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Viggo Mortensen

To dream of Viggo Mortensen represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about liking the truth for the rest of your life doing what it's supposed to and defending it if you had to with needing to feel most important. An inner dialogue about ethical choices, personal integrity, and resilience. Complexity, ruggedness, and an air of quiet intensity about needing to believe in honesty on others behalf. Believing in honesty on others behalf and never believing you are going to lose it. Feeling that good never believing you're better than someone else while defending the truth.

Positively, dreaming about Viggo Mortensen could symbolize a feeling of strength and inner fortitude about honesty or defending the truth on behalf of other people. Qualities of resilience, ethical clarity, or complicated heroism. Focusing on the development of your own courage and moral compass. Thoughts about challenging situations requiring both physical and emotional strength.

Negatively, a dream involving Viggo Mortensen might signify feelings of conflict or turmoil. You might be wrestling with complex emotions or ethical dilemmas, feeling as though you are trapped in a 'movie-like' scenario that demands a lot from you, both emotionally and morally. Overdoing believing in yourself defending honesty or family-life values when this behavior may not help you. Overdoing defending a promise so you don't make anyone angry. Scaring yourself that you ever have to say or do something to someone else that wasn't protective of family life when moving on is best. Feeling that being better than someone else for telling the truth isn't allowed. Believing in defending the truth is more important than seeing anything else difficult happen. Behavior that defends the truth even if it doesn't have to think of who you are. Dishonesty honoring or defending an honest situation for appearances to other people while secretly not wanting to.

Example: A man dreamed of standing outside a gas station with Viggo Mortensen and seeing missiles fly far off in the distance to the right to hit something behind trees. Then suddenly missiles launched from where the first missiles hit and flew all the way to the left to hit a second gas station across the street. The man stood there with Viggo Mortensen as the gas station across the street exploded. In waking life, the man was honoring family life by agreeing not to sell a family home after his father died, but changed his mind after an argument which caused family feuding. In this case, Viggo Mortensen may have reflected his feelings about wasting his time needing to uphold a complex, emotionally laden promise to his family in the midst of conflict while believing it was important to not think he was better than his family. Viggo Mortensen being a famous person may also reflect the amount of attention he was getting from his family while attempting to honor his promise before the fight changed his mind.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing Viggo Mortensen standing beside her ex-boyfriend. In waking life, she heard about her ex-boyfriend getting married to someone else when she always secretly believed that she would end up marrying him herself. In this case, Viggo Mortensen may have reflected her feelings about being aware of herself talking to other people about the importance of defending and respecting her ex-boyfriend's engagement without jealousy because it was the right thing to do while secretly not liking the situation.


To dream of a Viking represents a person or situation in your life that terrifies you that you are powerless to stop it. Decisions being made against your will. Violated free will. A Viking may also reflect feelings of powerlessness to stop someone from doing whatever they want.

Alternatively, a Viking may reflect your own decision to force others to do things against their will. Scaring other people by seizing control or completely ignoring their feelings.

To dream of a Viking represents an aspect of your personality that doesn't care what is does to anyone else. Fearless overt dishonesty to weaker people. Taking advantage of innocent people without remorse because you can easily get away with it. Feeling that because you have nothing left to lose that you don't care what you do to other people. Taking big risks to seize what you want from others. Plundering or taking from others because it's easy. Fear of someone overpowering you with their dishonesty. Random acts of stealing. Feelings about yourself or someone else being an experienced criminal who people fear taking from them. A reputation for being a scary overt thief. A Viking may also reflect your own decision to force weaker people or innocent people to do things against their will. Feeling that because you are bigger than it gives you the right to seize or take whatever you want whenever you want through brute force.

A Viking may also reflect feelings of powerlessness to stop someone from doing whatever they want to you. Bullies, older siblings, or jealous people that are fearless to take whatever they want from you whenever they want. Feelings about mean parents that regularly seize property from you. Feeling that other people are just small losers while you're a big winner who deserves to take from them.

Viking dreams are very common with water dreams which indicates that the dreamer is experiencing some kind of uncertain or negative situation which is encouraging a need to disregard others feelings. It may also reflect the dreamers awareness of someone fearlessly dishonest being pushed to steal.


To dream of a villain represents feelings about some area of your life or personality that need reform. Rebellious behavior. A need for revenge or break the rules. Feelings about yourself or someone else that undermines others plans. Feelings about struggles with addiction or bad habits.


To dream of volunteering represents feelings about selflessly offering your time, skills, or resources to help others or contribute to a cause. Doing something for free with no clear expectation of being paid. A desire to make a difference, to be part of something larger than yourself, or to connect with others in a meaningful way. Your thoughts about altruism, community service, and social responsibility.

Positively, dreaming about volunteering might symbolize a sense of fulfillment, purpose, or satisfaction derived from helping others or making a positive impact. A willingness to take action, show empathy, or share your resources. Your desire to develop new skills, meet new people, or gain new experiences through service.

Negatively, dreaming about volunteering could represent feelings of being taken advantage of, undervalued, or overburdened. It might symbolize the pressure to give more than you can afford - emotionally, physically, or materially. Perhaps you feel obligated to contribute in ways that are draining or distracting you from your own needs or goals.

