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White Trash

To dream of people you feel are white trash may reflect feelings about yourself or others as being low class, cheap, or unconcerned with low quality behavior. A lack of concern for some area of your life staying unattractive. An area of your life where you feel other people prefer to behave without integrity or low standards as though it were normal when you feel it isn't. A lack of sophistication. Feelings about yourself or someone else being a "low-life."

Negatively, white trash people may reflect your feelings about other people preferring low-quality choices. Ignorance of improved possibilities or potential. A lack of sophistication that holds back progress. Low standards or low quality that scares you. Fearing being pulled down to other people's low standards of behavior. Anxiety about other thinking you are a "low-life loser."

Alternatively, dreaming about white trash people may reflect feelings about yourself having low standards and not caring about it at all. Some area of your life where you prefer low standards or low quality because it makes you happy. Accepting of yourself as a "low life." Not caring what people think of you.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing white trash people sitting on a porch that he drove past. In waking life he was trying hard to be perfectly abstinent for his religious training and couldn't stop masturbating to pornography. He felt like a "low-life" not being perfectly abstinent. and accepting this behavior in himself.

White People

To dream of white people represents aspects of your personality that are comfortable following socially acceptable behaviors and norms, without feeling the need to stand out or behave in dangerous ways. Accepts itself safe doing nothing strange as expected like it matters a lot. Behavior that saves itself from seeing itself doing anything strange or dangerous. Behavior that respects itself noticing what matters most while staying safe and sane. Stable and accepted behavior that can't be disrupted without causing anger or hurt. Stability and acceptance, as well as a casual attitude towards situations and relationships that are perceived as stable. You respect the established rules and boundaries and don't see the need to disrupt them or stand out for attention. Socially acceptable permanent safety. Socially acceptable respect for what matters most. Normalcy that doesn't have to question it. Social acceptability is the reason why you think nothing is wrong. Qualities of safe, stable, and traditional.

Negatively, white people reflect feelings about comfort with overdoing socially acceptable safe behavior and norms in order to avoid standing out. Conforming to socially acceptable norms that work against your individual needs or circumstances. Behavior that doesn't have to listen to you or respect anything else about you if it doesn't want to because it thinks you're too dangerous, weird or, too socially unacceptable. Civility that's mean to anything unusual. Socially acceptable safe behavior that is better for a group, but not good for an individual with special circumstances. Behavior that is just honest, not laughing about why you are not socially acceptable as safe. Frustration or insecurity about being ignored or undervalued, particularly if you feel that others are not willing to listen to you or take your concerns seriously. Difficulty making changes in a situation that has already been accepted. Jealousy of someone who seems to have an advantage over you because they are socially acceptable. Social acceptability or behavior norms of other people that work against you or aren't protective of you. Anxieties about being socially acceptable to meet new friends or fit in with people. Not liking other people's standards of socially acceptable behavior.

To dream about being in a neighborhood with mostly white people who didn't like black people could reflect the dreamer's feelings of exclusion, isolation, or discrimination for behavior that they feel is too concerned with respecting itself proving itself or never giving up. Socially acceptable safe behavior that isn't allowing other behavior.

Alternatively, dreaming about being in a neighborhood with mostly white people who didn't like black people could reflect the dreamer's feelings of exclusion, isolation, or discrimination in their waking life. The dream may be expressing the dreamer's feelings of being marginalized or not fitting in with a particular group of people due to their race or ethnicity.

To dream of a mean white person represents feelings about conforming to socially acceptable behavior that feels unfair or ignorant. It can also represent frustration or insecurity about being ignored or undervalued, particularly if others don't take your concerns seriously or don't listen to you. Jealousy or resentment towards those who have an advantage due to social acceptability or conformity. Social acceptability with a sense of conceit or ignorance that disregards the importance of listening to others and respecting different perspectives.

To dream of killing a white person represents changing or ending socially acceptable behavior. Frustration or anger towards the dominant culture or establishment. It could represent a desire to rebel against the norms or standards that are being imposed on you or feeling oppressed by them.

Alternatively, dreaming of killing a white person may represent a desire to rid yourself of certain traits or characteristics that are associated with whiteness or the dominant culture. This may reflect feelings of guilt, shame, or inadequacy related to your own identity, background, or experiences.

To dream of being surrounded by white people when you are not a white person in waking life represents feelings about involvement in social acceptable behavior that tries to stay safe that way. An example might be safe status quo behavior while going to church, talking to doctors, or speaking to professionals that feels safe being socially acceptable. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are too sensitive or to worried about maintaining socially acceptable safe behavior for appearances.

Example: A young black woman dreamed of a white woman standing near a black man that she liked. In waking life she was shocked to find out that a guy she liked already had a girlfriend. The white woman in her dream represented the dreamer's feelings of jealousy and disappointment that the man she liked was already in a stable and socially accepted relationship that she couldn't disrupt without causing anger or hurt.

Example 2: A black man dreamed of being in church surrounded by white people he was at ease with while walking out of his church. In waking life the man was an ex-pastor who recently left the church after getting divorced. In this case the white people he was at ease with may have reflected his feelings about the people at his church caring about socially acceptable behavior that's deemed safe. He left the church because he felt his divorce was socially unacceptable behavior deemed unsafe for leadership in church.

Example 3: A mixed race man dreamed of being in a waterpark with lots of white people. He saw only white people. In waking life the man had recently moved and had no friends where he lived. In this case the white people may reflect his feelings about needing to be socially acceptable in a specific way that was new to him in order to make new friends in his new location.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing white people. In waking life he was nervous about meeting people at a new church group. In this case the the white people may have symbolized his desire to fit in and conform to the socially acceptable behavior and norms of his fellow Christians."

Example 5: A young woman dreamed of seeing a book that addressed the stupid things white people do to hurt themselves, but put it back. In waking life she was about to see old friends from high school. In this case a book on helping white people she put back may have reflected her interest in ideas to protect herself with being socially acceptable safe with old friends after not having seen them for a very long time.

Example 6: An older woman dreamed of walking around a shopping mall with her son's family and becoming aware that they were the only white people around. In waking life her old family farm was sold and all the old family grown trees were cut down. In this case, the symbolism of her and her son's family being the only white people in the mall may reflect her feelings about being the only ones who value the farm as a safe, stable, and socially acceptable place, while others don't see its importance. The dream may also represent her sense of isolation and alienation in a changing world where old traditions and values are being lost and replaced with something new and unfamiliar.

