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Bird Poop

To dream of bird poop represents feelings about unwanted problems or something unneeded to maintain the freedom to transcend problems. Leaving problems behind so you are not held down or kept away from freely doing what you want. Feeling about you or someone else that doesn't need something in order to keep doing whatever they want. Problems or disgusting wastefulness caused by freedom. Freedom loving people in your life that you feel "shit on you" or don't appreciate freedom. Enjoying your own freedom and not caring about how other people feel while while you do.

To dream of being pooped on by a bird represents feelings about other people embarrassing you with their problems. People embarrassing you with delays that help them remain free to avoid being held down.

Example: A man dreamed of walking through a forest and being pooped on by birds on the tree tops. In waking life he his workplace had not paid him for 7 months and he felt they could keep avoiding paying him by giving him more problems and delays.

Bird's Nest

*Please See Nest


To dream of a birdcage represents feelings of confinement, restraint, or limitations that doesn't mind it. Feelings about freedom having died off keeping you trapped choosing to stay the way you are while not minding it. Feelings about other people are observing you choosing to limit yourself. Your perceived inability to express yourself freely or to break free from specific constraints in your waking life. The bird, often symbolizing thoughts, desires, or freedom, is trapped within the cage, reflecting restrictions or barriers that are preventing you from realizing your full potential or fulfilling your aspirations. Never fighting for your future because someone has to feel safe seeing that you don't.

Positively, dreaming about a birdcage might represent a need or desire for structure, safety, or protection. It could symbolize a conscious choice to contain or manage certain thoughts, emotions, or desires that may be dangerous or disruptive if left unchecked. It may also represent a self-imposed limitation that you believe is for your own good or the good of others.

Negatively, dreaming about a birdcage could indicate feelings of frustration, entrapment, or suffocation in certain areas of your life. You may feel like your creativity, individuality, or personal growth is being stifled. It might symbolize fears of speaking out, the inability to escape an undesirable situation, or the sense that someone else is controlling or limiting your choices and possibilities.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a man dressed in all black inside a birdcage walking towards him. The man in the birdcage moves towards him and then the man inside the cage disappears, leaving on the cage. In waking life, he was experiencing emotional turbulence due to a bad relationship breakup that made him feel trapped. In this case, the birdcage may have reflected his feelings about feeling trapped by choosing to see himself staying single due to the emotional turbulence of his recent breakup.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of a growing canary in a birdcage. In waking life, she was planning to move out of his mother's house because her mother was emotionally abusive and had a "negative hold" on her. In this case, the birdcage may have reflected her longing for independence and freedom but feeling unable to break free from her mother's influence, thus choosing to stay within the confines of her current situation.


To dream of a birdhouse represents feelings about free or cheap support for other people's freedom or independence. Feeling good that other people are never jealous. Enjoying seeing other people be free. It may also reflect your support of others overcoming or transcending their problems. Giving others the opportunity or free time to develop themselves. Enjoying others thriving. Feelings about people being encouraged to freely do whatever you want without jealousy. Possibly a symbol for support from family.

To dream of an empty or unused birdhouse may represent feelings about offers, ideas for, or standing by to support others people never being jealous. Free offers to draw attention to yourself not currently being utilized. Free offers or offers of support to others that are not attractive enough or aren't interesting to anyone.

Negatively, a birdhouse may represent feelings that if you don't offer something for free that other people will not want to talk to you or that you'll lose your only way to generate opportunities of yourself if you don't offer something for free. Wasting your time feeling good making sure people are never jealous that is waste of your time and resources. Supporting other people's freedom when they don't appreciate it. Using parents or other people who support your freedom.

Example: A young man dreamed of a birdhouse. In waking life he was desperate to pay his bills and hoped that easy free offers with his skills he was making would attract interested people in giving him opportunities. The birdhouse in this case may have reflected his feelings about his attempts to offer free or cheap services supportive of other people.


Birds in dreams are symbols for transcendence and liberation. Escaping boundaries and limitations. A symbol for progress towards wholeness and harmony. They are your goals, aspirations, and hopes. The type and color of the bird is very important in decoding the meaning (e.g. black birds or vultures are not positive symbols).

Alternatively, birds can reflect a person's feelings about being spiritually free or clean.

To dream of baby birds represents the potential for transcendence and liberation. Plans or preparation for overcoming something. Being very careful as you work towards goals that give you freedom.

To see dead or dying birds represent disappointment and failures. Killing birds may reflect intentionally souring an inspiring idea or someone else's freedom.

To dream of feeding birds represents encouragement, inspiration, or supporting the idea of trying to overcome problems. Feeding the idea of freedom or transcendence. Encouraging yourself or believing in yourself. Alternatively, consider the type of bird you are feeding. For example, crows and vultures may reflect more negative thinking or behavior being encouraged.

