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To dream of Mahatma Gandhi may represent an aspect of your personality that is a perfect example of adhering to principles of non-aggression, enduring peaceful resistance, and deserving to believing in yourself thinking independently. A commitment to simplicity, humility, and the self-discipline required to bring about change through non-aggressive means. Moral integrity, civil disobedience, and the power of passive resistance. Confidence in yourself being wiser than someone else for refusing to be aggressive. Listening to advice that tells you to have integrity by being passive. Intelligent advice to be non-aggressive or non-violent to overcome challenges.

Positively, dreaming about Gandhi might symbolize a steadfast commitment to your values and beliefs, even in the face of opposition or hardship. Dedication to peaceful solutions, finding common ground, and fostering understanding and mutual respect. It could also indicate personal growth through self-reflection, meditation, and embracing simplicity. Non-violent resistance. Encouragement for you to stay true to your principles, maintain your inner peace, and address your concerns with maturity and non-aggression.

Negatively, dreaming about Gandhi could represent behavior that is overdoing being a perfect example of adhering to principles of non-aggression, enduring peaceful resistance, and deserving to believe in yourself thinking independently. Feelings of frustration with the slow pace of change, challenges in maintaining peaceful resistance, or being perceived as weak or ineffective. Self-doubt, internal conflict, or feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility of leading by example. The dream could also reflect a struggle with upholding non-violent principles in a confrontational or aggressive environment.

Example: A young girl dreamed of talking to Gandhi. In waking life, she was getting advice from her boyfriend about dealing with her arrogant siblings. Her boyfriend told her to ignore the negative attitude of her sisters and focus more on moving out into an apartment with him as a way to get away from her sisters. She was only 15 and not old enough to move out yet. In this case, Gandhi may have reflected the dreamer listening to her boyfriend's advice regarding moving out and handling conflict, symbolizing the peaceful, non-confrontational approach he suggested. The presence of Gandhi might signify the idea of maintaining moral integrity and patience in dealing with her siblings' arrogant attitude, while also exploring the possibility of gaining independence and freedom in the future when she's old enough to move out."

Example 2: A teenage boy dreamed of a voice telling him that "a lion was not a worthy symbol of spiritual guidance" and then he became confused because he thought Ghandi had meditated with the guidance of a lion. In waking life, he felt that his mother was beginning to lose trust in him about his school performance and thought that meditating on the issue would help him. He later felt that he might be overly paranoid about keeping his mother happy and that there was nothing at school he wasn't achieving well at. In this case, Ghandi may have reflected his initial instincts about needing to remain calm, peaceful, and non-confrontational in handling his mother.

Example 3: A gay man dreamed of decorating downtown city buildings with Ghandi-like robes. In waking life, his partner had written a blog post with anti-media sentiment that condemned media consolidation. In this case, the Ghandi-like robes decorated on buildings may have reflected the dreamer's desire to spread a message of peace, non-aggression, and resistance against the dominating power of media consolidation wherever they could within their social circles.


To dream of confronting gang members represents feelings of being scared or singled out by a number of different people or problems in your life. Fear of not complying with peer pressure. Feeling threatened with multiple threats at once.

To dream of being in a gang represents a need to achieve and accomplish things by force or intimidation. Using threats of group peer pressure to get your way. Using multiple fears against someone to control them.

Example: A woman dreamed of being confronted by a gang. In waking life she was experiencing multiple setbacks that threatened to stop her vacation. The gang reflected her feeling that life was attacking her ability to enjoy her vacation from multiple directions.

Garbage Man

To dream of a garbage man represents awareness of yourself never caring about something ever again. A final decision to completely rid yourself of something. Feeling good noticing something is finally over.

Negatively, a garbage man may represent feelings of being pressured to make a final decision remove something from your life that you may not be fully ready to let go of. Realizing that you have made a hasty decision to be rid of something from your life.


