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Computer Games

To dream of playing computer games, represents a win or lose situation in your waking life. Consider the type of game and how may symbolically parallel your life.

Alternatively, a computer game may represent situations where you are very concerned about doing everything right. You may sensitive about making any mistakes.

*Please See Video Games

Board Games

To dream of a board game represents your attempt to competitively take your time do something better than other people without cheating. Trying get ahead of others, gain leverage, or "winner take all." A desire to come out on top in social situations. A clear set of rules or guidelines to follow in order to succeed or achieve one's goals.

Negatively, dreaming about a board game represents a fear of losing, or a feeling of pressure to conform to certain rules or expectations in order to be accepted or successful. Additionally, it could represent a tendency to see life as a game or competition, which may lead to a lack of authenticity or deeper connections with others.

Board games are common to life situations where cheating happened and taking your time proving yourself with established rules and boundaries long term is important.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing someone playing a board game. In waking life he was feeling very competitive with other guy friends to be better looking and sleep with more girls. In this case the board game may reflect a sense of competition or a desire to come out on top in social situations, particularly in matters of attraction and sexual conquest. The dreamer may have enjoyed taking his time competitively trying to sleep with more woman than his friends according to a rule system that encourages no cheating.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a board game. In waking life she didn't trust her husband after he flirted with female friend in front of her. In this case the board game may reflect the woman's feeling of competition with her husband to maintain control in their relationship, as well as a desire to establish clear rules or boundaries to protect herself from potential threats. The board game may also symbolize the woman's sense of strategy and planning in navigating the dynamics of her relationship.

*Please See Chess

*Please See Monopoly

Cellphone Games

To dream of playing a video game on your cellphone represents a challenge that is always on your mind. Something that feels important for you to try to overcome all the time.

Example: A man dreamed of playing cellphone games. In waking life he was spending a lot of time trying to see if he could get the city by-law officers to force each of his neighbors to make changes to their properties by writing them emails. The cellphone games reflected the challenge of writing the perfect letter to force a change to happen.

*Please See Video Games

Computer Lab

To dream of a computer lab represents awareness, focus, or interest on what other people are thinking. Other people's true feelings or beliefs may be visible to you.

Computer Memory

To dream of computer memory represents your short term memory. You may be cramming for a test or trying very hard to remember a lot of information. It may also reflect your ability to apply what you know while under pressure or to adapt to difficult situations.

Computer Mouse

To dream of a computer mouse represents control over your thoughts. The direction of your thinking. Telling yourself what to focus on or what to do. It may also reflect the ability to prioritize.

To dream of a computer mouse being controlled by someone else represents an aspect of your personality that is guiding your decisions. It may also reflect people who are telling you what to or what to focus on.

To give or sell someone a computer mouse may represent helping yourself or someone else to think for themselves. Negatively, it may also point to giving up the ability to think independently or losing sight of what's most important.

To dream of a malfunctioning computer mouse represents confusion, setbacks, or delays.

Computer Virus

To dream of a computer virus represents uncontrollable issues that frustrate you. Ideas or thoughts that cause irritability or anxiety. Feeling forced to think about something that you can't stand. Negative thoughts or feelings that seem impossible to get off your mind. Experiencing frustration due to someone else's actions.

Example: A young man dreamed of his computer getting a computer virus. In waking life, he feared embarrassing himself by revealing his true feelings to a girl he liked. In this case, the computer virus may have reflected his frustration with having to think about the girl too much to the point that it interfered with his ability to function normally without distraction.

Example 2: A person dreamed of their phone being hacked by a virus that uploaded random photos to Instagram, causing them anxiety. In waking life, the dreamer was grappling with COVID-19 lockdowns and disliked giving others the impression that they were less successful than usual due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. In this case, the computer virus may have symbolized their feelings about the uncontrollable nature of COVID-19 and the mounting frustration it caused to their social life and appearances.


