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To dream of a stable represents responsible control over your drives, urges, or instincts. Managing or control your drives or urges for an mature adult purpose.

Negatively, a stable in a dream may be a sign that you feel that you can't enjoy yourself, pursue goals as aggressively as you want to, or that you don't like slowing down sexual activity.

To dream of a horse stable represents self-control over your drives or ambition. Keeping your aspirations at bay until it's more appropriate. Taking a responsible break from your goals. Fine tuning or doubling your efforts before you get serious about your goals again.

Alternatively, a horse stable may reflect self-control over sexual urges. Taking time off during a highly sexual period of your life. Sexual activity that is only focused on pregnancy and not pleasure.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing pigs in a stable rolling around in the mud. In waking life he was trying to stay abstinent for a religious test and was finding it too difficult to control his sexual urges. He felt very selfish about it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of horses having sex inside a stable. In waking life she was trying to get pregnant with her husband.

*Please See Farm

*Please See Horses


To dream of sitting in a stadium represents your spectator perspective on a problem that is being confronted. Noticing what you are trying to achieve or noticing what someone else is trying to overcome. It may also reflect your supportive nature towards a problem or conflict. Negatively, you may feel like an outsider who is only watching.

To dream of playing in a stadium may reflect other people who you know are aware of you confronting a problem. It may also reflect how supportive you feel other people are being towards you as you face a problem.

Example: A man dreamed of sitting in a stadium. In waking life the man's wife was pregnant and making a lot of preparations to give birth.


To dream of stairs represents slow or incremental progress in a situation. It may also reflect an increase or decrease in your confidence, awareness, or intelligence. Making progress in some way.

Negatively, stairs in a dream may reflect unpleasant feelings about the need for responsible growth or having to wait to grow up before you can do something more serious or adult, or a slow hard learning process.

Going upstairs often represents improvement, achievement, or reaching higher levels of awareness and understanding. You are making progress emotionally, spiritually, or materially. If you have problems going up stairs it may symbolize trouble being unable to make progress in your life. Going upstairs may also symbolize a struggle or challenge you must endure to reach a higher level of understanding, success, or power. Improving "one step at a time. Slow learning process.

Going downstairs often represents emotional regression or a situation that is getting worse. For example, walking into your basement may symbolize regressing into darker aspects of your unconscious thoughts. Possibly a waking life situation is becoming more stressful or unpleasant to deal with. Walking down stairs may also symbolize the easing of conditions as a challenge or struggle ends. You may be slowly dealing with challenges to reach a bigger problem.

To dream that you walk up or down the stairs of your home towards another floor symbolizes a new mindset or emotional state. Deciding to do something different. The stairs themselves in this case may not be as relevant as where it is you are going. For example, moving from your bedroom down the stairs to the kitchen may reflect your readiness to do something different about a very private issue you have been keeping to yourself.

To dream of very long stairs in the front of a house may reflect feelings about a lot of effort required to experience something. A lot of work, effort, or improvements are required in order to achieve stability with a goal.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing children going up and down stairs. In waking life, he was blind and experiencing recurring cycles of her eyesight getting better and then worse.

Example 2: A man dreamed of moving from his bedroom, downstairs, and then going into the kitchen. In waking life, he was preparing to face his biggest fear which was revealing a very dark personal secret.

Example 3: A young girl dreamed of her mother turning into an angry octopus while standing on stairs that were behind her. In waking life, he felt that her mother was aggressively trying to stop her from dating boys. The stairs behind her in the dream may have reflected her feelings about her mother's view of her not being grown up enough and having to return to a slower process of growing up before she should date boys while she felt she was "past that growing up phase."

Example 4: A woman dreamed of beautiful oak stairs. In waking life, she was pregnant and aware of herself being very close to giving birth.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being led upstairs by a girl with a perfect body. In waking life, he was slowly improving a situation.

Example 6: A man dreamed of walking downstairs and at the end the stairs have water on them and begin to crumble. In waking life, he had a 22-year-old daughter whom he felt needed a lot of growing up to do. Walking down the stairs with water and crumbling at the end may have reflected his feelings about his parental role slowly becoming easier with age and then suddenly feeling like he's accomplished nothing when he discovered how childish his 22-year-old daughter still is.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of trying to walk up a new never before used staircase and was having trouble doing so. In waking life, she was diagnosed with diabetes and was having trouble improving her health by maintaining an exercise regime.

*Please See Spiral Staircase

Staples Business Depot Store

To dream of the Staples Business Depot store represents feeling supported that nothing is complicated about "taking care of business" on your own if you want to. Support that never wants you to stop thinking of easy options to make sure a situation remains working all the time. Feelings about never being embarrassed staying serious or professional if you want to. Feeling that it's easy to get something to help you do something more serious or professional if you want to. An atmosphere that nothing is crazy or stupid about choosing to do something more serious. Respecting yourself choosing to avoid being careless or unprofessional. Resources or options that allow to manage a serious situation or to keep a situation working all the time.