*Please See Homosexuality (Gay Sex)

*Please See Gay People


To dream of a genie represents feelings of being blessed or helped with exactly what you asked for. A person or situation that does exactly what you want and nothing else. Insensitive total compliance with your wishes.

Negatively, a genie may reflect a sense of danger or embarrassment with getting what you want from people. Experiencing consequences with getting what you wanted that are difficult to control. Consider the saying "Be careful what you wish for."


To dream of a genius represents your feelings about a person or situation that is never wrong. Stunning accuracy or insight. Feeling that someone can always be relied on for the right answer.

Negatively, a genius may represents feeling that someone or something always outsmarts you. Feeling intellectually inferior or that can never be good enough.

To dream of being a genius represents feelings of being infallible or smarter than other people. Feeling that you can always outsmart someone else. You may have had a good idea or breakthrough that other people admire.

George Washington

To dream of George Washington represents feelings about establishing freedom under dangerous circumstances. Taking a chance to maintain, establish, or secure a free state of mind. Risks taken to defend freedom or abandon tyranny. Feeling that it's important to stand up to fear at all costs when the future is uncertain. Feeling that someone is angry with you keeping your freedom or independence. Taking a big chance to do something new in your life that will allow you to become more free and independent.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the face of George Washington. In waking life he was very unhappy running an illegal business that he felt trapped running. He ended up taking a very big chance to start running a more honest business that required years of work, but would allow him to be free from his illegal business. He chose to stay honest no matter what to avoid be drawn back into the emotional prison of his illegal business even it meant risking significant losses and humiliation. He wanted freedom from his own illegal life more than anything and would do anything to protect his chances of achieving it.


To dream of a giant represents an aspect of yourself that is imposing or too big to ignore. You may be trying to overcome an overwhelming obstacle. An issue, a person, or a feeling that is dominating you. A sign that you may have an inferiority complex. Feelings about parents, authority figures, or competitors being very difficult to embarrass. A major concern or fear. Reputations that are impossible to destroy.

Alternately, a giant may reflect how powerful or dominating your skills or abilities are. Awe-inspiring dominating power. Feelings about yourself or someone being too powerful to defeat.

To dream of being a giant represents your feelings of being stronger or better than others in some way. You may feel other people are easy to dominate or that your reputation casts a shadow over people.

Example: A young girl dreamed of two giants chasing her. In waking life she was uncomfortable with her parents controlling behavior towards her and the rules they were setting for her.

Girl Scouts

To dream of a girl scout represents a constant sense of responsibility. Sensitivity, sympathy, harmlessness, or subordination while being concerned about a need for responsible conduct.

*Please See Boy Scouts


To dream of a girlfriend represents personality traits or qualities we feel as consistently supportive of your success or well-being. Something you think that supports you emotionally, or regularly helps you cope with life situations. It may also reflect something in your life that makes you feel safe, or lucky. A consistently helpful situation, behavior, or coping mechanism.

Alternatively, girlfriends may symbolize our current projections of your partner or their beliefs or goals. Your feelings about them and the current state of you relationship.

To dream of a girlfriend leaving you represents the departure of helpful situations, feelings, or beliefs from your life. Habits or situations that are no longer supportive of you. Feeling something helpful turning on you or no longer working.

To dream of a girlfriend who you've never seen in real life leaving you represents new situations, habits, or beliefs that were supportive of you and no longer are.

To dream of cheating on your partner represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs.

To dream of a partner cheating on you represents
bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making. A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own.

To see a girlfriend die or murdered in a dream represents the end of a thinking pattern, habit, or life situation that made you feel good or helped you cope with life situations. It may also reflect certain beliefs, feelings, or situations associated with your girlfriend ending.

To dream of intimacy or feelings of love with a girlfriend that you don't recognize represents a new personality style, habit, or situation that is emotionally helpful for you.

