To dream of an astronomer represents speculation about the future or for the potential that lies ahead. It may also reflect careful planning or consideration of a number of outcomes. Weighing all the possibilities.
You may be confronting a situation where there are no
guarantees or absolute answers. You may also be daydreaming about "all that could be" or doing contingency planning.
To dream of being in an insane asylum represents feelings about situations that attempt to manage trauma or irrationality because there is no other intelligent solution. Situations that feel that you or someone else can never get over a sensitive problem or trauma. Situations that feel psychologically nonsensical that need to be endured or managed the way they are because there is no other rational solution. Attempting to control or manage powerful emotional over-sensitivity. Controlling a situation that feels "hopelessly insane" because it's safer to do so. You may feel ostracized, embarrassed, or like people have lost all respect for you because you are not behaving normal. You may also feel left out, excluded, and ignored because people don't believe your behavior is rational. Fear of being told you are irrational or crazy when you are not. Situations where you feel it's important to prove yourself as psychologically sound before being released from someone else's control.
Alternatively, dreaming about an insane asylum may reflect feelings about enduring psychological problems that you or someone else has. Psychological issues that has reduce you or someone else to being incompetent or unimportant. PTSD, anxiety, or trauma that must be managed because it's too difficult to overcome. Awareness of yourself or others losing their minds. Fear that psychological problems can never be fixed. Highly stressful situation in your life that you are attempting to manage.
To dream of being treated by a doctor in an asylum may represent a difficulty changing unhealthy habits or beliefs. Feelings about the difficulty of finding medical assistance that can reverse trauma or psychological problems. Attempts to manage trauma or dangerously nonsensical behavior.
To dream of escaping an asylum may represent feelings about a second chance or a new lease on life by abandoning managing the irrationality of a situation. You may have thought up a way to regain respect or restore your reputation. Abandoning people you think are too "crazy" to put up with anymore.
Example: A man dreamed of being in an American insane asylum. In waking he had PTSD and so did his younger son who has recently survived accidentally almost dying at the hands of an older son. The father felt it was impossible to reverse his son's trauma.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of a lunatic asylum with her brain needing to be cut into pieces. In waking life she was enduring being separated from her husband and expecting property divisions. She couldn't fix the situation with her husband no matter what she did. The asylum in this case may have reflected her feelings about how irrational her life felt having to live a new life separated from her husband with some people she knew possibly not believing her side of the story about the separation.
Example 3: A man dreamed of going back and forth between an insane asylum and a dungeon. In waking life he was a medical intern trying to pass a medical board certification test by proving himself competent.
*Please See Mental Hospital
To dream of an atheist represents an aspect of yourself that thinks it's not intelligent at all to have faith or belief in a higher power. Cause and effect are most intelligently rule a a situation or life. Not important to be or feel spiritual. Not liking feeling that objectivity or cynicism is stronger than faith.
Example: A woman dreamed of atheists talking to her which she felt a need to live in peace with respectfully. In waking life she was not liking struggling or reasoning with her faith in God.
To dream of an athlete represents a desire to be the best at something. You may be pushing yourself to the limit or striving to be the best. It may also reflect a competitive attitude or your attempt to "set the bar" to new heights. You may be trying to achieve something never achieved before.
Negatively, an athlete may be a sign that you are overextending yourself or trying too hard.
To dream of an atlas represents adept expertise. Having all the answers in some particular field or skill. The ability to totally control people or completely manipulate situations to a desired outcome. An atlas may be a sign that you have nothing left learn in some area.
Negatively, an atlas may reflect an adept ability to manipulate people or change what is happening to keep people managed. It may also be a sign that you are too concerned with expertise to the point that other areas are suffering.
ATM Card
To dream of an ATM card represents resources or abilities that you have, but don't use all the time. Access to power or choices that can be drawn upon when needed.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing his ATM card. In waking life he was an executive manager and was considering using his rank to fire someone who was stealing from the company. The ATM card represented the unused power or freedom to fire people if he wanted to, but didn't feel the need to do all the time.
ATM Machine
To dream of an atm machine represents access to power or resources whenever you want. The freedom experience something, make something happen, or take as you please. An opportunity or capability is always available to you. Negatively, it may reflect being spoiled.
To dream of an atm machine not working may reflect feeling that something in your life that was easily accessible no longer being easy.
Atomic Bomb
*Please See Nuclear Bomb
To dream of being attacked represents people or situations that you feel are hurting you emotionally or that threaten your sense of security. It may also reflect fears that you are giving in to. Other people may be angry or defensive with you. Issues that threaten a loss of some kind or increase unwanted risk (like illness, a financial loss, or something that threatens your relationship.)
