To dream of cleaning anything represents negativity you are removing from some area of your life. Self-improvement, overcoming obstacles, or improving a relationship. Making progress or moving forward. Cleaning may also reflect old problems or faulty relationships you have found solutions for. Giving up bad habits or finally telling the truth.
*Please See Housework
To dream of a closet represents things about yourself that you hide because you don't want anyone else to know about them, or because you are not comfortable accepting them in yourself. Area of your life that you choose to put away. Difficult issues you don't fell comfortable discussing.
Negatively, a closet may reflect problems with honesty or repressing yourself. Putting off revealing the truth because it's too embarrassing.
Alternatively, a closet may reflect problems or fears that you believe are waiting for you.
To dream of putting something in your closet may reflect a wish to hide something about yourself or avoid embarrassment. Intentionally keeping something about yourself a secret.
To clean a closet symbolizes becoming more comfortable with who you are. Being more accepting of your own past or aspects of your own personality that you may not have previously been very comfortable with.
To dream of a monster in a closet may reflect concerns about a dangerous or unfair aspect of your life that you want to keep hidden. A part of life that you feel is terrible and scary if acknowledged.
Example: A young boy had recurring nightmares about a lawnmower coming out of his closet to get him. In waking life he had his toes and foot cut off by a lawnmower. The dream may have reflected his fear of the lawnmower waiting to hurt him again if he ever took it out of the garage again.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being inside a closet. In waking life she was pregnant and had anxiety about having to tell anyone about it.
To dream of a condominium represents a professional or experienced attitude about putting up with other people in your everyday life. A professional or experienced attitude about putting up with problems while living your life normal. Feeling pressure to avoid danger, angering others, or respect others while trying to live normally. Excepting that other people deserve to be respected for appearances as much as you do. Feeling pressure to put up with appearances. A responsible attitude about accepting a situation the way it is so that everyone likes it. A noticeably higher about of support and respect between close people to endure a difficult situation with integrity.
Dreams of condos are common to people who feel forced to share living arrangements. Issues related to the stress of living with another person.
Example: A woman dreamed of being in a condominium. In waking life her son had moved into her home and she was trying her best to comfortably alter her life to cater to her son needs.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a condo. In waking life she was experiencing a lot of death in her family and felt pressure within her family to respect and support each other more than usual to cope safely.
To dream of something being under construction represents a new perspective on life being formed. You are working towards new phase of your life or finalizing an achievement. Hard work is going towards a goal or long-term project. The slow forming of a new relationship or venture.
New building construction may also reflect a lot of self-improvement you are working on. People may also dream of construction when they are building a new business, trying to lose weight, preparing to retire, or educating themselves.
To dream of reconstructing something that was destroyed may represent your feelings about repairing or restoring some area of your life. Possibly a reflection of bad idea or failed relationships being restored. Risking wasting your time repeating the past.
Example: A man dreamed of construction being done to rebuild a road. In waking life he was trying to help his father rebuild his business, but his father wasn't listening to the advice.
To dream of a cottage represents your perspective on a situation being centered around escaping problems or responsibilities. You are taking a break from your problems or would prefer to not to deal with them right now. Feeling good or enjoying yourself while avoiding doing something that you know may be serious or important. There may be a need for quiet or simplicity during a difficult moment.
*Please See Cabin
To dream of a couch represents total comfort with an issue or situation. You are comfortable, bored, or lazy about something. You may feel that nothing is wrong at all with a particular issue. A comfortable or laid back attitude about a situation you are experiencing. It may also reflect a relaxed attitude about accepting a particular situation as it is.
Negatively, a couch in a dream may be a sign that you are too comfortable with certain beliefs, ideas, or situations you are experiencing. A casually attitude about overlooking a serious or potentially dangerous problem A comfortable attitude about accepting a problem the way it is. Risking your integrity because you feel being proactive or taking action in some way is asking too much of you. So comfortable with an issue or problem that you don't think it's a problem.
To dream of sitting on a couch with another person represents total comfort with some aspect of your personality based on whatever qualities stand out the most about that person. It's common to dream of sitting on a couch with people that you feel are lazy or sleazy as it reflects your awareness of yourself being too casual or laid back with a problem that needs to be addressed.