To dream of having sex with your girlfriend represents positive waking life experiences where you are enjoying feeling that you can't lose. Enjoyable experiences feeling helped, successfully using your skills, or liking noticing yourself having an advantage that never stops working for you. Liking an experience where certain skills, behavior, or other people are consistently supportive of your success. Alternatively, having sex with your girlfriend may reflect enjoyable waking life situations you are experiencing with him. It could also (less likely) reflect your sex life.

Example: A man dreamed of walking down a street with his girlfriend (He was actually single). In waking life he cleverly came up with an excuse that prevented him from having to confront a difficult situation. He felt good knowing he could use the excuse anytime he wanted and it would always work for him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his girlfriend cheating on him. In waking life he was fearing his girlfriend catching him cheating on his girlfriend. The girlfriend in the dream in this case may have reflected his feelings about his cheating behavior turning against him.


To dream of a girl often represents aspects of the self that are passive, receptive, sympathetic, co-operative, nurturing, or that are compliant. Aspects of yourself that are giving.

Negatively, a little girl may reflect an aspect of yourself that is easy to control or push aside. A sign that you are not being assertive enough or feel that someone else is making your decisions for you. Your tendency to easily submit or be compliant. Getting told what to do.

Fear of sensitive issues being easily humiliated or overpowered. Fear of someone stronger than you overpowering you. Something in your life is not powerful enough to defend itself. Fear of not being able to protect yourself or something important to you. Feeling that power is easy to steal from you. Feelings about yourself being a wimp.

Alternatively, girls may reflect feminine qualities of your personality.

*Please See Woman


To dream of a gladiator represents showing off or being watched with superior power failing or embarrassing others. Conquering, defeating, or humiliating others that is intentionally being made a spectacle. A "no mercy" type argument where your or someone else wishes to feel good seeing the competition humiliated. A wish for glory in an conflict that is remembered forever. A wish to make history defeating someone while others watch.

Negatively, a gladiator may reflect you or someone else that can't stop showing off proving how superior their strength is. Terrifying others by starting fights you know you can't lose for the sole purpose of showing off. Too much concern for keeping your pride and achieving total humiliating defeat of opposition in an argument. Wanting to enjoy humiliating failure for your enemy or competition.

Alternatively, a gladiator may reflect a big risk being taken to show others you are fearless and powerful. Taking big risks to prove you're the strongest while others watch.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a life threatening game with gladiators. In waking life she was in an argument with her fiance's mother in which no mercy was shown. They both tried to humiliate the other in front of the family with harsh criticism and mean honesty.


To dream of God represents an aspect of your personality that's unquestionably or unsympathetically positive. Resisting or failing anything negative no matter the consequences. Dangerous positivity. God might also qualities that are absolutely perfect such integrity, honesty, power, or compassion for others. The good in you that can never fail and embarrasses other people who may acting negative. Something is being set straight and there may no sympathy whatsoever. Feeling on your own with problems with God supporting you. Feeling that God is responsible for changes or progress in your life.

God may also represent you or someone else that has the power to do whatever they want. A situation in your life where you can't be repressed or answer to no one. You or someone else that has the final say and can exact consequences if needed. Power that can never lose.

Alternatively, dreaming about God represents your feelings about controlling your life, your faith, or what God thinks of you. Issues that revolve around good and bad. Questions of faith.

Negatively, God could reflect a crisis or disaster situation that calls for positive change that might scare you. Overcoming difficulties. Having to do something all on your own and hoping that God is there for you. Relying too much in faith then in your own human abilities or relationships to solve problems.

To be God in a dream may represent your feelings of total power or knowing you can do whatever you want. You may have special talents or superiority over others. Total freedom or feeling more powerful than others.

To dream of saying "Oh My God" represents feelings that leave you shocked, scared, or repulsed by something you are witnessing in waking life. Total disbelief that something in waking life is happening or shocked that someone would ever want to do something unusual. Experiencing something you are offended by.