To dream of bird eggs represents goals, aspirations, and hopes that are developing and will take time to be realized. The opposite is true if the eggs are from a species of bird that isn't positive.

To see a flying bird represents transcendence and liberation. A weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you are experiencing a sense of freedom.

To see a caged bird represents a desire for freedom or liberation. You feel confined and restricted in some area of your life.

To see a blue colored bird in a dream symbolizes positive transcendence over negativity. It represents the power of positive thinking, truth, and doing what you know to be right taking a more powerful role. It is also an indication of purification and resolution to conflicts in your life.

To dream of a white bird represents a wish to transcend or rise above a negative situation that is being renewed. Finally deciding to escape a bad situation after avoiding it being kept down. A white bird may also reflect a belief that escaping a bad situation is a good idea.

To dream of a red bird represents freedom or transcendence that you are aware of being negative or dangerous. Getting your freedom back through violence, fighting, or with no concern for others feelings. Possibly a reflection of attaining freedom through dishonest means or cheating others to help only yourself escape a restrictive situation. A red bird may a reflect corrupt attitude about getting ahead of others in business. A red bird may also show up in the dreams of people experiencing corruption in communist countries that allows one to get more privileges than other people by serving the state.

To dream of a black colored bird may represents feelings of emptiness, loss, depression, death, or unpleasant change.

To dream of cutting a birds wings may reflect a wish to stifle someone or prevent something in your life from succeeding. A wish to stop transcendence from occurring. Keeping someone as a loser who can't win. Jealousy of someone better than you succeeding. Controlling someone by reducing their ability to be independent or successful.

People who suffering from Charles Bonnet Syndrome often have hallucinations of birds sitting on top of people's heads. This may actually be a waking vision symbolically reflecting the CBS sufferers feelings about themselves looking stupid enjoying their hallucinations or visions which they feel stuck with. Transcending boredom indulging in hallucinations they can't do anything about.

Refer to the themes section for birds for a more in depth look at bird symbolism.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a white bird. In waking life he felt his life was over, but then had a powerful spiritual experience that made him want to fight his problems and overcome them.

Example 2: A very elderly woman dreamed of enjoying seeing white birds fly around her windows while being very careful not to let the birds out the door. In waking life she was enjoying thinking about what life would like after death and didn't want to bring the topic up with her family.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of walking into a kitchen to see a birdcage with the door wide open and bird choosing to stay inside the bird cage. In waking life she was having problems adjusting to American freedom after having come from a communist country.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a white bird outside her car leading her as she drove. In waking life she was very spiritually focused in her decision making.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being scared to feed a bird. In waking life he was fearing supporting his wife while they were separated because she began dating another man. He feared that continuing to support her choice to live independently from him would help her to move on from him for good and leave him no chance to be with her again.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing blue colored birds which he wanted to take home with him. In waking life he was considering 2 ideas to help him fix serious financial problems that were holding his business back. The two blue birds may have reflected how he had two very good ideas to overcome his financial problems.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing black birds on a tree. In waking life she was annoyed that her granddaughter wouldn't break up with her boyfriend.

Example 8: A young woman dreamed of seeing dead birds and being blamed by their owner, even though she didn't kill them. In waking life, she desired to quit her job and pursue a career in cartooning, but felt guilty about asking her parents to fund her education. In this case, the the dead birds may represent the death of her own dreams and aspirations.

Example 9: A male doctor, who fell ill with COVID-19, experienced vivid hallucinations while in his hospital room. He saw birds filling the room and flying about. In this case, the birds might reflect the doctor's feelings of transcending or being temporarily freed from the obligations of his usual responsibilities of caring for patients due to his illness.

*Please See Yellow Bird

Dodo Birds

To dream of a dodo bird represents you or someone else that arrogantly thinks they are better than other people while doing something stupid. Telling others you are too good for them when you are conscious of yourself acting ridiculous. Outright gall. Impudent assurance and insolence.

Example: A man dreamed of a dodo bird. In waking life he was witnessing his arrogant father trying to sell a home for way too much money in the face of numerous experienced real estate agents that told him that the price he was asking was way too high.


To dream of a swallow bird represents behavior that transcends problems by not wasting any time listening to anything it doesn't need to while it's doing whatever it needs to do. Behavior that isn't wasting any time thinking about anything it doesn't need to. Behavior that feels like not wasting time is its job because it has to move on or do something new. Efficiency, focus, and the ability to move forward without unnecessary distractions. A desire to stay on track, avoid unnecessary complications, and accomplish your goals efficiently.

Negatively, dreaming about a swallow bird may represent behavior that is overdoing or too serious about transcending problems by not wasting any time listening to anything it doesn't need to, possibly to the point of not caring about other people at all.

