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To dream of your father represents your conscience, your ability to make positive choices, or choose between right and wrong. Dreaming of your father may also reflect your feelings about a decision you've already made or are considering. Feelings about someone with authority making decisions for you. Fathers in dreams can also symbolize your current feelings about him if you have issues with him that need to be dealt with.

Positively, dreaming of your father may reflect the decision to make a moral or positive decision. Deciding to stand up for yourself or feeling that a problem has gotten out of control and deciding to do something about it. Choosing to be realistic or practical.

Negatively, dreaming of your father may reflect decisions you dislike having to make. Feeling that you need to make a choice that doesn't feel good at all or one that will not benefit you or cause long-term problems. A decision to keep doing something that isn't a good idea. Letting someone with authority make decisions for you or that aren't in your best interest. Feeling that you've made a terrible decision or horrible mistake.

If your father is angry or sad in a dream it may represent your feelings or disappointment or frustration about how a situation turned out based on a choice you made. Being angry at yourself for having made a wrong or stupid decision. Alternatively, it may reflect anger with your father or anger towards yourself due to past issues with your father.

To argue or fight with your father represents an inner struggle in your waking life with choice. Internal conflict or debate with yourself over what choice to make. Struggling to stand up for yourself.

To dream of getting married to your father may represent feelings about permanent decisions being made. Negatively, it be a sign that you feel you will be permanently stuck with an undesirable situation if you make a certain choice.

If your father dies in a dream it represents moral decay. You have lost your ability to make positive choices, to stand up to problems, or are cold and uncaring in your decisions. No longer caring about your conscience or having to do the right thing. Feeling that other people with authority don't get to make decisions for you anymore. Alternatively, it may reflect failed decisions or choices that didn't work out.

If you father is dead in real life and appears in your dream he is most likely just a symbol for your conscience unless you have issues with your father from your past that you haven't dealt with.

Alternatively, your father in a dream may reflect a father figure, role model, or person that has authority over you such as a boss. Negatively, it may reflect feelings about someone totally controlling you or making important decisions for you that makes you feel less important.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his father talking to his friend. In waking life, he was debating whether or not to call that friend on the telephone. In this case, the man's father may have reflected the man using his conscience to consider the choice about whether to call the friend or not.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being unable to find her father. In waking life, she was felt unable to make the choice to confront people who were treating her poorly. In this case, the woman's missing father may have reflected her awareness of how difficult it was to make the choice to stand up to people.

Example 3: A man dreamed of biting his nails and anxiously trying to avoid his father's criticism for it. In waking life, he was very nervous about not upsetting his new boss. In this case, the father may have reflected his concerns about his boss being an decision making authority figure and the need for approval.

Example 4: A man dreamed of his father slowly sticking his penis into his anus. In waking life, he felt that he was close to make a decision that would totally screw him over in business. In this case, the father may have reflected own internal conflict and feelings of vulnerability regarding the decision, as well as the potential negative consequences he feared would arise from making the wrong choice.

Example 5: A man dreamed of his father telling him about alligators. In waking life, he made a decision that certain financial choices he had on his mind were too dangerous and needed to be avoided.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing her father fall through thin ice into freezing water. In waking life, she decided to move knowing it was expensive and then began to experience financial problems. In this case, seeing her father fall through ice may have reflected her feelings of vulnerability and the potential danger of her decision to move, as well as her need for guidance and support in navigating the challenges that arose from her choice.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing her father worried and anxious. In waking life, she was worried about not being assisted spiritually by her deceased father. In this case, the father may have reflected her desire for guidance and support from her late father, especially in times of difficulty or uncertainty to the point of being irrational.


To dream of feet represents principles, moral foundation, or things you stand for. Honesty or integrity that you choose to "stand by." Responsible maintenance.

Alternatively, feet in a dream may reflect areas of your life that you feel are important to "stick with" or support long term.

To dream of an injured foot represents moral decay, corruption, or lower standards of thinking. Feeling that it's difficult to "stand by" or support something long term.

To dream of cutting off a foot represents feelings of losing confidence in yourself or not being able to believe yourself anymore. Losing the strength to stand for issues. Losing faith or strong loyalty. A strong feeling about thinking you don't matter or aren't important anymore.

To dream of washing feet may reflect attempts to improve on your moral principles. Forgiveness, humbleness, and humility. Becoming more devoted to a relationship or cause.

To dream of smelly feet represents feelings about moral stances or faith being stupid. Something feels wrong with a strong belief. Morality feels to be lacking in yourself or others.

