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To dream of a falcon represents aspiration or objectives. You or someone else is very focused on achieving something. You know what you want or have goals that you are aiming for.

In a negative context a falcon may symbolize aspirations or goals that conflict with those of others or cause jealousy.


To dream of a feather symbolizes inspiration or your potential. It may also reflect the first or initial thought about starting something with the potential to do a lot more. Freedom you are quiet about or keep to yourself. Thinking about freedom or transcendence that could be more.. Beliefs that uplift you, make you desire freedom, or interest you in wanting to do something amazing. You may be amazed at what someone else has achieved or want to follow in their footsteps. Knowing you can do something if you want to. Feelings of having freedom at all times. Feeling good doing something all the time that makes you feel free or that you could transcend your problems. Feeling lucky that you don't need to listen to limitation or obstacles all the time. Feeling free to do something that might take a long time or the rest of your life.

Negatively, a feather in a dream may reflect your anxiety about freely expressing yourself or being yourself. Jealousy of others having an easier experience or more freedom than you. Feeling that you can't be completely free to do what you want. A thought of free expression that you may be hesitant about.

Consider the color and type of bird for additional symbolism. Blue feathers would represent positive inspiration. Red feathers represent negative inspiration or realizing your potential to be deceptive or angry.

Example: A young woman dreamed of a feather. In waking life she was insecure about expressing her beliefs on Facebook to friends and family.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing an ink pen with a feather handle. In waking life he had an idea to begin writing a book that would require years of research to finish. The feather pen in this case may have reflected his thoughts about beginning to get his ideas on paper and start his research for the first time.

Refer to the themes section for color for a more in depth look at color symbolism.


To dream of a flamingo represents flamboyancy, an audacious display, or colorful showiness that doesn't think it's a problem. You or someone may be making a spectacle of themselves or are very interested in being noticed.

Negatively, dreaming about a flamingo may reflect feelings about showing off flamboyant, exotic, liberal, or sexual that overdoes it in a conservative situation. Carefree leisure that other people find excessive. Not saying anything about why you are liking having around people that are more conservative than you that speaks of it in other ways.

Alternatively, flamingos may be a symbol for stereotypical flamboyant homosexual behavior.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a single flamingo near a group of swans with baby swans beside them. In waking life the woman had recently separated from her husband after having a child. In this case the flamingo around the swans may have reflected the woman's feelings about herself as looking more like a slut than other mothers because she was single. The flamingo may symbolize how she felt she looked liberal about being open to a new relationship around more conservative perfect family mothers due to her personal life being observed.


*Please See Chickens

*Please See Turkeys

*Please See Ducks

*Please See Rooster


To dream of a goose represents feelings about yourself or someone who never thinks they are wrong no matter what. Persistently noticing one's self as being too important. You or someone else that feels that they always have to come first because they are too important. An assumption of automatic importance or needing to be a priority. Total disregard for anything that isn't respecting you first. Ignoring anything that doesn't think you're not the most important. Believing that all decisions are unimportant if they don't benefit you first.

Negatively, a goose may reflect complete disregard for someone else's feelings or wishes because you have to be more important. Always having to appear being right even if it hurts or costs others. Lying to others to maintain appearances of being more important. It may also reflect you or someone else that is embarrassing themselves forcing their "importantness" on others when it's undeserved. Self-regard that is overbearing or dangerous. Keeping people forced to listening to you no matter how ridiculous it becomes.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his son trying to catch a goose. In waking life he didn't want his son moving out because he felt he'd lose control of him. He was lying to his son about all the chores that needed be done first to fix the property up in order to sell it and allow his son to move when in truth he had no intentions of ever selling or moving. The goose reflected the perpetual state of cleaning and chores the father was using to always appear too important to have to sell the homes and let the son go.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a goose chasing a cat. In waking life she was using sex to control her husband. The goose reflected how she was making herself always too important because sex was a possibility if he was doing what he was told.


To dream of a hawk represents knowing what you want and taking it. It also reflects swift action and sound judgment. Noticing what someone else has and insensitivity taking it from them whenever you want. Never allowing a person or situation to get in your way if it's too important.

Negatively, a hawk may symbolize predatory instincts. You or someone else may be coming on too strong. An "as*hole" that takes what he wants.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a hawk sitting on a fence with another bird it had just killed. In waking life he was considering taking serious action against a friend that has screwed him over.


*Please See Chickens


To dream of a heron represents careful forethought. Herons may show up in dreams when you are carefully planning something. Thinking about everything you need before you do it.

Example: A woman once dreamed of seeing herons on her front lawn. In real life she was making New Year's resolutions to give up some of her bad habits.


To dream of a hummingbird represents indecisiveness or "flightiness." You may have a problem making a final decision, or struggling to make a choice. It could also be a sign that you have a lot of options to choose from or want to experience a number alternatives.

Example: A young boy dreamed of a hummingbird flying in front of him. In real life he discovered that he needed glasses. The hummingbird reflected his conflicted feelings about where or not he wanted to wear the glasses.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of hummingbird flying in his room. In real life they were unable to decide whether or not to tell someone they had feelings for them.

Example 3: An old woman dreamed of a hummingbird shortly before her death. In real life she was debating whether or not to get baptized to please her family before she died.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing hummingbirds. In waking life she was witnessing her husband fearing losing all her had while being very indecisive about making serious decisions.


To dream of a kingfisher represents feelings of freedom to assume authority. Using being older or having more authority as a reason to never have to ask for permission. Assuming the role of an expert that doesn't have to listen to anyone else if they don't want to. Awareness of yourself or someone else assuming a leadership role without question. Feelings about parents that assume power over their children without question. Speaking confidently to other people about your expertise.