*Please See White Trash

Black And White

To dream in black and white (not necessarily a photograph) represents situations that feel that they are not as interesting as they could be. A life situation feels like it's just going through the motions and not enjoying the beauty of it.

To dream of seeing a black and white photograph represents your memory of a situation before a big change occurred. Remembering how simple life used to be. Feelings about memories being really old. Memories of a simpler time. Feeling that a memory of something dishonest you did is too old to be seriously concerned about any more. Nostalgia. Appreciation for how simple, honest, down to earth, or moral a situation used to be.

Negatively, a black and white photograph represents your memory of how good life used to be before something bad happened or before you were forced to change your negative behavior. Remembering life in the present as more realistic or sophisticated than the present.

Example: A young man dreamed of being shown a black and white photograph. In waking life he got caught committing a crime and was trying to recall his behavior right before he got caught. The black and white photograph in this case may have reflected his memory of his dishonest behavior not being serious to him because it was "old news" to him. He felt his guilt was important because it was "in the past."

Example 2: A man dreamed of a black and white scene of himself running away and being attacked. In waking life he was focused on remembering trauma from his past too much. The black and white symbolism may have reflected his awareness of his past not being as serious as it used to be while he still thought it about too much.

Snow White

To dream of Snow White may represent feelings about innocence, purity, and goodness that is overcoming envy or jealousy that must remain dormant until someone with good intentions saves you by approving of you. Virtue, beauty, and grace under pressure. Being "woken up" or inspired by a perfect person in your life.

Negatively, Snow White may reflect represent feelings of being kept inactive, unable to voice your thoughts or take action. Feelings of being helpless, passive, or dormant in a situation waiting for rescue. It may also reflect a feeling of being sidelined or overlooked despite being innocent, pure, or good. Alternatively, it could signify unrealistic expectations about "waking up" from a difficult situation only through the intervention of someone else.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Snow White inside a cave wearing a yellow dress. In waking life, someone incredibly successful needed his help to fix a problem that required him to remain perfectly passive about the problem for a few months. In this case, Snow White may have reflected his feelings about himself being the 'savior' or the good-intentioned person who was needed to save the day, while having to remain patient and passive until the right moment came. In this scenario, the dreamer saw himself in the role of the 'prince' who could awaken the virtue (or solution) from its dormant state.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of Snow White. In waking life, she felt that her second husband woke her up to true love. In this case, Snow White may have reflected her perception of her own innocence and purity in her new relationship, embodying virtue, beauty, and grace, having overcome previous jealousy or envy from her past.

The White House

To dream of The White House represents a perspective on a situation that has total authority, power, and control over decision-making of a free state of mind. A state of mind that feels free from constraints and able to lead, dictate terms, and think freely with free will. A desire for personal freedom, autonomy, or the pursuit of your own goals without limitations. The freedom to implement ideas and the authority to influence broader strategies. The ability to exercise control over your life or make decisions with clarity and confidence. Confidence in not having to think about a single thing that you don't want to. Feelings about being in control of yourself while being in control of what you think as well.

Negatively, dreaming about The White House may represent feelings of not being a total authority over your own thoughts or decisions. Scenarios where you doubt your free will over personal, professional, or social circumstances, reflecting an internalized struggle with self-esteem or assertiveness. Frustration or insecurity stemming from the realization that you are not the ultimate authority on your mental narrative or that external factors, doubts, or other influences are imposing upon your decision-making power. Anxiety about losing the 'commanding lead' over your own life direction or principles.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing The White House off in the distance. In waking life, he was close to getting a big promotion at work. In this case, The White House may have reflected the man's anticipation of the increased authority, autonomy, and decision-making power he would obtain in his job.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing the front of The White House blocked off by a big black iron fence with a red stripe across it. In waking life, he was experiencing the most powerful hallucinations of his life which prevented him from leaving the house or living his life normally in any way at all. In this case, The White House may have reflected the man's recognition of a significant barrier to his personal freedom, control, and autonomy due to his debilitating hallucinations. The White House, a symbol of control and authority, being blocked off by a big black iron fence with a red stripe, might represent the perceived insurmountable obstacles in his mental state, hindering his ability to exercise control over his life or make decisions with clarity and confidence.

Example 3: A man dreamed of standing outside The White House and then experiencing UFO spaceships landing to pick up all his family, except his father. In waking life, he was experiencing strange visions along with witnessing repeating number patterns everywhere he went. In this case, The White House may have reflected his feelings about himself initially having total control over his mind as a rational free thinker, while the UFOs symbolize a challenge to this perspective due to all his strange visions.


*Please See Garbage

Trash Can

*Please See Garbage Can

Trash Compactor

To dream of a trash compactor represents feelings about trying to make your problems or negativity more acceptable or presentable. Positively, you may be looking at problems from a new perspective.

Negatively, a trash compactor may reflect an insensitive attitude towards minimizing your problems or acting inconsiderately towards people that are useless to you.

Dreaming of being stuck in a trash compactor may reflect a fear of being minimized to the point of not mattering at all. Total embarrassment that you're being made useless and unneeded by someone else. Terrifying feelings of not being important at all.


To dream of the color white represents feelings about something in your life being perfect, pure, or genuine.

Positively, white may reflect feelings about perfect ideas, cleansing, good intentions, or the purification of negativity in your life. Feelings about people or situations being perfectly honest. Feeling a total lack of jealousy. It may also reflect your feelings about being spiritually pure. Self-improvement, positive change, or discontinuing bad habits. Bad people or bad situations being completely changed. Negative thinking patterns or negative situations are being cleansed from your life. Something perfectly never has to happen again.

Negatively, the color white may reflect good, genuine, or well-meaning intentions which are imbalanced. Honest actions that hurt others. Being inconsiderate of others as you make dramatic changes. Purification of some area of your life that is unpleasant or dangerous. Forcing honesty on other people in ways that feel uncaring or mean. A fear of not being perfect. Creepy or not finding it funny that something never has to happen again.

To dream of white clothing represents feelings about the personality being perfect. A person or situation that behaves in a manner that is unquestionably perfect. It may also reflect feelings about your own personality being perfectly honest or that nothing is wrong with your behavior. God often appears in dreams wearing white clothing which may reflect people's view of God behavior being perfectly spiritual.

To dream of a white room may reflect feelings about a personal area of your life being perfectly fixed or totally honest. Dramatic personal change.

