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Window Washer

To dream of a window washer person in your dream represents an aspect of your personality that helps with clarification of issues, new objectivity into a situation, and insight or new perspectives gained. Feelings about professional advice that helps you have a clearer vision or objective understanding of what's actually happening in a situation so that you don't think anything is wrong with perceiving yourself as normal or successful. Helpful advice that makes sure you are never uncomfortable with interruptions with perceiving yourself as successful. Help with a clear understanding of situations where the appearance of being normal or successful is important.

Positively, dreaming about a window washer may represent a fresh start or a new perspective. It may reflect your efforts to clear away confusion or doubt, allowing for a clearer understanding of your circumstances. Your desire to see things more optimistically or realistically.

Negatively, dreaming about a window washer person represents feelings of frustration due to newfound clarity or understanding of problem situations. A preoccupation with the opinions of others, constantly trying to cleanse or adjust your perspective to align with external expectations. A desire to gain a clearer understanding of a situation through advice or personal research to avoid looking stupid or poor.

Example: A woman dreamed of a window washer man appearing with a ladder. In waking life, she was worried about being in debt. In this case, the window washer person may have reflected her desire to gain a clearer understanding of her financial situation through advice or personal research to avoid looking stupid or poor.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing window washer men lowering themselves to the ground. In waking life, he was dealing with a serious health problem that required immense skill to navigate. In this case, the window cleaners may have reflected his feelings about medical professionals that feelings about medical professionals providing him with clear information and insight into his condition with medical tests to help him see his health situation more clearly and realistically.

*Please See Window Cleaner


To dream of a witch represents behavior that feels wicked, deceptive, or mean about enjoying and intentionally making efforts to keep you unhappy. Feeling that someone is an expert at keeping you unhappy, failing, or turning people against you. Feeling cursed by bad luck or the victim of manipulation. Feelings about someone else's manipulative interference as being evil. A person in your life that you feel is obsessed with making sure you never like yourself. Feelings about a woman in your life being an "evil bitch." Feelings about a dangerous, selfish, or heartless woman who wants to control you. Frustrations with your Mother or Mother-In-Law. A cranky woman in your life. Children may dream of witches to reflect fear of their mother being angry or punishing them in a manner that makes them feel "cursed."

To dream about being a witch may represent feelings of wielding power and influence in a negative or manipulative way that's mean about enjoying intentionally making efforts to keep others unhappy. Trying to turn others against each other. Working hard to make someone you don't like fail. Awareness of yourself being arrogant, deceptive, or manipulative to sabotage someone. Jealousy interfering with someone else's happiness. Awareness of yourself being a terrible "bitch." A desire for control over others, a willingness to use deception or dark tactics to achieve your goals, or a sense of enjoying the manipulative strategies to "curse" or punish someone with their life not working in some manner.

To dream of a male witch or warlock may represent feelings of someone being more assertive than other people about the misuse of expert skills or knowledge for selfish, manipulative, or nefarious purposes with the intention to you make feel unsafe or keep you unhappy. A sense of someone in your life exerting control, power, or influence in ways that feel uncanny, untrustworthy, or morally compromised. An inner fear or suspicion regarding individuals or situations that seem to hold an unknown or unpredictable sway over your life, decisions, or feelings, especially in ways that unsettle you. A male who assertively manipulates or controls you with nothing to hide with nobody doing anything about it. Feeling you are being followed, manipulated, and sabotaged by a male figure that wants to be respected. Feeling that emptiness, injuries, or violent altercations will not stop being imposed on you. Someone in your life that is an expert at being an "asshole."

A female witch may reflect a passive unseen manipulation and a warlock witch may reflect assertive unhidden manipulation.

Example: A man dreamed of fighting a witch and pushing her off a cliff. In waking life, he had to argue with a dentist who kept refusing to remove a painful tooth that had been bothering him for years. In this case, the witch may have reflected his feelings about the dentist behaving in a manner that felt intentionally harmful, deceptive, or neglectful, almost as if she enjoyed keeping him in pain.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her mother-in-law dressed like a witch. In waking life, she felt that her mother-in-law was always taking her husband's side and she felt ganged up on. In this case, the mother-in-law dressed like a witch may have reflected her feelings about perceiving her mother-in-law's behavior as wicked or manipulative, using influence over her husband to undermine the dreamer's wishes or decision

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing witches cooking chocolate fondue. In waking life, she discovered that her mother had been secretly lying to her about the purpose of a vacation she was taking. She felt that her mother was being secretive and selfish. In this case, the witches may have reflected the dreamer's perception of her mother's behavior as deceptive and manipulative.