Example: An elderly woman dreamed of a swallow bird landing in her hand to eat crumbs. In waking life, her son and daughter were not on speaking terms. In this case, the swallow bird may have reflected her feelings about one of her children talking to her about not wasting any time listening to the other siblings side of the story because they were focused on their own life.

Yellow Bird

To dream of a yellow bird represents freedom or transcendence from problems that you are noticing. Awareness of yourself or someone else having no restrictions. Feeling good noticing nothing keeping you down.

*Please See Birds


To dream of a birdbath represents a mindset that is supportive or encouraging of overcoming negativity all the time. Feeling good being noticed by others overcoming negativity or problems all the time. Experiencing a lot of cleansing or a powerful positive change. Experiencing a lot of progress.

Alternatively, a birdbath may reflect your preoccupation with helping others feel good overcoming their problems.


To dream of feeding birds with birdseed represents hope, inspiration, and motivation. You may be nourishing your higher, spiritual qualities.

Alternatively, birdseed many reflect insufficient rewards for your efforts.


To dream of an albatross represents an aspect of yourself that navigate through difficult or uncertain situations with ease and grace by never hesitating or explaining itself. Behavior that is noticeably not being a wimp about doing whatever it needs to do by never hesitating or explaining it to other people because it's faster that way. This dream may also reflect your willingness to take risks or explore new opportunities, even if they seem daunting or uncertain. Feeling that if you confidently not see a problem as a problem, then it probably won't be. Never excepting that you will not save yourself from whatever you have to save yourself from. A professional attitude about never hesitating or explaining yourself no matter what happens during uncertain situations.

Negatively, dreaming about an albatross may represents feelings that it's faster to get away with with something by never hesitating or explaining it. You or someone else that "steals the show" without hesitation or explanation. Pushing through any obstacle or challenge without hesitation or explanation that is admirable and effective, but may also lead to a disregard for consequences or accountability. Taking whatever you want to fix your problem.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a large albatross standing in front of him faced away from him. In waking life, the man was experiencing cops criminally claiming to be protective of a dangerous situation as the reason they temporarily obstructed him from having them arrested. The lie claimed it was important to fix the dangerous situation without hesitation or explanation because the danger seemed obvious, when it was actually an excuse to commit more crime. In this case, the albatross may have reflected the cops corrupt behavior pushing through legal obstacles without accountability.


To dream of a blackbird represents a lack of motivation or a loss of interest. You may not be utilizing your full potential or simply don't want to spend any time focusing on something.

The blackbird species should not be mistaken for a black colored bird or crow. Black colored birds are more symbolic of bad luck or unpleasant developments. Crows most likely point to annoyances in your life.

*Please See Birds

*Please See Crows

Blue Jay

To see a blue jay in your dream, represents an aspect of your personality that draws attention to itself. You or someone else that is easily noticed. You may feel that people notice everything you say or do.

*Please See Bluebirds


To dream of a bluebird represents feelings about a situation being perfectly safe and happy. Feelings about a situation or behavior being "lovely." Feeling good loving everyone else. Feeling good having nothing to hide. Feeling good about never having fake anything in life. Feelings about some area of your life perfectly transcending dishonesty and social disharmony. Feeling that everything happening in a situation is wonderful with no danger whatsoever. Social happiness and resolution. Enjoying feeling that you know and get along with everyone around you. Enjoying a situation where you never have a reason to be nervous. Confidence in situations where everything feel free and wonderful. Happiness gain through old fashioned values.

Negatively, bluebirds may reflect a refusal to be involved in anything that isn't perfectly safe and happy even if it hurts others because it risk losing your own happiness. Naive optimism. Feeling annoyed by happy people. Sadness about how happy and easy life used to be. Jealousy of others having happier functioning relationships. Feeling that you are the only person in a situation that is genuinely being themselves. Feeling like a fake or poser around people that aren't.

Dreams of bluebirds commonly appear sitting on a shoulder. This may reflect feelings about believing yourself as an honest happy person being important to be noticed by others. Showing off to others with a happy attitude. Feeling that nobody can stop you from enjoying strong support from good friends and loving family. Refusing to listen or accept a situation that isn't supportive of happiness or strong relationships.

Note: The bluebirds symbol should not be mistaken for blue colored birds. The bluebird is an actual species of bird most commonly with a blue top, orange chest, and white underbelly.

*Please See Blue Jay

*Please See Birds


To dream of a budgie represents behavior that notices it isn't an expert, but is so wonderful it keeps looking around for anything it can to help. Feelings about a nice person who doesn't stop talking to you about anything it can. Inexperienced honest behavior that scares itself that it needs to never give up trying to find an answer. Worried socializing that keeps asking for any help it can. Wasting your time not talking to an expert.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a budgie. In waking life her husband was worried about losing his business and she observed him listening to inexperienced friends about any possibility to help him fix his business problem that he could. The budgie in this case may have reflect the woman's feelings about her husband wasting his time not talking to an expert.



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