Example: A woman dreamed of being encouraged by God to jump off a cliff. In waking life she was planning to break free from an abusive relationship and move. God reflected her scary choice to embarrass her boyfriend by leaving him for a newer happier life that was uncertain.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of an evil anti-christ person calling himself God. In waking life her boyfriend got a good job and this was going to force both of them to move away and change her life a lot. In this case the evil person calling themself God when they weren't may have reflected her feelings about the boyfriend's good new job forcing a powerful life changing decision to move.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of wearing a ring dedicated to God. In waking life she was a nurse who was falsely accused of abuse by a patient. The ring dedicated to God may have reflected her commitment to God allowing her to endure falsehoods at work until proven innocent. The dream may have been a sign that she was more concerned with faith in God proving her to be an honest person then in being confident about her genuine honesty.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of saying "Oh My God." In waking life she had witnessed someone at work being fired. In this case saying "Oh My God" may have reflected her shock of seeing someone being fired.

Example 5: A man dreamed of saying "God Help Me." In waking life he found out that his wife was pregnant. In this case saying "God Help Me" may have reflected her feelings about being impossibly unprepared for the birth of a child depending on faith to carry him emotionally.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of being on the "Highway Of The Lord." In waking life she was dealing with a lot of problems and eventually starting to experience a lot of fast paced progress. The highway named after The Lord may have reflected her feelings about God being responsible for all the progress in her life.

*Please See Heaven


To dream of a Governor represents aspects of your personality that embody authority, leadership, and power, and that acknowledge the importance of these traits. It represents a recognition of the value of having a voice and taking a leadership role, even if it is not necessarily the top position. This dream may also suggest that you have an inner drive to be heard and respected, and that you are not willing to be dismissed or overlooked. You may feel a sense of importance and responsibility in your waking life. It may also suggest that you have a strong desire to be in a position of power and influence, and you may be seeking opportunities to exercise your leadership skills. It may also symbolize your own ability to govern your life and make decisions, or it may reflect your perception of someone in a position of authority. A desire for control or a need to assert yourself in a particular situation. Never worried about anything telling you that you're not important.

Negatively, dreaming about a governor may represent jealousy that you are not holding a position of power, authority, or leadership that acknowledges these traits yourself yet. Overdoing abusing holding power, authority, or leadership in order to make people acknowledge it.

Alternatively, dreaming about a Governor may represent your relationship with government or authority figures in your waking life.

Example: A man dreamed of playing UNO with the Governor of Texas and Barney Stinson from the TV show "How I Met Your Mother." In his waking life, he was struggling to choose between two career options, one with a church his family owned, and the other with the government. In this case, the Governor of Texas may have reflected the man's desire for authority and power in his career, which he felt he could achieve through the government job rather than the smaller, family-oriented church job. The dream may have symbolized his inner conflict between loyalty to his family and the desire for professional success and growth.


To dream of grandchild may reflect feelings of being happy for someone else that you don't want or need to get too personal with. Wanting the best for someone after finishing your responsibilities.

Negatively, dreaming of a grandchild may reflect feelings of being annoyed at needing to get involved with something that you have already been involved with for too long. Feeling that other people are lazy or selfish to keep demanding things from you after you've already helped them.

To dream of a grandchild represents feelings about having to make decisions for someone that overrules their own. Feelings that someone is so naive that you need to make choices in their best interest despite their own choices. Saving someone from their own stupidity. Making a difficult choice for someone else that is in their best interest.

Dreams of grandchildren are also common to people who are worrying about their grandchildren too much or frustrated by issues dealing with their grandchildren. Sensitivity about not seeing them as much as you would like to. Feeling cut off from them. Feeling annoyed having to do everything for someone you helped.

Example: A woman dreamed of feeling that her grandchildren were in danger. In waking life she was worrying about the safety of her grandchildren too much.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a lion eating her grandchild. In waking life she was scared that her son's ex-girlfriend was going to break up her family and never allow her to see her grandchild again.



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