To dream of a white void may reflect feelings about a dramatic changes in your life that seems to have no ending. Negatively, it may reflect feelings of unpleasant changes that seem to have no clear ending.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a white cat. In waking life he having fantasies about being married to a woman he didn't know. The white color of the cat most likely reflected his good intentions for marriage.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a white flash of light. In waking life he was surprised to witness people he thought were terrible criminals being arrested and never allowed to bother him again.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of seeing herself with a white belly ring piercing. In waking life she felt that there was nothing wrong with getting a belly piercing, but she feared getting in trouble from her grandmother if she got one.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a woman in all white with a disappointed look. In waking life the woman was disappointed that a business deal was never going to happen.

Example 5: A man dreamed of seeing someone in perfect cartoon-like whiteness with an almost completely white background. In waking life he found it creepy to witness the person he dreamed about moving on with their life in a new direction he felt wasn't safe or nice. The white in this case may have reflected the man's feelings about how creepy it felt to see someone perfectly moving on with their life.

Example 6: A person dreamed of a white room with a dead black fish in it. In waking life they were an recovering alcoholic. The white room may have reflected the part of their life recovering from alcoholism being perfectly honest or clean.

Example 7: A small girl dreamed of being tortured and imprisoned in a white room. In waking life she got in trouble with her parents who demanded 100% honesty and dramatic personal change.


Birds in dreams are symbols for transcendence and liberation. Escaping boundaries and limitations. A symbol for progress towards wholeness and harmony. They are your goals, aspirations, and hopes. The type and color of the bird is very important in decoding the meaning (e.g. black birds or vultures are not positive symbols).

Alternatively, birds can reflect a person's feelings about being spiritually free or clean.

To dream of baby birds represents the potential for transcendence and liberation. Plans or preparation for overcoming something. Being very careful as you work towards goals that give you freedom.

To see dead or dying birds represent disappointment and failures. Killing birds may reflect intentionally souring an inspiring idea or someone else's freedom.

To dream of feeding birds represents encouragement, inspiration, or supporting the idea of trying to overcome problems. Feeding the idea of freedom or transcendence. Encouraging yourself or believing in yourself. Alternatively, consider the type of bird you are feeding. For example, crows and vultures may reflect more negative thinking or behavior being encouraged.

To dream of bird eggs represents goals, aspirations, and hopes that are developing and will take time to be realized. The opposite is true if the eggs are from a species of bird that isn't positive.

To see a flying bird represents transcendence and liberation. A weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you are experiencing a sense of freedom.

To see a caged bird represents a desire for freedom or liberation. You feel confined and restricted in some area of your life.

To see a blue colored bird in a dream symbolizes positive transcendence over negativity. It represents the power of positive thinking, truth, and doing what you know to be right taking a more powerful role. It is also an indication of purification and resolution to conflicts in your life.

To dream of a white bird represents a wish to transcend or rise above a negative situation that is being renewed. Finally deciding to escape a bad situation after avoiding it being kept down. A white bird may also reflect a belief that escaping a bad situation is a good idea.

To dream of a red bird represents freedom or transcendence that you are aware of being negative or dangerous. Getting your freedom back through violence, fighting, or with no concern for others feelings. Possibly a reflection of attaining freedom through dishonest means or cheating others to help only yourself escape a restrictive situation. A red bird may a reflect corrupt attitude about getting ahead of others in business. A red bird may also show up in the dreams of people experiencing corruption in communist countries that allows one to get more privileges than other people by serving the state.

To dream of a black colored bird may represents feelings of emptiness, loss, depression, death, or unpleasant change.

To dream of cutting a birds wings may reflect a wish to stifle someone or prevent something in your life from succeeding. A wish to stop transcendence from occurring. Keeping someone as a loser who can't win. Jealousy of someone better than you succeeding. Controlling someone by reducing their ability to be independent or successful.

People who suffering from Charles Bonnet Syndrome often have hallucinations of birds sitting on top of people's heads. This may actually be a waking vision symbolically reflecting the CBS sufferers feelings about themselves looking stupid enjoying their hallucinations or visions which they feel stuck with. Transcending boredom indulging in hallucinations they can't do anything about.

Refer to the themes section for birds for a more in depth look at bird symbolism.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a white bird. In waking life he felt his life was over, but then had a powerful spiritual experience that made him want to fight his problems and overcome them.

Example 2: A very elderly woman dreamed of enjoying seeing white birds fly around her windows while being very careful not to let the birds out the door. In waking life she was enjoying thinking about what life would like after death and didn't want to bring the topic up with her family.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of walking into a kitchen to see a birdcage with the door wide open and bird choosing to stay inside the bird cage. In waking life she was having problems adjusting to American freedom after having come from a communist country.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing a white bird outside her car leading her as she drove. In waking life she was very spiritually focused in her decision making.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being scared to feed a bird. In waking life he was fearing supporting his wife while they were separated because she began dating another man. He feared that continuing to support her choice to live independently from him would help her to move on from him for good and leave him no chance to be with her again.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing blue colored birds which he wanted to take home with him. In waking life he was considering 2 ideas to help him fix serious financial problems that were holding his business back. The two blue birds may have reflected how he had two very good ideas to overcome his financial problems.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing black birds on a tree. In waking life she was annoyed that her granddaughter wouldn't break up with her boyfriend.

Example 8: A young woman dreamed of seeing dead birds and being blamed by their owner, even though she didn't kill them. In waking life, she desired to quit her job and pursue a career in cartooning, but felt guilty about asking her parents to fund her education. In this case, the the dead birds may represent the death of her own dreams and aspirations.

Example 9: A male doctor, who fell ill with COVID-19, experienced vivid hallucinations while in his hospital room. He saw birds filling the room and flying about. In this case, the birds might reflect the doctor's feelings of transcending or being temporarily freed from the obligations of his usual responsibilities of caring for patients due to his illness.

*Please See Yellow Bird


To dream of cars represents the ability to effectively make decisions in a given situation or the extent to which you feel in control of the direction your life is taking. Operating a car reflects how competent at managing a situation you or some aspect of your personality is. Who or what is in control of a situation or the way your life is going. Taking control of a situation.

The type of car represents the style of decision-making or control over a situation. The type of car may also reflect how you feel as you go about making certain decisions. People who drive your car represent aspects of yourself or projections of other people who are guiding your choices. People riding along with you in a car reflect aspects of your personality that are influencing your choices or problems that are "coming along for the ride" as you work towards a goal.

Cheap or rundown vehicles reflect vulnerability, a lack of resources, or lacking impressiveness with your style of control over a situation. Not feeling like a big winner or that showing off would look stupid.

