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*Please See Hawk

*Please See Vultures


To dream of a cage represents some area of your life that is restricted, confined, or restrained. You may feel that someone is keeping a short leash on you or that you are lacking the freedom to act independently. Unable to achieve your goals. You may have repressed desires.

An area of your life where you feel imprisoned, captive, or trapped. An area of your life that you are desperate to escape. Feeling confined with to responsibilities or obligations. Feeling oppressed or subjugated.

Alternatively, a cage may represent your inhibitions or powerlessness in some area of your life.

To dream that you are putting an animal into a cage represents restriction or restrain on some aspect of yourself based on the symbolism of that animal. See our themes section for animal symbolism.

To see a bird in a cage suggests that you are feeling limited in your expression or freedom. You may be experiencing limitations to your spirituality or creativity.

To dream that you are in a cage underwater represents feelings of being overwhelmed by uncertainty while also being restrained. Feeling that a situation is terrible while also feeling that you can't do anything to free yourself from it. If you drown in a cage it may reflect feelings of loss or failure while being completely unable to stop it in anyway whatsoever. Feeling that your "hands are tied" during one of the worst moments of your life.

Example: A man dreamed of being in a cage. In waking life he was terminally ill and desperate to die. Doctors wouldn't let him die.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing crocodiles inside a cage that he feared would get loose. In waking life he was in the process of trying to help get a dangerous criminal put in jail. He feared the criminal would get out and hurt him.


To dream of a canary represents feelings of optimism, positivity, joy, and the ability to simply move on from problems that don't support that type of thinking. Feelings of freedom to never care about anything except saying life is working out great because you can always move on. Feelings about never having to see yourself having a problem or being ruined because you can simply move on. An attitude of optimism or positive thinking as though it was the point of life that leaves all its problems behind if it isn't happy. A professional attitude about talking about your problems going away and moving on if you don't like what's happening. Getting attention for why you are always paying attention to never choosing problems because you can always leave problems behind. Positivity is what is always sought, and the freedom to move on if you don't like what is happening. Liking your life all the time and never being desperate to move on. Never being desperate for anything that isn't positivity that can be easily seen. Feelings about yourself not being a little kid about liking your life all the time and moving on if someone else doesn't want you to. Awareness of preferring to choose optimism and not wanting to be someone's friend if they don't like that about you. Awareness of yourself or someone else that isn't stupid about liking other people's feelings to make life likable.

Negatively, a canary may reflect feelings of never having anything to say except that everything in life is working out great to the point of looking stupid staying the way you are. Jealousy or annoyance about someone else never having a problem because they can simply move on if they want to. Happiness that doesn't like to talk about problems because it can move on.

To dream of a dead canary represents feelings of losing optimism, freedom, or the ability to move on from problems. A lost sense of joy, positivity, or the ability to escape from a difficult situation. Feelings of disappointment, hopelessness, or being trapped without the ability to seek a more positive situation.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing canaries chirping and wearing a canary pendant necklace. In waking life, she was very happy discussing moving from her home and having lots of money to do new things with the family, while not having any serious drive to sell her home in the way she discussed. In this case, the canary may have reflected her optimistic attitude and cheerful discussions about moving on to a new phase in life, while not being seriously committed to making the changes she talked about.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of a growing canary in a birdcage. In waking life, she was planning to move out of his mother's house because her mother was emotionally abusive and had a "negative hold" on her. In this case, the canary in the birdcage may have reflected her feelings about optimism and positivity being confined or restricted. She may have felt that her ability to move on from problems and maintain a happy outlook was being stifled by her mother's emotional control.


To dream of a cardinal represents feelings about transcendence, escaping, or freedom that doesn't have to think of anyone else again if it doesn't want to. Feelings about the some serious could happen if someone isn't respected while they are close to you. Dangerously adult opportunity could fly away if you don't respect it while you can. Once in a lifetime opportunity that once it's gone its over. Transcendence that is never desperate or needy. Feelings about a professional that is normally so focused on what they do away from you that you are surprised that you'd ever get to see or talk to them at all when they show up.

Negatively, dreaming about a cardinal represents the arrogant transcendence of a problem or a situation that doesn't have to thank others. Feeling left behind or the potential to be left behind by an important person. The potential to be left behind by someone who doesn't need to do you a favor.

*Please See Birds


To dream of a chickadee represents fragility. There may be something special or unique occurring in your life that requires careful attention.


To dream of a chicken represents insecurity, cowardice, or a lack of confidence. There is something that makes you insecure or unsure of yourself. You may also have a lack of willpower. Situations in waking life where you are aware of yourself being easily frightened away from something.

Chickens in a dream may be a sign that you are aware of your own fear of standing up for yourself. A fear of confronting your problems. Choosing to run away or allow others to easily scare you. Allowing yourself to believe that you don't matter as much as other people. Allowing people to get away with intimidating you with ignorance or total arrogance. You may benefit from speaking up or trying to gather friends to take a stand with you.

