Long Hair
To dream of long hair represents feelings about freedom, personal power, and the wilder side of one's nature. Free expression, unbridled thoughts, or a connection to one's natural instincts and desires. It may indicate an embracing of individuality or a desire to let things flow naturally. A thinking style that respects itself believing in itself with nothing controlling it for who you are. Believing in yourself with freedom or independence that doesn't have to care who other people are if you don't want to.
Positively, dreaming about long hair may represent feelings of empowerment, liberation, or celebration of one's individuality. It could symbolize a conscious connection to one's intuition, strength, or the ability to express oneself without restrictions. The dream may reflect a phase in life where you're feeling more relaxed, uninhibited, or in touch with your true self.
Negatively, long hair in a dream may represent feelings of unruliness, chaos, or a lack of discipline. It could indicate that things are getting out of hand or there's a part of your life that's unchecked or untamed. The dream might also point to fears about appearing disorganized, non-conformist, or being judged for not adhering to societal norms.
To dream of having long hair cut short may reflect feelings of losing a sense of freedom, individuality, or power. It could indicate a shift in personal power, a voluntary or involuntary submission to societal norms, or a desire for a more structured or conventional lifestyle. This dream may also signify feelings of loss, change in identity, or a potential compromise in one's values or beliefs. There might be a situation in your waking life where you feel as if you've been stripped of your natural state or essence, or perhaps you've chosen to make a change, sacrificing certain freedoms for a perceived greater good. It may suggest that you are undergoing a significant change in your life, and this change is leading to a sense of restriction or a need to conform to societal expectations. Cutting long hair short in a dream can symbolize the sacrifice of your wilder or more free-spirited side in order to fit in or adapt to a new situation.
Positively, dreaming of cutting long hair might symbolize a conscious decision to let go of certain aspects of your unbridled nature in favor of a more structured or disciplined approach. A personal transformation where you are willingly letting go of old habits, beliefs, or behaviors that no longer serve you. A fresh start, a willingness to embrace change, or an intention to cultivate a more disciplined and focused approach in certain areas of your life.
Negatively, this dream might point to feelings of regret, coercion, or external pressures leading you to give up or alter an essential part of your identity. It could signify feelings of being forced into conformity, the fear of standing out, or the perception that your individuality is being stifled or restricted.
Example: A woman dreamed of having long hair and needing to cut it once it got caught in her throat. She then swallowed the hair shamefully. In waking life, she was struggling with sexual addiction and relapsed the day before. She confessed to her church, repented, and asked for forgiveness. In this case, the long hair being cut may have reflected her feelings of having to cut off her wilder and uncontrolled urges which she felt were out of control or harmful.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a woman with long black hair. In waking life, she and her boyfriend were trying to get pregnant. In this case, the long hair may have reflected her feelings about her own thinking style being unrestricted, sexually liberated, and completely free to have sex without contraception whenever she wanted to while attempting to get pregnant.
Blonde Hair
To dream of blonde or yellow hair represents a thinking style that is being noticed. What you are thinking or how you are thinking being obvious to others. Awareness of yourself or someone else thinking in a certain way.
Alternatively, blonde hair in a dream may reflect actualization of thoughts. Awareness of your ideas "coming to life." Seeing your ideas happen for real. Feeling good noticing something you are thinking happening. Thinking it's fantastic to watch your ideas come to life.
Negatively, blonde hair may reflect fears coming to life or embarrassment of your thinking style being obvious to people who don't respect you. Fearing offensive ideas being noticed by people with authority over you. Jealousy of enemies laughing at your ideas or honesty.
To dream of beautiful people with blonde hair may reflect pleasant feelings about life experience where you are noticing your dreams or desires happening for real. Positive attention to your ideas or comments.
Example: A woman had recurring nightmares of herself having blonde hair. In waking life she was fearing that highly controversial statements she was making in public would be discovered and get her in trouble. The blonde hair in this case may have reflected her feelings about her controversial political opinions causing her an excessive amount of attention.
Brushing Hair
To brush or comb your hair represents correcting thoughts, attitudes, or opinions regarding a problem or issue you have in waking life. You are clarifying issues.
Bun Hairstyle
To dream of long hair tied back into a bun represents a thinking style with self-discipline and control over your thoughts, emotions, or personal expression while maintaining a sense of orderliness, organization, and composure. Discipline, professionalism, and formality. Consciously choosing to appear more reserved or composed in a particular setting, perhaps to maintain a professional image or to conform to social expectations. Dreams involving such a hairstyle could represent a desire for control, elegance, or simplicity in one's life. A choice to present oneself in a more contained, professional, or mature manner.