To dream of kissing feet represents approval of moral principles, strong loyalty, or faith.

Example: A man dreamed of his foot bleeding. In waking life he was aware of himself cheating on test that he had to do in private. He was having problems being honest and wasn't liking himself having lower standards of integrity.

Example 2: A young child dreamed of rejecting their newborn sibling and saying to them "Ugh! Take her back. Her feet are orange." In waking life this child was jealous if her new sibling and didn't like how permanently supportive the parents were of the new baby once the new baby was brought home. The feet in this case may have reflected the child's perception of the parents responsibly maintaining their constant attention for the new baby.

*Please See Socks

*Please See Barefoot


To dream of fingernails represents thoughts and feelings about your self-worth, confidence, accomplishments, and self-image. The condition of nails reflects how positive or negative you feel about yourself.

To dream of a fingernail breaking may reflect a temporary loss of confidence in your abilities, self-worth, or self-image. Experiencing an unpleasant wait to reestablish a confident self image. Not feeling good thinking people a re noticing you can't do things for yourself.

To dream of having fingernails totally removed represents having no self-worth. Your confidence has been totally decimated. Anything that would allow you to feel good or build confidence is beyond your grasp.

Painting your fingernails represents a heightened sense of self-worth or importance about your capabilities. Negatively, it may reflect vanity or conceit.

To dream of having long fingernails for fashion represents sensitivity about only doing what you like at all times. Alternatively, it may reflect vanity or an unwillingness to "get your hands dirty."

To dream of long fingernails because they've overgrown may represent personal issues that you need to attend to or that you've neglected. You may feel the need to clean up a personal matter before you feel comfortable around others.

To dream of dirty fingernails a low sense of self-worth. You may feel that you are not good enough or not as good as someone else.

To dream of cutting your fingernails represents personal attention to how you appear to others. Softening or polishing your appearance so you look respectable. It may also reflect personal attention to appearances after a period of being too focused on work or taking time off. Feeling that it's important to look like you matter.

To dream of cutting your nails in public represents a lack of concern for privacy or discretion as you deal with personal issues. Cleaning up your act or polishing your appearance in ways that may be unflattering to others. Not being embarrassed by being noticed that you aren't perfect.

To dream of sharp fingernails may represent you or someone else that scares others with not having to be behave respectful. An aggressive or assertive stance about not changing something about yourself that others don't like you doing.

Example: A woman dreamed of all her fingernails breaking. In waking life she lived with her brother who was currently out of town. She felt safe when he was around because she could depend on him whenever she needed him. He was protective and able to fix things. Now that he was out of town she had temporarily lost that feeling as small problems came up.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of her fingernails being eaten by a kitten. In waking life she dropped out of University and although she tried her best to be optimistic about her future she was concerned that without a degree she would like less like an important worthy individual.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of using a knife to slice her own fingernails. In waking life she was having issues with self-worth and not liking herself the way she was.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of removing something that was growing under her fingernail that didn't belong there. Once she removed the object she felt empty inside. In waking life her ex-husband wanted her to move back in with him and she decided not to, effectively ending all possibility of the couple ever getting back together. The unwanted object she removed from her fingernail may have reflected her ex-husbands lingering feelings for her giving her confidence and her choice to put an end to it once and for all. She secretly felt confidence from knowing her ex had lingering feelings for her, but felt it was unhealthy to keep thinking that way.


To dream of fingers represents feelings about how you're involved in handling a situation or performing tasks. Skill in performing tasks, how something was controlled, and how you adapt to different functions.

Individual fingers can have specific meanings. The index finger is authority, the ringer finger is commitment, the middle finger is rejection, and the pinky finger is trust.

To dream of a bleeding finger represents feelings of a lack of control or the inability to handle a situation effectively. Loss of stability or inability to maintain a grip on a situation. You may have lost control of a relationship.

To dream of losing a finger represents damage or regret for trying to handle a situation. Feeling that you wasted your time trying to handle a situation. Diminished capability or reduce capacity to handle a situation. Loss of an opportunity. Losing the ability to function effectively.