Positively, dreaming chickens may reflect your ability to intelligently attack your enemies without ever having to confront them directly in person. An intelligent fear of people who may be too dangerous or arrogant to bother taking risks with.

To dream of chicks or baby chickens represents feelings about childish insecurity. Childish shyness or fear. Helplessness to stand up for yourself. The possibility for a problem to make you look like a coward at a later time if you don't address it immediately.

Negatively, baby chicks in a dream may reflect problems with standing up for yourself that are creating additional situations for you to fear or shy away from. Accepting fear as something you will never stand up to. Alternatively, it may reflect situations where you are overbearing with control over a younger or less experienced person than you. Controlling parenting that doesn't allow children to build confidence.

Example: A man dreamed of a coin with a chicken on it. In waking life he discovered an incredible idea about how to totally embarrass dangerous criminal people who humiliated him and to do it without them ever knowing that he was behind it. He feared any confrontation with these people directly because one of them was previously charged with attempted murder.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her brother get into a car accident, have his head severed, and then see his head turn into a chicken head. In waking life the woman was fearing getting a coronary bypass operation. She believed that it was her bad habits that caused this health problem while she also fearing the necessary operation.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being called a chicken. In waking life she was experiencing nausea from her pregnancy and didn't want to leave work yet. Her husband told her that he could easily afford to financially support her and that the only reason she doesn't leave work is because she was too scared to.


To dream of baby birds may reflect feelings about new confidence in overcoming problems or overcoming unwanted control in your life. New ideas that encourage you to stand up for yourself. Confidence developing that encourages you to stop listening to people who want to control you or stop you.

Negatively, baby birds in a dream may reflect feelings of jealousy that someone else is starting to overcome challenges that you don't want them to overcome. Enemies getting new ideas or starting to free themselves from restraints.

Consider the type of bird for additional meaning.

*Please See Chickens


To dream of a cockatoo represents behavior that shows off seeking out attention however it can. Behavior that is unafraid and faster than other people about seeking out attention however possible. Behavior that is wilder than someone else about seeking out attention however it can. It represents a desire to be noticed or heard by others. The dream suggests that you or someone in your life may be vocal and expressive about something they want others to take notice of. There may be a belief or concern that you or someone else feels is important for others to pay attention to. Self-expression, individuality, or a desire to stand out. Behavior that thinks getting attention is its job.

Positively, dreaming about a cockatoo can signify the confidence and assertiveness to express oneself freely. It may reflect the ability to command attention and make an impact on others through your words or actions. It symbolizes an individual who stands out from the crowd and is not afraid to be unique or unconventional. The need for self-expression and attention-seeking behavior. A personality that's unafraid to be different or commands attention. A conscious choice to embrace your own quirks, talents, or charisma.

Negatively, dreaming about a cockatoo may suggest a tendency to seek attention or validation from others excessively. Feelings of annoyance, distraction, or a fear of standing out too much. Concerns about being too loud, overly flamboyant, or drawing unwanted attention to yourself. A fear of being ignored or overlooked, leading to attention-seeking behavior or a sense of entitlement. The dream may also indicate a lack of genuine connection or substance behind the desire for attention, possibly reflecting insincerity or a need for validation. Not liking experiencing someone else being excessive with needing to show off getting attention. Feeling that someone wastes their time showing off.


*Please See Rooster


To dream of a crane represents elegance, gracefulness, or gestures of good will. A crane may also symbolize behavior that is "intelligently wonderful", caring, patient, or peaceful.


To see dream of a crow represents lingering unpleasantness or annoyances. An obnoxious person or situation that gets on your nerves or won't go away. A crow is a sign that you are experiencing unwanted changes, bad news, difficult endings, hardship, or situations and people that won't go away. Feeling annoyed by reminders of debt.

Example situations that might bring on a dream of a crow may be a difficult divorce, a death of a loved one, or being forced to be around a someone that you can't stand. One man dreamed of a crow when he was fighting an drug craving.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing crows in the sky. In waking life she had an alcoholic son living with her that refused to get a job and stop drinking. She felt that his presence in the house was quite obnoxious as she was trying to start a business and raise her second younger son.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a dead crow with a rattlesnake coming out of it's mouth. In waking life she had paid off debt that left her financial broke and unable to address other serious problems. The dead crow in this case may have reflected her feelings about no longer having to think about a debt that someone was constantly nagging her to pay off.

*Please See Ravens


To dream of a dove represents peace or resolution of conflict. Doves may be a sign that you've come to terms with your past, with people you're fighting with, or that you're moving on. You may also be experiencing a fresh start or a new beginning. Peaceful resolutions in waking life. Transcending a crisis. Feelings about life being beautiful. Hoping for good news. Harmony.

