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To dream of rain represents sadness, disappointment, difficulties, or depression. It may also reflect despair. Feelings about some area of your life being ruined or your happiness "rained on." Experiencing an unwanted change or that you are being swept along with by a problem. Grieving. A bad mood or feeling that something is going wrong. Feeling that bad times are ahead or that the future will not be very bright. Feeling that you are going miss someone or something in your life.

Rainwater that builds up, or begins to rise reflects your emotional burdens or stress that are becoming too much to handle. Experiencing situations that seem to be getting worse before they get better. Feeling swamped by your emotions or circumstances. Problems becoming too much for you.

To dream of heavy rain may represent feeling overwhelmed by emotions or life's challenges. A period of intense difficulty, turmoil, or emotional release. It may also signify a powerful wave of emotion, such as sorrow or heartbreak, that you feel is beyond your control. Dreaming of heavy rain may suggest that you are experiencing a deluge of problems or negative emotions that are difficult to manage. A need for emotional catharsis or a cleansing of pent-up feelings. A powerful emotional release, cleansing, or transformation. Alternatively, heavy rain in a dream may symbolize a sense of purification or renewal, as the water washes away the old to make way for the new.

To dream of experiencing heavy rainfall without being able to find shelter might symbolize a feeling of vulnerability or helplessness in the face of adversity. You may feel exposed to harsh circumstances or emotional storms without any means of protection or relief.

Example: A woman dreamed that it was raining so hard that the water began to leak into her home through the ceiling. In waking life, her husband began to slowly lose his mind to a psychological condition. She felt hopeless about her husband's irreversible condition.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of walking down a street during the day and then turned a corner to find it began to rain. In waking life, he was in the prime of his life and then suddenly fell ill with a disease that slowly destroyed his life.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of experiencing heavy rainfall. In waking life, she was going through a divorce.

Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing rain. In waking life, he had gotten turned down for a job and started to have a bad outlook on his future.

Example 5: A man dreamed of hard rain pouring down. In waking life, he got a job in another city and was sad that he was going to miss all his friends once he moved away.

*Please See Hail


To dream of a rainbow represents feelings of wonderfulness that something bad or disappointing is over with. Enjoying moving on from an unpleasant situation. Feelings of harmonization in your life as a bad situation is corrected. Good things are happening after enduring negativity. A rainbow is a sign that negativity in some manner is being confronted or fixed. Psychological, emotional, or situation corrections occurring. You may experience new confidence or find justice in some area of your life. Crying is over-with as good news arrives. A better mood than you previous had because a terrible problem went away. The worst thing that ever happened to you is never a problem ever again. It feels wonderful that you don't think of problems anymore.

Negatively, dreaming about a rainbow may represent feelings of not laughing that something serious or terrible is over-with because you appreciate feeling good that it's over-with.

Example: A man had recurring dreams of rainbows. In waking life he was having a phone calls with a criminal lawyer who kept giving him good news about problems with his legal case being fixed until he was finally cleared of criminal charges.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a full rainbow circle. In waking life he was happy to see that his mothers problematic computer starting to work great all the time.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a rainbow on a white piece of paper in the distance in the center. In waking life he received information that he felt would make a terrible situation go away in the near future.


To dream of a raincoat represents your personality you face and attempt to shield yourself from difficulty, disappointment, sadness, or depression. You are finding the resources necessary to do what you need to do or to get through a difficult situation.

A yellow raincoat symbolizes self-awareness as you protect yourself in the face adversity. You are noticing yourself doing everything you can to stay away from negativity or negative thinking patterns.

Example: A young man dreamed of being with a woman in a yellow raincoat. In real life he was changing schools to avoid bad influences and had to put up with a lot of stress and peer pressure in order to do it. The yellow raincoat reflected him noticing himself doing everything he could to avoid the bad people who were such a negative influence.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing an African man wearing a raincoat. In waking life she was expecting to divorce her husband.

Outer Space

To dream of outer space represents the unknown, embracing new possibilities, or venturing into uncharted territories in your life. You are experiencing new situations, new feelings, and new ideas. Your life and mind are experiencing a situation never encountered before.

Positively, dreaming about outer space may represent your readiness to embrace the unknown, take risks, and open yourself up to new experiences. Embracing new possibilities and the excitement of discovery. Your capacity to adapt to change and face life's challenges with curiosity and optimism. Your desire for personal growth, expansion, and self-discovery. A sense of adventure, curiosity, and openness to new experiences. Pursuing new opportunities that present vast potential.