Example: A woman dreamed of her daughter's index finger tip being squeezed and puss came out leaving a hole. In waking life the woman was upset that she couldn't see her granddaughter because her daughter wouldn't take her ex-husband to court to get her back. In this case the index finger with the hole on the tip may have reflected the dreamer's feeling about her daughter's emptiness of lacking authority to handle the daughter issue with her ex-husband in court.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of a bleeding finger. In waking life she was very upset about losing her boyfriend. In this case she may have felt she lost her ability to handle a relationship.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a woman missing 2 fingers put on a disposable glove. In waking life she was regretting getting involved with volunteer work as the children were too difficult to control. In this case the 2 fingers lost on the woman's hand may have reflected her feelings about herself regretting trying to handle volunteer work because it doesn't work the way she wanted it to and wasted her time trying to pay her bills.

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of seeing a man with cloth covered face come up to her and remove a ring from his finger to put it on hers. In waking life she was guilty about her ex-boyfriend never knowing what she did wrong, but decided to move on thinking marriage for the future. In this case the ring taken off the masked man's finger and put on to her finger may reflect her feelings about moving on from not handling commitment well with her ex to thinking she can handle commitment with someone else.

*Please See Thumbs


To dream of human flesh that has been cut or torn from a body represents feelings about how dangerous a situation became. Damage, failure, or embarrassment. Feelings about a troubling or dangerous situation resulting in worse consequences than you first believed it would cause. Powerful jealousy. Feeling about serious damage being caused to family, relationships, or finances. A situation that ended up being tougher than you originally thought it would be. Feelings about a situation being dangerous to endure.

Example: A young woman dreamed of having an open flesh wound. In waking life she had just broken up with her boyfriend.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing alligators eating flesh meat. In waking life he was experiencing serious financial problems.

*Please See Skin


To dream of your forearm represents feelings about your strength, capabilities, and readiness. Your thoughts about your capacity to handle responsibilities, carry out actions, or assert your will. Your self-assessment about your abilities or effectiveness in waking life. The ability to assert yourself by staying on top of a situation or problem. Confronting limitations or challenges that affect your sense of efficacy or competence.

Positively, dreaming about your forearm might represent confidence, competence, or readiness. A conscious understanding of your capabilities and your preparedness to undertake tasks, overcome obstacles, or defend your interests. The dream might also suggest a period of personal growth, enhanced abilities, or increased self-reliance.

Negatively, dreaming about your forearm could represent feelings of weakness, vulnerability, or incapacity. Fears of not being up to a task, feeling unprepared, or lacking the strength or skill to handle a situation. Experiencing self-doubt, apprehension, or the fear of failure. Confronting situations that make you question your abilities or stretch your comfort zone.

To dream of injuring your forearm may represent feelings about impairing your ability to take action, assert your influence, or exercise your abilities. This could indicate self-doubt, setbacks, or perceived limitations that are preventing you from effectively accomplishing your tasks or pursuing your goals. It could be a sign that you're feeling overworked, overstretched, or overwhelmed by responsibilities. Fear, anxiety, or insecurity about your capabilities or performance. It could reflect feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, or vulnerability, especially in situations where your abilities are being tested or challenged.

To dream of your forearm cut off represents feelings of extreme loss of power, ability, or control in your life. This might reflect a situation where you feel completely incapacitated or unable to affect outcomes. It could suggest that you're feeling impotent, vulnerable, or seriously compromised in your capacity to perform tasks, fulfill responsibilities, or assert your will. This dream might symbolize a situation where you're confronting extreme limitations or challenges that drastically affect your sense of efficacy or competence.

Example: A man dreamed of being bitten on his forearm by a rattlesnake. In waking, life he was recently screwed out of a $10,000 job he was doing. In this case, the rattlesnake biting his forearm may have reflected his feelings of being suddenly and unexpectedly undermined or "bitten" in a situation where he was utilizing his skills and strengths with a sense of readiness and confidence to do the job.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of cutting her hands off and seeing her hand on the ground with part of the forearm attached. In waking life, she felt used by someone and now watched them be in love with someone else with no way to do anything to stop it. In this case, the severe forearm on the ground may have reflected her feelings of being significantly diminished in her ability to act or influence situations, akin to losing a part of herself that is instrumental in getting things done or expressing her will. The dream might symbolize her profound sense of loss, powerlessness, and incapacity to affect the romantic dynamics she was observing.


To dream of a forehead represents your sense of judgment or intellect. A smooth forehead may represent good judgment or easy decisions. A wrinkled forehead may represent worries or burdens.

Negatively, dreaming about a forehead may represent feelings about poor judgment or bad decision-making.

To dream of kissing someone's forehead may reflect approval of someone else's judgment. Gratitude for other people's good or helpful decisions.

