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Biggie Smalls

To dream of Biggie Smalls represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that is notorious for feeling good being arrogant about liking believing that "living large" is for life no matter what it's doing. Feeling good with the power of people listening to you being showing off respected "living large" notoriously dangerous or criminal for friends or family. Embracing a larger-than-life persona that nobody else can even think of doing better than. Feeling good showing off arrogant being as "large as it gets" that's untouchable or above the law. Feeling good that nothing is a joke about your largess while feeling good that people are around you.

Negatively, dreaming about Biggie Smalls may represent feelings of arrogance, egotism, or a belief that you are above the rules or consequences. Overconfidence that doesn't believe that "living large" will ever stop. Engaging in risky behavior or believing that nothing gets back at you because you are "living large." A tendency to overlook potential consequences due to an inflated sense of self or belief in one's invincibility. Feeling the pressure to show off while living up to an unrealistic standard or image of "living large." An inflated sense of self-importance and a desire for recognition and attention. Believing that you can get away with anything because of your status or abilities. Enjoying arrogance that shows off that the cost doesn't bother you once.

Rap Stars in general may symbolize arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A young woman dreamed of hearing the song "Warning" by Biggie Smalls. In waking life, she was dealing with a delayed domestic violence court case against a man who had attacked her. In this case, the Bigger Small music may have reflected how she felt good enjoying feelings of empowerment, assertiveness, and largess when talking to other people about facing her attacker because she felt that she was better at getting back at him no matter what he did since the law was on her side and other people were looking out for her.


To dream of seeing motorcycle gang bikers represents feelings about experiencing situations where you feel excluded or "pushed out" by other people who are too big to confront. Feelings hopeless about problems being too big to overcome. Feeling "pushed around" by problems in life. Feeling that life is intentionally picking on you and keeping you powerless while other people enjoy power to your face. Feeling that someone in intentionally keeping you powerless and enjoying it. Arrogant bullies in your life that are too big to boss around. An arrogant stubborn attitude about power that doesn't care about family life. Mean people with more power than you who never do what they are told. Having no leverage to force someone bigger than you to listen to you. Feelings about bullies that are resourceful and organized.

Alternatively, bikers in a dream may reflect your own corrupt bullying attitude about enjoying power while not caring about anyone else's feelings at all. Showing to others that you are too big and powerful to be forced to act honest. Full awareness of yourself being arrogantly unfair to someone weaker than you. Enjoying getting away with corrupt power. Never doing what you are told no matter what. Enjoying thinking other people are weaker losers who can't stand up to you.

Example : A man dreamed of being in a giant house that had bikers living inside of it. In waking life he felt hopeless about fixing a serious health problem. It felt like no matter what he did God was intentionally humiliating him with never being able to recover. He felt that that God was impossible to make listen to him and intentionally avoiding listening him.


To dream of a billionaire represents an aspect of your personality that is exceptionally resourceful, capable, powerful, or influential that's confrontational about being important. A perception of limitless resources, opportunities, or abilities. Resourcefulness that embarrasses other people with never having a problem with believing they are first. Behavior that is too resourceful to stop or be told no because it doesn't want to. Feelings about behavior that is too resourceful to do anything about stopping. Resourceful behavior that is so concerned with the future that it notices nobody else can catch up to it.

Negatively, dreaming of a billionaire may represent feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, or resentment towards others who have more power or resources while confronting you with believing they are more important than you. Feeling that you can't ignore yourself feeling stupid that someone else could keep doing something else whenever they need to in order to keep getting away with embarrassing you. An enemy who knows too many people, is too experienced, and is fearless about lying all at once in order to waste your time while confronting you with trying to be more important than you. Resourcefulness that happily wastes all its time and resources wasting your time and resources. A problem person in your life who is too resourceful and hooked up to other people to easily deal with them. Enemies that can always do something else to you that may feel endless.