Negatively, doves in a dream may reflect feelings about conflict resolution with low substance. It may also reflect jealousy of other people having happy endings to their problems when your problems aren't getting solved. Feelings about people you think are stupid getting married. Happiness derived from excessive religious faith or excessive honesty that drives you solve problems for the mere purpose of feeling like a good person. Good deeds that cover up problems instead of addressing them directly.

To dream of seeing doves fly may reflect feelings about how beautiful it is to see the resolution of a problem. Beauty or peace transcending trouble. Receiving good news.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing doves fluttering around her daughter who was standing inside a tower. In waking life she was hoping that her daughter would awaken from a tragic coma she went into.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a dove fly while it carried a rainbow triangle. In waking life he was enjoying having a new purpose in life after losing all he had and preparing to kill himself.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a dove fly. In waking life she had just heard that her brother was getting married.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing doves outside her window before missiles struck her home. In waking life, she was experiencing the breakdown of family. In this case, the doves may have reflected her perception of peace, harmony, and resolution in her family life before the chaos and destruction caused the family breakdown.


To dream of a duck represents you or someone else in waking life that is aware of everything happening around them. Positively, ducks may reflect preparedness and savviness. Being shrewdly informed or having inside information. Feeling that is easy to adapt or get away with something.

Negatively, a duck may represent gossip or talking about other people behind their backs. An annoying "twerp" in your life that won't go away or that you feel always gets away with something negative. It may also be a sign that you don't like being as informed as you are.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing ducks in her backyard under a tree. In waking she was deeply concerned about being ready for the end of the world. The ducks in the backyard reflected her feelings about herself being more informed than others about global events and the potential for apocalyptic events while also feeling that she couldn't do much about it.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of a sad duck with bad luck. In waking life she her had gotten remarried and was having a second baby which made her feel like she didn't matter anymore. The sad duck may have reflected her feelings about having trouble adapting to the new family situation after initially feeling that it would be easy.


To dream of an eagle represents feelings about pride and self-determination that's aggressive about maintaining a sense of freedom without asking permission. Behavior that respects itself as an authority of living with freedom from other people's problems embarrassing it. Behavior that is fearless, thinks for itself, and is in control of itself while protective of its own freedom without a problem. Behavior that thinks its job is to think freely and take/seize whatever it wants to remain free with self-determination. Aspiration to rise above common limitations.

Positively, dreaming about an eagle may represent self-reliance, strength, and pride to survive with freedom without a problem. A sense of personal power or the achievement of a high level of autonomy. Wisdom, insight, and the ability to see things from a higher perspective and to remain unaffected by other people's problems reducing your ability to remain free.

Negatively, dreaming about an eagle may represent excessive pride and self-determination that's too aggressive or dishonest about maintaining a sense of freedom without asking permission. Feeling that you have to respect yourself surviving a situation with freedom all the time without asking for anyone else's permission that might feel dangerous (e.g. surviving covid-19 pandemic). Feelings about older family members with who don't fear believing in their freedom first and who will choose to seize things without asking permission if necessary while you can't do anything about it. Perhaps you feel disconnected from others due to your aspirations or achievements. Struggling with the burden of having to maintain pride and self-determination that is in conflict with other people's problems or that others cannot understand or relate to.

To see an angry or evil eagle in a dream represents feelings of confrontation with a powerful, dominant, or immoral force that you perceive as a threat to your freedom or autonomy. A clash with an authoritative figure or a situation where you feel your independence is being challenged. A struggle with someone who has a strong, assertive personality, or a scenario where you feel overpowered and unable to assert your own will. A fear of losing your sense of pride, self-determination, or freedom.

Eagle dreams may be common to people who are unemployed or having financial concerns while looking for a job. The eagle in these cases may reflect the aspiration for freedom and autonomy, which feels threatened or unattainable in their current circumstances.

Example: A Christian girl dreamed of being attacked by an eagle. In waking life, her mother was criticizing her religious beliefs and wanted her to change them. In this case, the attacking eagle reflected her feelings about her religious beliefs being attacked by her mother's aggressive self-determination to think freely beyond the control of organized religion. The mother may have felt that organized religion was what "robots" did and was aggressive about encouraging his daughter to give it up to think for herself.

Example 2: A man dreamed of an eagle flying by his window and giving him a pair of sunglasses. In waking life, he was enduring the Covid-19 epidemic and felt that there was too much chaos in the world. He decided it was a good reason to get married to his girlfriend of 17 years in order to live without sin. In this case, the eagle may have reflected his feelings of pride and self-determination to survive the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and limitations without his lifestyle being affected by other people's problems or infections. His fear of surviving the pandemic may have made him more relaxed or laid-back (sunglasses) about the idea of marriage being important.


*Please See Heron



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