An attack might also point to damage that has already occurred physically, financially, or to a relationship.
To dream that you attack someone reflects confrontation with an issue or a defensive attitude. You may be overcoming problems, or taking action against something you feel poses a threat to you.
Attacks in a dream may also represent your feelings about the current relationships.
Example: A man dreamed of rescuing his wife from being attacked. In real life he rejected a gift that a relative he didn't like was offering her. He felt that the gift would reopen old conflicts that they had moved past.
Example 2: A young boy dreamed of being attacked. In waking life he feared his father's angry outbursts.
Example 3: A young woman dreamed of seeing her friend being attacked and doing nothing. In waking life she had witnessed her friend being attacked for his personal views on race and did nothing to defend him.
To dream of getting attention may represent feelings about being noticed, observed, or recognized by others. Feelings of being popular or famous. Feelings about standing out. Feeling liked, loved, or respected. Feelings about romantic interests in waking life looking at you, talking about you, or talking to you. Thoughts about being in the spotlight, receiving praise, or attracting interest for your actions, appearance, or achievements. Feelings of importance.
Negatively, dreaming of getting attention may represent concerns about unwanted attention, where you feel exposed, vulnerable, or uncomfortable with being noticed. Feelings of anxiety, self-consciousness, or pressure from standing out. A fear of not living up to the expectations that come with the attention you are receiving. Awareness of being under scrutiny, or the pressure you feel to perform or behave in a certain way. Not liking having to be questioned for who you are or what you do. Questions about your behavior or morals. An insecurity that people may think you are a loser or fake. Being overly concerned with what others think.
To dream of not paying attention may represent feelings about neglecting or overlooking something important or critical in your life. Feelings of distraction from something important. Feelings of guilt, regret, or anxiety about overlooking something or someone important. A lack of focus, awareness, or mindfulness in a situation that requires careful consideration. Your thoughts about being too distracted, indifferent, or overwhelmed to notice crucial aspects of a situation, relationship, or responsibility. A fear of missing out on important opportunities, making mistakes, or failing to meet expectations due to inattention. A sense of disengagement.
To dream of trying to get someone's attention represents feelings about wanting to be noticed, acknowledged, or validated by someone in waking life. Drawing attention to a problem or serious situation because it's important. Your efforts to stand out, make an impression, or communicate something important to others. It may also indicate a need for support, understanding, or reassurance. Feelings of desperation, insecurity, or frustration with being ignored or overlooked.
To dream of unwanted attention represents feelings of being overwhelmed or intruded upon by others' interests or actions that you find invasive or uncomfortable. Anxieties about being scrutinized, judged, or not being able to maintain boundaries. Feeling exposed or pressured by others' expectations or behaviors.
To dream of nobody paying attention to you may reflect feelings about yourself being unimportant or overlooked. A sense of being ignored, undervalued, or unappreciated by those around you. A feeling that your presence or contributions are not recognized or valued.
Example: A man dreamed of getting a lot of attention from a beautiful woman. In waking life, he was getting a lot of attention from people at work for his skills which made him popular. In this case, getting a lot of attention from a beautiful woman may have reflected his sense of importance, recognition, and desirability in his professional environment, where his skills and contributions were highly valued and admired by others.
Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of boys at school trying to get her attention while she liked it. In waking life, she wanted a boyfriend because her friends all had one and she didn't. In this case, the boys trying to get her attention may have reflected her desire to feel noticed, attractive, and valued in the same way her friends were.
To dream of an attic represents things you think that you don't respect or intentionally neglect. Anything or anyone in the attic symbolizes what it is that you don't respect. An "out of sight otu of mind" attitude about something in your life.
Negatively, an attic may be a sign that you are intentionally neglecting something or someone until it serves you. Taking a risk disregarding something important
To dream of yourself being in an attic may reflect waking life situations were you are intentionally and needlessly isolating yourself from people. Feeling intentionally neglected or that people don't think you are important. Accepting yourself as someone who never needs to matter.
Example: A man dreamed of a man being inside his attic. In waking life he had a demanding boss whom he regularly lied to and spoke ill of behind his back.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being in an attic looking at birdhouses. In waking life he was living with his parents to save money while looking for a way to attract people to his skills to get opportunities. In this case the attic may have reflected his feelings about intentionally neglecting to help pay any of this parents bills while he lived with them.