Negatively, dreaming about outer space could represent feelings of being overwhelmed by the unknown, feeling lost in a vast expanse of uncertainty, a sense of being overwhelmed by the vastness of life's challenges, or disconnected from reality. Fear of the unknown, grappling with a sense of insignificance, or experiencing disconnection from your familiar environment or the people around you. This dream could also reflect anxieties about losing your way or venturing too far from your comfort zone.

To dream about getting ready to go into outer space represents your preparation or anticipation for an unusual experience. Your readiness to step into the unknown and engage in something entirely new. Anticipation for a unique and potentially life-changing experience. Readiness to embark on something completely new or to face situations that are unlike anything you have previously encountered.

To dream of being lost in space may reflect feelings of confusion or helplessness in the face of unusual problems. Weird situations that you have no idea how to begin addressing. Feeling trapped in a situation that is unfamiliar and challenging, where you feel unsure about how to begin addressing the issues at hand. Facing weird or challenging circumstances for which you have no prior experience or guidance.

To dream of deep space could represent feelings of isolation, vast potential, or the fear of the vast unknown. It might also suggest you are exploring the unknown or vastness of your potential.

Example: A man dreamed of his father pointing into space. In waking life, he just decided to enter therapy for the very first time in his life. In this case, his father pointing into space may have reflected his conscience making the decision to enter therapy for the first time to explore his inner self and emotions, a journey into unknown aspects of his psyche.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being lost in space. In waking life, he died 3 weeks later. In this case, space may have reflected his feelings about the highly unusual health problems he was experiencing related to imminent organ failure as his body slowly deteriorated beyond its ability to function anymore.

Example 3: A young boy dreamed of feeling endangered while in outer space. In waking life, his father had gone on a business trip and he felt stupid and lost without his father around to help him with problems he had. In this case, space may have reflected his feelings of being in an unknown situation without the guidance and support he was accustomed to from his father.

Example 4: A young boy dreamed of being lost in space. In waking life, his father had been murdered. In this case, being lost in space may have reflected his sense of being thrust into a vast, unfamiliar, and frightening reality without the presence and guidance of his father.

Personal Space

To dream about your personal space being invaded represents feelings about being inappropriately bothered or spoken to. Feeling a lack of privacy. Embarrassed or annoyed that you need to discuss something you're uncomfortable discussing. Feeling that someone has stepped over the line of personal boundaries. The dream may be a sign that you need to speak up or tell someone to back off. You may be putting up with more than you should be.

Negatively, dreams about your personal space being invaded may reflect your heightened sensitivity about being nagged, reminded, or bothered at all.


To dream of rainboots represents your readiness, preparation, and focus on dealing with uncertainty or situational challenges that require enduring sadness, disappointment, difficulties, or depression. Preoccupation with never allowing bad times get to you. Being completely ready to be "knee deep" in a crappy situation never allowing it to bother you. Protection and resilience against adverse conditions. A protective stance and emotional resilience in dealing with potential losses or difficulties. Feeling that nothing can bother you about the worst uncertainty, upsets, or unpleasant situations because you are prepared to get through it. Feelings about the necessity to protect yourself from emotional downpours, unexpected troubles, or messy situations. It can symbolize preparation, foresight, or the understanding that certain situations require caution and protective measures to prevent potential harm.

Positively, dreaming of rainboots may indicate your ability to handle difficult circumstances or emotional storms with ease. Your ability to handle setbacks and challenges effectively. You are equipped to deal with whatever obstacles come your way and can maintain your emotional stability. Being fully prepared to face unpleasant circumstances or difficult emotions and not let them drag you down. Adequately equipped to navigate through emotional or turbulent situations without getting affected. Resilience, adaptability, and determination to keep moving forward despite difficulties.

Negatively, dreaming about rainboots may represent feelings of being constantly surrounded by negativity or uncertainty. You may feel overwhelmed by the challenges and obstacles in your life, finding it difficult to escape or find relief from them. Feelings of being weighed down by the problems and unable to find a solution or way out. You may be overly cautious or defensive in your approach to life. You might be shielding yourself from potential emotional experiences or avoiding situations that could help you grow. This dream could be a reminder to be more open and flexible, as being too guarded might limit your personal growth and opportunities for connection.

Example: A man dreamed of someone with green rainboots shooting him with a machine gun and then experiencing himself jumping off a cliff that was about to break. In waking life, he was worried about an investment he had. In this case, the rainboot may have reflected his readiness and preparation to face financial uncertainty and the emotional turmoil associated with protecting himself from a potentially bad investment loss.


*Please See Jungle

*Please See Forests


*Please See Outer Space

Space Station

To dream of a space station represents a perspective on a situation where you are always confronting the unknown. Situations you are involved in where you always doing something you've never done before and can't predict the outcome to. You may feel overwhelmed by chaos or a constant state of unpredictability.