To dream of working at Staples Business Depot store represents about being supportive of others feeling that nothing is complicated about "taking care of business" on their own if they want to. Being supportive of others with easy options to choose keeping a serious situation working all the time. Helping others to help themselves take care of serious situations or to keep their lives working all the time.

People who work at Staples may have dreams of Staples if they are experiencing issues with work or coworkers. Also consider how certain locations inside the building at work feel and how they may mirror waking life situations not related to work.

Example: A young man dreamed of going to his old job at Staples which he quit a week earlier and standing in the parking lot. In waking life he had a crush on a former coworker at the Staples store that he couldn't get off his mind.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a Latin American girl he met 8 months earlier who was now working at Staples instead of a club promoter and airport customs agent. In waking life a woman he knew was sleeping over at his house. The change of employment from club promoter and customs agent to Staples Business Depot employment in this case may have reflected the dreamers feelings about being supportive of the woman staying at his home in a more serious honest self-help adult manner instead of having fun with her and protecting her.


To dream that you at a station represents the beginning or end of a transitional period in your life.

Waiting for something at a station represents your patience or expectation that a situation or change is about to begin. Waiting for a life journey to start.

Leaving a station on a train or bus represents the finality of a choice. A change or life journey is underway.

To dream of stopping at a station represents a period of adjustment after embarking of a life journey. Getting your life back to normal.

*Please See Train Station

*Please See Space Station

*Please See Gas Station


To dream of a store represents ideas or choices we are considering. The choice or opportunity to think differently. Considering making a lifestyle choice. Some area of your life where you serious about doing something different. "Talking to yourself" about a potential change or new idea. You may be "shopping" for various choices before making a final decision. Recognizing that a change may be needed in your life and making an effort to pursue that change.

Negatively, dreaming about being in a store may reflect feelings about making a change in your life being mandatory. Believing a change is needed when it really isn't. Not liking yourself enough they way you are. Allowing yourself to be influenced in ways that may not being helpful or good for you.

To dream of a salesperson trying to convince you to make a purchase in a store may reflect your own attempts to weigh the benefits of a choice. Your attempt to convince yourself or "sell" yourself on a choice or belief. It may also reflect someone in your life trying to influence you to change.

Example: A man dreamed of walking into a clothing store. In waking life he was considering making big changes to his personality believing it would improve his life if he tried it.

Example 2: A man dreamed of walking into a store to buy a book from an expert and discovered that they first book he picked up was red and unsuitable. In waking life he was considering getting very serious about his studies of a personal hobby and realized that the first few books he looked at for the topic were written by incompetent people.

Example 3: A woman dreamed about her mother taking her to a store. In waking life he brother had moved out of her home and she was considering ideas on how to change the relationship to strengthen it.

*Please See Department Store

*Please See Convenience Store

*Please See Book Store

*Please See Grocery Store


To dream of a stove represents your thoughtful focus on progress, momentum, or getting something done. Slow, careful, or long term preparations. Preparing something important or special in your life. Confidence that you can prepare to do something if you want to. Carefully putting your plans together to make something happen.

Cooking on a stove represents projects, plans, or ideas that are underway. Getting ready for a certain type of experience. Something you are expecting something to happen soon.

Example: A woman had recurring dreams of putting something on a stove and moving it around from the front to back burner. In waking life she was constantly delaying making a career for herself. He kept putting ambitions "off on the back burner."

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being jealous over her stove not being fixed. In waking life she was having a jealous argument over her home renovations.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing Greg from Greg and Dharma the TV show standing beside a stove leaning to the side to tell someone acting deranged he had no interest in any dealing with him at all wanted to move on to other things. "Too personal" he says. In waking life he was preparing to tell someone he thought was criminally irresponsible that he had no interest in any business dealings with him whatsoever. He was much more interested in thoughtfully preparing his own business plans.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her stove with another smaller stove inside the oven and got her husband to check out the smaller stove which he said worked fine. This caused the woman to cry. In waking life the woman was capable of preparing to leave her husband to start a new life and didn't like that the relationship couldn't be fixed. In this case the stove inside the stove represented her capability to thoughtfully prepare to move away and leave her husband which would allow her to plan a new life once she did. This scared her.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of a bird that was loose in her home burning his feet on her stove. In waking life was experiencing some relationship frustrations with the man she was dating. In this case the stove that bird burns it's feet on may have reflected her feelings about herself thoughtfully making plans in her life unrelated to her relationship that caused jealousy with the man she was dating with moving in together.