Alternatively, dreaming about a billionaire may reflect feelings about people with money that surprise you with never believing any expense is a problem when you think it might.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing his Uncle being described by another person as "embarrassing himself believing he is a billionaire." In waking life, the man was experiencing his alcoholic Uncle being exceptionally capable of avoiding being evicted from a family home because he didn't like being told to leave.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a very thin sensitive Chinese man whom he suspected was a billionaire. In waking life, the dreamer had an interested buyer for a home he was selling and the buyer never flinched or fussed about any of the price increases the dreamer made for the final sale price. In this case, the billionaire symbolism may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about the home buyer being rich enough to never notice a single problem with increasing house price offers that felt unusual.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing a guy she had a crush on being a billionaire who would buy her plane tickets to fly away to another country to spend time with him on the weekends. In waking life, the guy she liked was moving away to Germany in 16 months and she was daydreaming about him dating her and being able to fly to Germany to continue the relationship. In this case, her crush being a billionaire may have reflected how she was having a perfect fantasy about nothing getting in the way of her crush being resourceful enough to do everything possible to confront the impossible possibility of starting a relationship with her and helping her move away with him for a new life.


To dream of a blacksmith represents expertise in serious matters. You or someone else that has knowledge or skills that others think is dangerous. Confidence or competence in something risky.

Body Builder

*Please See Weightlifter


To dream of a bodyguard represents you or someone else that is actively shielding others from failure or emotional pain. A person or situation that is "getting in the way" or making itself an obstacle. It may also reflect behavior that is risking itself to ensure stability or a desired outcome. A bodyguard may reflect insecurity to act alone. It may also reflect confidence that you nothing can get in your way.

To dream that you are a bodyguard may represent your protective nature toward a person or situation. Making sure someone else never fails. Risking yourself to put someone or something else first at all times.


To dream of a boss represents feelings about authority, leadership, or power dynamics in your life. It could symbolize the control, influence, or expectations that others have over you or that you exert over others. This dream could reflect your thoughts about your role in a professional environment, your understanding of hierarchy, or your ability to manage and make decisions. Decisions or obligations that can't be ignored. Feeling that a situation, problem, or relationship is "running your life" or "bossing you around."

Positively, dreaming about a boss might symbolize your capacity to take charge, assert control, and make decisive choices. It could reflect a conscious choice to embrace leadership roles, influence others, or handle responsibilities. It might also be indicative of your ability to set goals, manage tasks, and motivate yourself and others.

Negatively, dreaming about a boss could represent feelings of being controlled, limited, or pressured by an authority figure. It might symbolize struggles with power dynamics, overbearing expectations, or work-related stress. Perhaps you feel overworked, undervalued, or mismanaged. The dream might also indicate feelings of intimidation, inadequacy, or fear of failure in the face of high expectations. A sense of obligation with potential consequences or disciplinary action if you don't perform well in some way. A "super-ego or "top dog" mindset, ego out of control. A sign that you are allowing a person or problem to have too much authority over you. You or someone else that is too bossy or controlling.

Alternatively, having a boss may reflect work issues. An obsession with work or being a workaholic.

To dream of fearing a boss represents feelings of anxiety, apprehension, or a sense of inadequacy related to your capabilities or performance in a certain area of your life. This could be due to an authority figure's influence, expectations, or criticism. A fear of making mistakes, failing to meet goals, or disappointing those who rely on you. Fearing consequences if you don't perform well or follow orders properly. A fear of authority or problems standing up to authoritative figures. Alternatively, it might reflect an internal conflict between your desires and the responsibilities or expectations imposed upon you.

To dream of being a boss represents your authoritative or assertive personality. Awareness of a situation in waking life being totally under your control. Your ability to influence others, make decisions, or take charge of situations in your life. Your confidence in your skills, your comfort with leadership roles, or your desire for control or dominance. Your ability to set and achieve your goals, manage tasks, or balance responsibilities. Enjoy being in control.

Example: A man dreamed of his boss giving him a candy bar. In waking life, he wanted a raise, but his boss would only give him compliments about his good work. In this case, his boss may have reflected his feelings of frustration and under-appreciation at work he got from his boss. The candy bar in the dream could symbolize the compliments he was receiving, which, while pleasant, were not the substantial reward or recognition (the raise) he was hoping for.