Example: A man dreamed of being on a space station fixing problems. In waking life he was handling he has confronting multiple financial problems and family issues that he had never experienced before.


To dream of a reindeer or caribou represents behavior that doesn't mind what's happening in the current moment because it has to endure a situation towards a longer term goal. Behavior that isn't snobby about enduring a long-term plan in order to get the job done. Endurance, perseverance, and resilience without complaining in order to get a big job done. Drive and determination to keep moving forward towards a larger strategy without thinking anything is special about keeping it up.

Negatively, dreaming a reindeer may represents being frightened of never getting to the destination or long-term goal that you need to get to. Feeling burdened or overworked because you are too focused on completing a strategy or larger plan that will be ruined if you slow down. Behavior that believes strength comes from never requiring assistance from others, never allowing others to suggest necessary changes, and never admitting weakness because you fear stopping because it ruin a larger strategy. Not listening to anything except moving forward.

To dream of Christmas reindeer represents feelings about behavior that is loyal, focused, and hardworking about carrying everything generous for a special situation with hard work by never thinking about itself once. Endurance, strength, and resilience associated with family or generosity. Drive and determination required to make a special situation work.

Negatively, a Christmas reindeer might indicate feeling burdened, overwhelmed, or stressed due to responsibilities or expectations. Feelings of exhaustion or burnout from trying to make everything perfect for special moment.

Example: A woman dreamed seeing a reindeer pulling a sleigh. In waking life, she was camping while experiencing strong back pain that concerned her that old back problems might return. In this case, the reindeer may have reflected how she was pushing herself to keep up with her camping activities while ignoring her back pain, signifying her determination to reach her long-term goal of completing the camping trip despite potential health setbacks.

Example 2: A man dreamed singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" like he was Frank Sinatra. In waking life, he had a strong desire to get away from people causing him stress and to just wanted to relax. In this case, singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" like Frank Sinatra might have reflected his feelings of embracing the spirit of resilience and perseverance to keep working while making the other people who he wanted to get a break from from feel good about it.


To dream of a spaceship represents navigation into unknown territory. Choosing or preparing to do things you've never done before. New experiences or new struggles that you can't predict an outcome for. You might feel that a life situation is a bit weird or chaotic. You may feel like you are "on the edge." Decision-making in your life revolving around doing things you've never had to do before or that are highly unusual.

People who take hallucinogenic substances such as ayahausca commonly see visions of spaceships. This most likely reflects how weird and unusual the experience is as people often hear voices or feel invisible people around them when they take ayahuasca.

People experiencing the death of a friend or relative often dream of spaceships. This may reflect their feelings about how unusual it feels to go on with their lives without the person.

Example: A woman dreamed of her father getting on a spaceship and travelling deep into space. Upon waking, her father had died. The spaceship may have reflected her feelings about how strange and odd it felt to have to experience her father gone from her life for good.

*Please See Outer Space

*Please See UFO

*Please See USS Enterprise


To dream of a storm represents a situation that is noticeably turbulent. You are noticing yourself experiencing turmoil, rage, or anger. You or someone else may be very upset about something. It may also reflect a chaotic situation. The current state of a situation or relationship feels like it's "up in the air" or that anything could happen. Feeling the potential for everything in your life to get terrible.

To dream of expecting a storm represents feelings about potential conflict or arguments. You may feel that telling someone something unpleasant is going to cause a fight or cause serious problems. Anticipating trouble.

Positively, a storm may reflect rapid change or progress. Caring about nothing or no one else as you move forward in a situation.

To dream that you take cover in a storm represents patience or solitude during an a noticeably unpleasant or chaotic situation. Waiting for someone else's anger to settle.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in the middle of a violent storm. In waking life she was heavily pregnant and had a huge fight with her husband. The storm may have reflected her feelings about the powerful emotions expressed during the fight.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a storm outside her house. In waking life her father had just died and she was worried about her financial future and potential legal problems she was about to endure.

Example 3: A man dreamed of sunny day that suddenly turned into violent storm. In waking life he was happily retired and suddenly became very ill and believed it may cost him severely with his finances.

Example 4: A man dreamed of s storm developing. In waking life he was fearing the day that his pregnant wife would go into labor.

Example 5: A young boy had recurring dreams of a storm that he felt was coming. In waking life he father had left the family and family life started to become very "turbulent." He kept believing that his life was going to become very dangerous and difficult.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of expecting a storm that never came. In waking life she was in a constant state of concern about losing her job and confronting financial challenges.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of needing to survive a storm with her new boyfriend. In waking life she felt it was important for her and her boyfriend to be committed to stay together no matter what problems came up in their relationship.

*Please See Tornado

*Please See Hurricane

*Please See Rain



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