*Please See Lawyer
To dream of attraction to someone else represents ideas, situations, or opportunities that are interesting to you. Experiences that are desirable to you or that you believe will feel good if you could have them. Feelings about a desirable outcome or situation. A possibility or opportunity that you really like. Ideas that interest you in trying them or experiencing them. New ideas that you enjoy thinking about. Exposure to new experiences you are considering trying again.
Negatively, it may reflect risky ideas, attractive opportunities that scare you, or a positive outcome you are too scared to ask for help to achieve. The risk of allowing someone beautiful or popular to trick you. The risk of allowing attractive opportunities to trick you or the potential to be lured by your enemies. Difficulty resisting bad ideas or negative influences. Addiction or bad habits you can't control because they are too enjoyable. Feelings about a possibility being too good for you. A lack of self-esteem or self-worth that makes you feel you don't deserve things. Feeling that you will never be good enough to do something. Jealousy of others having much easier lives.
To dream of someone being attracted to you represents feelings about opportunities that are being offered to you. Feelings about people being interested in your ideas, skills, or involvement. Negatively, it may reflect unwanted attention or opportunities that don't interest you.
Alternatively, attraction in a dream may mirror your feelings of sexual attraction to someone in waking life. Problems resisting someone sexually attractive.
Example: A young man dreamed of being sexually attracted to an ugly alien. In waking life he had experienced his first homosexual experience and was feeling uncomfortable about having enjoyed it.
*Please See Beautiful
ATV (All Terrain Vehicle)
To dream of an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) represents your choices and decision making ability when you are willing to do anything to solve a problem. A no holds barred attitude to problem solving.
If you see another person driving an ATV it represents some aspect of your personality that is guiding your decisions when you are highly motivated to solve a problem.
To dream of an auction represents an attempt to get the most out of a situation. Seeing how far you or others will go to get achieve a goal.
Negatively, dreaming about an auction may reflect you or someone else that is manipulating others to compete for your favor or opportunities you offer. Feelings about other people competing to take advantage of your losses. Concerns about giving resources or power away too easily.
To dream of being outbid at an auction represents feelings of not having cared for or valued an opportunity enough. It may also be a sign that you aren't willing to do as much as someone else to achieve your goals. A lack of motivation to be competitive or feeling too impotent to be competitive.
To dream that no one is bidding at an auction represents a lack of interest in competing for an opportunity. It may also reflect disappointment that nobody is willing to fight or compete for what you have to offer.
To dream of having your property auctioned off without giving permission may reflect feelings of being powerless or diminished to stop someone from allowing others to compete for your loss. Feeling that other people are desperate to fight over something you feel forced to give up.
To dream of an Audi brand vehicle represents a style of decision-making or control over a situation that is professionally believable with nobody getting you back. Not lying to anyone unless you have a serious or very personal reason to. Decision-making based professionally pinpointing problems because you are a better listener than other people. Professionalism that doesn't need to care about being too specific. Feeling that you can never be robbed of your professional status. Easily avoiding anything that isn't professional all the time.
Negatively, dreaming about an Audio vehicle may reflect naive reckless overconfidence that believes that nothing can ever get you back because you were too professional or a better listener than other people. Never getting caught doing anything that isn't professional. Getting away with looking good being professional all the time.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a black Audi car. In waking life he was preparing his tax filing.
Example 2: A person dreamed of a crashing a brand new Audi sports car into a lot of other cars. In waking life they experienced a very serious situation which taught them quickly to think differently than they currently do while having a "self-preservation" attitude about nothing getting them back.
To dream of seeing an audience represents feelings about yourself getting attention from other people. Feelings about other people paying attention to your actions. Considering accepting or being happy to see someone else succeed. Confidence in yourself being approved of others. Enjoying being noticed and approved of for an achievement. Feelings about people liking you being he center of attention in some manner.
Negatively, dreaming of an audience may reflect issues with showing off or making people pay attention to you. Showing off with lies or unprovable claims. Problems with accepting something that will make you jealous if you chose to stand by and allow it to happen. Jealousy of someone else getting more attention than you.
To dream of having no audience being present represents feelings about having nobody to pay attention to your actions. Issues with needing attention.
To dream of being a part of an audience represents feelings about watching or paying close attention to someone else's actions. Negatively, it may reflect feelings of jealousy that you are powerless to control a situation and must watch only. Feeling forced to watch other people win while you lose. Jealously watching other people achieve things that you can't achieve. A dangerous situation that you are choosing to watch instead of attempting to stop it by getting involved.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing people sitting in an audience applauding. In waking life he had predicted he was going to win the lottery during a spiritual retreat and some of the people he was attending the retreat with were enthusiastic about his claims even when they seemed impossible.
Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being part of an audience. In waking life she had decided to be happy for friends that didn't want to know her anymore instead of taken action to get revenge.
To dream of an audition indicates that you may feel the need to prove your better than anyone else. You might feel that you are under pressure or that you're skills or talents are being put to the test. You may also be opening up to new experiences and roles.
An audition may be a sign that you feel insecure about what other people think about your abilities. You may feel vulnerable to criticism or judgment.
The attitude and behavior of the audience reflects how you think others perceive you.
To dream of an auditorium represents feelings about a sense of importance about collective need for perfect attentiveness, understanding, or clarity about what's happening next in a situation so you aren't embarrassed that you didn't. Respecting yourself with other people not being behind because you're attentive about trying to perfectly understand or be clear about what's happening next in a situation. A group focus on observing achievements, listening to important messages, or understanding something more deeply. Feelings about a collective need to learn or pay more attention. A "stage of your life" where you are the center of attention or where important events and interactions take place.
Positively, dreaming of an auditorium may represent situations where you feel confident and in control, where your talents, knowledge, or achievements are being recognized by others. It could represent a period of self-expression, public speaking, teaching, or leading others. The dream might be a reflection of your comfort with public attention or your ability to effectively convey your ideas or beliefs to a larger audience.
Negatively, an auditorium in a dream may represent feelings of anxiety, fear of public speaking, being judged, or being the center of attention in a way that makes you uncomfortable. It could indicate a fear of not meeting others' expectations or being scrutinized for your actions or words. You may feel unprepared or inadequate in a situation where others are watching or listening to you closely. The dream might also reflect a situation where you feel you are not being heard, despite being in a position to express yourself.
To dream of an empty auditorium may represent feelings of isolation, loneliness, or a lack of recognition in your waking life regarding an issue you feel is important for others to share in the importance of understanding. A desire for a larger audience or more attention from others. Feeling that you are more attentive to an issue than other people are, or that other people don't think being attentive is as important as you do.
To dream of speaking in an auditorium represents feelings about expressing yourself or your ideas in a situation where it's important to be perfectly clear and understood. A situation where you have the opportunity to influence or educate others. Your feelings about the importance of your message and the need to effectively convey it to an audience. Your own desire to make yourself perfectly clear about an issue to other people so that they aren't behind or embarrassed.
To dream of being unable to find an auditorium represents an inability to gain clarity on an issue, or make yourself clear to others. You may feel lost or uninformed while other people are gaining a better sense of clarity about what's important to happen next.
To see an auditorium totally filled with people may represent a situation where there is significant interest or attention focused on a particular issue or event. It may reflect your perceptions of a collective eagerness to listen, learn, or participate in something you deem important. Alternatively, it could symbolize a feeling of pressure or overwhelming scrutiny from a large group of people.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being in a school assembly in a school auditorium that was about the upcoming school prom. In waking life, she was planning for prom but hadn't been asked out yet. In this case, the school auditorium may have reflected her feelings of collective anticipation and excitement shared by her peers about prom, combined with her personal anxiety or fear of being left out of this significant social event that would drive her and her friends to perfectly listen to every detail or piece of news related to the prom so they could respect themselves enjoying attending it.
Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of being on a school auditorium stage. In waking life, she encountered a boy from her earlier school years with whom she had a previous romantic encounter. In this case, the school auditorium stage may have reflected her feelings about her life being "on a stage" where she was the center of attention with all the important events and new interactions with this boy from her past taking place with all her friends listening to what might happen next in their potential relationship.
Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of being in a school auditorium with a man who reminded her of her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she had spent a year trying to emotionally get over her ex-boyfriend. In this case, the school auditorium may have reflected her feelings about her dating life being a "stage" and center of attention where it was important to her to be understood by people that she was completely ready to move on with her dating life.
*Please See Assembly
To dream of the month of August represents the overall feeling about a situation in your life being so dangerous or exhausting that you have to care about it all the time. A prolonged sense that a situation is as exhausting or dangerous as it's going to get before moving on. An overall feeling that an exhausting or dangerous situation might require some time off. Feeling good never being angry about why you have to put up with an exhausting or dangerous situation.
To dream of an aunt represents a substitute form of intuition. Your gut instincts about the future or to make long term choices that is influenced in some manner.
Negatively, an aunt is a sign that you feel unlucky or that your gut instincts feel off. Unwanted outcomes or coincidences.
Positively, an aunt may reflect a heightened sense of luck or that your gut instincts are unusually accurate.
Alternatively, an aunt represents a quality in yourself based on your most honest feelings about them. Ask yourself what memories or feelings stand out the most about them and see how that quality may apply to your own life.