To dream of a playing a game represents a competitive attitude about a situation you are experiencing. Friendly competition. Rivalry. A challenge of some kind. A non-serious or non-threatening competition. Testing yourself or seeing how far you can push a situation. A contest over social, financial, or status issues. Trying to outwit someone. A "winner takes all" situation.

Negatively, dreaming about games may reflect feelings about a need to be better than someone else. Attempting to earn bragging rights over your competition. Not considering other people feelings by refusing to take something seriously. Competing when it's inappropriate.

Consider the type of game for additional meaning.

*Please See Video Games

*Please See Board Games

Hunger Games

To dream of being in the Hunger Games may reflect the pressure you feel to succeed under conditions that require perfection. Feeling forced into a situation where you may feel that winning is urgent or dire. An all or nothing situation that is being forced upon you. You may feel that nobody cares about anything except knowing you're winning and prepared.

Alternatively, the Hunger games may reflect your feeling that a challenging opportunity is your last hope and must be done perfect.

Example: A man dreamed of fighting in the Hunger Games to save his mother. In waking life he took a high paying job in a country where he didn't speak the language and started to doubt his ability to succeed. The Hunger games reflected the corporate challenge imposed on him by having to communicate perfectly in another language at all times in order to succeed.

Video Games

To dream of a video game represents feelings about a challenging experience you are having to see how far you can get doing something without failing. Testing how far you can challenge something pushing limits. Enjoying a challenging experience to test limits or to avoid failure. Feuding or competition. A win or lose situation. You also may be experiencing a situation where you need to do everything right in order to achieve a goal. Competition that feels casual. Two opposing forces trying to prove they are better than each other. A competition where you are enjoying trying to overcome a challenge faster than someone else. Attempting to prove yourself to yourself with increasing difficulty or risk. Surprise or disbelief that nobody will stop you from taking a situation as far as you can. Escapism that challenges itself in order to avoid boredom.

Alternatively, dreaming about a video game may represent a challenging experience in your waking life to achieve the best improved time or highest count in some area of your life. A challenging experience with others to see who can do the most, highest, or longest with a record. A challenge to outdo someone else's reputation or best performance.

Negatively, a video game may reflect an attitude that is arrogant about challenging itself to see how far you can go with certain behaviors without failing. Testing a situation or person too far. Ignorantly not understanding that other people don't like you testing how far you can take a situation. A reckless or dangerous attitude about testing something with how far you can take it. Issues with thinking you are better than someone else and needing to test it. A competition between people who want to get back at each other. A deadly or serious challenge to see how far a situation can be taken without failing while ignoring the deadly or serious nature. Petty feuding or teenage competition. A cold or casual view of a competition with big stakes. Childish or petty competition. Not taking a serious conflict seriously while having a casual attitude about competing. Passive aggressiveness that chooses petty attacks instead of discussing the problem or negotiating. Childishly wanting to get back at someone more than they are getting back at you. Seeing how far you can dishonesty push a situation or get away with something. Wasting time competing with others over petty achievements or goals. "Playing games" with trying see how far you can push people or put up with an obstacle to your goals. Childishness that plays games with a situation instead of being serious.

Alternatively, a video game symbolizes an escape from your problems, instead of confronting them. Intentionally wasting time. Competing in your head without competing for real.

To dream of a "level" in a video game may represent feelings of progression or advancement in a situation where you are challenging yourself to see how far you can take it. Increasing amounts of difficulty as you test yourself in a situation with how far you can take it. It may symbolize the attainment of new skills or knowledge, as well as the overcoming of obstacles or challenges. It could also indicate a need for a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment in one's endeavors.

Consider the type of video game character, video game, or video game system for additional meaning.

Example: A man dreamed of stealing 2 video games from someone who didn't like him. In waking life, he was running a business and confronting a dishonest person who was trying to compete with him illegally. The dishonest person who was trying to compete with the dreamer illegally had a very casual attitude about competing even though there was a lot of money at stake. The dreamer had to strategically take action to cut off the illegal competitor, but the competitor just kept trying to compete anyway. In this case, the dreamer trying to steal video games from someone may have reflected his attempt to abruptly stop someone from illegally competing with him in the first place to make the person go away.

