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To dream of a mouse represents a small problem that annoys you that you have to do something about it. Feelings of irritation or frustration over a minor issue that requires attention or resolution. Something in your life that is quietly creating small problems or concerns.

To dream of catching a mouse represents thoughts about resolving or dealing with a solution to a small problem. An approach to addressing minor annoyances or challenges in your life.

To dream of a white mouse represents a small problem or annoyance with good intentions that is getting on your nerves. It suggests that despite the irritation it causes, the issue may have positive or harmless intentions behind it.

To dream of a human-sized mouse may represent an exaggerated perception of a minor annoyance that feels disproportionately large or overwhelming. Feelings of being overwhelmed or intimidated by a problem that you logically perceive as minor but emotionally feels large. Exaggerated fears about small problems.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing 2 human-sized mice. In waking life, he was oversensitive about 2 issues that he was misinformed about which made it difficult for him to get over them until he learned the truth about them which allowed him to deal with them with little difficulty as small annoying problems. In this case, the 2 mice may have reflected his exaggerated fears about these problems being insurmountable when, in reality, they were just minor issues that could be handled easily once properly understood.


To dream of a puppy represents strong feelings of emotional protection towards a new situation, new area of your life, or new relationship. Someone or something very dear to you. Strong feelings of emotional protection for something you are very sensitive about. Loyalty or devotion that makes you happy.

Puppies can also reflect feelings about sensitivity about a protective area of your life that is slowly growing stronger. Protecting investments that will become stronger at a later time. Fearing or caring deeply for friends or family that will eventually have the ability to protect you. Developing a winning strategy that is not fully powerful yet.

Positively, a puppy may reflect your attempts to do everything you can to defend yourself or believe in yourself. It may also reflect how wonderful it feels to fall in love or pursue a playful love interest. Flirting.

Negatively, a puppy may reflect feelings that everyone else is a loser if they don't like something that you like a lot. Jealousy of anyone getting in the way of something you really like a lot.

To dream of a white puppy represents feelings about how honest, genuine, or perfectly clean a developing protective aspect of your life is. Developing a winning strategy that is perfectly honest or clean. Developing methods of success that are intentionally honest or perfectly focused on cleaning. Alternatively, a perfectly white puppy may reflect a developing protective aspect of your life that is ending or being removed from your life.

To dream of a black puppy represents feelings about how scary or excessive a developing protective aspect of your life is. Developing a winning strategy that scares others or is noticeably excessive. Developing methods of success that intentionally scary or excessive. Growing anger at someone. Excessive sexual interests. Feelings about a friendly person being scary or excessive.

To dream of a caramel colored puppy represents feelings about how wonderful or pleasing a developing protective aspect your life is. Developing a winning strategy that makes your life very easy. Developing methods to be successful that are not fully grown yet.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a puppy. In waking life he was facing financial ruin and only had a hobby he loved left as a way to make money. The puppy reflected his deep love and protective feelings for his hobby which he was forced to be very serious about developing into a business.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of giving birth to a puppy and thinking it was mistake. In waking life she pregnant and didn't really want to have the baby. She had actually considered having an abortion and failed to produce a miscarriage with negligent behavior. The puppy she thought was a mistake probably reflected her disinterest in caring for a child and her second thoughts about avoiding an abortion.

Example 3: A man dreamed of puppies choking. In waking life he was very upset about having to kill mice in his home as he could hear them dying in traps while he was in bed sleeping.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of having a black and white puppy in her car as she was driving. In waking life he was falling in love with a guy, but was uncertain about why he was having difficulties telling her how he felt.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of cute puppy that was actually a wolf. In waking life she was talking to her ex-boyfriend and then realized it was a bad idea and cut off all communication with him.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing two puppies. In waking life she was having conflicted feelings about whether or not she should stop flirting with a guy.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of calling a puppy that would never appear. In waking life she lost her cat and kept expecting it to be found.

*Please See Dogs


To dream of a redneck person may reflect feelings about behavior that is hopelessly ignorant or feels good completely lacking sophistication. Feelings about behavior that doesn't question ignorance. Feelings about other people people being lazy, stupid, or having low standards. Feelings about other people looking stupid thinking that growing up doesn't matter. Low standards for personal appearances. Little respect for anything special or sophisticated with pride. Enjoying low standards as though they were high standards. Feelings about someone looking stupid believing they are successful when their appearances are obviously low standard.

