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To dream of beer represents relaxed attitude that feels good not needing to care about about issue. Psychological relaxation on an issue such as taking a break from a serious issue or telling someone a secret you've been keeping. Choosing to reduce the seriousness of a situation. Being laid back about an issue. You or someone else may be very comfortable with the way things are. Choosing to not work very hard. Laziness or taking time off. Insensitively believing you deserve to relax. An attitude that says "thank goodness I don't have to care about someone else's feelings making me stressed out anymore" while you relax on an issue. Feeling that you deserve to relax because you are already confident about winning. Gestures made to calm to relax issues that improve socializing. A prelude to positive or negative social change. A relaxing influence.

Negatively, dreaming about beer represents a relaxed attitude that feels good not needing to care about anyone else's feelings. Insensitively taking time off an issue. Not wasting any time relaxing that is insensitive to others. Leisurely taking time off that is dangerous or reckless. Leisurely attitude about a non-serious sexual relationship. Being overconfident about deserving to relax. Opening up about secrets or guilty issues.

To get drunk off beer represents excessive pleasure, or enjoyment. You may be "overdoing it" in some area of your life. You are so interested in something that it clouds your judgment or ability to focus on other issues.

To dream of attacking someone with an empty beer bottle represents not feeling good believing that time was wasted on thinking nothing was serious.

To dream of a light or lite beer may reflect feelings about respecting yourself not being too serious about taking time off or relaxing on an issue.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing the daughter of a man at her workplace she was interested in dating drinking a beer and smoking. In waking life she was disappointed by the guy she wanted to date when she found out he was only interested in dating her because a girl he was more interested in dating at her workplace was dating someone else. The beer in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about the man she was interested in dating having an insensitive attitude about leisure romantic time spent with her while he waited for the woman he actually wanted to date to become single.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of holding a beer that she didn't drink. In waking life she was preparing to tell a friend a secret that might hurt the friend's feelings. The beer in this case may have reflected her feelings about needing to be insensitive about herself emotionally relaxing about the secret needing to be told to her friend.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of not wanting a light beer in a can and preferring it in a glass. In waking life she didn't like drifting apart from several relationships she had. In this case the light beer can that she didn't want while preferring a glass may have reflected her attitude about relaxing about accepting the loss of a relationship. She may not have wanted to feel empty about respectfully distancing herself from someone (can) and preferring to let the relationship go more respectfully (glass).

*Please See Beer Mug

*Please See Wine

*Please See Budweiser

*Please See Corona

Beer Mug

To dream of a beer mug represents breaks or vacationing that's free from complications. Hard work, preparations, or planning that ensures a relaxing experience. Feeling confidently carefree. You may want to avoid problems or mistakes that could ruin a good time or spoil a break.

Corona Beer

To dream of Corona brand beer represents a relaxed attitude or taking time off from a situation that demands professionalism, measuring yourself, and being in control of yourself in order to avoid being too serious about overdoing it because you don't want to leave anything to chance. Behavior that likes every person you are talking to not witnessing you as a disaster of overdoing relaxing. Professional attitude about relaxing that enjoys itself never doing anything excessive. A professional and responsible attitude towards taking breaks without going overboard because you set limits for yourself from the beginning. Feeling that unwind without feeling guilty or concerned about overindulgence is what you're supposed to be doing. Feeling comfortable that nothing can be a disaster for why you are relaxing from an issue because you are measuring yourself. Relaxing that is in control of yourself while not embarrassing yourself overdoing it. Enjoying every moment without getting caught up in excess. Controlling yourself by taking time off that isn't dangerous about overdoing it. A mindful and measured attitude towards enjoying life without neglecting responsibilities or overlooking potential consequences. A preference for presenting yourself as composed and not risking appearing excessive while enjoying a relaxed state. The desire to relax and the pressure to maintain a professional demeanor. Small increments and measuring oneself to avoid embarrassing yourself while relaxing.

Negatively, dreaming about Corona brand beer represents feelings about overdoing believing that a professional attitude about measuring yourself and being in control of yourself while relaxing won't eventually result in overdoing it. Concerns about embarrassing oneself by not being able to strike a balance between work and leisure. Choosing to measure yourself while relaxing about an issue by choosing to do it slowly or incrementally to avoid overdoing it that eventually leads to being excessive. Disliking having to measure yourself while being in control of yourself because due to concerns that you'll embarrass yourself if you don't go back to work. Not wanting anyone to think you are an idiot who went overboard while taking time off.

*Please See Beer

Red Stripe Beer

To dream of Red Stripe Jamaican beer represents a relaxed attitude about not needing to worry about an issue because everything is working out safe, simple, and different about always being supportive of never having a problem. Behavior that's safe and simple about being laid-back no matter what happens. An attitude of laid-back optimism and a tendency to expect easy-going support and stability. Believing that a laid-back approach to a situation is special about remaining laidback, stable, and untroubled despite challenges because other people are supportive of seeing it the same way as you do.

