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Plastic Bags

To dream of a plastic bag represents casual feelings about choices or problems being easy to "carry around" with you for the interim. Casual feelings about having made a choice or decision that you haven't implemented yet. A casual attitude about never believing changing your mind matters with a choice you've made. Choices you've made that are easy to wait for. Feeling that it's easy to wait until you are finished doing something before implementing a choice.

Negatively, a plastic bag may reflect feelings about decisions or problems being easy to "carry around" with you. A casual attitude about serious choices you haven't implemented yet. Expecting nothing bad, dangerous, or conflicting to happen with a casual choice you've made. A casual attitude about "carrying around" choices or problems that bother other people. A dangerously casual attitude about choices you are expecting to implement not having consequences.

Plastic bag dreams with the color pink may reflect a casual decisions about waiting to have sex with someone.

To dream of a discarded plastic bag represents feelings that acquiring or working towards implementing goals no longer matters. Feeling that you can't casually believe in waiting for choices you've made. Feeling stupid that you believing waiting for something was going to be easy.

Example: A young man dreamed of having feces kept in plastic bags and then trying to get rid of them slowly. In waking life he was casually "carrying around" problems that he had decided to not deal with previously until it more convenient.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a plastic bag with pink running shoes in it. In waking life he began to realize that the separation from his wife was real and that she was very likely having sex with someone else. The plastic bag in this case may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his wife casually having decided to have sex with another man, effectively ending the dreamer's relationship, instead of waiting to reconcile.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a pink plastic bag. In waking life she felt that people in her church had made very immoral casual decisions about her needing to have a martial affair with someone in order to ruin another person's marriage.

*Please See Shopping Bags


*Please See Luggage

Paper Bag

To dream of a paper bag represents something you don't want to notice. Not wanting to care about results or the outcome of a choice you made. It may also reflect a wish for discretion.

Negatively, you may have asked for advice or help and are having a problem accepting what was given to you.

Example: A young woman dreamed of being handed a crumpled paper bag. In waking life she went to therapy for a problem she had and felt disappointed by the hard truth that the therapist gave her. The crumpled paper bag reflected how discretionary the therapist's advice was and how straightforward it felt.

Utility Bag

To dream of a utility bag represents feelings of preparedness, resourcefulness, and practicality in your waking life. The ability to handle various tasks, challenges, or situations efficiently and effectively. Tools, skills, or resources you possess to navigate through life's complexities. Your ability to adapt to different circumstances and find solutions to problems. Feelings about never embarrassing yourself for not having what you need with you to deal with problem situations. Transitioning to a more independent phase of life or valuing your autonomy.

Positively, dreaming about a utility bag may represent a sense of empowerment, organization, or readiness to tackle whatever comes your way. The dreamer's ability to adapt to different situations with ease. A readiness to tackle life's challenges in a flexible manner while adjusting to new circumstances.

Negatively, dreaming about a utility bag could represent feelings of being burdened by responsibilities or overwhelmed by the need to be prepared for too many possibilities. It might suggest anxiety about the future, a fear of not being prepared enough, or concerns about overextending yourself. A tendency to over-plan or rely too heavily on material or external resources instead of trusting in your own abilities or the flow of life. A need to streamline your approach and focus on the essentials, rather than carrying unnecessary baggage or distractions.

*Please See Shoulderbag


To dream of a bagel represents feelings of simplicity, comfort, and ease of being completely listened to as a person in order get through a difficult situation with ease without thinking it's a big deal. The simplicity of good listening that brings you satisfaction, contentment, or fulfillment that helps you get through a difficult situation. A laid back attitude about getting through with a problem situation because it's simple that someone helped you. Enjoy talking about your problems because other people don't see it as difficult to listen to anything happening at all to solve them. Solving problems or getting through a difficult situation with an attitude that likes to say it was simple. Feelings about needs are being met with a straightforward approach that listened to you about how it should work out.

Positively, a bagel in a dream may represent a supportive environment or relationship where you feel your thoughts and feelings are easily understood and valued without snobbiness to think of whatever you wanted to get through a difficult situation.

Consider the ingredients on the bagel for additional meaning.

Example: A mother of two daughters dreamed of seeing another woman with a half-eaten bagel who said to her "I think there is something in this that I'm allergic to." In waking life, she had met a man that she liked at first, but then stopped liking him because he was too needy. In this case, the half-eaten bagel that causes allergies may have reflected her feelings about the man being someone who initially made her feel that it was simple to be listened to as a person while helping her get through a minor difficulty in her life while starting the relationship with him. The allergy to the half-eaten bagel may indicate her annoyance with the man's personality being insecure, needy, and too attentive with giving her simple supportive help with respecting her as a person.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of visiting a bagel shop where she used to work to get a bagel for a snack. When she left the store she overheard 2 women gossiping. She asked them, where she needed to go. They said "the bus has left." In waking life, she was considering leaving her job but has experiencing uncertainties due to indecision. In this case, the bagel she bought from a bagel shop where she used to work may have reflected her feelings about seeking the comfort of simple family support during a time of uncertainty and change in her professional life by calling in a favor from people she had previously supported.