Example 2: A man dreamed of playing video games. In waking life, he was forced to endure a challenge from a coworker to see how long he could walk back and forth along a path without getting tired. The dreamer kept defeating old times as the challenge lasted for months.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of playing an old video game on a CRT television. In waking life, he had a job interview scheduled. In this case, the old video game may have reflected his practicing answering questions for his job interview to challenge himself to become more confident during the job interview.

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of seeing a video game being created. In waking life, she was trying to find escapism from life in general.

Example 5: A young woman dreamed of playing a video game that involved being strategic about matching things. In waking she was aware of a guy she liked sharing things with her, but couldn't get him to answer any of her texts. In this case, the video game may have reflected her attempt to challenge herself to keep improving her relationship with the guy she liked by seeing how many things she could get him to do similar to her. She was playing games trying to get the guy to interact with her and respect her.

Example 6: A young man dreamed of seeing himself on a screen as though he was in a video game. In waking life, he was challenging himself to be the best he could be at being an expert at out-of-body experiences.

Example 7: A young adult dreamed of a video game-like scene where spider crabs came out of the wall and having to shoot them like it was a video game. In waking life, the dreamer was reluctant to accept a sister back into the home after the sister returned from a mental health facility. In this case, the video game-like scene may have reflected the dreamer's competitive tendency to try to turn people against the sister when nobody else in the family thought the same.

*Please See Pac-Man

*Please See Super Mario

*Please See Legend Of Zelda

*Please See Tetris

*Please See Grand Theft Auto

*Please See Sonic The Hedgehog

*Please See Nintendo

*Please See Xbox

*Please See Sony Playstation

*Please See Sega Video Game System

*Please See Computer Games

*Please See Arcade

*Please See Cellphone Games

Game Show

To dream of a game show represents an experience you are having in your life where you are taking chances, or making guesses. Trying to change your life taking a chance or doing one thing different.

To win at a game show represents feelings of gained power or luck with big a chance you took doing something different.

To lose at a game show reflects feelings of not having the perfect idea or opportunity to change your life. Feeling that something else is needed from you in order to get the change you wanted. Bad choices, bad luck, or lost opportunities.

Consider the name, theme, or prizes used in the show for additional symbolism and how they may be relative to your waking life.

Grand Theft Auto

To dream of Grand Theft Auto represents a challenging experience of testing limits to see how far you can take an experience of open dishonesty or criminality without caring about the consequences as if it's perfectly normal and acceptable to get away with it. Challenging experience in increasing difficulty to operate outside social norms or rules of morality. A sense of freedom in testing the limits of engaging in dishonesty, criminal activities, or breaking social norms. Challenging yourself with dishonestness as though it's normal with nobody telling you to stop. Feeling that it's easier to be a criminal with nobody in your life thinking it's a problem. Feeling challenged to be open to dangerous, dishonest, or criminal behavior with a sense of freedom. A challenging experience of criminality, discipline, drug use, using people, death threats, or other dishonesty that is commonplace.

Positively, dreaming about Grand Theft Auto may represent your ability to handle challenging situations or navigate through dangerous and dishonest circumstances with ease. You might feel confident in your ability to outsmart or outmaneuver others in a situation where honesty is not valued.

Negatively, Grand Theft Auto may reflect how you are competing to be a better criminal or dishonest person than someone else like it's all you'll ever want. Criminal-minded vanity that thinks it's better than everyone else and doesn't care what you do to anyone else to win. Never caring about what you do dishonest more than someone else. Challenging yourself to fixing up your life while still maintaining criminal friends or bad influences in your life. Looking out for yourself while being aware of criminal things happening all the time. Challenging experience where there are no advantages to being honest because being honest will ruin you. Total recklessness with being dishonest like it's normal. Feeling challenged to be the wisest most dishonest person you can be and to see how much you can get away with. Challenging yourself to be the most open dishonest person there is like it's all you'll aspire to do. Experiencing a situation where nobody cares about honesty like it's insane if you do. A desire to compete in being a better criminal or dishonest person than someone else, even if it means disregarding moral values and harming others. It may also suggest that you are surrounding yourself with negative influences or criminal associates while attempting to make improvements in your own life, potentially jeopardizing your progress.