To sit on a couch with a crush or romantic interest may symbolize a high degree of comfort with sexually desiring that person. A sign that you need to stop daydreaming about them and do something about initiating a real relationship.
Example: A woman dreamed of sitting on a couch with a man she thought was sleazy. In waking life she had an embarrassing lapse of judgement by too casually overlooking a problem that angered her neighbor.
Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a person whom he felt was a really lazy person whom annoyed him. In waking life he was being pressured into working an excessive amount of overtime by his boss whom was making him feel like he was lazy if it didn't want to work too much.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of her friend keeping her deceased mother on a sofa while not expressing her feelings to the friend. The couch in this case may have reflected her feelings about the friend being so comfortable with discussing her dead mother or being depressed about it as though it wasn't a problem that it was starting to bother the dreamer.
Example 4: Albert Hoffmann, Ph.D (inventor of LSD), experienced a waking vision in which he saw himself dead on a couch. In his waking life, he had accidentally taken LSD for the first time, which overwhelmed him and led him to question whether he had damaged his brain from an overdose. In this case, the couch may have symbolized his comfort in not revealing his accidental overdose at work due to experimenting with drugs. His lifeless body represented his temporary belief that he had died or ruined his life, while simultaneously feeling comfortable with the decision to keep his LSD intoxication a secret by choosing to go home.
*Please See Living Room
To dream of a deck represents your enjoyment of success. Freely using power or doing whatever you want. Feeling good noticing things you want happening easily.
*Please See Balcony
To dream of decorating a house represents feelings of making a situation special.
Negatively, decorating a house may reflect an arrogant or inconsiderate attitude about every single decision you make needing to feel good being permanent. Needing all decisions to feel good being perfect and in your favor. Decision-making the revolves around yourself being special. Selfishly believing that everything in your life should feel good being easy. Wasting time making something feel special. Attempting to mask or cover your real feelings because you don't want to address the real matter at hand.
To dream of lacking decorations may reflect feelings about a situation having nothing special about it. A situations that lacks enthusiasm for people's feelings. A bland or empty feeling relationship.
To dream of Christmas decorating represents a wish to encourage mutual sharing, forgiveness, or enjoyment. Making a effort to make a relationship feel good. Making an effort to make other people feel deserving of something that want. Enthusiasm for other people's feelings. Trying hard to encourage good-spiritedness. Special efforts made to encourage overlooking past problems.
Negatively, Christmas decorations in a dream may reflect wasting time trying to repair failed relationship with nice gestures. Being nice to people who are not being nice to you in hopes to fix a problem. Naively believing that being nice, supportive, or forgiving will fix a serious problem.
To dream of decorating a gravestone represents feelings about trying to feel better about something that doesn't matter anymore. Trying to feel better about a lose. Alternatively, it may reflect an attempt to cheer yourself up about the loss of a loved one.
Example: A man dreamed of decorating a gravestone. In waking life he was unhappy with his job and tried to make his remaining time around his coworkers feel as special as he could while he searched for another job.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing the inside of a building with no decorations. In waking life she was renting a room in her house to her son and didn't like treating him special.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of putting up Christmas decorations. In waking life she was trying really hard to be nice to her ex-boyfriend to try to repair their failed relationship.
To dream of a demolition represents a major change that you are undergoing. A final end to a situation or relationship. It may also reflect plans you have made to end something that are finally happening. Canceling out every single thing.
Negatively, you may feel out of control or unable to stop a big loss.
Dining Room
To dream of being in a dining room represents situations where you feel everything works out normal as long as you aren't embarrassing anyone else. Feelings about everything in a situation is sane as long as you don't make someone else angry or jealous. Feeling that people always need to help you out. People or situations in your life that are doing what they are supposed to be doing. It may reflect a sense of rationality or civility after a period of disorder. A sense that other people are experiencing exactly the same situations or issues that you are.
Negatively, dreaming about a dining room may reflect feelings about being able to use people or get away with dishonesty as long as you don't push limits. Getting away with something as long as you don't embarrass other people. Using people as family life to get something for yourself because they will always help you out. Rationality or civility that you can safely use for dishonesty.