Expensive or powerful vehicles reflect the impressiveness of decisions, effectiveness, or a direction in life that is unstoppable. Feeling like a winner with an effective way method of control over a situation.

To dream of getting a new car may represent a new approach to life as you take on a new relationship, new job, or start a new project. A fresh start or new way of going about your business. A new decision-making style or ability.

To dream of being unable to find your car represents feelings that the rules of a situation are not working out for you. Feeling cut off from being allowed to do what you want. Surprise that your decision-making style or control style is not possible or allowed. Feeling that you have not gotten what you bargained for. Feeling that your normal decision-making style is not giving you the satisfaction that you thought it would. A situation that leaves you feeling embarrassed or confused. You may feel that there is no meaning to some area of your life. You may not know what you really want to do with your life or where you want to go.

To dream of your car being out of control represents feelings about life situations where you feel a compromised sense of control. Feeling that you are losing control of a situation. Managing a situation or people is difficult. Feeling you have lost a sense of stability with control over a situation.

To dream of a stolen car represents feelings of being stripped of your identity or ability to make effective decisions. The loss of your job, a failed relationship, or some situation where you feel your role or momentum has been compromised. Feeling that a situation is not honest about letting you remain in control or make decisions freely.

Negatively, dreaming about your car being stolen may represent feelings about thinking you are better than someone else being abruptly cut off. Feeling embarrassed for being selfish, arrogant, or deluded in your decision-making abilities. Dishonest self-control over a situation that suddenly got cut off. Disbelief that you are no longer in control of a situation where you were totally selfish to the point that someone else embarrassed you by shutting you off. Feeling that someone else isn't supportive of you being in control of a situation anymore.

To dream of a car that won't start represents feelings of being unable to make a situation work to your advantage. Feeling unable to start making decisions because of problems, delays, or frustrations. Controlling a situation however you want is not possible to begin.

To dream of fixing your car represents your attempt to get back on track in your life. Trying to restore a decision-making process in your life that you were sidetracked from with problems or delays. Getting back your ability to control the direction your life is taking. Restoring your ability to progress or push ahead in some area of your life. Restoring your ability to freely make decisions or be in control of your own life. Negatively, fixing your car may reflect feelings of being sidetracked or prevented from doing what you feel you should be doing.

To dream of a car that is sinking in water represents feelings of being overwhelmed by uncertainty as you attempt to take control of a situation. Decision-making abilities are being overwhelmed by negative emotions or problems that are too big to control.

To dream of being in the backseat of a car may represent feelings about not being in control of a situation you are experiencing. Feeling that other people are controlling the direction of your life or that decisions you've made can't be stopped. Feeling that you are not in control of your own destiny. Feeling that someone is interfering with the direction of your life.

To dream that you are driving and that other people are in the backseat may reflect feelings about being in full control of a situation. Other areas of your life that are being "carried along" as you feel in control of a situation. Feeling that you can make decisions however you want anyone to stop you. Feeling able to effectively manage a situation away from problems as a leader. Negatively, it may reflect your tendency to take control of a situation and not listen to other people. Temporarily taking control over serious problems that could get worse. Casual control of something that is more powerful than you are to the point of being dangerous. Not respecting something that is bigger or more important than you are while you are in control of a situation.

To dream of a car on fire represents feelings of intense negativity, danger, or destruction associated with your decision-making as you pursue ambitions, goals or desires. The car is a symbol of the direction you're taking in life, and the fire indicates that something is wrong with that direction. The dream suggests that your plans or actions are leading to a potentially catastrophic outcome, and it may be time to reevaluate your approach. Alternatively, the car on fire could represent a sense of loss or failure in regard to something you have worked hard for, such as a job or relationship. You are unable to feel that you are in control of a situation anymore.

To dream of a black car represents control over a situation that is considered excessive. Control over a situation that scares you. Fearing others being in total control of a situation you can't control at all. Alternatively, dreaming of a black car may reflect a professional attitude about decision-making or control over a situation.

To dream of a red car represents control over a situation that is passionate and driven by a desire to achieve. It may reflect the enjoyment of a successful and fulfilling career or project that one is deeply committed to. Enjoying your life being rich or successful because you are passionate about what you are doing for a living. Negatively, dreaming about a red car represents decision-making control over a situation that is dangerous, and illegal, knowing what you are doing is wrong while you are the boss. Enjoying being a snob who never has to listen to anyone else tell you what to do. Getting away with dishonesty or immorality all the time. Knowing what you are doing is dangerous.

To dream of a light blue car represents control over a situation that is very sensitive, thoughtful, or very well-intentioned. A high degree of concern for honesty or caring about others feelings. Control over a situation where you or others are very concerned with caring for others. Positive management or control over a situation.

To dream of a dark blue car may reflect control over a situation in a manner that is very insensitive or brutally honest. Controlling a situation where being mean feels necessary. An all-business or emotionally immune honest attitude about control.

People changing jobs in waking life often dream of driving in a car that is not their real car. A possible reflection of a decision-making style that is not a usual style. Making decisions that you don't want to make while you change your life or adapt to your new job.

Older or elderly people may dream of cars that are too damaged or worn out to repair, often reflecting the aging process making certain areas of their lives impossible to continue with.

Pregnant women often dream of driving big trucks, buses, or cars that are difficult to maneuver.

For more on cars and vehicles see our cars themes section.

Example: A woman dreamed of losing her car. In waking life, she was unhappy with the direction of her career because it had not brought her the happiness that she had expected it would. In this case, the lost car may have reflected the dreamer's feeling of being lost or uncertain about her career path, and that she had lost her way in pursuing her professional goals. The car may represent her sense of direction or the means by which she had hoped to achieve her aspirations, and its loss may reflect her fear that she had lost her chance to find fulfillment in her work.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in the backseat of a car that started moving and screaming "I'm not ready to go!" In waking life, she was experiencing anxiety before a surgical operation that was about to take place. In this case, being in the backseat of a car may have reflected her feelings of being "in the back seat" of the doctors controlling her life with the scheduled surgery.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of driving her mother's car. In waking life, she felt that her attitude and decision-making style in a situation she was involved in was based on her mother's influence and not her own.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of her car burning. In waking life, she was experiencing serious financial problems at work with no easy way to solve them. She felt unable to conduct business properly while losing a lot of money. In this case, the burning car may have reflected her feelings of financial ruin and the loss of control over her work life.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being in the backseat of a car. In waking life, she felt that other people had interfered with her relationship and caused it to break up. In this case, the car may have reflected the dreamer's feeling of being a passive observer in her own life and the sense that other people were in control of the direction and outcome of her relationship. The backseat of the car may symbolize her feeling of being a passive passenger in her own life, without a sense of control or agency.