To dream of having a bump or injury to the forehead may represent a mistake, lapse in judgment, or something that impairs your judgment. Blemishes or embarrassing skin problems on the forehead may reflect feelings about yourself or someone else having made an embarrassing lapse of judgment.

To dream of a big forehead represents feelings about the personality believing it's important to be seen by others making decisions with good judgement for yourself all the time.

To dream of an unusually small forehead represents feelings about the personality not believing it's important to be seen by others making decisions with good judgment for yourself all the time. The personality being simple about not having a problem with other people making decisions for you that doesn't believe in anything different is important. Decision-making where deserving to never be jealous is all you care about while other people make decisions for you. Too much taking orders from someone with authority as though it's normal. Judgment that is too concerned with getting a problem situation over with like it's just simple. Judgment that's simple about staying the same all the time. Judgement that cuts itself off to make sure someone with authority making good decisions for them. Judgment that believes it's simple and safe to respect someone with authority's judgment first.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing an ex-friend wearing a mask that looked like a copy of the ex-friend's actual face with an embarrassing skin blemish on the forehead of the mask. In waking life, the man had won the lottery and noticed ex-friends he didn't like pretending to apologize to him for being bad friends. In this case, the skin blemish on the forehead of the mask may have reflected his feelings about recognizing the insincerity of his ex-friends' apologies about having poor judgment about being a bad friend in order to get back in his life to get money.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of kissing her friend's forehead. In waking life, she was made homeless and was very grateful for her friend's help to get her life back on track. In this case, kissing the forehead may have reflected a deep respect for the judgment and kindness her friend demonstrated.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of energy coming out of her forehead. In waking life, she was having problems deciding whether or not her boyfriend was worth keeping. In this case, the energy coming out of her forehead may have reflected her intense focus on trying to use her judgment to make a good decision about the future of her relationship.


To dream of freckles represents a problem or embarrassment that stands out. You or someone else has an issue that can't be hidden or that others are fully aware of.


To dream of a real-life friend represents a quality in yourself based on your most honest feelings about them. Ask yourself what qualities, memories, or feelings stand out the most about them and how that may apply to your own life.

Negatively, dreaming about real-life friends may represent conflicts, misunderstandings, or unresolved issues that are currently affecting you. Feelings of being left out, unsupported, or betrayed in some situations.

Alternatively, real-life friends in dreams may also represent your current projection of that person based on a current situation or conflict in your life.

To dream of having a friend that you've never seen before may represent feelings of support, assistance, and help being received in a new situation. A supportive or cooperative aspect of yourself. Your projection of a situation or arrangement that is beneficial to you. Feeling optimistic about enduring a problem situation. Unexpected help.

Negatively, dreaming about a friend that you've never seen before may represent feelings about needing help in a serious situation or being uncertain about whether you can survive a situation on your own.

To dream of a friend dying may represent your feelings about an impending change, loss, or failure of an aspect of yourself that feels good being supportive. Consider what qualities stand out the most about that friend and how that quality may be lacking or suffering in your life at the moment. Alternatively, seeing a friend dying may reflect your feelings about that person losing power or undergoing an unpleasant change.

To dream of a deceased friend may reflect the most apparent quality about them that stands out the most in yourself. Unless their death was recent or you are having issues with grieving the fact that they are dead in real life is most likely not significant to the dream's symbolism. Alternatively, dreaming of a dead friend may represent something good in your life that was lost and is now returning.

To dream of an ex-friend may represent a quality in yourself based on your most honest feelings about them when they were still a significant part of your life. Consider what emotions or memories are most associated with this ex-friend�whether positive or negative�and how these could be influencing your current feelings or situation. It could reflect issues of betrayal, loss, or unresolved emotions that are still affecting you. Lingering feelings of bitterness, disappointment, or being misled. A part of your life that you have outgrown or a reminder of a past conflict that still impacts your current emotional landscape. Lingering anger or sadness about the loss of the friendship. Guilt, regret, or nostalgia for the time spent together. Fear of repeating the same mistakes in current relationships or friendships.

Example: A man dreamed of walking beside a friend he had never seen before in real life who helped him walk up to a ledge and fly in the air at the last minute. In waking life, he felt that God had helped him make a major transition in his life. In this case, the friend may have reflected his feelings about receiving divine support during a challenging life transition.

*Please See Best Friends


To dream of a gallbladder represents feelings about how comfortable you are filtering and regulating negative emotions with ease and safety, especially resentment, bitterness, or anger. How you manage or 'break down' your negative emotions or experiences. How strong you or someone else is about letting go and moving on with ease after a negative altercation. Your ability to function without regret.