*Please See Oven

*Please See Kitchen

Strip Club

To dream of being at a strip club represents a constant sense goals being out of reach. Always feeling disappointment that what you want isn't happening. You may feel taunted or teased by desire for someone or something.


To dream of stucco represents you or someone else that wants to be noticed and admired. There may be something you'd like recognition for or something positive you want people to associate with you.


To dream of the suburbs represents a mindset that is comfortable, safe, or predictable. Certain areas of your life are problem free. A mindset that is sheltered from serious activity or danger. Situations where you feel loved all the time.

Negatively, suburbs in a dream may reflect sensitivity about noticing anything wrong in your life at all.

To dream of leaving the suburbs represent being out of your comfort zone, or the beginning of an unpleasant or stressful situation. Feelings of being sheltered and then having to leave those feelings.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a Japanese suburb. In waking life her pregnancy started to get risky so her doctor ordered her to rest at home for 2 weeks to avoid a miscarriage.

Subway Submarine Sandwiches

To dream of going to a Subway Submarine Sandwich restaurant represents feelings of being supported with having no problems all the time being perfectly listened to with unusual or custom problems. Feelings about dependable help with being perfectly listened to so you can get through a difficult or unusual situation exactly the way you want to. A comfortable feeling of reliability that you can always go back to for customizing in order to get through another difficult or unusual situation. Feeling comfortable that someone doesn't want to get angry or teach you a lesson if you need to do something unusual or original to get through a difficult situation. Feeling good that nothing is impossible if you need to do something on your own.
Sensitively that wants you to feel good having what you want with no mistakes.

People who work at Subway may have dreams of Subway if they are experiencing issues with work or coworkers. Also consider how certain locations inside the building at work feel and how they may mirror waking life situations not related to work.


To dream of a sweatshop represents feelings of being overworked or used. You may be feeling underappreciated or unhappy at work. You may also unfairly compensated for your efforts.

Alternatively, a sweatshop may reflect how exploited you feel someone else's abilities are.


To dream of a table that can be sat at represents a sense of openness and willingness to engage in a situation or experience. It may reflect your readiness to participate in an event or opportunity, and your acceptance of whatever may come from it. The dream may also symbolize a desire for connection and social interaction, or a need to establish a sense of community or belonging. Additionally, dreaming of a table that can be sat at may represent a willingness to listen to others and consider their perspectives, or a desire to have your own thoughts and ideas heard and valued. Getting true feelings out in the open or putting your feelings "on the table." A waking life situation where something significant has happened and you can't do anything except think or talk about what you're doing next. Hope for a resolution or closure.

Negatively, a table may reflect unpleasant feelings about openess or willingness to engage in a situation or experience. A sense of forced participation or social pressure to conform to a certain situation or group. Arguments. Feeling ignored by people who socially engage with each other while ignoring you. Unpleasant feelings about more than one person expressing their true thoughts or feelings out in the open. Not feeling good about socially engaging with people.

To dream of table filled with broken dishes and spilled food may represent a sense of openness or willingness to engage with others that is overshadowed by arguments and conflicts betweem family and friends. Chaos and disruption that was happening in his relationships. Feeling that too many people keep safely talking to you about not liking other people. Feelings of disappointment, failure, or chaos in a situation or relationship.

To dream of setting a table for a dinner party, but no one showed up represents feeling isolated and lonely, and struggling to make meaningful connections with others. Rejection and disappointment. A sense of openess and willingness to enagge in a situation or experience that embarrasses you with never happening.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing people sitting at a table. In waking life he was having anxiety about getting to know a girl he liked. The table may have reflected his sense of openness and willingness to engage with the girl he liked , despite his anxiety in an experience where him and girl got all their true feelings out in the open or putting their feelings "on the table."

Example 2: A man dreamed of laughing at a table. In waking life, his corrupt father, who had manipulated him out of all his life savings, had died, leaving him all the money in his will. In this case, the table may have reflected the man's sense of openness and willingness to engage with the situation brought by his father's death and the inheritance that followed. The laughing at the table may also represent his relief at the end of his father's manipulation and the start of a new chapter in his life.

Example 3: A man dreamed of sitting at a table with a woman he was in love with, who wanted to discuss a list with him. In waking life, the man began to realize that the woman he loved did not reciprocate his feelings as he noticed various clues that made it obvious. He was struggling to move on from her. In this case, the table may have reflected the man's desire for connection and social interaction with the woman, despite the unpleasantness of engaging with her about her true feelings towards him.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of sitting at a table with his fiance and his fiance's deceased father. In waking life he was having issues with wanting the approval of the fiance's dead father shortly before the wedding. In this case the table may have reflected the dreamer's openess or willingness to engage in conversation about his upcoming wedding plans while being distracted with oversensitivity about the dead father's approval.