Negatively, a kingfisher may reflect feelings about yourself or someone else that is arrogantly assuming power they don't deserve. A refusal to be embarrassed by someone younger and smarter than you. Assuming authority in a situation because you are the oldest. Arrogantly never believing that you deserve to be treated as though you aren't an expert or authority figure. Refusing to allow someone more passive than you with more expertise to lead. Never listening to anyone else tell you what to do because you believe you deserve to lead no matter what. A "total asshole" that never stops leading. Lying about expertise to maintain control. Parents or authority figures that have too much pride to ever admit being wrong. Issues with always needing to be the boss. Respecting yourself too much.


To dream of a loon represents tranquility, self-acceptance, and mental clarity. Behaviors that consistently affirm one's sanity, valuing peaceful and rational actions over impulsive or reckless ones. A deep-seated desire to maintain a calm demeanor and preserve a balanced mental state, actively avoiding any form of chaos or disruption. It reflects a sense of self-assurance, coupled with a strong commitment to acknowledging and upholding one's mental well-being. Engaging in a comfortable, familiar activity that doesn't like taking care of unexpected craziness. Doing nothing that says you're crazy all the time. Feelings about being prepared for a reality check. Behavior that never carelessly wastes its time on anything crazy. Behavior that isn't stupid that looking crazy doesn't look good. Behavior that recognizes its sanity as if it were its job. Acceptance of oneself as never being "out of your mind." Never feeling envious about the need to continually reaffirm your sanity. Accepting yourself as never crazier than other people.

Negatively, dreaming about a loon may represent worrying about something crazy or dangerous happening to you. Not taking other people serious if they behave crazy. A shift in attention or a wake-up call, provoking the dreamer to explore areas in their life they might have been avoiding or not giving proper attention to. Behavior that notices nothing dangerous is allowed to happen so people stay away from it.

To dream of a loon call suggests a sudden call to attention or realization. A need to pay attention to an unexpected interruption or a startling truth that compels the dreamer to reassess their current circumstances or perceptions. Unease or apprehension about an upcoming situation or event. Alertness to unexpected changes or hidden dangers. A reality check about something more dangerous than you thought.


To dream of a magpie represents dishonest opportunism. You or someone else is carefully observing a situation and waiting for a moment of weakness to make a move.

A magpie is a sign of dissatisfaction and disagreements. You may feel insecure about what you say or do. You may also feel shortchanged in a relationship. Alternatively, a magpie may represent your own attempt to steal or embarrasses someone as soon as the opportunity arises.


To dream of a nest represents awareness of your goals or desires being possible if you are patient enough. Noticing everything you want to happen slowly developing. Comfort, safety, protection, homeliness, or new opportunities.

Alternatively, the nest could also reflect emotional dependency.

To dream of a nest filled with eggs represents a lot potential for things to happen in your life if you are patient.

Example: A young woman dreamed of being inside a nest. In waking life she was making a lot of professional preparations for a job opportunity that was guaranteed to her. The nest reflected her sense of confidence that in time she would have all the qualifications she needed to start her career and new life.


To dream of a nightingale represents transcending problems by never believing in anything except never answering to anyone say that you were wrong or robbed. Never believing in anyone convince you that you are wrong when you absolutely know that you aren't immoral for what's happening. Expressing oneself clearly and eloquently even in difficult or challenging situations. Hope, resilience, and finding your voice amidst adversity. The ability to maintain your integrity and express yourself articulately, even when faced with adversity or uncertainty. The nightingale in your dream may mirror your unwavering confidence in your convictions and your refusal to allow others to sway your beliefs or make you question your actions.

Positively, dreaming about a nightingale might symbolize an inner strength and determination that allows you to remain hopeful and optimistic, even when circumstances are challenging. This dream could reflect your talent for articulating your thoughts and feelings eloquently, irrespective of the situation. It might also signify a form of resistance against pressures to conform, symbolizing a determination to uphold your principles and stay true to your core values.

Negatively, dreaming about a nightingale represents overdoing never believing in anything except never answering to anyone say that you were robbed when that might not help you because the situation is too dangerous or snobby. You might also feel like your ideas or thoughts are only being expressed or heard in 'dark' or difficult times.


To dream of an ostrich represents a situation that you notice never "takes off" or never happens. Feeling disappointment that something isn't doing what you'd expect it to do. Feeling that you or someone else is a loser because something is always talked about, but never carried out. More concern with appearances than on taking action. Some area of your life that is always getting ready in a big way, but never actualizing. A lot energy put into preparation, but no final results. Relationship expectations that never actualize. Showing off with only your potential to succeed without proving yourself.

To dream of ostrich eggs represents feelings about waiting for something to happen that you know will never "get off the ground." Waiting for an event that you know will be more preoccupied with appearances than action.

To dream of an ostrich with it's head in the sand represents embarrassing setbacks or delays that you don't want to be noticed for. You may feel too embarrassed to talk to someone because you couldn't keep your word.

Example: A woman dreamed of an ostrich walking near her. In waking life she was having a very hard time getting over a guy she liked. The ostrich reflected her awareness of her desired relationship with the guy never happening despite numerous encounters.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of looking at a cracking ostrich egg. In waking life she decided to begin talking about repairs being made to her deceased mother's home which was being used as a second family residence. She had no intention to do so, but felt that appearing to be preparing ordering repairs would make other people in the family stop bothering her.



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