Example 2: A man dreamed of his former boss whom he didn't like. In waking life, he got promoted and hated it. In this case, the former boss whom he didn't like may have reflected his feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction associated with his new responsibilities and pressures that came along with his promotion, much like the feelings he had when he was working under his disliked former boss.

Example 3: A man dreamed of having a boss. In waking life, he felt obligated to help his sister move homes. In this case, dreaming of having a boss may have reflected the authoritative role his sister had taken on, dictating his actions and decisions during the moving process while he felt obligated to her situation.

Example 4: A man dreamed of being a hotel manager that has to boss other people. In waking life, he had a number of sick relatives that he had to take care of all at once. In this case, being a hotel manager that had to boss other people may have reflected his feelings about the necessity of taking charge and making decisions for his ailing relatives. The boss role in his dream could represent the authority and responsibility he had to assume in real life to manage the care and well-being of his family members.

Example 5: A man dreamed of talking to his boss. In waking life, he felt it was important to take care of his wife's failing health because he feared she could die. In this case, the dreamer talking to his boss may have reflected his feelings of accountability and the pressure he was experiencing, given the critical nature of his wife's health. He may have that his wife's ailing health was "running his life" or bossing him around demanding that nothing be more important than taking care of her.


To dream of a boy represents a masculine aspect of yourself that is developing or inexperienced. Assertiveness, anger, dominance, or insensitivity. A part of your personality or a situation that hasn't reached its full potential yet.

For a young girl to dream of a boy that she's attracted to may represent a desire for something to happen in your life. A goal or experience you want to happen.

*Please See Men

Boy Scouts

To dream of a boy scout represents a constant sense of responsibility. Insensitivity, assertiveness, dangerous intentions, or domination while being concerned about a need for responsible conduct.


To dream of a boyfriend represents personality traits or qualities we feel as consistently supportive of your success or well-being. Something you think that supports you emotionally, or regularly helps you cope with life situations. It may also reflect something in your life that makes you feel safe, or lucky. A consistently helpful situation, behavior, or coping mechanism.

Alternatively, boyfriends may symbolize our current projections of your partner or their beliefs or goals.

To dream of a boyfriend leaving you represents the departure of helpful situations, feelings, or beliefs from your life. Habits or situations that are no longer supportive of you. Feeling something helpful turning on you or no longer working.

To dream of a boyfriend who you've never seen in real life leaving you represents new situations, habits, or beliefs that were supportive of you and no longer are.

To dream of cheating on your partner represents impulsive choices, or doing something that you can't resist. Cheating on a partner can also represent a change of current beliefs.

To dream of a partner cheating on you represents bad choices that have consequences or dire repercussions. Turning your back on principles, integrity, or sacrifices you are making. A partner cheating on you may also symbolize your feelings about your partner having different beliefs or goals from your own.

To see a boyfriend die or murdered in a dream represents the end of a thinking pattern, habit, or life situation that made you feel good or helped you cope with life situations. It may also reflect certain beliefs, feelings, or situations associated with your boyfriend ending.

To dream of intimacy or feelings of love with a boyfriend that you don't recognize represents a new personality style, habit, or situation that is emotionally helpful for you.

To dream of a boyfriend that you recognize, but aren't actually involved with represents an aspect of your personality that you find emotionally supportive that is based on your feelings or memories of that person. This applies to celebrities, friends, or anyone appearing as a boyfriend that isn't a real partner.

To dream of having sex with your boyfriend represents positive waking life experiences where you are enjoying feeling that you can't lose. Enjoyable experiences feeling helped, successfully using your skills, or liking noticing yourself having an advantage that never stops working for you. Liking an experience where certain skills, behavior, or other people are consistently supportive of your success. Alternatively, having sex with your boyfriend may reflect enjoyable waking life situations you are experiencing with him. It could also (less likely) reflect your sex life.

Brad Pitt

To dream of Brad Pitt represents an aspect of yourself that is more incredible than someone else about being more attractive than someone else without saying anything about it.

