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Dog Poop

To dream of dog poop represents feelings about the unpleasant consequences of irresponsible behavior due to instinctual or emotional carelessness. A loss of self-control over your instincts and urges. A situation that may require you to fix it or "clean it up." A situation or behavior that has left a mess or a negative outcome due to carelessness or neglect. A sense of disgust, annoyance, or disappointment related to someone's actions or your own. The consequences of negligence, lack of foresight, or the failure to take responsibility for one's actions. Thoughts about dealing with the aftermath of someone else's thoughtlessness or dealing with a messy situation. Problems created by sticking up for yourself too strongly. Excessive fighting with others to defend yourself that has created a much bigger problem. Feeling that you've "stepped in shit" with reckless or irresponsible behavior. Sexual behavior or infidelity that causes problems with new relationships if you get caught.

Positively, dreaming about dog poop may represent your awareness of a problem or issue that needs to be cleaned up or addressed in your waking life. Your willingness to confront and take responsibility for a messy situation, even if it's uncomfortable. A conscious choice to address problems head-on, even if they are distasteful or caused by others. This dream could also indicate your resilience and ability to restore order out of chaos.

Negatively, dog poop may represent feelings of being disgusted, offended, or repulsed by someone's behavior or actions. A sense of frustration or annoyance with yourself for being emotionally or instinctually careless. Feelings about yourself carelessly creating a problem for yourself by not being responsible enough. Poor judgment that has resulted in an embarrassing problem that needs to be cleaned up respectably. Frustration not taking care of a situation properly. A need to distance yourself from a person or situation that is causing negativity or chaos in your life. A disdain for irresponsibility, laziness, or the lack of accountability in others. Perhaps you feel burdened by the need to constantly clean up after someone, or you might be struggling with feelings of resentment or injustice due to being put in an unpleasant situation. A need to consider the consequences of enjoying yourself or proving yourself in a careless way.

To dream of stepping in dog poop may represent a sense of embarrassment or feeling "dirty" as a result of your involvement in a problematic situation. You may feel the need to clean up a mess or rectify an issue to avoid further complications or negative repercussions. Feelings of unexpectedly having to deal with the consequences of your or someone else's irresponsible behavior.

To dream of a dog pooping out an object that is not poop may represent feelings about unexpected or unpleasant results of irresponsible actions or choices. It may also suggest that something valuable or useful may emerge from an otherwise messy or careless situation.

To dream of a dog pooping out fruit may reflect feelings about arguments, fights, or standing up for yourself with people resulting in unexpected pleasantness or surprises. The resolution of a dispute or conflict leading to something positive or enjoyable.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing dog poop all over his house. In waking life, his wife caught him watching pornography. He had to explain himself to her, threw all the porn in the garbage, and prove to her for a very long time that he wasn't going to look at it again. In this case, the dog poop may have reflected his feelings about the messy and uncomfortable situation he created due to his irresponsible behavior (watching pornography) and the extensive effort needed to clean up the situation in his marriage.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of smelling dog poop, but never seeing it. In waking life, she was afraid that her sexual interest in an old romantic partner would create serious problems in her new relationship. In this case, the smell of dog poop may have reflected her feelings about the potential consequences of discussing past relationships with her new boyfriend, fearing that it could lead to a messy or problematic situation. She felt the potential to "step in poop" by talking about her ex-lover to her new boyfriend.

Dog Food

To dream of dog food represents your thoughts or a situations that encourages a protective attitude. You may be trying to defend yourself against unpleasant feelings or trying very hard to stay upbeat. Something that increases the need for emotional self-defense.

Negatively, dog food can symbolize situations that encourage anger, viciousness towards others, or excessive sexual behavior. Conflict or sexual stimuli that's difficult to separate from.

Positively, dog food can symbolize situations that encourage you to stand up for yourself, be protective, or be prepared for potential difficulties.

Hot Dog

To dream of a hot dog represents a temporary indulgence in power that isn't serious. Temporarily satisfying a need to prove yourself in an unimportant way. Temporarily relieving yourself of a craving or urge. A satisfying or comforting distraction.

Temporarily satisfying sexual urges. Something positive or enjoyable that can't be sustained forever.A hot dog in a dream may represent "fling" relationships or enjoying yourself while knowing a better option may available later on. Sometimes a hot dog in a dream can reflect temporary sexual indulgences with references to the male penis. Masturbation. A craving for sex when your partner doesn't share the same degree of craving.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone holding a hot dog. In waking this this man was practicing abstinence and having trouble avoiding masturbation. The hot dog being held reflected his view of masturbation being a temporary pleasure that wasn't good for his long term goals.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of throwing a hot dog at her boyfriend's head. In waking life she was was refusing to have sex with him to punish him during an argument.

*Please See Relish

Mad Dog

To dream of a mad dog may represent verbal attacks or arguments. It may also reflect your aggressive feelings towards someone else or viciousness.