Example: A young man dreamed of a Vanilla Sky movie ending in a Grand Theft Auto video game theme. In waking life, he was thinking of embracing death the previous day. In this case, the Grand Theft Auto theme may have reflected his feelings about openly challenging himself to how much he could talk about his own death with nobody to stop it as though it was commonplace behavior to be that dangerous or reckless.

Example 2: A man dreamed of a Grand Theft Auto video game-type themed dream while having a hangover. In waking life, he was having struggles with sobriety and drug addiction. The Grand Theft Auto video game theme to the dream may have reflected his awareness of having illegal connections to drug dealers and friends who were a bad influence while challenging himself to handle getting sober for the first time. He had an openly accepted view of his own criminal lifestyle.

Legend Of Zelda

To dream of the video game The Legend Of Zelda represents a challenging experience of having a personal mission you accept to do whatever it takes to correct a situation that feels dark or troubling and restore it to balance. Being honorable about restoring life back to balance from darkness. Your willingness to face complex problems and navigate through the puzzles of life, showing dedication, resilience, and a commitment to achieving a significant goal. A commitment to solving complex problems and navigating through challenging situations with determination and resourcefulness with a relentless pursuit of truth, justice, or restoration. A reflection of the lengths you will go to help a friend or restore something honest without giving up. A challenging experience of honoring or respecting seeing how far you can take something by giving personal attention to every puzzle or problem there is until to get a lighter style of thinking back. Honoring every last thing to solve every puzzle in order to restore balance to a situation. A challenging experience that involves discovery, exploration, and puzzle-solving. A personal challenge of complex puzzles and obstacles working towards an important goal. Feeling that something in your life will never be honest again if you don't do every single little thing to restore it. Having to believe in yourself no matter what in order to never live with darkness, trouble, or evil ever again.

Negatively, dreaming about Zelda may be a sign that you are overdoing making it your personal mission to restore a dark situation to a lighter one. Talking too much about honoring your personal mission to challenge a darker way of thinking instead of just cutting it out.

Zelda dreams commonly have monsters, ghosts, or or horrible creatures.

Example: A woman dreamed of walking around inside a Legend of Zelda virtual reality game. In waking life, she felt she had a tendency to go to extreme lengths to help a friend. She felt that Zelda represented her willingness to help her friend while secretly protesting, but still willing to go through whatever she had to in order to help. In this case, The Legend Of Zelda symbolism may have reflected how she was overdoing making it her personal mission to restore a dark troubling situation in her friend's life to a lighter and more balanced one by making it too personal.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of Princess Zelda being captured by a creature of Ganon and Link failed to save her. Eventually, Link turned on the dreamer saying she should be killed. In waking life, she was battling with depression. In this case, the Zelda symbolism may have reflected her feelings about battling depression being a life-long personal competitive mission to battle dark thoughts while trying to restore her mind to balance.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a Legend of Zelda shotglass. In waking life, she had recently put an end to being a shopaholic. In this case, the Zelda shotglass may have reflected her over-sensitivity about having to make it a personal mission to stop her addictive shopping habit from ruining her life.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing a yellow "radioactive triforce" symbol that was a combination of the Zelda game symbol and the radioactive warning symbol. In waking life, he was experiencing powerful hallucinations that made him believe that he had to walk back and forth in his bedroom for 4 days without sleep, food, water, or going to the bathroom while imagining himself sending positive energy with his mind to someone else in order to be freed of evil that wouldn't let go. The hallucinations eventually did let go of him with a sense of defeating it as though the "triforce" of his life had been restored.