To dream of a dead aunt may reflect feelings about alternative outcomes in your life reversing. Alternative methods of approaching problems no longer being necessary. Feeling that your lucky streak has gotten better after first being oddly unlucky. Ridiculous periods of time of no progress or stagnation ending. Consider the qualities about the aunt that stand out the most and try to see how those qualities may have disappeared from a situation in your life.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing his aunt. In waking life he felt like nothing he did worked or he could never be lucky at all. His most powerful memory of his aunt was of her telling him he couldn't have candy. In his dream she reflected a intuitive choices that never let him feel good.
Example 2: A woman felt that her Aunt was possessed and shot her in the chest. In waking life she was having difficult avoiding an ex-boyfriend whom she tried to be friends with before finding out he had a new pregnant girlfriend. The possessed Aunt in this case may have reflected her feelings about starting to talk to her ex-boyfriend not resulting in what she wanted because she found out he got another girl pregnant and she couldn't avoid him.
Aurora Borealis
*Please See Northern Lights
To dream about Australia represents feelings a state of mind that's focused on purposely noticing its not better than anyone one else. Behavior that is co-operative, friendlier than other people, or respectfully ignoring other people's problems. Doing your best to help someone else even when it's hard to do. Noticing everyone around you respectfully ignoring your problems or mistakes.
Negatively, willful blindness or politely ignoring other people's problems or bad habits. Being insensitively honest with someone, but then saying something encouraging. Feeling that people assert themselves too much if you don't let them feel something nice at all. Behavior that will overlook something dishonest or negative a little bit, but too much. Feeling surrounded by people who are facetious to you if you tell them they are little. Feeling annoyed by having to have a positive attitude when you don't want to or think it' stupid.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a map of Australia. In real life he was having trouble helping a friend, but felt the need to keep trying his best anyway despite his constant failure at it.
Example 2: A young girl dreamed of travelling to Australia. In real life she was putting up with arrogant friends and trying her best to get along with them while ignoring their meanness.
*Please See Australian People
Australian People
To dream about Australian people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that believes in itself certain without being a snob. Believing in yourself certain with nothing scaring you that you aren't safe. Assertiveness about being friendly. Certainty that's friendly about not getting ripped off. A thinking style that is certain about everything it does while purposely not thinking it's better than other people. Certainty that believes family life has to get along. Feeling good not being a snob while being certain that what you are doing is good enough. Trusting yourself to be confident. Confidence that you always see friendliness. Never fearing believing that you can try something. Never fears discussing something being a little bit dishonest or dangerous. Assert independence and make your own choices, even if goes against social expectations. Assertiveness that's friendly.
Positively, Australian people represents the combined qualities of self-assuredness and individualism. Behavior that feels friendlier about not thinking it's better than someone. Politely ignoring others problems or rudeness. Certainty that doesn't believe anything needs to be perfect. A positive attitude about why something might be lethal. Friendliness or family life attitude about bending rules. Arguments that you don't feel have permanent hard feelings about. Not liking losing a friend so you chose quiet about the issue instead. Family life that does whatever it takes to not get ripped off and doesn't see cheating as the real problem. Respecting yourself not deserving to be ripped off.
Negatively, Australian person may reflect feelings of being facetious about never being told you're little. Doesn't fear being a little bit dangerous or dishonest. Arrogance about being self-assured that handles itself. Friendliness that doesn't mind anything dangerous. Peer pressure to do something unethical. Self-assured confidence that doesn't need other people. Not getting back at people, but willing to say what happened wasn't intelligent. Needing to be friendly or nice to people all the time or nobody will talk to you. Nothing snobby about a situation, but you have to accept something difficult.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing an Australian looking child. In waking life, he was showing great progress with staying sober and battling daily urges. In this case, the Australian child may have reflected his feelings about himself being certain about achieving sobriety while also not being a snob to friends that weren't interested in staying sober.
Example 2: A man dreamed of starting work in the Army while standing beside an Australian man. In waking life, he was aware that most people were expected to enlist in the army, even though it wasn't mandatory because you could choose the option of civilian service instead. In this case, the Australian man may have reflected his self-assured confidence about making his own choices, while maintaining a friendly attitude and not being a snob about his decision to pursue an alternative path in the civil service option.
Example 3: A teenageer dreamed of being in an Australian forest. In waking life, they were experiencing some friendship difficulties. In this case, the Australian forest may have reflected their feelings about navigating through the complexities of friendships while maintaining their self-assured confidence and a friendly attitude while some taking time off from friends. The Australian forest symbolizes the dreamer's desire to maintain their individualism and assertiveness while not becoming a snob about anything being too serious to end the friendships.