Positively, dreaming about a gallbladder could signify that you are effectively managing your negative emotions, properly channeling your energies, or wisely navigating difficult or challenging situations. Your ability to process and make sense of emotional complexities in your life.

Negatively, dreaming about a gallbladder could symbolize difficulty in regulating emotions or a build-up of bitterness, resentment, or unresolved anger. It might suggest that you are struggling to 'digest' a particular event or emotional experience, leaving you feeling irritable or overwhelmed. If the gallbladder appears to be diseased or malfunctioning in the dream, it could indicate emotional blockages or unprocessed emotions that may be affecting your well-being, potentially causing stress or more severe health issues.

To dream of having your gallbladder removed represents feelings about never thinking it's important to hold onto negative emotions, grudges, or resentment. A conscious decision to quickly let go of emotional baggage that has been weighing you down without thinking about it too much. You may have realized the necessity of moving on from what's been keeping you stuck emotionally and are ready to take steps toward emotional freedom and better well-being.

Negatively, dreaming about having a gallbladder removed represents feelings of ease about not respecting anyone you have arguments or negative altercations with. Having no conscience about thinking it's easy to move on from stressful situations or arguments that the average person might be more sensitive than you about. Not feeling that moving on is a problem when other people might fear it or think it's too serious.


*Please See Penis

*Please See Vagina


To dream of your grandfather may represent your conscience in situations that you have previous experience in. Your ability to make a decision or choose between right and wrong when you already have previous experience.

Alternatively, a grandfather may symbolize wiser choices or experience that overrides your own decisions. Grandfathers may also represents decisions made for you by someone smarter or more experienced than you. A decision to stop what you are currently doing because you feel it's in your best interest. Being objective about your own bad work or poor decisions.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her Grandfather showing her some beautifully crafted bookcases that were empty. In waking life she was beginning to think about making the decision to stop putting off her ambition to write. The Grandfather reflected the overriding decision to change her life towards writing from her current life.

Example 2: A man dreamed of walking with his grandfather and having a conversation. In waking life he was trying to decide what educational path he should take for his future. He was considering what was really best for him and what strengths would be best to develop.

Example 3: A man dreamed of his Grandfather screaming at him to wake up. This caused him to actually wake up from the dream. In waking life he had a serious medical condition that could kill him if he fell asleep for too long. The dream may have actually been a metaphor for experiencing God making the decision to wake him up from sleep to save his life. In this case the Grandfather would metaphorically represent God making the decision to wake him up, overriding his stupid decision to allow himself to fall asleep.

*Please See Grandparents


To dream of gums inside the mouth represents feelings about a serious consideration of whether you're a winner or loser. An in-depth consideration of why you are strong or weak. A very close inspection of details that would give insight into whether you are losing vitality in some manner. Sensitivity about why you might be weaker than you originally thought you were.

Insecurity about needing to 100% perfect to be considered a winner by others. Anxiety about someone discovering the secrets you are hiding that will make you look weak or stupid. Fearing of embarrassing personal details being revealed in public or to people you know. Anxiety about a professional telling you that you aren't as good as you think you are. Powerful anxiety about getting old or less physically attractive. Power anxiety about appearing to lose power in front of other people. Anxiety about an professional humiliating you with their expertise.

To dream of bleeding gums may reflect insecurity about weaknesses that are obvious to you, but aren't obvious to others yet. Weaknesses or sensitivities that you don't want to discuss with others. A fear of being laughed at that you are covering up. Embarrassment of having to live with and conceal your weakness.

To dream of scars in the gums may reflect anxiety about having permanent losses to your vitality, strength, or physical appearance.


To dream of guts or intestines represents feelings about processing the difficult truth or information that is disgustingly true. Feeling uncomfortable thinking about the truth too much. Negativity or issues that you don't want to think about or reveal to others.

Negatively, dreaming of guts or intestines may represent vulnerability or a fear of exposing your innermost feelings and emotions. It may suggest that you feel uneasy about opening up to others or revealing your true self. Additionally, it could indicate feelings of guilt or emotional turmoil, where you're struggling to cope with certain aspects of your life.

To dream of seeing guts being spilled and leaking out of a sliced open abdomen represents an outpouring of truth, honesty, and acceptance for one's actions. You are "letting it all out." It may reflect secrets being revealed, self-acceptance, or powerful self-reflection. Discussing or experiencing things that disgust you.