*Please See Sides

*Please See Dining Table


To dream of tablecloth represents feelings of respectfully noticing everything that is possible. Doing whatever you can to respect other people. An attitude that respectfully encourages respecting a person or situation completely with all possibilities. Respecting yourself noticing no emptiness noticing a situation together with other people. Respecting social interaction, encourages ideas, or discussions. A belief in civility, kindness, respect, or patience while dealing with other people.

Negatively, a tablecloth may represents dishonesty or low morality that goes too far to respect a situation or person. Feelings of being stretched too far to respect keeping a relationship or situation going. Wasting time believing that civility, patience, or talking will help a situation. Feeling that other people are not trying as hard as you are to give a situation or relationship a full chance.

To dream of setting a white tablecloth may reflect a wish to create an honest or clean social atmosphere. Respectfully encouraging only honest ideas or discussions. Disliking other people wanting dishonest things from you in order to making a social or living arrangement respected.

Consider the color and design of the tableclothes for additonal symbolism.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing someone packing up tableclothes. In waking life she was finished trying to respect her marriage with her husband. She had decided it was time to move on from the marriage and move away. The tableclothes being put away in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings of being finished trying to respect her husband by making every possible attempt to respect every possibility to keep the marriage alive.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of putting down white tablecloths on a table and feeling that people were angry at her. In waking life she was uncomfortable with the idea of needing to have sex with someone in order to respect them allowing her live in side their home. The white tablecloths in this case being placed on tables with people angry at her may have reflected her feelings about trying to respect the person she was living with as much as honestly as possible without having sex with them as payment to live with them.

Taco Bell

To dream of Taco Bell represents situations in your life that consistently provide easy safe experiences that feel good respecting yourself believing in yourself being interesting about having a good time without a problem while everyone else accepts it, but might not be good for you to repeat long-term. Easy, safe, or cheap experiences with family or friends for respecting yourself believing in yourself that feels good occasionally while it doesn't consider the long-term. Respecting yourself believing in yourself enjoying doing something for the first time while other people accept it without a problem, but not wanting to do it too much because you might look desperate. Feeling good having a good time being grown up in ways that won't cost you a lot or make anyone want to get you back as long as it's short-term. Experiencing yourself never embarrassing yourself respecting yourself while believing in yourself affording doing what friends and family like like to think of with you that might cause problems after prolonged time. Feel it's okay to enjoy quickly indulging in something that lets you safely, easily, and cheaply respect yourself believing in yourself being accepted doing things with friends or family while controlling yourself as an occasional experience. Feeling that it isn't a fight to believe in yourself in an interesting way without a fight, but might not be safe to do too much.

Negatively, dreaming about Taco Bell may represent overdoing feeling good being safe respecting yourself believing in yourself being interesting about having a good time without a problem while everyone else accepts it that that feels, but is causing problems long-term. Affording small expenses to respect yourself believing in yourself with family having a good time that may be costly or look desperate to want to do long-term. Spending money regularly for family or friends to respect themselves believing in themselves together that everyone likes, but that might cause long-term problems with cost or making people expect you to do that all the time.

To dream of working at a Taco Bell Restaurant may represent feelings about behavior that is being supportive of others safely and easily respecting themselves believing in themselves being interesting about having a good time without a problem with people accepting it which might not be beneficial long-term. Ongoing or repeated support for family or friends to respect themselves believing in themselves together that everyone likes, but that might cause long-term problems with cost or making people expect you to do that all the time.

People who work at Taco Bell may have dreams of Taco Bell if they are experiencing issues with work or coworkers. Also, consider how certain locations inside the building at work feel and how they may mirror waking life situations not related to work.

Fast food restaurants in dreams of any kind may be a sign that you feel having an experience that feels good in the present moment if it's quick or easy to get away with, but may have long-term consequences if don't stop.

Example: A woman dreamed of thinking of applying for a job at Taco Bell while at the mall, but decided to apply online at a later time. In waking life, she was pregnant with her fourth child and thought her home was too small. She also had a very busy husband who she felt didn't appreciate her. In this case, the wanting to apply for a job at Taco Bell at the mall may have reflected her wish to get her husband's approval to buy a bigger house that would allow her to be supportive of friends and family respecting themselves believing in themselves coming over all the time entertaining in small ways, but might annoy her husband with paying for it all long-term.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of going to Taco Bell on a date with her crush. In waking life, she kept feeling good taking chances trying to get closer to a boy she had a crush on. In this case, visiting Taco Bell may have reflected her feelings about enjoying respecting herself believing in herself having a good time being more interesting than usual being near her crush for the first time without considering the potential long-term consequences of looking desperate or socially risky being caught trying to get near him too much.



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