Example 4: A teenage girl dreamed of watching an Australian soap opera. In waking life, she had a heated argument with her friend who accused her of contradicting him all the time. In this case, the Australian soap opera may have symbolized her perception of the argument as overblown and melodramatic, while also reflecting her underlying belief that she and her friend had a strong bond that could withstand their differences. They were both certain of themselves while never thinking anything that happened was too serious about deserving to end the friendship.
Example 5: A teenager dreamed of being in the Australian bush. In waking life, they were having a lot friendship difficulties while trying to intelligently keep upbeat about it anyway. In this case, the Australian bush may have reflected their feelings about navigating the complexities of friendships while maintaining their self-assured confidence and a friendly attitude even in the face of difficulties. The Australian bush symbolizes the dreamer's desire to maintain their individualism and assertiveness while not becoming a snob about the issues they were facing with their friends.
*Please See Australia
To dream of authority represents feelings about some form of assumed controlling leadership needing to be respected. It may also reflect your feelings about someone or something that unquestionably always knows what's best. Feelings about someone or something be an expert that can't be argued with. Feelings about permission and power. Feelings about God's plan for your life whether good or bad. Feelings about you or someone else that is deserving to be assertive. Fearlessness about being assertive or telling someone what to do. Feelings about deserving or being required to respect something because if you don't you'll be in trouble. Feeling that someone or something is more important than you are. Not wasting any time ignoring advice or leadership. Feelings about needing to make a serious decision or change. The power to insist or allow. Respecting someone as smarter or more powerful than you. Feelings about parents, teachers, employers, or police.
Negatively, dreaming about an authority may reflect feelings that someone is stupid about leadership or expertise. Wasting time believing in someone or something that projects itself as important or intelligent. An excessive need to unthinkingly let God to control your fate or destiny. Not liking being told you are not a grown up. Not liking being controlled or bossed around. Feelings about someone having the power or permission to tell you what to do. Not liking respecting someone. Listening to bad influences. Respecting power without question.
Example: A woman dreamed of her deceased brother sitting on her bed and being told by him that he wasn't really present, but was "sent by some authority." In waking life she was having trouble getting over a relationship that was 4 years old. In this case the symbolism for some "unknown authority" may have reflected her feelings about the unquestionable wisdom of God being difficult to understand in regards to the reasons for sending someone into her life to fall in love with and then leave her. She may have felt God was strange about deciding what was best for her life.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of someone of authority who she couldn't identify telling her that her best option was to put a baby dolphin out it's misery by killing it because it had no chance of survival. In waking life asked her distant aunt for advice, but was turned down. She felt that she aunt didn't care about her and should give up on the relationship.
Example 3: A man dreamed of authority figures repeatedly telling him to sit down and enter into contractual agreements. In waking life he was a medical student concerned with passing medical board tests at medical school. In this case the authority figures may have reflected his feelings about the controlling leadership and expertise of his medical school teachers.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being afraid of punishment from a female authority. In waking life she had started a new job. In this case the authority may have reflected the woman's new employer being strict or potentially getting angry at the dreamer.
*Please See Police
*Please See Boss
*Please See Judge
To dream of an author represents feelings about yourself or someone else being the creator, architect, or mastermind behind an idea, project, or narrative in your life. It reflects the ability to shape or control the direction of your own or someone else's life story. You may be taking a leadership role in your life, directing the plot, or making decisions that influence the outcome.
Positively, dreaming of an author may symbolize a strong sense of responsibility and ownership over your life's direction. You are actively designing your destiny, creating your own story, and making choices that align with your goals and values. It can also indicate a sense of empowerment and control over your life's narrative.
Negatively, dreaming of an author may suggest feelings of being manipulated or controlled by someone else's narrative or agenda. You may feel like a character in someone else's story, lacking autonomy or the ability to make your own choices. Alternatively, it can reflect a sense of self-importance or arrogance, where you believe you have the right to dictate the course of events without considering others' perspectives or feelings.
Example: A man dreamed of his favorite book series being made into a movie and the author explicitly requested that he not be cast in the movie. In waking life, he woke up from bed feeling befuddled, disappointed, and needing a pep talk. In this case, the author may have reflected a controlling or manipulative figure in his life, who had the power to dictate his opportunities and experiences. The man may have felt like he was not in control of his own fate, and that his life was being shaped by others' decisions.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a blue book called "A Change In Consciousness" with a picture of an old man with grey hair and a very long beard. The book had no author's name on the front. In waking life, he experienced 30 days of the most powerful hallucinations of his life that required him to remember every single thing negative that ever happened in his life in order to kill the hallucination-negative entities that filled his home. Nobody told him why he needed to, but he felt better when he did. He intuitively felt that God wanted him to. In this case, the book with no author may have reflected his feelings of undergoing a profound and transformative learning experience in his life that seemed to be directed by an unknown force.