Alternatively, a mad dog may represent feelings about other people being ridiculously overboard with being mean or angry. Very heated arguments. Impossible people to deal with.

Snoop Doggy Dog Rapper

To dream of Snoop Dog the rapper represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's notoriously feeling good being more arrogant than someone else about being laid back and having a good time no matter what happens that nobody thinks is a problem either. An aspect of your personality that stands out for its cool, laid-back demeanor, and perhaps a hint of arrogance in its self-assurance about nothing being a problem.

Positively, dreaming about Snoop Doggy Dog may represent feelings of coolness, confidence, and the ability to navigate life's challenges with a laid-back attitude with nobody getting back at you.

Negatively, dreaming about Snoop Dogg could represent an overemphasis on appearing unfazed or too laid-back no matter what, to the point where it might come across as careless, dismissive, or bad influence.

Rap Stars in general may represent arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A man dreamed of a Snoop Dog concert behind a CVS/Walgreens store. In waking life, he was experiencing the lingering impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this case, Snoop Dog may have reflected his desire for a carefree and enjoyable experience, even in challenging times.

Snoopy The Cartoon Dog

To dream of Snoopy The Cartoon Dog represents feelings about an aspect of your personality that is ridiculous about repeatedly seeing itself with behavior that likes thinking it's never difficult to think about itself however it wants to like it's awesome without ever considering the most important part. An aspect of your personality that is whimsically confident and carefree that embarrasses itself never considering how serious the most important part is.

Negatively, dreaming about Snoopy could suggest that you are avoiding responsibilities or not taking important matters seriously enough. A tendency to escape from reality or a reluctance to face difficult situations head-on. A need to strike a balance between your playful, carefree nature and your obligations and commitments. Perhaps you feel that your playful, carefree attitude is being misunderstood or is inappropriate in certain situations, leading to conflicts or misunderstandings with others.


To dream of a doghouse represents feelings that certain behavior or relationships can be used to your benefit whenever you want them to. Emotionally protective resources that are waiting for you to request them. Feeling that someone will protect you whenever you ask them to.

Alternatively, a doghouse may be a sign that you feel punished for your actions. Feeling that you might be in trouble if you act out of line. Feeling that it's important to do what you are told to maintain safety in a situation or relationship. Feeling that you or someone else is not as important or attractive as another in a relationship.

Negatively, a doghouse reflects an arrogant mindset about believing you can tell someone else what to do whenever you want. An arrogant mindset about using someone for sex whenever you want. Feeling that you can showoff whenever you want. Feeling that you don't have to respect someone that you can use to your benefit.

Example: A young man dreamed of mowing a lawn and then reaching into a doghouse to get something when 6 rattlesnakes clung to his arm. In waking life he was assuming it would be easy to have sex with his new girlfriend anytime he wanted when she scared him that if he doesn't slowdown with his attempts to have sex with her she would end the relationship.


To dream of a dog represents feelings about behavior that is emotionally protective that helps you maintain confidence and security. Behavior that is emotionally protective of never having to say whatever it's doing is a problem. Your efforts to shield yourself from difficult emotions. The type, size, and color of the dog all reflect how you choose to protect yourself from difficult emotions or confront problems.

Positively, a dog reflects emotional self-defense or protectiveness to keep confident. The ability to confront challenges and negative situations while maintaining self-assurance. Never fearing anything because there is always a reason to encourage you to stay self-assured. Choosing to confront a person or negative situation while keeping confident. Something in your life you can rely on in yourself or in others to keep insecurity at bay. Repeating something to yourself to help fend off fear, jealousy, or other people's harsh words. An emotional barrier you put up to protect yourself. Sensing danger or a protective attitude about confronting dangerous people or situations. Loyalty, taking sides, or being emotionally protective of friends, family, or work.

Negatively, a dog may represent emotional protectiveness that is excessive or creates problems with self-control. A loss of self-control over instincts and urges. A loss of control over sexual urges.

To dream of an angry dog almost always represents uncontrolled anger, hostility, and viciousness towards other people. Heated arguments. A loss of your temper. Angry dog may also reflect feelings about someone angry in your life that you feel has an alpha male mentality. Feelings about your own alpha mentality when you get angry or lose your temper.

To dream of being bitten by a dog may represent feelings of being attacked, bothered, or threatened by others. Feeling the effects of others viciousness or territorialness. A clash of agendas. Difficulty with addiction. Patients in hospitals may dream of dogs attacking them to reflect fears about unpleasant medical treatment that is in their best interest.

A dog on a leash represents self-control that is managing emotions, instincts, and urges effectively.

To dream of a dead or dying dog may represent feelings of giving up or losing something that once provided you with confidence and emotional security. It may indicate a loss of loyalty, trust, or protection in your life. You may have lost something that gives you confidence or makes you feel safe.