Example 6: A young man dreamed of crashing his car into another car while he tried to turn off the highway. In waking life, he got caught having sex with his friend's ex-girlfriend while trying to stop the relationship from reuniting. In this case, the car may have reflected his feelings of being out of control and unable to navigate the situation with his friend and ex-girlfriend, which ultimately led to a destructive outcome like a car crash. The dream may also have been a warning about the potential consequences of his actions and the need to take responsibility for his behavior.

Example 7: A young woman dreamed of having a crying baby in the backseat of a car that was being driven by her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she felt jealous that she couldn't get back together with her ex-boyfriend while feeling that she couldn't control him or stop him from dating someone else. She felt unable to do anything except wait for her ex-boyfriend to show interest in her again hoping it would to a reconciliation. In this case, the car may have reflected her feelings about the journey of her relationship with her ex-boyfriend and how it was being driven by him, with her and her emotions being passengers in the backseat.

Example 8: A man dreamed of looking to buy a new car with more seats than his current car. In waking life, he was looking for a new job. In this case, the new car may have reflected the dreamer's feelings that a new better paying job would allow him to take control over his life to improve his ability to take care of everything happening in his life.

Example 9: A woman dreamed of getting a new car. In waking life, she had decided to take her new relationship seriously. In this case, the car may have reflected her feelings about being in control of her dating life with decision-making focused on not being single.

*Please See Accident

*Please See Breakdown

*Please See Driving

*Please See Car Brands


To dream of a cat represents behavior that's protective of itself being safe no matter what it does. Behavior that watches every single thing happening in a situation while needing to be safe and doesn't like a single thing that even felt like it isn't staying safe. Behavior that won't get angry or attack unless you get too personal about threatening confident safety. Perfect safety that's mean about liking itself the way it is while never listening to anything wrong. A mindset that thinks of perfect safety for itself without thinking of other people.

Positively, dreaming about cats represents competition, enemies, or obstacles that appear confident, but are, in reality, easily scared away when challenged. A coward or wimp you can easily scare away. Confident safety that feels good being unquestioned. Behavior that confidently can't be embarrassed because it's too nice or in control of itself. Nice, safe, or non-violent people that are protected and looked after. Talking back to people who don't think they can be talked back to. Warding off dangerous behavior with appearances without having to say anything about it. Empty threats that work effectively to protect you without effort. Intelligence about staying safe no matter what it's doing. A nice safe person who is best left alone because you are bothering them or aggravating them too much. Waking up to the reality that you don't need to feed illusions or delusions whether they are yours or someone else's.

Negatively, dreaming about a cat represents an illusion of safe confidence about something that isn't as tough as it says it is. Fear of looking weak and convincing yourself that you need to say anything to keep confident. Behavior or attitudes that appear confidently safe, but are, in reality, easily scared away when challenged. Feelings about being easily scared away once it's time to stand up for yourself or confront an issue. Telling yourself that you're confidently safe, but giving up once pressured. False beliefs that you've convinced yourself are true in order to feel safe. Assumptions or daydreaming about things you feel good about never questioning being emotionally dangerous. Not believing in yourself as much as you say you do. Being a wimp when you tell yourself that you're not. Thinking about a dangerous situation or person isn't a big problem when you are actually afraid to stand up to them. Refusing to acknowledge personal weaknesses or flaws that need to be addressed because you are too serious about needing to tell yourself you are confidently safe. Unfounded beliefs that provide a false sense of control or understanding. Avoiding confrontation or difficult conversations because of a deluded belief that the situation will resolve itself without intervention because you feel perfectly safe never having to yet. Considering suicide when you are too scared to go through with it for real. A delusion that everything is safe. A delusion that talking to romantic interest is easy when it isn't. Believing that a relationship will work out even when there are clear signs of incompatibility or you are too scared to begin talking to the person. An attitude of perfect safety that's mean to yourself.

A cat in a dream may also reflect your need to feel good, feel loved, or feel comfortable about things that aren't objective. Choosing to ignore facts or reality because it feels better. Lying to yourself to avoid feeling pain or hard truth. Lying to others so that they will think you are safe. Feeling safe not standing up for yourself. Overdoing confidence about something that you'll never stand up to. An irrational belief that you're confident enough to do something that you've never been proven you're incapable of. Feeling safe feeling sorry for yourself. Feeling sorry for other people. Attempting to cheer people up that doesn't work. Talking about suicide when you are too scared to go through with it. A false sense of confident safety. Someone else that feels good about themselves being serious or dangerous when they're not. Feeling that nobody likes you being perfectly safe and keeps testing you. Putting up a front that can be easily embarrassed.

Cats are often one of the worst symbols a person can dream about because the very problem they symbolize may be too hard or scary for the person's ego to change. Illusions or delusions. Nobody wants to admit to themselves that they are more scared than they let on to others. Nobody wants to see themselves as accepting themselves as a sissy. Something a person will easily live in denial about or never want to confront because it feels safer to never face reality.

To dream of attacking a cat may represent a desire or need to confront and challenge the illusions of confidence or security in your life. Struggling with your own illusions or delusions of confident safety. You may feel the urge to expose false beliefs or behaviors in yourself or others that have been hiding behind a facade of confidence. Your determination to break through deceptive appearances and face the truth, even if it means confronting difficult or uncomfortable situations. A readiness to assert yourself, overcome self-doubt, or challenge those who are pretending to be more confident than they really are. Alternatively, it could indicate a need to assert yourself in situations where you feel others are being deceptive or insincere. Feelings about someone else being a big sissy fake you can easily scare away. Awareness of other people having illusions about life situations being safe or easy.

To dream of a black cat represents an illusion of confident safety that's imbalanced, scary, or excessive. Using threats that scare people to protect yourself when you have no intention of backing up your threats if pressured. An irrational fear of something that will give up once pressured. Alternatively, a black cat may reflect an illusion of confidence that being too serious or professional will protect you. Attempts to scare people that don't work because you will give up if challenged. Liking to think you are safe no matter what in a way that makes other people think you are over the line.