To dream of seeing someone with autism represents issues with being too accepting of a weird or eccentric situation. Oddness that is obvious and stands out. Making excuses for unusual behavior. Frustration that someone is fully aware of you and chooses to ignore you. Frustration that you are not being listened to you no matter how obvious or direct you are with someone. Difficulty communicating or "getting through to someone. Your awareness of other people purposely not listening to reason or warnings.
To dream of yourself being autistic or that other people think you are autistic may reflect waking life situations where you feel your behavior is considered eccentric by others. Uncomfortable feelings about real mental health problems or disabilities you have being witnessed by other people. Feeling that other people think you are weird and stupid.
Alternatively, being autistic may reflect insecurity you have about not being like other people.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing a very autistic man. In waking life he he was having trouble being supportive of a friend who was in the hospital for chemotherapy. The friend in the hospital was acting very disruptive while he was supposed to be sitting still.
To dream of getting someone's autograph represents "betterness" that can't be denied. It may also represent a memory you have of a positive situation that proves your better than others in some way once and for all.
Alternatively, an autograph may reflect approval from an original or authoritative source. A person or situation that lends extra credibility to your claims or achievements.
To dream giving someone your autograph represents giving your consent or approval to someone. It may also reflect using your expertise, experience, or status to improve someone else's reputation.
*Please See Cars
Also refer to the themes section for cars for a more in depth look at vehicle symbolism.
To dream of an autopsy represents a careful evaluation of the consequences of your actions. You or someone else may be trying to understand failures or find the root cause of a problem.
To dream of autumn represents your feelings that a good time is over. The best part of a situation or relationship is finished. Life doesn't feel as good as it did before. The sunniness or pleasure of life is gone.
Negatively, autumn may reflect your feelings that rough times are ahead. Feeling that a situation can only go downhill or get worse.
Example: A man dreamed that it was autumn outside. In waking life he had an amazing time at a spiritual retreat and felt his life was going to be boring now that it was over.
To dream of an avalanche represents life situations that you feel could overwhelm you. Work, responsibilities, or problems that threaten to override your sense of stability. Inescapable stresses and overwhelming pressures. You may be feeling the weight of life's daily demands piled onto you. You may fear disaster or failure. You may be aware of a flaw in your plans that needs immediate attention.
*Please See Street
To dream of an aviary represents your awareness or search for all the possibilities available to escape your problems. Noticing all the different ways you can transcend your problems or get away from trouble. It may be a sign that you are looking for inspiration or ideas to your troubles. A sanctuary of possibilities in your life.
Alternatively, an aviary may represent hope that you or others are keeping alive to deal with big problems. Keeping important information available to troubled people.
To dream of an avocado represents feeling indulgence without consequences. Feeling no risk of going overboard. The ability to do a lot of something without it ever becoming a problem. Feeling that it's impossible to be embarrassed by something. Feelings about the "gravy train" never endings. Behavior that is noticeably not jealous.
Positively, an avocado may represent feelings about an excessive use of something that never runs out. Feeling secure that you can never go broke. Endless favors or supportive people that always have your back no matter what. Feeling that it's impossible to be jealous because you can always do something else. Feeling good getting back at your enemy while feeling there is no risk of retribution. Feeling good with safety that nothing you do is risky.
Negatively, an avocado may reflect abuse of supportive friendships or relationships. Empty or pointless spending because you are too rich to care. Enemies, angry family members, or angry friends who choose to temporarily put jealousy aside for something special. Naively believing that your enemies will be understanding. Too much cooperative behavior when you are in the middle of a fight. Conceding defeat because it feels better than fighting. Jealousy that your enemies feel good never being jealous at all. Getting back at someone in a way that feels good being impossible to get back at you with.
Example: A man dreamed of an avocado that was also a dinosaur egg. In waking life he was getting ready to scare his jealous friend that his new business was doing so well that he could spend all the money he wanted without any financial problems whatsoever.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing rotting avocados being spilled on to the floor. In waking life she was enjoying herself not having to take psychiatric medications until her psychiatrist requested a blood test to measure the medication levels in her blood to test how effective her drugs were. The rotting avocados may have reflected her ruined feelings about enjoying having no consequences for not taking her psychiatric medication.