Example: A young girl dreamed of seeing a redneck person shoot her with a duck hunting gun. In waking life she was very concerned that her parents wouldn't accept her as a trans-gendered person. The redneck in this case may have reflected her feelings about her parents being hopelessly ignorant about trying to understand her feelings about being trans-gendered.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a redneck man sitting in the living room of a house. In waking life he felt that his father was hopelessly ignorant about taking care of himself with dirty clothes, a messy home, and ruining personal property that should have been considered special.

*Please See White Trash


To dream of roses represents your feelings of love towards someone or that someone is more special to you than anyone else you know. It may also reflect your faithfulness, passion, sexual desire, or romance. It may also symbolize feelings about yourself being cared about more than you have ever been before in your life.

To dream of a white rose may reflect virginity or feelings of experiencing true love. Love that is perfect or that feels like it's forever. Pureness. You may be conservative about preserving your relationship or openly expressing feelings of love for someone else. White rose symbolism may also reflect a need for perfectly honest love.

To dream of a yellow rose represents your awareness of love in your life. Noticing yourself or someone else falling in love. Awareness of how noticeably in love someone is with you.

To dream of pink roses represents feeling about lustful love or deep admiration for someone you can't stop thinking about. Negatively, pink roses may reflect obsession with someone you are in love with. Powerful sexual urges for someone you are in love with.

To dream of a withered rose represents feelings about love being lost. Feelings about a love one being lost. The end of a relationship. Realizing that someone doesn't love you the way you love them.

To dream of a thorny rose represents represents difficulties or issues with personal relationships. Tough love. Risks being taken for someone you love. Feeling that loving someone is dangerous or comes with problems.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a light green rose. In real life she had just fallen in love after a long period of pain from a past relationship. The light green color of the rose reflected the healing she was experiencing with this new love.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being given a rose. In waking life he was a heart transplant recipient. The man who gave him the rose in the dream was the organ donor. The rose may have reflected his feelings about how nobody in his life had ever cared about him as much as the organ donor did.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a rose over top of a very dark black pattern. In waking life he feel in love with a woman 20 years older than him and couldn't get over her.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing pink roses. In waking life he obsessed with a woman from his past that he fell in love with. He was so obsessed with her that he tried to commit suicide if he couldn't have her.

Example 5: A man dreamed of seeing a white rose. In waking life he felt that it was very important to be extra honest in his new relationship with his girlfriend after past experiences with dishonesty had causes serious problems.


To dream of a shirt in a dream represents your personality style. The style and color of the shirt represent the way you are choosing to think or behave.

To dream of being shirtless or losing your shirt represents embarrassment or feeling forced to be honest.

To dream of a white shirt represents the personality being genuine, honest, or proper. Alternatively, a white shirt may reflect personality changes. A negative thinking pattern is being corrected or life is forcing you to change yourself.

*Please See T-Shirt

*Please See Sweatshirt


To dream of shoes represents your approach to life or a situation. How you choose to deal with situations. Your style or methodology for confronting problems. Our principles, morals, objectives, or motivations. Look to the color and style of shoe for additional symbolism.

To dream of getting a new pair of shoes represents new methods of approaching situations or going about life. New ideas, new insights, or new skills that are transforming your outlook. Confronting problems differently or changing how you interact with people.

To dream of shoes that are too cramped represents an approach to a situation that is too limiting and ineffective.

To dream of changing your shoes represents changing your approach to a situation. Different methods or ideas are being used.

To dream of taking your shoes off represents giving up your approach to a situation. You may have found that certain ideas or methods are not useful to you. Retiring from a situation or challenge. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are giving up or giving in too easily.

To dream of white shoes represents an approach to a situation that is based on good intentions or wanting to do nothing wrong. Alternatively, a white shoes may reflect an approach to a situation or life that is focused on fixing problems or dealing with negativity for good.

To dream of red shoes represents a dangerous approach to a situation. Dealing with problems in a criminal, risky, dangerous, intentionally dishonest, or reckless manner. Dealing with situations with no regard for other people's feelings. A method of problem solving that is excessively dishonest. Dealing with problems by being very angry at people or scaring people with change they can't refuse. Using sex in a dishonest manner to get what you want from people.

To dream of being unable to find your shoes represents feelings of being unable to approach a situation with confidence or in a way you are used to doing. Feeling that your methods to solving a problem will not work the way you thought they would.