Example 4: A young boy dreamed of seeing a witch. In waking life, he didn't like the way how unfair his mother felt for prohibiting him from enjoying something. In this case, the witch may have reflected his feelings about his mother being overly controlling or punitive in a way that seemed to him unnecessarily cruel or unfair.


To dream of a witness represents an aspect of yourself that has proof or is verifiable. Feelings about yourself or someone else being fully aware of something that happened. Negatively, dreaming about a witness may reflect feelings about being unable to deny your dishonesty or guilt. Difficulty escaping guilt. Difficulty ignoring or forgetting something negative that happened. Issues with traumatic events.

Alternatively, dreaming of a witness may represents feeling emotionally detached from an experience or situation. It could also reflect feelings about life passing you or being too passive.

To dream of a witness that won't speak about something they observed may reflect feelings about yourself or someone else not wanting to get involved in a problem. Fear of consequences for being honest. Frustration that people will not help you prove or verify something.

To dream of needing a witness to something you are involved in represents feelings of needing to be certain your actions are provable or verifiable. Issues with needing others approval or respect to believe in yourself. Fear about being careless or irresponsible. Fear or issues of not being believed. Issues with your integrity.

To dream of being a witness to murder may represent feelings of being aware of something negative that happened and doing nothing about it. Fear of being powerless or helpless to stop something terrible from happening. Guilt for allowing something bad to happen. Awareness of yourself allowing a major failure of some sort to occur.

To dream of a false or lying witness may reflect feelings about betrayal. Frustrations with needing to prove or verify yourself. Alternatively, it may reflect a fear of the truth.

To dream of a testifying witness may represent feelings of accountability for your actions.


To dream of a wizard represents impressive expertise and mastery of skills. Being able to easily exercise power. Being fully adept with a certain skill or having the ability to easily provide for yourself whenever needed. Intelligence that impressively always has the right answer. Skill that makes the appearance of mastery exceptionally easy. The skilled mastery to easily will your intentions into being.

Negatively, dreaming about a wizard may reflect abuse of expertise. It may also reflect feelings about being outmatched by an expert who is too impressively skilled to defeat. Struggling while success is impressively easy for enemies.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing the words "Ruler for a wizard given to you." In waking life he had just finished a foreign language course. The word wizard reflected his skill at being able to easily decipher any strange words that he saw. He could use his skills to learn on his own.


Women in dreams represent feminine personality traits that are passive, sympathetic, receptive, sensitive, nurturing, intuitive, creative, or giving.

Negatively, women may represent aspects of yourself that get screwed over, used, or lose. Passive behavior or jealousy. Desire for things you don't believe you can have. Feelings about something you like being too good for you. Feeling weaker than others.

Alternatively, woman in dreams may also reflect your perceptions of women in waking life. How respectable or desperate they are.

To see unknown women in a dream represents feminine aspects of yourself not experienced before. Positively, it may reflect feeling supported, being in control of something, or a desirable experience you've never had before. Negatively, it may reflect subornation in a new situation.

To dream of an old women may reflect experience involved with supporting others or being screwed over. It may also reflect intelligent or intuitive feelings that override poorer judgement. Intuitive decisions based on experience.

If you are very attracted to a woman in your dream this may represent a desire to have something occur or to have a pleasurable type of experience. It may also reflect your feelings about how nice something is to feel in your life. Sexual urges.

To dream of having sex with a woman in a dream may reflect feelings about enjoyable waking life situations. Consider the feelings or qualities that stand out most about the woman and see how they may apply to your current life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing evil women who were sexually attractive in an irresistible way. In waking life he was forced to be abstinent during a spiritual test and found fighting his sexual urges for long periods of time very difficult.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a fat woman. In waking life he was feeling like a loser because he had lost a fight and felt weak afterwards.


To dream of Zeus represents you or someone else that notices themselves being the strongest of the most powerful people. A leader of leaders, a controller of controllers, or someone who can easily embarrass people with elite power. Total control over your life or never answering to people who expect it from others all the time.


To dream of a zookeeper represents you or someone else that is looking after people that are acting primitive or immature. Keeping a handle on a chaotic or confusing situation. Making sure that something doesn't get too out of control.

Example: A young girl dreamed of seeing a zookeeper and having a problem at the zoo. In waking life she was worried about being a good babysitter for her baby sister and angering her parents that she wasn't responsible enough to handle it.



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