Positively, dreaming about Brad Pitt may reflect your awareness of yourself being more attractive than someone else without saying anything about it to be respectful or not embarrass anyone. Exuding confidence about better appearances than someone else without appearing arrogant. Behavior that is a perfect example of staying the way he is if it helps to not hurt someone or someone wanted it that way.

Negatively, dreaming of Brad Pitt may represent feelings of being annoyed that you or someone is more attractive than you are comfortable with. Feeling uncomfortable experiencing someone being attracted to you physically without having to speak about it. Confidence about being more attractive that doesn't say anything about it so that nobody will attack you.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Brad Pitt sitting on a black leather couch inside a red dome made of triangles. In waking life, he was inside the hospital recovering from appendicitis and was uncomfortable with how much a student nurse liked seeing his penis while inserting the catheter. In this case, Brad Pitt may have reflected his feelings about himself being uncomfortably attractive to someone without any verbal acknowledgment or interaction about it.

Bradley Cooper

To dream of Bradley Cooper represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about confidence about getting ahead or moving on that never has to say it. Confidently never thinking it matters to be a jerk saying something to someone else in order to get ahead that never embarrasses itself being disrespectful yet. Behavior that makes you think it will say something mean about noticing someone else's problem needing to move on, but never does. Behavior that seems to be a "fantastic jerk" about seeing itself as having to get ahead by saying something insensitive about other people not mattering, but never has yet. Feelings about someone in your life who appears to not mind being a jerk, but never does without a good reason. Behavior where nothing scares it about being mean about moving on, but never talks about it. A part of you might seem like it's ready to say something harsh about needing to move on, but often refrains from actually doing so.

Negatively, dreaming about Bradley Cooper may represent a sense of inadequacy or a fear that you cannot live up to the expectations you or others have set due to anxieties that someone might say something mean to you about needing to move on. A fear that someone could call you out, criticize you, or ask you to 'move on,' questioning your methods or intentions.


To dream of a bride represents feelings about passively experiencing some area of life becoming permanent. Positively, a bride may reflect enjoyment of how easy it is to watch permanent changes occurring on their own. Feelings about new permanent changes that can't be undone being wonderful. Receptive attitude for security or closure. Readiness for a new beginning.

Alternatively, a bride may reflect behavior that is passively preparing for a permanent change. Feeling good getting ready for something permanent that other people are about to do for you.

For men to dream of a bride, it may reflect feelings about how big decisions are being respected or easily realized. Feeling that it's easy to make a big change in your life. Experiencing no jealousy or obstacles with big decisions or changes.

Negatively, a bride may reflect feelings of having no choice about permanent change or decision. Sensitivity or fear about having to accept a permanent change. Heightened sensitivity or anxiety about a big decision or permanent choice. Not wanting anything to go wrong at all before an important moment. Alternatively, being a bride may reflect your anxiety about real life wedding plans you are making.

To dream of a bride being shot at a wedding represents total failure or embarrassment while you waited passively or hoped something was going to be permanent. Unexpected interruptions or obstacles towards goals that you believed would be easy to achieve. Jealousy of enemies or competitors being experienced at the last moment before you realize your goals.

Bride dreams may also reflect your anxiety if your wedding date is getting closer.

*Please See Wedding

*Please See Groom


To dream of a bridesmaid represents awareness of yourself or others passively or sensitively giving others full support for their choices. You or someone else that is supporting others with all they need to "have it all." Caring, sympathy, or close attention to details to support someone else because it's all about them. Sensitivity about others feelings for a special moment. A wonderful or incredible gesture of selflessness to support someone else. Doing whatever it is your are asked to make someone else's success feel good being easy.

Negatively, a bridesmaid may reflect feelings of being asked to do too much to support someone else's achievement. Feelings of jealousy that someone is asking too much of you or being given too much attention. It may also reflect feelings of not being appreciated enough for making someone else's goals or achievements easy. Alternatively, a bridesmaid may negatively reflect your feelings that someone is too concerned with supporting you with an important choice.


*Please See Siblings



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