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G - G2 - G3 - G4

Gym Class

To dream of gym class in school represents anxiety about issues you are very concerned with with being the best at. Worries or concerns that a goal will be too difficult or expensive for you to achieve. A very serious attempt to learn everything you can to be a powerful competitor. Obsession with learning how to be perfectly competitive in some manner. Learning to be more physically or sexually attractive to others.

Example: A young girl dreamed of being in gym class with a boy she had a crush on and then finding herself outside the class. In waking life she was very focused on dating a boy she was talking to, but then felt she lost her chance to date the boy because he hadn't called her in over a month. She worried that she couldn't compete with other girls to get the boy as her boyfriend. She didn't know what else could be done to help her get the boy to be her boyfriend as all opportunities seemed cut off.


To dream of gymnastics represents feelings about an exceptional ability flexibility or balance. Exceptionalism at being flexible to remain staying the same. Mental, physical, or spiritual balance. Exceptional ability to not be jealous and keep yourself emotional stable. Experienced flexible mindset about avoiding people or situations that negatively effect you. A perfectly flexible non-jealous attitude.

Negatively, dreaming about gymnastics may reflect feelings about yourself or someone else who looks stupid being too flexible for someone else's problems. Keeping yourself exceptionally flexible for someone else's unrealistic attitude. An exceptional ability to avoid people. Looking stupid being exceptional at avoiding something.

To dream of gymnastics practice represents thoughts about practicing a strong flexible non-jealous attitude. Preparing or trying for the first time to avoid something more than you ever have. Experimenting with the possibility of making exceptional attempts to avoid a jealous situation or relationship with calm.

Dreams of gymnastics may be common to people putting up with unhealthy relationships or problem situations that they want to avoid, but may have issues permanently avoiding.

Example: A young girl dreamed of missing gymnastics practice every time she tried to go to it. In waking life she was tried to tell herself that it was a good idea to try to get over a guy she was dating after he cheated on her, but every time she tried she couldn't because he would show up at her house to spend time with her. The gymnastics practice in this case may have reflected the dreamer's wish to begin practicing avoiding her unhealthy relationship with a perfectly flexible non-jealous attitude.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of choreographed gymnastics that she wasn't interested in before walking off to follow her boyfriend. In waking life she had for a very long time wanted to break up and move on from her boyfriend, but found it difficult to go through with it. The choreographed gymnastics in this case may have reflected her flexible non-jealous feelings about practiced preparations to break up and avoid her boyfriend.

*Please See Balance Beam


To dream of a gynecologist represents feelings about investigating or addressing problems with caring about others people's feelings.

Negatively, a gynecologist may reflect awareness of yourself having problems being sensitive to other people's feelings. Problems with compliance or doing what you are told when it's important to.

Alternatively, a gynecologist in a dream may reflect anxiety or concerns with being pregnant. Wondering if you are pregnant or if you will be a good mother.

Example: A young girl dreamed of having a gynecologist measure her stomach. In waking life she was unsure if she was pregnant and thinking about whether or not she would ever be able to afford to raise the baby on her own.


To dream of a gypsy represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that is free-spirited, unconventional, and priceless in the current moment that isn't concerned with commitments or anything long-term. Behavior that charms people before moving on. Never being concerned about the long-term so you never worry about what you say being too incredible to people.

Negatively, a Gypsy may represent a mindset that overdoes free-spirited, unconventional, or pricess behavior without comittments. You or someone else that repeatedly using charm, flattery, or feelings of being more interesting than other people to use others. People that are more beautiful, cool, or interesting that can easily manipulate people with it by. Feeling entranced by someone incredible that never has to talk to you again. Using sexual interest to use someone for your own gains when you have no serious interest in them at all. Telling others whatever they want to hear because you won't be around later on.

Awareness of a sexually attractive person getting away with using sexual playfulness to use you.

Example: A man dreamed of gypsies around a fire. In real life he was lying to people about moving to another country to make a good impression because he knew he would never see them again. In this case, the gypsies around the fire may have reflected his dishonest attitude about telling incredible stories about himself before never being heard from again.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a gypsy. In waking life, his female housemate flashed her breasts at him one day. In this case, the gypsy may have reflected his awareness of his female housemate using sexual attraction to repeatedly get favors and use him while he aware of it happening. The female housemate may have been "sexually intelligent" and thought that flashing the dreamer only once would allow her to get inside his head as though seeing her naked was a "magic gypsy spell" to control him.


To dream of a gyroscope represents feelings about doing every single thing possible to stabilize or remain as you are. Feelings of sophistication to stay the way you are. Multiple skills, tricks, or maneuvers at once to stabilize a situation you are experiencing.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a gyroscope. In waking life he was desperate to keep a girl he met interested in him and did every single thing possible to keep her interested in talking to her.

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