Negatively, dreaming of a Red Stripe beer may reflect overdoing a relaxed attitude about a situation being safe, simple, and different about supporting you. Overdoing a relaxed attitude about an issue while mistakenly believing that simple safe supportiveness will last.

Example: A high school girl dreamed of ordering a Red Stripe Beer for $500 and then watching a man order one for $500 before the dream scene changed to standing in front of churning black water. In waking life, she was concerned about losing her relationship with her boyfriend when leaving for college. In this case, the Red Stripe beer may have reflected her and her boyfriend's initial relaxed or laid-back feelings about the future of their relationship, believing that everything would remain simple, stable, and untroubled despite the upcoming changes due to the naive belief that their relationship was different than other relationships about being able to remaining supportive of each other's futures no matter what happened.

*Please See Beer


To dream of drinking alcohol may represent the potential to go too far with your ideas or interests. Positively, it may reflect how you are enjoying yourself with something you really like.

*Please See Rubbing Alcohol

*Please See Beer

*Please See Wine


To dream of Budweiser beer represents feelings about the qualities of an experience that doesn't have to talk about itself being accomplished or best when while never having to stop relaxing until it's absolutely finished relaxing. A sense of satisfaction and ease with an experience that doesn't need validation or approval from others. It embodies the feeling of being the best without having to brag or prove oneself. An experience that doesn't have to prove itself as the best because it already is while staying relaxed. Feeling comfortable being a winner that doesn't have to talk about it while you relax. Being comfortable relaxing better than someone without ever needing to talk it. Deserving to be a jerk if someone doesn't let you relax because you already took care of the problem they are complaining about. Absolutely on top of your own life while you quietly don't think other people are.

Negatively, dreaming about Budweiser may represent relaxing that feels it's better than someone because you already did more than them while not talking about it. A jerk attitude that doesn't speak about why your time off is better than someone else's. Feeling relaxed being the best that doesn't need to explain it while feeling that other people are a loser if they don't accomplish something themself.

Example: A woman dreamed of finding an Budweiser beer can in her fiance's hand and being upset because he wasn't a drinker in real life. In waking life she was having a fight with her fiance about the finances when she was unemployed and he was employed. In this case the Budweiser beer in her fiance's hand may have reflected her perception of her fiance's attitude of being comfortable and relaxed in his position of financial stability, without having to prove himself or worry about financial difficulties. Overall, the dream may reflect the dreamer's frustration with her fiance's perceived lack of empathy or understanding towards her financial struggles due him having a job when she didn't. She may have felt the snobbery from him about deserving to relax because he's accomplished paying bills because he has a job while she hadn't paid any bills because she didn't have a job.

*Please See Beer


To dream of Heineken beer represents a relaxed attitude about an issue where the worst or hardest part of something difficult is over while you feel good taking some time off with mindfulness of not being lazy. Feeling that you don't have to relax for the rest of your life, but you do need to relax in the current moment. Feelings about being not being a lazy person, but don't need to work right now. Feeling good being professional at your job and deserving to take some time off to not worry about it in the current moment. Finding balance between work and relaxation. Taking time off while not being lazy about anticipating more work to come. Professionally deserving time off because work isn't pressing concern right now. Deserving to relax because you are not needed in the office or to work right now. Interim relaxing. A relaxed attitude that is confident about affording time off. Handling work, but not having to go back to it yet.

Negatively, dreaming about Heineken beer represents a tendency to procrastinate, become complacent or overindulge in relaxation at the expense of productivity. A lack of urgency or accountability when facing pending tasks or responsibilities. Overconfidence in one's ability to afford time off, or taking a break when it's not yet deserved or appropriate. It can also reflect an overemphasis on leisure and enjoyment, risking potential future work opportunities or neglecting present obligations.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Heineken t-shirt. In waking life, he was recently hired for a new job that he hadn't started yet. In this case, the Heineken beer t-shirt may have reflected his feelings of relief and relaxation after the stress of job hunting was over, coupled with his anticipation for starting his new job. He felt he deserved a period of relaxation and respite before the new professional challenges began.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a big Heineken bottle in the center. In waking life, he finished a small job he had to do and decided to take some time off while being aware that he had to go back to his regular work whenever he was ready. In this case, the Heineken may have reflected his choice to take a well-earned break after completing a demanding task. The large Heineken bottle in the center of his dream symbolized his conscious decision to prioritize relaxation and leisure for the time being, while still acknowledging his professional responsibilities awaiting in the near future. The dream indicated his understanding of the importance of balance between work and relaxation.



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