To dream of eating guts or intestines represents consuming" the most disgusting truth, even if it's difficult or uncomfortable to face. Experiencing your own most negative or disgusting truth when it might not being important or embarrasses you. A warning sign that you need to seek help and find healthy ways to cope with your issues. A desire to control or change yourself or someone else fundamentally, even if it conflicts with your core values and beliefs. Internalizing your problems to the point of self-harm and self-destruction. You may be reliving situations that are very uncomfortable, scary, or embarrassing. A willingness to confront your deepest fears, anxieties, or emotions, in order to gain self-awareness and personal growth. This can also be a sign that you are finally coming to terms with the reality of your situation and embracing the raw honesty that comes with it.

Example: A man dreamed of getting into a car accident with someone and then eating the other person's guts when he got outside the car. In waking life, he told his professor that he had written a bad review about him. In this case, the guts being eaten may reflect his feelings about having experience himself saying things about the Professor that were disgustingly true.


To dream of hands represents capability, competence, and the ability to do what you want. The ability to execute certain behaviours or skills on your own. The capacity manifest your choices. Feelings of empowerment, control, or effectiveness. You may feel that you have the skills, resources, or abilities needed to influence your environment, achieve your goals, or express your creativity. Hands in dreams can reflect feelings of freedom, agency, and self-sufficiency. They might also symbolize communication, connection, or offering help to others.

To see two hands holding on to each other symbolizes partnership.

To wash your hands represents ridding yourself of a problem or rejecting a sense of responsibility.

To see a hand beckoning you represents an area of your life that is drawing you towards it. Choices, beliefs, or situations that are tempting you. Negatively, it may reflect feelings about immorality that is beckoning you or tempting you.

To dream of losing a hand represents your feelings of being robbed of your capabilities. Feelings of powerlessness, incapability, or limitations. It might symbolize a perceived lack of skills, resources, or autonomy needed to achieve your desired outcomes. Feeling unable to execute your choices or manifest your skills. You can't do something you want or have something you feel you deserve. Feeling diminished or impotent and being unable to do anything about it.

To dream of cutting your hand represents conflict or personal struggle that negatively impacts your capabilities. Feeling hampered or that your skills are being held back by problems. Alternatively, a cut hand may reflect your skills, talents, or abilities being harmed by a negative influence or conflict. Temporarily being unable to do what you want.

To dream of hands reaching outwards towards others hoping they'll take your hands represents feelings of desire for the capability of connection, support, or mutual aid. It could suggest an attempt to reach out for help, companionship, or understanding in a difficult situation. You may be seeking validation, acceptance, or just a listening ear from those around you. Negatively, dreaming of hands reaching out with no one to grasp them may symbolize feelings of loneliness, rejection, or being ignored. It could reflect a situation where you feel your attempts to connect or communicate are being overlooked or dismissed.

Example: A woman hand a recurring dream of having both her hands cut off. In waking life, she felt totally reliant on her husband and felt she could do nothing for herself. In this case, her hands being cut off may have reflected her perceived inability to execute her choices, control her life, or act on her own capabilities due to her over-reliance on her husband.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her boyfriend being in a car accident and missing his hands. In waking life, she got into a big argument with him and feared that her boyfriend couldn't do anything in life without her. In this case, the boyfriend missing his hands may have reflected her belief that her boyfriend lacks the necessary skills or resources to handle life's challenges on his own.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing his hands being invisible. In waking life, he was frustrated with computer he couldn't get access to because he didn't remember the password. In this case, the invisible hands may have reflected his feelings of powerlessness and frustration regarding his inability to use his skills or capabilities to access to the computer with the password.

Example 4: A man dreamed of holding a rotting tomato and apple in his hands. In waking life, he was beginning to doubt his capability of being a healer to his sick daughter.

Example 5: A woman had recurring dreams of seeing a hand beckoning her from the opposite side of a river where the river got progressively narrower with each dream. In waking life, she had terminal cancer and was close to death. In this case, the hand may have reflected her feelings about being capable of dying if she let go of struggling to survive. The progressively narrowing river in this case may have reflected her changing feelings about the temporary state of pain or discomfort required to cross through in order to successfully die.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing both his hands reaching outwards hoping someone would grab them, but nobody ever did. In waking, the man tried everything to offer assistance to criminals to change their ways, but in the end it was for nothing and they had to be arrested. In this case, the ungrasped hands could reflect his feelings of frustration and disappointment about his failed attempts to connect with and help those who refused his aid.



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