Alternatively, a dining room represents the finality of a situation. Events or experiences that signify an ending of some kind in your life.
Example: A man dreamed of being in a dining room. In waking life he was carrying on multiple sexual relationships. The dining room symbolism may have reflected his feelings about getting away with one particular sexual relationship as a long as he didn't embarrass the second woman by talking to her about it directly. He was also unemployed so the dining room symbolism may have pointed to using one woman for support while unemployed and cheating.
Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of worrying as she walked in and out of a dining room. In waking life she was having concerns about having the energy to finish school with so much else to do. Worrying as she walked in and out of the dining room may have reflected her concerns about doing well in school with a routine being difficult to maintain with other responsibilities distracting her.
Dining Table
To dream of a dining table represents situations in waking life that are unencumbered. An experience that can't be stopped or interrupted. Noticing yourself being totally confident about something or having total control over a situation. Not having to do anything you don't like.
To dream of a doghouse represents feelings that certain behavior or relationships can be used to your benefit whenever you want them to. Emotionally protective resources that are waiting for you to request them. Feeling that someone will protect you whenever you ask them to.
Alternatively, a doghouse may be a sign that you feel punished for your actions. Feeling that you might be in trouble if you act out of line. Feeling that it's important to do what you are told to maintain safety in a situation or relationship. Feeling that you or someone else is not as important or attractive as another in a relationship.
Negatively, a doghouse reflects an arrogant mindset about believing you can tell someone else what to do whenever you want. An arrogant mindset about using someone for sex whenever you want. Feeling that you can showoff whenever you want. Feeling that you don't have to respect someone that you can use to your benefit.
Example: A young man dreamed of mowing a lawn and then reaching into a doghouse to get something when 6 rattlesnakes clung to his arm. In waking life he was assuming it would be easy to have sex with his new girlfriend anytime he wanted when she scared him that if he doesn't slowdown with his attempts to have sex with her she would end the relationship.
To see or play with a dollhouse in your dream suggests that you are idealizing a situation in your life. An area of your life where you believe that everything needs to be perfect or problem-free. A perfect and idealized view of home life or idealized view of your own personality. Negatively, you may be in denial about your problems or have problems asserting control.
Alternatively, a dollhouse in a dream may reflect a way to solve and work out waking problems that you want to see perfect. Relationship or social practice.
To dream of a door represents access, new opportunities, and changes. It may also reflect an available option. A chance to do something different. A door can also symbolize a transition from one stage of your life to another. Consider the colors, numbers, images, and feelings associated with the door for further meaning. Initiating.
To dream of an open door represents new opportunities or options ready or waiting for you. It may also reflect a new opportunity or change that has already been initiated. Noticing yourself doing something different in your life. Your own receptiveness to new ideas or new situations.
To dream of a closed door may represent opportunities or changes that are no longer available to you. Alternatively, a closed door may reflect a choice you need to make or initiative you need to take in order to start an opportunity. The prospect for change that is up to you to decide.
To dream of seeing a door open and then close immediately after may reflect feelings about an opportunity appearing to avail itself and then close off. Negatively, it may reflect your perception of a problem starting and then disappearing on its own. Excessive sensitivity about a problem getting worse. Noticing a problem potentially getting worse, going away, and then never addressing it while choosing to overlook it instead.
To dream of a locked door represents opportunities, change, or access to something in your life that you feel cut off from. Feeling denied or that your progress in life is somehow blocked. Alternatively, a locked door may reflect your own unwillingness to open up to others or possible anti-social behavior. Closing yourself off from others or being unwilling to reveal things to others about yourself.
To dream of opening the wrong door represents feelings about having accidentally accessed the options or opportunities that you don't desire. Feelings of having accidentally opened yourself up to problems you don't want to deal with. Opening the wrong door may also reflect feelings about having accidentally initiated social contact with people you don't like. Accidentally letting people you don't like think you like them or need them again.
To dream of a door being slammed in your face represents feelings of being "shut out" or ignored.
To dream of people wanting you to let them in a door or who you welcome in a door represents ideas, habits, or life situations that are pressuring you to do something different. A part of you that wants to be acknowledged or a bad habit that is difficult to resist.