To dream of "cutting a dog's head off" represents taking actions to stop someone else from feeling confident or to prevent them from defending themselves. A desire to undermine someone's self-assuredness or to strip them of their ability to protect themselves. Preventing someone from defending themselves or having something to rely on.

To dream of a lost dog represents feelings of losing confidence in yourself or the ability to protect yourself emotionally. Feeling that you can no longer stand up for yourself. Feeling that a situation is too dangerous to confront. Problems arguing your side of a conflict or defending yourself due to distractions or neglect. Feeling negligent with the feelings of someone who was protecting you. Distractions that have made you avoid protecting your strengths.

Example: A man once dreamed of a caramel dog being delivered to him in a basket. In waking life, he was facing serious financial trouble and had just thought up a plan to get out of it. In this case, the dog may have reflected how his plans gave him the emotional security and confidence to believe in himself while using his idea to keep thinking of the future while currently being broke.

Example 2: A person once dreamed of seeing a black angry dog growling at them. In waking life, they were talking about someone they didn't like in a very angry vicious way. In this case, the black angry dog may have reflected a projection of the dreamer's fears or anxieties about being on the receiving end of someone else's anger or hostility.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a dog biting her hands. In waking life, she was in the hospital getting surgery done on her hands. In this case, the dog biting her may have reflected her feelings about the emotional protectiveness of doctors telling her that she had nothing to worry about with the surgery on her hands causing her to worry more.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of a mean black dog trying to bite her. In waking life, she felt that her mother was being very angry, rude, and making degrading comments. In this case, the mean black dog may have reflected her feelings of being attacked and threatened by her mother's aggressive and hurtful behavior.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of her dog being euthanized or "put down." In waking life, she was fired from her company and she lost all her loyalty to the company. In this case, the euthanized dog may have reflected the abrupt and painful end to her relationship with her company, which she had previously relied on for emotional support and a sense of belonging.

*Please See Puppy

*Please See Pitbulls

*Please See German Shepherd

*Please See Doberman Pinscher

*Please See Rottweilers

*Please See Dog Poop

Pet Food

To dream of pet food represents thoughts or feelings about your ability to nourish or sustain something that brings you comfort, joy, or emotional support. Your understanding of what is needed to keep a certain aspect of your life 'fed,' encouraged, in balance, or well-taken care of. Pets are often symbolic of emotional or relational needs and the food may represent the emotional or psychological sustenance needed to maintain these relationships or aspects of yourself.

Positively, dreaming about pet food could symbolize a responsible attitude toward emotional needs or interpersonal relationships. You are aware of what needs to be done to nurture something or someone valuable to you. It may also signify that you are in a nurturing phase of life, giving attention and care to those who depend on you, including aspects of your own emotional well-being.

Negatively, dreaming about pet food may point to an emotional issue that is being exacerbated. Wasting your time saying you like something about your life in order to feel better about yourself. Wasting your time feeling good caring about someone ignorant or undeserving of that care in order to feel better about yourself. Feeling burdened or overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caring for someone else or keeping an aspect of your life balanced. You might feel like you are not up to the task, or perhaps that you're 'feeding' something that is not good for you, such as a bad habit or a toxic relationship.

To dream of cat food represents feelings about nourishing, sustaining, encouraging, or "feeding" illusions of confidence about something that isn't as tough as it says it is.

To dream of dog food represents feelings about nourishing, sustaining, encouraging, or "feeding" behavior that is emotionally protective. Encouraging emotional self-defense. Encouraging a loss of self-control over instincts and urges.

Example: A woman dreamed of buying herself a cat and always forgetting to feed it to the point of looking so skinny that she began to worry about it. In waking life, she was an unemployed stay-at-home mom experiencing relationship troubles. In this case, the neglected cat food may have reflected her feelings about forgetting to encourage herself to look for a job after telling her boyfriend she would because getting a job scares her that she'd have to stop taking care of her child herself and reenter the workforce after an extended period as a stay-at-home mom.

Refer to the themes section for animals for a more in depth look at animal symbolism.


To dream of a rapper or rap musician represents an aspect of yourself that likes to feel good arrogantly showing off. You or someone else that likes to brag or show off to others about what you have or how much more important you are. It may also reflect a person in your life that scares you that all their priorities are based on showing off.

Dreaming about rappers may also reflect competitive conflict that involved threats or arrogant displays of grandeur to embarrass opponents. An arrogant cold attitude that belittles competition every chance it gets. Feeling good bragging in public about being better than other people.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a rap star that loaned him money. In waking life he felt that a friend who had done him a favor only did it because he was looking forward to using him later on to show off to other people.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing angry rap stars yelling at him. In waking life he was running a very competitive business that required showing off and bragging in public to embarrass the competition that he was superior than they were.



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