To dream of avoiding something represents a person or situation that you don't want to confront in waking life. You may have a fear or responsibility that you don't want to deal with. It may also reflect emotions you are repressing or are in denial about.
Alternatively, avoidance in a dream may represent procrastination. Continually putting something off that you've been planning to do.
Consider how the situations you are avoiding in the dream may be symbolically mirroring your waking life.
To dream that you awaken from sleep represents new insights into a problem. Alternatively, it may reflect your motivation to finally take action with an issue.
To dream of an awakening represents new ideas or insights that are being realized. You may be experiencing a new awareness that's unfolding in your life. You may have finally realized what the solution to a problem is.
Alternatively, an awakening may point to new spiritual energy or inspiration.
To dream of receiving an award represents feelings of recognition or acknowledgment. Feeling that you did something better than anyone else. It may also reflect your desire to be recognized or acknowledged.
If you fail to win an award in a dream it may reflect feelings of being overlooked or inadequate.
To dream of yourself being away represents feelings about yourself not feeling as close to something as you normally do. Feeling that you aren't present in some way. Feeling that you are separated from some part of your life temporarily. Feeling incapable of being involved with something. Temporarily letting problems or difficulties alone in the interim with intentions to address them later. Negative feelings about how difficult it is to separate from something important to you. Guilt or anxiety about temporarily leaving a situation. Feelings about a person or object being away may reflect your tendency to waste time hoping something is temporary when it could be permanent.
To dream of something being away represents feelings of your life being different than before because something is not the same. Negatively, it may reflect a naive trust in something returning to you.
To dream of needing to get away from something may reflect feelings about serious problems you need to avoid. A wish to avoid involvement in a problem, blame, or serious consequences for your actions. Feelings about needing to avoid danger. Feelings of urgency to seek safety. Fear of an issue you are avoiding. Negatively, dreaming about needing to get away from something may reflect urgent feelings about needing to avoid responsibility, authority, being caught, going to jail, or telling the truth.
To dream of feeling it's important to get away from something, but you feel like you can't may represents feelings about accepting dangerous conditions that you feel are impossible to avoid.
To dream of someone walking away from you represents feelings about some area of your life distancing itself from you or choosing to distance itself from you. Opportunities or support systems that choose to distance themselves while you observe them distancing themselves.
To dream of yourself walking away from someone represents feelings choosing to distance yourself from a situation or person. Problems you casually want to distance yourself from.
Example: A young woman dreamed of being away at a party with her boyfriend. In waking life she had been hanging out with her boyfriend shortly before going on a month's long vacation without him. The feeling of being away in this case may have reflected her feelings about not being present or the current situation being overpowered by a sense of needing to travel away from home.
Example 2: A bartender from of being calm while being told to he had an hour to get away from something. In waking life the DEA showed up at his work and he felt it was a good idea to quit smoking marijuana.
To dream of an axe symbolizes conflict in your life that is blunt, messy, uncaring, and cold. You may be experiencing a situation or person in your life that makes you feel like they don't care about anything you're feeling, and doesn't mind telling you about all your flaws or weaknesses.
An axe is something you may dream when a friendship goes sour and both sides treat to each other with a total lack of respect. An axe can reflect unwelcome brutal honesty, backstabbing, or passive aggressiveness that two people are well aware of.
People experiencing prolonged headaches often dream of being attacked in the head with an axe.
Example: A young man dreamed of a killer with an axe coming after him and his friend. In waking life the relationship between him and his friend was slowly becoming mean and cruel.
*Please See Battle Axe
To dream of ayahuasca represents feelings about a supernatural experience that confronts negativity that's impossible to confront. Feelings of risking your life to confront a problem before your life is put back to normal. Feeling of confronting the fear of death and surviving. Feelings about impossible supernatural powers to fix a situation or heal a person.
Negatively, dreaming about ayahuasca may reflect superstitiousness or delusions that something you did caused a miraculous resolution to a problem.
Alternatively, dreaming about ayahuasca may reflect issues surrounding ingesting it.
Example: A man dreamed of singing a spiritual hymn that caused a power outage to stop and then hearing singing that's similar to singing he's heard during an ayahuasca ceremony. In waking life, a well known drug trafficker entered a public school during a power outage causing fear that trafficker had caused the power outage and possibly killed someone. The drug trafficker was talked to and promised not to return, while the power was restored. In this case, the feeling about the singing being similar to that used in a ayahuasca ceremony may have reflected his superstitious belief about a safe conclusion with the drug trafficker and power outage being due to supernatural powers of his signing. Like ayahuasca, he may have felt he faced the fear of death with supernatural singing powers.