Positively, dreaming about hair tied back in a bun may represent feelings of confidence, clarity, or sophistication. It could indicate a sense of being well-prepared, organized, or in control of a particular situation or aspect of your life. The dream may suggest that you are approaching a task or challenge with a clear mind and a strategic plan. It might also represent an acknowledgment of the need for restraint and decorum in certain settings, and the maturity to act accordingly.
Negatively, a dream of hair in a bun may represent feelings of restriction, repression, or self-imposed limitations that aren't helpful. A fear of letting loose, a hesitation to fully express oneself, or concerns about being judged or criticized for stepping out of line. Feelings of being confined or held back by societal standards or self-imposed rules. A thinking style where professionally restricting yourself, maintaining composure, or pretending nothing is wrong isn't going to help you.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing long hair tied back into a bun. In waking life, she was experiencing a very unfortunate life event and chose to see the situation through a lens of "glass half full" to change her perceptions of a negative situation. In this case, the long hair tied back into a bun may have reflected her feelings of needing to maintain composure and orderliness in the midst of chaos.
Combing Hair
*Please See Brushing Hair
Combover Hairstyle
To dream of a comb over hairstyle represents a thinking style that is concerned with hiding failure or embarrassing losses. Being concerned with maintaining appearances while covering up your problems. Not caring about what anyone else thinking about an obvious problem you have. Feeling sensitive about looking stupid.
Negatively, a comb over hairstyle may be a sign that you are having difficulty excepting a loss or being open about embarrassing situation. Embarrassing yourself trying to hide your problems.
Curly Hair
To dream of curly hair represents thinking style that is different, unique, or stands out and doesn't think anything is wrong with that. A thinking style that is noticeably not perfect all the time and accepts that nothing is wrong with that. It could indicate an approach to situations or problems that is unconventional, creative, and flexible. This kind of thinking is not afraid to diverge from the norm and may often lead to unexpected or surprising outcomes. Embarked on a new path that is considered unconventional by family and friends. Feeling good thinking in a way that is different. Feelings about you or someone else saying something strange and not thinking anything is wrong with it. Meeting people like there is nothing wrong with it because what you say doesn't have to be perfect.
Negatively, curly hair may reflect a thinking style that is perceived to be outrageous. Unpredictable thinking. A thinking style that is erratic, inconsistent, or seen as too unconventional. Thoughts or ideas that are too divergent or eccentric, which may cause discomfort or unease to yourself or others. Overdoing accepting behavior that is different, unique, or stands out.
Example: A teenage girl dreamed of people ignoring her, but then finding a girl in a pink shirt with curly hair that did listen to her. In waking life, she felt that she couldn't find understanding friends. In this case, the girl with curly hair who listen to her may have reflected a potential friend who is open-minded, creative, and unconventional, thus more likely to understand and resonate with the dreamer's unique way of thinking and expressing herself.
Cutting Hair
*Please See Haircut
Dirty Hair
To dream of dirty hair represents thoughts, emotions, or attitudes that have become negative, corrupted, or stagnant.
Dying / Dyed Hair
To dream of dying your hair or hair that is already dyed represents a change in the way you think. The colors become symbols for how you are thinking.
For example if you dyed your hair blood red it would symbolize your thoughts becoming very negative. If you dyed your hair blonde it would represent a change that makes you want to notice yourself doing something different.
See the themes section for colors for a more in depth look at color.
To dream of hair represents a thinking style that is noticeable or observable. Awareness of how you or someone else is thinking. Awareness of yourself thinking in a completely different way than you usually do. The color, length, and style of the hair represent the manner in which you are thinking. For example, organized hair reflects a systematic or methodical thinking style while messy or tangled hair reflects self-critical or hysterical thoughts.
To dream of red hair (color red, not "carrot top") represents a passionate, dangerous, or negative thinking style. A thinking style that is passionately persistent, completely obsessed with doing something all the time, disregards safety limits, or feels dangerously risky about "everything being on the line."
To dream of orange hair (redhead, ginger, or carrot top) in a dream represents a thinking style that is powerful, important, hard to avoid noticing, or that nothing is stronger than it. Beliefs, ideas, or thoughts that carry a sense of power, strength, or importance. A thinking style that is difficult to ignore. A thinking style that stands out. A thinking style that is overpowering your focus, can't go unnoticed, or has to come first. A thinking style that has assertiveness, confidence, or a strong desire to be heard and acknowledged. Orange hair could also indicate a bold, creative, or innovative approach to problem-solving, where you might be unafraid to challenge the status quo or take risks in order to achieve your goals. Negatively, orange hair may reflect a preoccupation with wanting to be strong or outrageous behavior that is impossible to ignore. A thinking style that is so strong that it might be too strong or isn't safe. Beliefs, emotions, or situations that are impossible to stop or avoid.
To dream of darker green hair represents a selfish thinking style. Jealousy, arrogance, greed, or preoccupation with the notion that you are a loser. A mindset driven by envy or self-centeredness, where you may prioritize your own interests above others' needs and well-being. Dark suicidal thinking.