To dream of a Nintendo video game system represents feelings of engaging in friendly and enjoyable challenges, where the focus is on having fun and testing your abilities without taking things too seriously. The desire to explore social and acceptable activities that allow you to challenge yourself in a light-hearted and entertaining way. Challenging yourself in increasing levels with a friendly, socially acceptable, cool, or fun situation that doesn't embarrass anyone else. Challenging yourself in increasing levels with an attitude that is safe about nothing being too serious and that's easily understood by everyone involved. Challenging yourself to see how far you can take a friendly situation that doesn't get back at you like it's awesome. Challenging yourself in increasing levels to see how much better you are than someone else without embarrassing anyone with it being too serious.

Positively, dreaming about Nintendo may reflect your ability to find joy and excitement in simple, socially acceptable challenges that don't put others in uncomfortable situations. Your desire for friendly competition and testing your skills in a safe and fun environment. Challenging experiences that see how far you can take it based on family life, affordability, or social acceptability don't embarrass anyone involved with being mean. Safely teaching yourself something different by taking it as far as you can without being dangerous to anyone else.

Negatively, dreaming about Nintendo may indicate a tendency to avoid serious or significant challenges in favor of more superficial and socially acceptable activities. A fear or reluctance to confront more substantial issues in your life. Privately challenging yourself to an idea in a friendly way that other people might not see the same way that you do if they found out. Feeling good that nobody can ever stop you from enjoying challenging yourself childishly with how far you can take a situation. A challenging experience of friendliness that isn't serious at all when that isn't what you really want. Challenging yourself to getting away with something with family or friends who are annoyed or angry that you don't stop it.

Example: A young woman dreamed of playing Super Nintendo in a locked room for a few days. In waking life, she going through a tough time being lonely trying to figure out how to socialize with classmates and get over social anxiety. In this case, the Nintendo may have reflected her attempt to challenge herself in her bedroom to come up with socially acceptable, cool, or fun ideas to help her socialize with classmates by telling them about them.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of playing Super Nintendo with a guy who tells her he likes her. In waking life, she had a boyfriend, but a friend suggested that if she was single she should start dating the other guy who appeared in her dream. In this case, the Nintendo may reflect the socially acceptable friendly nature of testing the idea of dating another guy or seeing how much she could learn about the guy's interest in her without embarrassing her boyfriend with jealousy.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of playing virtual reality Nintendo games. In waking life, she was aware of herself going to extreme lengths to help a friend. In this case, the Nintendo symbolism may reflect feelings about challenging herself in a friendly way to see how far she could help her friend out without embarrassing her friend or anyone else with feeling it was too serious.

*Please See Video Games


To dream of the video game Pac-Man represents a challenging experience to test the limits to see how far you can take a situation by trying to stay active doing new things while other people (or people from the past) don't want you to. Your determination to pursue opportunities or goals even when faced with obstacles or resistance from others. Being determined to pursue an opportunity while avoiding the "ghosts" of what people have said to you about it not being possible.

Negatively, dreaming about Pac-Man may represent wasting your time or looking stupid trying to test the limits to do new things when other people are right about already telling you it's possible. Wasting your time trying to escape good advice about something new you are trying that's not possible. Feeling that you can't escape the past or past advice from holding you back.

Pac-Man symbolism commonly appears in dreams with space or stars possibly to reflect an incredible opportunity that's never happened before with a feeling that other people don't want to allow it to happen.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing Pac-Man. In waking life, she was very motivated to move out and away from her mother to start her own life. She was aware of herself still being a minor and dependent on her mother financially. In this case, Pac-Man may have reflected her awareness of herself asserting her individuality and desiring a new life moving out while still feeling constrained by her dependence on her mother. She may have been aware of herself wasting time challenging herself to stay active doing whatever she had to in order to prepare to move out and have a life away from her mother while facing the reality of other people (ghosts) always being right that it wasn't realistic.

*Please See Video Games



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