To dream of a white cat represents a balanced illusion of confident safety in something that is pure, honest, or balanced. Illusions or delusions based on good intentions. An example of a balanced illusion is fantasizing about marrying someone you have a crush on, but are too scared to talk to. A feeling of being a good person who wants to act on their beliefs but may feel hesitant to do so. Believing in something to be perfectly safe when you are too scared to act on it once confronted or pressured with it for real. Believing that your relationship is built on mutual trust and honesty, even if there are signs that your partner is being dishonest or unfaithful. Wanting to get pregnant, but being too scared away from talking about it easily if your husband doesn't want to.

To see a dark green cat in a dream represents an illusion of confidence that is selfish. Thinking of nothing except yourself as the reason you feel perfectly safe when in reality you are scared away easily when challenged. Overdoing never thinking of anything except yourself to feel safe until someone more important scares you away from it. Overcontrolling yourself feeling safe being depressed by yourself as the reason you won't change until someone makes you. Feeling safe feeling sorry for yourself being so ugly that nobody would ever want to date you. Choosing to believe that you are a failure because it's more comfortable than trying new things. Alternatively, it may reflect delusional beliefs about money, power, or being better than other people. A snobby wimp in your life. A person who frequently lies to others or themselves about their abilities, talents, or accomplishments in order to feel more important or superior, but who becomes very defensive or easily scared when their abilities or accomplishments are called into question. Someone who has an inflated sense of their own intelligence, abilities, or expertise in a particular area, but who becomes easily scared or intimidated when faced with challenges or obstacles that threaten to expose their weaknesses or limitations. This person may also be very defensive and resistant to feedback or criticism from others, as they are unwilling to acknowledge or address their own limitations.

To dream of an orange cat represents an illusion of confident safety about something that is effective or makes you feel it matters too much to do without it. An illusion of confidence that is very effective in making you keep believing that you need it. An illusion that you don't matter without someone or something you grew accustomed to. Feeling confident that you can fire an employee easily and then scaring yourself with how difficult it will be to hire someone better.

To see a blue cat in a dream represents an illusion of confident safety about something truthful or thoughtful. Truthfulness or thoughtfulness that will only think of its own perfect safety. Feeling that telling the truth gives you confident safety when in reality you will scare away easily if pressured. Thinking people won't get you back for telling the truth or discussing safe thoughtful ideas when they actually will. People who believe in past lives or in the supernatural often dream of blue cats, possibly indicating that they don't feel safe discussing it with every single person they know once serious life situations occur. Unrealistic heroic acts or plans. Truthful safety that is perfectly confident about its own safety and nobody else's. Confidence in truthful safety that will never protect you from looking stupid. Confidence that someone will be honest about never killing you, but will not protect you from looking stupid saving yourself. Truthfulness or insensitivity that listens to its own safety first no matter what. Non-violent behavior that will force others to experience insensitive difficulty.

God may be reflected in dreams as a blue cat because people tend to assume God will always perfectly protect them because he is truthful while feeling that God embarrasses them with appearing to not exist if they show off too much not being realistic.

To dream of a grey cat represents an illusion of confidence or safety that chooses to avoid feeling good, being unremarkable, or ordinary. Avoiding feeling good to stay safe when you don't like it. Feeling that disappointment is safer than moving on. A person preferring to think depressed suicidal thoughts when they are too scared to ever go through with it.

To dream of an aggressive cat represents feelings of difficulty letting go of illusions of overprotective safety. Difficulty getting over illusions or delusions that you have lived with for a long time while not liking self-improvement that forces you to move on from them. Difficulty being confident without an "emotional crutch." A woman or sensitive person that doesn't like you not listening to them. Protecting yourself emotionally with perfect safety in a way that feels dangerous or unpleasant instead of giving up on it. Fear that feels that it's safer to never move on. Being mean to yourself. Not liking why a lovely situation isn't lovely anymore.

To dream that you are afraid of a cat represents fear of being seen as a sissy. Fear of not being accepted safely the way you are. Fears of having to change or hide parts of yourself to fit in. Current insecurities that something isn't as safe as you want it to be. Fear of someone else's illusions of confidence, insecurities, or a false sense of safety.

To dream of a house full of cats represents an excessive amount of perfect safety staying the way you are that might not help you. Living with too many illusions or delusions. An excessive amount of illusions or perfect safety that will never stand up for itself. Too much choosing to never stand up for yourself that never dispels illusions about life or other people. Choosing to live safe with the belief that other people are too strong or dangerous when they aren't. You may feel that your entire life revolves around a lie that you fear revealing to others. A sign that you may be emotionally dependent on fantasies or that you need to be a lot more objective. Excessive watching of porn that gives you illusions about how easy it is to talk to the opposite sex. You have a lot of confidence in things that you believe in that aren't true.

Example: A man dreamed of trying to drown a cat. In waking life, was lying about ever giving his son $200,000 he promised and then tried to do everything he could to avoid paying the money once it was time. In this case, the cat may have reflected his feelings about his son not being as easy as he thought to scare off with difficult conditions for the release of the money.

Example 2: A man dreamed of feeding a cat. In waking life, he felt sorry for homeless people and was regularly giving them money as a new habit. In this case, the cat may have reflected his feelings about his generosity to homeless people taking control of him due to feeling sorry for them. He trained himself to fear walking passed them instead of safely ignoring them if he wanted to.

Example 3: A man dreamed of a cat. In waking life, he felt good taking vitamins believing they were good for him when they never produced any noticeable results. In this case, the cat may have reflected his need to feel good being confident and safe about the vitamins that lacked objectivity or evidence. He discontinued the vitamins and felt better that he didn't need them.

Example 4: A girl dreamed of a pet cat. In waking life, someone told her that her best friend was spreading rumors about her and she refused to believe it. In this case, the cat may have reflected her illusions of safe confidence about her friend being loyal, trustworthy, and supportive" despite evidence suggesting otherwise. It may also have reflected her avoidance of challenging her friend with ease because could at any time.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of having cats in her car. In waking life, she was having trouble believing in herself while living an independent life after she left an abusive husband. In this case, the cats in her car may have reflected her illusions about being a confident, safe, and independent person after living with dependence on her abusive husband for so long.

Example 6: A man dreamed of a white cat. In waking life, he was totally in love with the idea of getting married to a woman he was too scared to talk to. In this case, the cat may have reflected his illusion of confidence that talking to the woman was easy while the white color of the cat reflected his honest intentions for marriage. He was privately confident about the woman, but personally too scared to talk to her.

