress in a situation that sees itself persistently turning away from a current state to increase or decrease progress in confidence, awareness, or intelligence. Making progress in some way towards an outcome that is confident about the steps without having to see it directly. A journey, progression, or a direction in life that involves cycles, repetition, or stages.

Positively, dreaming of a spiral staircase may represent your ability to adapt and overcome challenges in your life. You are taking a step-by-step approach to overcome obstacles and achieve success that experiences yourself "turning away" from each step. Evolution, advancement, and positive transformation. This dream can also reflect a sense of curiosity and a willingness to explore new aspects of yourself or your life. A sense of incremental progress, where each turn leads you closer to your goal, but it requires understanding, patience, and perseverance. It may indicate a period where you are continuously learning from your experiences, building upon previous knowledge, or rising to a new level of consciousness. Not feeling desperate to wait for the incremental stages of your goal to complete. Enjoying multiple visits to a plastic surgeon while being confident about the final outcome.

Negatively, a spiral staircase may represent feelings of wasting your time believing that a cycle of small changes will never be enough or ever satisfy you. Feelings of confusion or being trapped in a repetitive cycle of small changes that aren't helpful. Addiction to small incremental changes with a feeling of being better off than before. Impatience with the stages of a goal or outcome not being direct.

Example: An older woman dreamed of a house with a broken spiral staircase. There are other stairs, but she longs for the money to repair the broken spiral staircase. In waking life, she had a baby when she was a teenager and felt that she ruined a perfect body. Now that she was middle-aged 40 years later she saw signs of aging and wished she could repair her body with plastic surgery, but couldn't afford it. In this case, the spiral staircase may have reflected her feelings about visiting a plastic surgeon as the first step in a series of appointments to improve her appearance with the potential for further plastic surgery.

*Please See Stairs


To dream of a lawn sprinkler represents a wish to avoid being noticed losing or avoid notice yourself losing. Something you are doing to maintain appearances, good impressions, or a measure of your success. Being noticed winning no matter what.


To dream of a stable represents responsible control over your drives, urges, or instincts. Managing or control your drives or urges for an mature adult purpose.

Negatively, a stable in a dream may be a sign that you feel that you can't enjoy yourself, pursue goals as aggressively as you want to, or that you don't like slowing down sexual activity.

To dream of a horse stable represents self-control over your drives or ambition. Keeping your aspirations at bay until it's more appropriate. Taking a responsible break from your goals. Fine tuning or doubling your efforts before you get serious about your goals again.

Alternatively, a horse stable may reflect self-control over sexual urges. Taking time off during a highly sexual period of your life. Sexual activity that is only focused on pregnancy and not pleasure.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing pigs in a stable rolling around in the mud. In waking life he was trying to stay abstinent for a religious test and was finding it too difficult to control his sexual urges. He felt very selfish about it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of horses having sex inside a stable. In waking life she was trying to get pregnant with her husband.

*Please See Farm

*Please See Horses


To dream of sitting in a stadium represents your spectator perspective on a problem that is being confronted. Noticing what you are trying to achieve or noticing what someone else is trying to overcome. It may also reflect your supportive nature towards a problem or conflict. Negatively, you may feel like an outsider who is only watching.

To dream of playing in a stadium may reflect other people who you know are aware of you confronting a problem. It may also reflect how supportive you feel other people are being towards you as you face a problem.

Example: A man dreamed of sitting in a stadium. In waking life the man's wife was pregnant and making a lot of preparations to give birth.


To dream of stairs represents slow or incremental progress in a situation. It may also reflect an increase or decrease in your confidence, awareness, or intelligence. Making progress in some way.

Negatively, stairs in a dream may reflect unpleasant feelings about the need for responsible growth or having to wait to grow up before you can do something more serious or adult, or a slow hard learning process.

Going upstairs often represents improvement, achievement, or reaching higher levels of awareness and understanding. You are making progress emotionally, spiritually, or materially. If you have problems going up stairs it may symbolize trouble being unable to make progress in your life. Going upstairs may also symbolize a struggle or challenge you must endure to reach a higher level of understanding, success, or power. Improving "one step at a time. Slow learning process.