To dream of light green hair represents feelings about thinking about yourself is important. Proactive, progressive, or mindset focused on healing. This type of thinking suggests that you are actively working on self-improvement, personal growth, or seeking solutions to challenges in your life. Striving to overcome obstacles and make the necessary changes to better yourself and your circumstances.
To dream of light purple hair represents thinking patterns that are neutral, indifferent, laidback, easy, or carefree. Not having a lot to worry about.
To dream of dark purple hair may represent thinking patterns that are heavily focused on neutrality or not minding what is happening. Negatively, purple hair may reflect a darker thinking style of neutrality or being dangerously unconcerned. Dark and uncaring thinking style that isn't concerned about it. Total powerlessness that accepts it.
To dream of light blue hair represents positive or thoughtful thinking patterns. Sensitivity, thoughtfulness, or truthfulness. A focus on good intentions, kindness, and safety. This type of thinking embodies an open-minded and considerate approach to life, with a strong desire to avoid negativity or harm. A nurturing and supportive thinking style, where you actively seek to uplift and encourage those around you. It suggests that you prioritize understanding, empathy, and emotional intelligence in your interactions with others.
To dream of dark blue hair represents insensitive, cold, or all business-style thinking patterns. Thinking that feels that rules and the truth must be completely adhered to.
To dream of black hair represents thinking that is professional, excessive, or causes fear. Dark, depressed, negative, thoughts.
To dream of white hair represents a thinking that is wise, experienced, or enlightened. White hair may also reflect a thinking style focused on purification or needing to be perfectly honest. It may also signify purity, spirituality, or a focus on higher ideals. Possibly a sign of self-improvement or positive change. Negatively, white hair may reflect issues with needing to maintain perfect thinking after improving yourself or making positive changes.
To dream of grey hair represents thinking that has wisdom, maturity, experience, and learned from past situations. Long-term experience, cynicism, professionalism or subject matter that has to be thought about a lot. Wisdom gained and applied. Feeling wiser than other people. Respecting yourself or others for being accomplished. Grey hair suggests that you prioritize stability, practicality, and emotional intelligence in your interactions with others. Negatively, grey hair may represent thinking that is outdated, obsolete, or no longer relevant in a particular situation. It may also suggest a fear of aging or mortality, or feeling like you have lost your vitality or passion for life.
To dream of having someone else's hair represents your thoughts or your style of thinking be based on whatever qualities, feelings, or memories stand out most about that person. It may also reflect similar a style of thinking to that person.
To dream of eating hair may represent feelings of disgust or embarrassment that you have to experience or think about someone else's problem. Revulsion towards a person's way of thinking or mental habits. Aversion towards certain mental patterns or behavior of others. An attempt to internalize or assimilate someone else's thoughts or ideas, even if they are unpleasant or unpalatable. It could indicate a need to distance oneself from someone who thinks differently or to change one's own way of thinking.
To dream of bugs in your hair represents annoyances, frustrations, or undesirable situations that interfere with your own thinking or thinking style. Feeling unable to stop thinking of something annoying. Annoyances that are distracting you from your goals or causing you anxiety. Feeling annoyed with small details that undermine your mental well-being.
To dream of hair being on fire represents thinking that is consumed by loss or the threat of loss. A feeling that your current way of thinking is unsustainable, a strong sense of urgency, or a need for rapid change or transformation in your thought processes. Preoccupation with a very serious situation. Dreams of hair being on fire may turn up when you or someone you know is faced with a terrible crisis such as the death of a loved one. A situation in which you feel powerless to extinguish the negativity and chaos consuming your mind.
To dream of smelling someone's hair may represent feelings or intuition about how you feel about a different thinking style. Sensing what someone else's type of thinking is doing. Liking smelling hair may reflect your approval or attraction to someone else's ideas. Not liking smelling hair may reflect your disapproval or disgust with someone else's ideas.
To dream of someone you are romantically interested in touching or playing with your hair may represent feelings of being teased, tantalized, or romantically interested in the person. Romantic tension or seduction. Feeling that someone is making you like them.
To dream of a single piece of loose hair represents feelings about lingering doubts, worries, or loose ends related to a specific aspect of your life. It could signify a minor concern or unresolved issue that is bothering you. The loose hair in the dream may symbolize an isolated problem or a detail that requires your attention.
Refer to the themes section for hair for a more in-depth look at hair symbolism.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a scary lady with green hair. In waking life, she was very jealous that her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend was more attractive and a better lover than she was. She couldn't stop thinking about it. In this case, the scary lady with green hair may have reflected the woman's jealousy and preoccupation with her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's abilities. It may also have reflected the dreamer being jealous that the ex-girlfriend was able to think of herself as a more confident lover.
Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of a guy touching and playing with her hair. In waking life, she had a romantic interest in the guy, and spending time with him was creating romantic tension. In this case, the guy touching and playing with her hair may have reflected the emotional and mental impact of their budding romantic relationship on her thought processes.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of discarding a single thick long hair from her purse. In waking life, she was in the final process of desperately trying to sell her home. In this case, the single piece of hair that she wanted to discard may have reflected her desire to eliminate any lingering doubts, worries, or loose ends related to the sale of her home. Plucking the hair from her purse symbolized her meticulous approach to resolving any potential issues or obstacles in the selling process, indicating her determination to complete the sale successfully and move forward in her life.
*Please See Long Hair
*Please See Brunettes
*Please See Blonde Hair
*Please See Bald
*Please See Haircut
*Please See Barber Shop
*Please See Straight Hair
Hair Curlers
To dream of hair curlers represents feelings about a thinking style that is privately holding itself repeating itself long enough in order to make itself look different, unique, or stand out as an interesting person. Effort to gain acceptance or fit in with a particular group or situation. A thinking style that is working on itself without having to talk about it. A period of transformation, adjustment, or preparation, often related to self-image, ideas, or life goals.
Positively, dreaming about hair curlers may represent patience and a willingness to put in the effort to stand out and be unique in your ideas, beliefs, or thinking style. A desire for self-improvement or personal transformation. A conscious effort to adapt or modify your approach to fit in, be accepted, or make a positive impression. A period of personal growth and development, where you are investing time and effort into presenting the best version of yourself.
Negatively, dreaming about hair curlers may represent a thinking style that doesn't want to show off while it's waiting to become more appealing. Wasting time privately holding yourself repeating yourself in order to look different, unique, or stand out as an interesting person. Superficiality or a preoccupation with appearances. Feelings of insecurity or a sense that you need to change or improve your thinking in order to fit in or gain acceptance. A fear of not being interesting or unique enough in your thoughts or ideas. Alternatively, it may suggest that you are overly concerned with your appearance or how you are perceived by others, leading to a lack of authenticity in your thinking style.
Example: A woman dreamed of getting ready for bed with a group of gay men who all put hair curlers in their hair. In waking life, she was having problems getting accepted into University and was experiencing being rejected for 2 years. She was accepted to a foreign University but is holding out for a more local one. She didn't like the idea of wasting another year waiting for local acceptance when she could leave the country at any time. In this case, the gay men with hair curlers may have reflected her feelings about the difficulty of being accepted (gay men) to a local university due to grades not being good enough while not talking to anyone about holding out for a good local university after easily being accepted to a foreign university. She may have felt a local university would make her look like a more interesting person to friends and family since the foreign university would make her ruin her life by moving to another country.
Hair Loss
To dream of hair loss or balding represents losing confidence, self-esteem, or feelings of being or becoming powerless. Feeling distraught or frustrated.
To dream of your hair coming out in patches may reflect shock or surprise that your reputation or self-image is in ruins. It may also reflect a fear of permanent embarrassment. A sign that you may be desperate to head off any more embarrassment.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her hair coming out in patches. In waking life she was frustrated at about how negative a comment her husband made was about purposely manipulating her.
Example 2: A man dreamed of experiencing hair loss. In waking life he was worried about appearing to others as a total loser due to a failing business venture.
To dream of willingly getting a haircut represents a fresh start or change in your thinking style. Shedding unwanted thoughts, emotions, or life situations. Alternatively, you may have gone to far with something and are cutting back. Being set straight by someone else on an issue.
To have your haircut against your will represents a lost sense of freedom, power, or status. Some aspect of yourself is conforming or giving in. Unwanted changes in your life that force you to think in an undesirable way.
To dream of a haircut that cuts off long hair or too much hair represents a lost power or freedom. It may also reflect an undesirable change in your life.
To change hair styles represents a change in the way you are thinking or your attitude.
Example: A man dreamed of getting a haircut. In waking life his struggling new business finally took off.
Example 2: A grown man dreamed of seeing someone with a stupid looking haircut. In waking life he felt that he looked stupid living at home with his mother.
Example 3: A man dreamed of getting a really humiliating haircut. In waking life he rejected a movie role due to his religious values which caused the management of the film company to fire him. He felt he looked stupid in front of others for his religious values after being "groomed" by the film company for a year for films.
*Please See Barber Shop
*Please See Salon
*Please See Hairdresser
To dream of a hairdresser represents behavior, decisions you've made, or other people who interest you in making yourself appear more interesting to other people. Motivation to impress someone.
Alternatively, a hairdresser may represent a person or situation that is changing or improving the way you think.
Example: A woman dreamed of a hairdresser working on her hair. In waking life she just finished a terrible hospital stay and tried to start putting a positive spin on the experience to her friends and family.
*Please See Salon
*Please See Barber