Example 7: A man dreamed of a big dark grey housecat that looked tough and mean. In waking life, he was threatening suicide when he didn't really want to go through with it. He just wanted someone to stop being unsupportive towards him. In this case, the cat may have reflected his illusion that going through with suicide would be easy emotionally while scaring away easily at the last minute.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of a black cat having to be protected from a dog. In waking life, her Dad died and her sisters were not being honest about settling the estate. In this case, the black cat may have reflected her illusion of confidence in deserving her share of the inheritance without a court fight by using legal threats that might scare her sisters away. She may have secretly thought if she asserted herself she might be embarrassed with a lawsuit threat that was too scared to carry out due to expenses or a fear of losing the lawsuit.

Example 9: A woman dreamed of an orange cat biting her. In waking life, she didn't trust her domestic worker. In this case, the orange cat may have reflected her feelings about her domestic worker being powerfully protected with safety by labor laws making her too scared to fire them, when firing them was easy.

Example 10: A woman dreamed of taking her cat with her wherever she went and not wanting to disturb her cat. In waking life, she was on vacation with her husband and child who wouldn't stop watching World Cup football making her go sightseeing on her own. In this case, the cat may have reflected her lack of confidence to disrupt or challenge the dynamics of her family, which were making her feel left out or alone. She may have had an illusion that getting angry at her family was too serious to attempt.

*Please See Kittens

*Please See Tigers

*Please See Lions


To dream of wearing a dress represents feelings of behavior that is compliant, accepting, and giving. An accommodating personality. Behavior that's receptive, understanding, and supportive. Behavior that respects itself with responsible passivity or listening. Feelings about respectful listening that doesn't let anything embarrassing happen. Behavior that respects itself listening with compliance, willingness, or obedience. Feeling that a person completely listens to you and is respectful of you. Feelings about a situation or person that doesn't see itself as more important than you because it's intelligent to do so. A positive attitude about accepting a loss. Alternatively, a dress reflect a giving nature or a strong outward expression of selflessness. Behavior that is as professionally accommodating towards other people as reasonably possible.

Negatively, wearing a dress is a sign that you lack of assertive power or control. You are agreeable to others needs or not able to do what you want. Subordination or serving the needs of others. A sign that you are getting over serious problems and learning to accept a difficult change. Often a dream symbol for people recovering from serious injuries or major surgery that leaves scars. Being overly accommodating to others at your own personal expense. You can't dictate the terms of a situation or it appears that someone else is in control. It may also reflect respectfully mourning a loss. Being excessively accommodating to other people. Feelings about yourself or someone else being a wimp about compliance or doing what they are told.

To dream of seeing someone else wearing a dress represents some aspect of your personality that is compliant, accepting, and giving. Feelings about yourself or someone else being accommodating. It may also reflect obedience or a lack of control. Feelings about yourself or someone else being too subservient.

To dream of a sexually desirable woman wearing a dress represents a desirable aspect of your life being accommodating, accepting, compliant, or serving your needs. Situations that you want to happen effortlessly manifest in your life. Feeling that someone is doing everything for you to ensure a desirable outcome. Negatively, a sexually desirable woman wearing a dress may reflect temptation or an issue you feel is too accommodating to your negative habits or unhealthy desires. Feelings of dependency, not being able to function without certain people or situations, or the fear of losing something extremely beneficial or helpful in your life.

To dream of a yellow dress represents accommodation that is noticeable or sees itself doing things for you. People seem usually interested in you or eager to help you. Compliance or subordination that is noticeable or obvious.

To dream of a red dress represents accommodation, compliance, or subordination that is passionate or dangerous. A situation in your life requiring intense compliance or accommodation, whether out of passion or necessity. Serious situations or important issues that require your absolute compliance or submission. Accommodation or compliance that is fueled by love, passion, or an intense fear or anxiety. Feeling forced to comply with demands or requirements that you perceive as harmful or threatening. Accommodating and accepting of doctors' orders, even if feels perilous. Feeling that someone else loves you or accommodates you first no matter what. Accommodation, obedience, or listening that would notice violence if asked.

To dream of a black dress represents strict accommodation, compliance, or subordination in a professional context. Maintaining professional compliance. Accomodation or subordination that feels excessive. You might feel that you have to be a 'yes person', agreeing to all requests or demands regardless of your personal feelings or well-being.

To dream of a light blue dress represents behavior that is accommodating, compliant, or helpful in a thoughtful or positive way. Behavior that is receptive, understanding, and supportive in a way that is beneficial, uplifting, and wants you to stop being afraid. Giving more than you're receiving, which could lead to feelings of being taken advantage of or feeling unappreciated. Maintaining a positive, caring, and accommodating attitude.

To dream of a dark blue dress represents accommodation or compliance in a serious, rule-adhering, or business-friendly way. Compliance with the truth even if it feels too serious or feels mean. Accommodation in a business professional manner that is serious about getting things done and not making mistakes. You feel obligated to behave in a particular way, either due to professional responsibilities, societal expectations, or personal principles. A mindset that is strict, by the book, and oriented towards maintaining high standards or meeting certain expectations. Negatively, a dark blue dress may reflect feelings of being under pressure to comply with exacting standards or rules, possibly leading to feelings of stress or anxiety. You might feel constrained or limited in your actions, or unable to express yourself freely due to these expectations or obligations. Feelings about being perceived as too serious, stringent, or unyielding, suggesting that you might be struggling with issues related to authority. Conducting yourself in a manner that is deemed appropriate or required in a particular situation

To dream of a light green dress represents behavior that is accommodating, compliant, or helpful with a focus on renewal, healing, growth, and improvement. Being supportive and helpful in a manner that promotes personal development, improvement, new beginnings, and transformation.

To dream of a dark green dress represents accommodation and compliance but with a focus on growth, ambition, greed, arrogance, and jealousy. Accommodation that's jealous it doesn't help you enough or lets you serve yourself when nobody else would want to.

To dream of a white dress represents feelings of accommodation in a way that is genuine, pure, honest, or innocent. Perfect honest dedication, commitment, fidelity, and the desire for a lifelong partnership. A situation where you feel the need to act in a completely pure, unblemished, or innocent way. You may be seeking to maintain a clean reputation or image. It can also symbolize the need for total honesty, transparency, and integrity in your actions. Negatively, a white dress may reflect feelings of being overly accommodating or compliant. Fear of tarnishing your reputation or image if you do not maintain perfect compliance or accommodation. A subservient role that perfectly accepts it.