Going downstairs often represents emotional regression or a situation that is getting worse. For example, walking into your basement may symbolize regressing into darker aspects of your unconscious thoughts. Possibly a waking life situation is becoming more stressful or unpleasant to deal with. Walking down stairs may also symbolize the easing of conditions as a challenge or struggle ends. You may be slowly dealing with challenges to reach a bigger problem.

To dream that you walk up or down the stairs of your home towards another floor symbolizes a new mindset or emotional state. Deciding to do something different. The stairs themselves in this case may not be as relevant as where it is you are going. For example, moving from your bedroom down the stairs to the kitchen may reflect your readiness to do something different about a very private issue you have been keeping to yourself.

To dream of very long stairs in the front of a house may reflect feelings about a lot of effort required to experience something. A lot of work, effort, or improvements are required in order to achieve stability with a goal.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing children going up and down stairs. In waking life, he was blind and experiencing recurring cycles of her eyesight getting better and then worse.

Example 2: A man dreamed of moving from his bedroom, downstairs, and then going into the kitchen. In waking life, he was preparing to face his biggest fear which was revealing a very dark personal secret.

Example 3: A young girl dreamed of her mother turning into an angry octopus while standing on stairs that were behind her. In waking life, he felt that her mother was aggressively trying to stop her from dating boys. The stairs behind her in the dream may have reflected her feelings about her mother's view of her not being grown up enough and having to return to a slower process of growing up before she should date boys while she felt she was "past that growing up phase."

Example 4: A woman dreamed of beautiful oak stairs. In waking life, she was pregnant and aware of herself being very close to giving birth.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being led upstairs by a girl with a perfect body. In waking life, he was slowly improving a situation.

Example 6: A man dreamed of walking downstairs and at the end the stairs have water on them and begin to crumble. In waking life, he had a 22-year-old daughter whom he felt needed a lot of growing up to do. Walking down the stairs with water and crumbling at the end may have reflected his feelings about his parental role slowly becoming easier with age and then suddenly feeling like he's accomplished nothing when he discovered how childish his 22-year-old daughter still is.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of trying to walk up a new never before used staircase and was having trouble doing so. In waking life, she was diagnosed with diabetes and was having trouble improving her health by maintaining an exercise regime.

*Please See Spiral Staircase

Staples Business Depot Store

To dream of the Staples Business Depot store represents feeling supported that nothing is complicated about "taking care of business" on your own if you want to. Support that never wants you to stop thinking of easy options to make sure a situation remains working all the time. Feelings about never being embarrassed staying serious or professional if you want to. Feeling that it's easy to get something to help you do something more serious or professional if you want to. An atmosphere that nothing is crazy or stupid about choosing to do something more serious. Respecting yourself choosing to avoid being careless or unprofessional. Resources or options that allow to manage a serious situation or to keep a situation working all the time.

To dream of working at Staples Business Depot store represents about being supportive of others feeling that nothing is complicated about "taking care of business" on their own if they want to. Being supportive of others with easy options to choose keeping a serious situation working all the time. Helping others to help themselves take care of serious situations or to keep their lives working all the time.

People who work at Staples may have dreams of Staples if they are experiencing issues with work or coworkers. Also consider how certain locations inside the building at work feel and how they may mirror waking life situations not related to work.

Example: A young man dreamed of going to his old job at Staples which he quit a week earlier and standing in the parking lot. In waking life he had a crush on a former coworker at the Staples store that he couldn't get off his mind.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a Latin American girl he met 8 months earlier who was now working at Staples instead of a club promoter and airport customs agent. In waking life a woman he knew was sleeping over at his house. The change of employment from club promoter and customs agent to Staples Business Depot employment in this case may have reflected the dreamers feelings about being supportive of the woman staying at his home in a more serious honest self-help adult manner instead of having fun with her and protecting her.



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