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Tennis Balls

To dream of a tennis ball represents a back-and-forth issue that you are competitive about. Back and forth fighting an issue. A conflict, problem, or challenge that is in dispute and requires strategic engagement or a response to resolve. It may symbolize a problem, task, or situation that is continuously being passed back and forth, often requiring your attention or response. This dream may reflect the competitive dynamics of your personal, professional, or emotional life, and the need for strategic engagement and sustained focus in these areas. The tennis ball could also signify the onus of responsibility or a task that keeps shifting between individuals or parties in your waking life. A back-and-forth conflict that may require a superior advantage or skillset to win.

Example: A woman dreamed of picking up a tennis ball. In waking life she was in an abusive relationship and felt that she had given in to her husband. Picking up the tennis ball may have reflected her feelings about thinking of beginnging to be more competitive with her abusive husband on issues that she thought were his problem and not hers. The ball may also have reflected her competitive thinking about "serving" a divorce.

*Please See Tennis


To dream of a sports ball represents feelings about competition or competitive thinking. A situation where you feel the need to keep things "in play" and not let them fall apart. Issues Issues that may involve emotional struggles, conflicts, feelings of inferiority, or standing up for yourself. Awareness of having thoughts that remain competitive, conflicted, or challenged. You may sense that someone might not want the same things as you or that you need to fight competitively to make progress. A challenge for the rest of your life over something that important to you, choices that have both good and bad consequences, or beliefs that result in positive or negative outcomes. Conflicts over issues you want to resolve.

Red balls may represent negative or passionate thoughts. Blue balls may represent positive or insensitive thoughts.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing blue and red colored balls flying upwards into the air while a voice said "Isn't it incredible to see your thoughts coming to life?" In waking life, the man experienced 30 days of the most powerful hallucinations of his entire life where confronting them caused them to fade away. The hallucinations seemed to be reflections of his own personality coming to life. In this case, the blue and red balls may have reflected his feelings about experiencing his own positive or negative thoughts of his own personality like it was a competitive struggle to learn about himself to make the hallucinations go away.

*Please See Orbs

*Please See Energy Ball

*Please See Testicles

*Please See Soccer Ball

*Please See Baseball

*Please See Basketball

*Please See Tennis Ball

*Please See Beach Ball

Cotton Balls

To dream of cotton balls represents feelings about using something in your life as a temporary imperfect solution to a problem. Making a problem less serious while not being concerned with fully solving it.

Negatively, cotton balls may reflect your dislike of having to temporarily change some area of your life that doesn't perfectly resolve your problems.

Example: A woman dreamed of holding cotton balls in her hand. In waking life she was thinking of her options to leave her cheating husband. She felt that she could move away to a family members home to temporarily solve her living arrangement problems with her husband and start a new life after.


To dream of tennis represents feelings about a back-and-forth issue you are competitive about. Thoughts about the importance of strategic engagement, back-and-forth dynamics, and sustained focus in your personal, professional, or emotional life. A back-and-forth conflict over who has a better advantage. Conflict over issues that you are arguing over whose problem it is. A back-and-forth conflict or argument. Fighting back and forth over the superiority of different agendas. Fighting over "whose ideas are better." A respectable conflict between two people trying to avoid jealousy. "Serving" someone the jealousy of a problem or cost that they fight back and forth over. Competitiveness back and forth that leaves the issue "in their court" to respond to you. Legal arguments over divorce or litigation.

Negatively, dreaming about tennis could represent feelings of being caught in a relentless back-and-forth situation or conflict. An exhausting competition, relentless argument, or a situation in your waking life where you constantly have to be on your toes. Perhaps you feel trapped in a cycle of reciprocity that seems endless or draining. Snobbily noticing you are better than someone in a back-and-forth faceoff.

To win a tennis match indicates overcoming a back-and-forth challenge. Successfully navigating a complex situation or conflict, demonstrating your competence and resilience. This could signify a boost in self-confidence, the attainment of a goal, or the successful resolution of a dispute.

To lose a tennis match represents feelings about "losing ground" in an ongoing back ad forth conflict or discussion. Feeling outmaneuvered or outstrategized in a back-and-forth dynamic, potentially leading to feelings of inadequacy, frustration, or being ill-equipped to handle the situation. It may also reflect a loss of competitive advantage or momentum in some area of your waking life. Not being able to compete or put up a fight with a back-and-forth issue. A back-and-forth argument you weren't strong enough to win. Accepting jealousy that someone else had a better idea or advantage than you did.