To dream of a pink dress represents feelings about behavior that is accommodating, compliant, accepting, and giving while liking caring about other people's feelings. An accommodating personality that doesn't want to embarrass anyone else's feelings. Feelings about a woman being easy to talk to. Wanting to be accepted or liked by someone in a way that was non-confrontational and gentle.

To dream of a dirty white dress represents feelings of disappointment, disillusionment, or failure. It may reflect your feelings of being unable to maintain your innocence, purity, or good intentions due to external pressures or challenges. It could also signify feelings of guilt, regret, or a perceived failure to meet personal or societal expectations.

Example: A woman dreamed of finding the perfect dress to wear. In waking life, she was an interior designer who was trying to figure out how to best serve her clients. In this case, finding the best dress to wear may have reflected her efforts to find the best professional approach that would be accommodating and appealing to her clients.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of getting a new dress made for her. In waking life, she was recovering from a serious injury due to chemical burns. She was learning to accept the changes to her body and her inability to return to her old job. In this case, the new dress may have reflected her feelings of having to comply and accept the new circumstances and limitations in her job following the accident.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a woman wearing a red dress. In waking life, she felt forced to put up with a dangerous psychological condition that caused powerful hallucinations. Doctors were unable to figure out her problem. In this case, the red dress may have reflected her feelings about having to be accommodating and accepting of doctor's orders even when it felt dangerous because she felt it was more intelligent to respect herself listening to her doctors. She may also felt that her life was on the line and following doctor's orders was more important than anything else.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her Grandmother in a beautiful light purple dress. In waking life, she was learning to accept her grandmother's death and felt that she was now happy in heaven. In this case, the beautiful purple dress may have reflected her personality becoming respectfully accommodating and accepting of her grandmother's death.

Example 5: A teenage boy dreamed of seeing a desirable girl in a yellow dress. In waking life, a girl began pursuing him at school and eventually became his girlfriend. In this case, the girl in the yellow dress may have reflected the boy's feelings about the girl having an accommodating personality that was compliant, accepting, and giving in terms of her pursuit of him as her boyfriend.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of avoiding wearing a dress. In waking life, she was having issues with feeling stupid for being a good student who was perfectly attentive since it wasn't allowing her to enjoy her life. In this case, avoiding wearing a dress may have reflected her not wanting to be seen as entirely passive, accepting, or overly agreeable in her academic environment.

Example 7: A man dreamed of a woman in a pink dress. In waking life, he found talking to the woman very easy and accommodating as she liked acting feminine. In this case, the pink dress may have reflected his feelings about a woman being easy to talk to.

Example 8: A teenage girl dreamed of putting on a dark pink dress for a wedding. In waking life, she was preparing to go to someone's wedding. In this case, the dark pink dress may have reflected her feelings about enjoying being accommodating and compliant with respecting the bride and groom's feelings at their wedding.

Example 9: A teenage girl dreamed of her crush picking a pink dress for her out of 3 possible dresses. In waking life, she hadn't spoken to her crush in a month. In this case, the pink dress may have reflected her feelings about wanting to be seen by her crush as an easygoing, caring, and accommodating person.


To dream of garbage represents thoughts, feelings, habits, or life situations that are unwanted. Garbage points to things in your life that are unproductive, or no longer needed to be happy. A belief or situation isn't helpful to you anymore. Unwanted emotional problems, unwanted health problems, unwanted relationships.

Negatively, dreaming about garbage may be sign that you are putting to much "crap' from other people. Feeling that you are unwanted or not respected. Being treated like a piece of garbage. Feeling surrounded by worthless options or choices. A low opinion of someone. Waking life situations where you may be experiencing an appalling conditions. Feeling that something is beneath you.

To dream of throwing something in the garbage represents feelings about beliefs, relationships, or situations that are unwanted. Negatively, it may reflect a lack of respect for other people's feelings, time, or property. Not valuing other people enough. Wasting your own power or resources in hasty overly emotional moments.

To dream of cleaning up garbage may reflect problem solving or fixing a situation that you feel is beneath you. Addressing bad habits.

Example: A young girl dreamed of someone throwing her pony in the garbage. In waking life she felt that her parents divorce was destroying her relationship with her father who liked to spend quality time with her.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of killing and throwing the dead body of his enemy in the garbage. In waking life he had gotten his first serious girlfriend and lost his virginity. The garbage scene may have symbolized his growing confidence allowing him to stop lying about having already lost his virginity to look good to friends. Metaphorically discarding his jealousy and need to be dishonest to feel respected by his friends.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of throwing a body in the garbage. In waking life she felt that her relationship with her boyfriend was over and wanted to be rid of him from her life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of police telling her that a person was a piece of garbage. In waking life she was being told by her jealous boyfriend not to meet someone. The statement about the person being a piece of garbage may have reflected the boyfriends low opinion of the person she planned to meet.

Example 5: A man dreamed of sitting on a garbage can like a homeless beggar and then wearing a sign around his neck that said "I make room for trash if need be." In waking life he was a Jewish man living in Nazi Germany with the new race laws enacted. As an assimilated Jew with the new laws he may have felt worthless or like a "piece of worthless trash" due to how he was being so easily discriminated against.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing babies in a trash can. In waking life she was in the process of getting a divorce that ended future plans with her husband.

Garbage Bags

To dream of garbage bags represents thoughts, memories, habits, or life situations that you are choosing to be careful about moving on from. The process of letting go of unwanted or unnecessary psychological or emotional baggage that may be weighing you down while being careful to never think about those issues again. Something unproductive, or undesirable is being removed or discontinued. A conscious effort to let go of the past or unwanted burdens. A fresh start, a clean slate, and the opportunity for personal transformation. Cleansing your mind and emotions of past issues and moving forward with a lighter psychological load.

To dream of garbage bags being used to carry things instead of garbage represents feelings about dealing with or managing aspects of your life in a way that is temporary, unconventional, or makeshift. Dealing with or managing aspects of your life in a way that fools other people that you are choosing to move on from them.

The contents of the garbage bag could provide further clues about the specific emotions, memories, or aspects of yourself that you are trying to discard.

Are you filling it, emptying it, or simply observing it? Your actions in the dream could reflect your level of engagement with the process of letting go.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing full garbage bags being carried out of his basement and placed on the sidewalk in front of his house. In waking life, he had processed and understood a lot of negativity from his past while being careful to maintain his new perspective not thinking of them again to help himself move on. In this case, the garbage bags may have reflected his efforts to consciously and carefully move on from negative thoughts and bad memories by choosing to never think about them in the same manner ever again.



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