To dream of polishing shoes represents an attempt to look perfect or "polished" with your methods of dealing with a situation. Not wanting to look nervous, inexperienced, or immoral in any way at all. Wanting to look good knowing what you are talking about to others or like you can be trusted. You may be concerned about making a good first impression or that you are beyond criticism.

To dream of a pair of sneakers (running shoes) represents an approach to a situation that is casual or worry free. Playing it cool. Not taking life too seriously. Comfort and satisfaction with yourself and who you are.

Negatively, a sneakers may be a sign that you are not being serious enough about how you go about doing something. Irresponsibility or ignoring danger. Always taking the easy options. Playing it too cool.

To dream of wet shoes may reflect feelings of embarrassment that your approach to a situation didn't work out as planned. Methods or problem solving have caused more problems. Your manner of approaching a situation is causing problems or making your life more difficult. Embarrassment that you aren't as effective as you want to be.

To dream of wearing two different shoes represents feelings about conflicting approaches to a situation. Two different simultaneous methods of living, doing your job, or living in a relationship. Awareness of yourself not being 100% loyal. Awareness of yourself not being 100% decided or focused. Awareness of yourself not being 100% team player.

Negatively, wearing two different shoes may reflect problems with living honestly or difficulty adjusting to new conditions in your life. Awkwardly living a double life or pretending you like something only because someone else likes it. Awareness of yourself living a lie or having to be a different person to different people. Fearing looking like a fake to two different people. Excessive people pleasing or difficulty being comfortable being yourself.

To dream of shoes breaking represents feelings about an approach to a situation not working anymore or not being good enough. Feeling forced to change your approach to a situation. Feelings that there is something wrong with your approach to a situation that can't be fixed. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are either overdoing something, not experienced enough, or even possibly not being persistent enough in your ways. Embarrassment that your methods are not as good as someone else's.

Example: A psychiatrist dreamed of wearing shoes that were too cramped. In real life she was beginning to feel that Freud's methods were too limiting to her work in understand people's minds. The cramped shoes reflected her feelings that using a Freudian approach to therapy was too limiting to be effective for all her clients.

Example 2: A man dreamed of trying to decide between two pairs of shoes. In waking life was writing a book and trying to decide whether to be totally honest about some stupid things he had done or to avoid writing about them completely.

Example 3: A man dreamed that the soles of his shoes were worn out and that new soles were only allowed for Nazi Storm Troopers. In waking life he was living in Nazi Germany and once he had exhausted his ability to secretly avoid Nazi restrictions he felt forced to accept them to continue his life normally.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being unable to find a certain pair of shoes. In waking life she was unable to find a way to deal with a problem she had.


To dream of a wolf represents an aspect of your personality that is "on their own." It may reflect an area of your life where you feel alone or like you have to do something all by yourself.

Negatively, a wolf represents issues that threaten you, make you feel vulnerable, or make you feel dangerously alone. Fearing that a problem will not go away.

A white wolf in a dream usually symbolizes an area of your life where you are a loner or on your own. A situation that nobody else understands or that you have to do all by yourself.

A black wolf in a dream usually symbolizes a threat or sense of vulnerability. You may feel like nobody can help you or unable to get answers you need. Negatively, it may reflect a fear of being taken from or your own wish to take whatever you want from others whenever you want.

To dream of a pack of wolves represents feelings of being isolated, cornered, and vulnerable to being taken from. Having to protect yourself from numerous angles. Alternatively, a pack of wolves may reflect group behavior that is of a organized mob mentality. Positively, a pack of wolves may reflect feelings of brotherhood or sticking up for friends.

People with serious physical injuries or medical issues that won't go away often dream of wolves attacking them.

Example: A once man dreamed that wolves were eating his leg. In real life a medication he required was paralyzing his leg and doctors had no idea how to stop it.

Example 2: A gay man dreamed of a white wolf walking up to him and hugging him. In waking life he was coming to terms with accepting his homosexuality and the feelings of being isolated that it gave him. He was becoming comfortable with being gay "on his own."

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a black wolf with blue eyes. In waking life she was worried about her daughter's well-being, but felt that her daughter was taking advantage of her.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of being a wolf while walking around the forest. In waking life he had no job while waiting for his new job to start. In this case the wolf may have reflected his feelings about being all on his own without a job never asking for money from anyone.



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