Example: A teenage boy dreamed of walking toward tennis courts that were illuminated. In waking life, he was trying to get serious about weightlifting and kept forgetting. Whenever he missed his weight training session, people at the weightlifting training room would mention it. In this case, the tennis symbolism may have reflected a back-and-forth dynamic of proving he's serious about striving for better performance at the weightlifting room and dealing with comments from others when he missed his training sessions.

*Please See Tennis Balls

*Please See Tennis Courts

*Please See Tennis Racket

Tennis Courts

To dream of a tennis court represents feelings about a setting, situation, or relationship where there is a back-and-forth dynamic or competition. It could reflect your perception of the rules, boundaries, or structure of this ongoing interaction. An empty tennis court may represent a potential dispute or challenge that awaits you, or an opportunity to prove your merit in a back-and-forth situation. A crowded or active tennis court might symbolize active disputes, conversations, or competitions in your waking life with a back-and-forth dynamic.

Example: A teenage boy dreamed of walking toward tennis courts that were illuminated. In waking life, he was trying to get serious about weightlifting and kept forgetting. Whenever he missed his weight training session, people at the weightlifting training room would mention it. In this case, the tennis court may have reflected his feelings about the setting of the weight training room having a back-and-forth dynamic of proving he's serious about training versus dealing with comments from others when he missed his training sessions that made him feel that he wasn't serious.

Tennis Racket

To dream of a tennis racket represents the tools or abilities you have to keep the back-and-forth competitive issue going. It signifies your capacity to respond, strategize, and engage in the dynamic that's ongoing. It might reflect your skills, resources, or strategies you're using in a situation where there's a competitive back-and-forth dynamic. A broken racket could signify feeling ill-equipped or unable to respond adequately in such situations, possibly causing feelings of frustration or inadequacy. Professional skills about getting back at someone who is competing with you with a back-and-forth issue.


To dream of testicles represent nerve, confidence, bravery, or courage. You're ability to be comfortable about being assertive, masculine, or confident standing up for yourself whenever you need to. Your willingness to take risks and face challenges fearlessly.

Positively, dreaming about testicles might symbolize bravery, resilience, or a courageous attitude in confronting difficult situations. It reflects your ability to take risks and face challenges head-on. It may also indicate a sense of confidence and assertiveness in asserting yourself or pursuing your goals. This dream could represent your ability to withstand pressure or endure stressful circumstances with strength and determination.

Negatively, dreaming about testicles could suggest feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or a lack of bravery. It could indicate fears or hesitations in facing challenges or taking risks. This dream may reflect a fear of failure or a reluctance to step outside of your comfort zone. It might also symbolize a need to assert your own power or assertiveness in certain areas of your life. Issues of control or a fear of losing your manliness.

Alternatively, seeing testicles on someone else in the dream may represent a person or situation that is braver or more willing to take chances than you are.

To dream of having your testicles squeezed represents feelings of vulnerability, powerlessness, or threat to your masculinity. It might be an indication of feeling a critical part of your self-esteem, confidence, or virility under attack, perhaps from external pressures or expectations. It could reflect feeling powerless to stop a situation from hurting you or undermining your confidence. Issues with not feeling freedom or respect while being assertive or masculine.

To dream of large testicles represents feelings of great confidence, courage, or assertiveness. It may indicate a positive self-image, high self-esteem, or strong belief in your abilities. You feel prepared and capable of facing challenges, taking risks, or standing up for yourself. It may also symbolize your assertiveness or dominance in certain areas of your life. Masculinity, assertiveness, or manhood that is overdone.

To dream of small testicles represents feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, or inadequacy. You may feel insufficiently confident, brave, or assertive in certain situations. It could indicate low self-esteem, fears of failure, or a reluctance to take risks. This dream might reflect a perceived lack of courage or inability to stand up for yourself when it matters.

Example: A man dreamed of having his testicles squeezed and felt he couldn't do a single thing about it while the pain only intensified. In waking life, he was experiencing heavy stress at work as a foreman for a construction company. In this case, having his testicles squeezed may have reflected his perception of having his masculinity or manhood being undermined or threatened while at work.



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