If criminals or people you don't like come to a door it represents negative thinking, bad habits, or fear that is presenting itself in your life. It may also be a sign that you are too close to negative influences.
Being locked outside of the door to your house represents negative influences or problems that overcome your ability to feel safe, normal, or stable. You feel you can't get back to normal.
To dream of a door that can't close symbolizes a change that feels irreversible.
To dream of walking out a door you can't go back into represents feelings about situations you've progressed through and can't return to. Access or opportunities you can't revert to.
To dream of a white door represents access, new opportunities, changes, an available option, or a chance to do something different that leads to perfect honesty, purification, or a need to be genuine. A new phase in life where honesty and integrity are key aspects. Your own honest intentions to change or a chance to renew something in your own life. An opportunity for a fresh start in your life. Feelings of being pressured into taking a positive path you aren't ready for, or being overwhelmed by the expectation of maintaining purity or perfection in a new phase of life. Anxiety about facing a new beginning that requires you to let go of past mistakes or unhealthy habits. Feelings about an opportunity that is more honest or purifying than you like.
To dream of a broken door represents feelings of vulnerability or insecurity about access, new opportunities, changes, an available option, or a chance to do something different that can't be stopped or controlled. The potential for unwanted influences to enter your life.
Example: A woman dreamed of trying to open a locked door. In waking life, she was having trouble communicating with her daughter.
Example 2: A man dreamed of a door that was broken. In waking life, he took a hallucinogenic and permanently remained in a hallucinogenic state for the rest of his life. In this case, the broken door may have reflected his feelings about the irreversible change in his perception and mental state after taking the hallucinogenic. The door, once a passage to new experiences or states of mind, now represented a barrier that was permanently open, leaving him continuously exposed to altered reality without the ability to return to his previous normal state.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a door open and then immediately close. In waking life, she had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend and based on her behavior she felt he was close to breaking up with her. This feeling went away the next day. The opening and closing door may have reflected her feelings about her life opening the unwanted opportunity to break up and then feeling it end as the day passed.
Example 4: A man dreamed of walking out a door and then being unable to walk back into the door. In waking life, he was confronting legal problems with difficult people with whom he reached a point where he could no longer speak to them rationally to solve the problem.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of walking through a door, closing the door, and then hearing a man banging on the door. In waking life, she had decided to divorce her husband and was having complications completing the divorce. In this case, the door that is walked through and closed with a man banging on it may reflect the "door of divorce." The woman's annoyance with hearing a man banging on the closed door may have reflected her feelings about the divorce being "closed issue" while her husband didn't agree.
*Please See Backdoor
*Please See Knocking
Door Frame
To dream of a door frame represents thoughts about awareness of potential thresholds, transitions, and possibilities. A threshold between one's current situation and a new realm or phase. Feelings about the boundaries you perceive with experiencing accessibility, new opportunity, or change. The boundaries between different states of being or experiences.
Positively, dreaming about a door frame may represent readiness or openness to embrace a new chapter or a change in your life. It can suggest that you're in a transitional phase and are mentally or emotionally prepared for what lies beyond the door. It might indicate a sense of anticipation, standing at the precipice of a new adventure, or new opportunities. A call to embrace change, to trust in the unknown, and to move forward with courage and curiosity, leaving behind any reservations or fears.
Negatively, a door frame without a door might indicate feelings of vulnerability, exposure, or insecurity. It can suggest a barrier or limitation in transitioning to a desired state or experience. Perhaps you feel an opportunity is present but something is missing or preventing full access. Alternatively, it could symbolize hesitation, indicating that while you're close to making a change, you haven't fully committed or taken the step.
To dream of a standalone frame without a solid door may represent an unobstructed passage or an open invitation to new experiences, adventures, or phases of life. A situation that whispers of potential, urging the dreamer to step forward without hesitation and embrace what lies ahead.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing an open door and then suddenly a man was standing against the doorframe. In waking life, she began talking to a man with whom she had a romantic interest and hadn't talked to in a while. In this case, the man standing in the door frame may have reflected the dreamer's awareness of a threshold in her personal life. The open door represented an opportunity for renewed connection and a potential romantic relationship with the man.