Example 3: A person dreamed of people throwing bagels at them for no reason followed by cars and buses that tried to kill them. They had no clue why they were being hated by people. In waking life, they were currently experiencing strange social dynamics in their personal life when that was unusual. In this case, bagels being thrown at the dreamer may have reflected their feelings about the simplicity of good listening and understanding from friends and family who usually respected the dreamer as a person who weren't respecting the dreamer like usual.


To dream of bagpipes represents projecting feelings of enjoying being insensitive or enjoying experiencing something insensitive. Projecting feelings that being insensitive is openly accepted.

Negatively, bagpipes may reflect annoyance from others openly projecting their feelings that being insensitive is appropriate when you don't feel that it is. A casual attitude about celebrating insensitively that others are sensitive about.

Example: A young woman dreamed of hearing bagpipes in the background. In waking life she had just broke up with her first love and her friends were openly celebrating it.


*Please See Plastic Bag

*Please See Paper Bag

*Please See Backpack

*Please See Shopping Bags

Body Bag

To dream of a body bag represents feelings about acceptance of some area of your life being failed or permanently changed. Respecting failure or permanent change while not feeling the need to discuss it. An indicator of some area of your life being officially over. Failures or permanent changes you feel are inappropriate to discuss at length. Accepting a failure as statistical, an inevitable tragedy, or the result of not listening enough. Feeling that there is no need to pursue, investigate, or speak about failure you are keeping secret.

Negatively, a body bag may reflect a wish to prevent failures or permanent changes from being discussed. Hoping that people will assume you are not responsible for a failure if you cover up your guilt with minimal effort. Faking permanent failure and trying to avoid talking about it to maintain the deception. Accepting yourself giving up too easily.

To dream of a body bag being unzipped may reflect feelings about an area of your life that you accepted as being over needing to be acknowledged again.

Book Bag

*Please See Backpack

Garbage Bags

To dream of garbage bags represents thoughts, memories, habits, or life situations that you want to be rid of as soon as possible. Noticing something going away. Something unproductive, or undesirable is being removed or discontinued.


To dream of something being made of plastic represents your view of a person or situation being unimportant. Something makes you feel that it doesn't matter. Your perception of something being powerless or not a priority.

Positively, plastic may reflect your feeling that someone or something is non-threatening or insignificant. Nothing to be worried about.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a plastic person. In waking life he realized that a threat to his business wasn't really a threat after all. He could finally move on with his business without worrying about anything.

Plastic Surgery

To dream of plastic surgery represents feelings about deliberate changes, improvements, or altering your identity or appearance in some way. A wish to enhance your self-image or confidence. Feelings about deliberate changes to your personality or beliefs so that people have to like you better all the time. You may be rebuilding your self-esteem or attempting to redefine yourself. Changing how you are perceived by others. A significant shift in personality or behavior to improve your public image, self-esteem, or acceptance in a social or professional setting. The desire for a new beginning, or transforming aspects of yourself that you feel are holding you back. Concerns about physical attractiveness, self-esteem, or how others perceive you.

Positively, dreaming about plastic surgery may represent a desire for self-improvement and personal transformation. A commitment to making positive changes in your life or boosting your self-confidence. Your willingness to invest time and effort into becoming the best version of yourself. Changing yourself as quickly as possible so that people have to respect you for the rest of your life.

Negatively, plastic surgery may be a sign that you are not being yourself, are trying too hard to impress people, or that you don't like yourself. Feelings of vanity, superficiality, or a reliance on external validation. An unhealthy obsession with appearances, fear of aging, or a lack of acceptance. Concerns about being deceptive or inauthentic in how you present yourself to others.

Example: A woman dreamed of getting plastic surgery for a tummy tuck and liposuction on her legs. In waking life, she was getting a divorce. In this case, the plastic surgery may have reflected her feelings about a divorce helping her to redefine herself as independent from her husband. It could also signify her desire to rebuild her self-image and regain confidence following the end of her marriage.

Punching Bag

To dream of a punching bag represents a person or situation that you are taking out your anger or frustrations on. You may also be looking for a safe outlet to express your frustrations. Alternatively, the dream may mean that you are feel like someone is taking out their anger or frustration on you.

School Bag

*Please See Backpack

Shopping Bags

To dream of a shopping bags upscale stores represents your feelings about having made an important choice or decision. Feeling like a winner knowing you have acquired what you want in life.

Negatively, shopping bags from an upscale store may reflect irresponsible use of power or resources to achieve a goal that is unsustainable. Wasting your power or resources for short term enjoyment. Too much of a concern with having what you want all the time.

Too much talking about important goals and not enough action being taken.

*Please See Plastic Bags



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