Example: A woman dreamed of being a volunteer. In waking life, she was a stay-at-home mother that recently began to get more involved with her church. In this case, being a volunteer may have reflected her feelings about dedicating her time and energy to her church community.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being a volunteer for a project her mom was leading. In waking life, her mother was in poor health and she suspected she was close to dying. In this case, the volunteering may have reflected her feelings of willingly stepping up to provide care and support for her ailing mother. The dream could symbolize her sense of responsibility, selflessness, and dedication in this challenging time, putting aside her own needs to ensure her mother's well-being.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being in the hospital to help a young man who had been injured by a bomb while serving in the military. When asked if she was the mother, she replied "No, I am just a volunteer surrogate parent. In waking life, she was having anxiety about her son dying in the army after finding out that her son has enlisted himself in the army. In this case, the reference to being a volunteer surrogate parent may have reflected her feelings about her son's recent army enlistment making her feel like a mother who birthed children to serve and die in the army as though her son didn't belong to her.


To dream of a waiter or waitress represents an aspect of your personality that caters to others needs. You or someone else that is doing what someone else asked them to. Doing the work for someone else or helping when asked.

Negatively, dreaming about a waiter may reflect unpleasant feelings about situations where you are regularly taking care of others people's needs. Feeling like a loser who make other people's lives easier. Looking after people you think are lazy. Looking after other people when you feel you need to be looked after. Feeling that you are in a subservient position or experiencing disparate roles.

Example: A woman dreamed of being a waitress for her husband. In waking life she resented her husband being lazy and and needing to be taken care of because she was pregnant and felt she deserved to be taken care of herself. She felt her time off work for her pregnancy was being wasted to look after her husband's needs full time instead of taking time off for her pregnancy. She felt she was doing all the work and getting no assistance.


To dream of a prison warden may represent feelings that obligations or debt needs to be carried out completely. You or someone else that feels nothing should feel good until justice is perfectly served. A prison warden may also reflect your feeling about someone else being a "stick in the mud" about fulfilling a punishment or debt perfectly.

Negatively, a prison warden may represent an unwillingness to let anyone off easy. Feeling that a punishment has to be carried out until the very end.


To dream of a warrior represents an aspect of your personality that's fearless. Showing courage in ways you feel others wouldn't. A fearless attitude towards challenges. You may be standing up a fear you have or casually taking a big chance. A fearless willingness to fail or humiliate yourself for the greater good. "Dying for a cause" or "living for God" only.

Negatively, you may be experiencing a person that fears nothing you threaten them with. A fearless enemy. It may also reflect your own excessive drive to confront problems or show off doing so. Preoccupation with "not being a wimp."

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a 10 foot tall warrior. In waking life she was very focused on being spiritually tough for God. She wanted to be perfect and face all negative thoughts or selfishness as soon as she spotted in herself to please God. She didn't care what anyone thought and was fearless about facing her conscience.

Wayne Gretzky

To dream of Wayne Gretzky represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about being safer than someone else about never having to talk about itself for why winning is always happening which nobody else can do anything about. Wayne Gretzky, being a hockey player may appear in your dream when you are experiencing a competitive situation over an uncertain problem that is on hold or stuck the way it is. Experiencing a major breakthrough or "breakaway" all of a sudden during an uncertain situation this stuck the way it is. Feeling about behavior that is faster than everyone else about being safe while feeling dangerously stuck situation by changing it before it results in progress or closure. Getting back at people faster than other people during a situation that is stuck or "frozen." Excelling beyond others in a way that doesn't require self-promotion or boasting.

Positively, dreaming about Wayne Gretzky may indicate that you possess remarkable abilities or are currently in a position where you can outshine others and achieve success in a seemingly stuck or "frozen" difficult situation. A winning attitude, unparalleled talent, and the capacity to navigate through difficulties with grace and finesse so that nothing is a disaster. Excelling in competitive or challenging situations with ease and expertise. Confidently navigates difficulties, showcasing a talent for turning challenging circumstances to your advantage. You believe in your abilities and let your actions speak for themselves, never needing to boast about your accomplishments.

Negatively, dreaming about Wayne Gretzky may represent feelings about behavior that is not laughing about why being down to earth or not talking about yourself is the only reason you will experience unstoppable winning to outshine others during a dangerous or competitive situation that's "frozen" or stuck to win. Surprising yourself that winning that's ahead of other people feels safe being possible when you first didn't it ever was.

Wayne Gretzky isn't a common symbol and his appearance in a dream may reflect a highly unusual situation that's where winning is important when you might feel stuck, held as you are, or "frozen."

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Wayne Gretzky stand beside his hospital bed while he was getting kidney dialysis. In waking life, he was recovering from a long-term illness during ongoing legal entanglement with police corruption who were planning to use his health problems as an excuse to ruin him while he experienced a surprise breakthrough that sped his recovery up dramatically. In this case, Wayne Gretzky may have reflected his feelings of exceptional recovery and unexpected success in his health at the last minute before the legal entanglement became unfrozen.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of Wayne Gretzky being the subject of a school project. In waking life, she felt really defeated, powerless, and less than her usual self. She felt like quitting. She also claimed to have experienced multiple dreams of Wayne Gretzky over the years whenever she felt this way. In this case, Wayne Gretzky may have reflected her feelings of having a last hope of achieving a remarkable unpredictable turnaround after becoming more down to earth about confronting her problems. She may have had a tendency to talk about herself too much while being competitive and when she stopped she was able to become competitive in a way which nobody could stop.


To dream of a weightlifter represents an aspect of your personality that is working to become stronger. You are making changes, or trying to improve yourself in some way. Alternatively, a weightlifter may reflect your attempt to build stamina, will power, self-control, or a more positive mindset.

A body builder may also reflect your attempts to develop power or improve yourself.

*Please See Weightlifting


To see a werewolf in your dream, represents an aspect of your personality that gives in to problems when forced to confront them. Werewolves reflect darker aspects of ourselves that appear when problems arise. A part of you that is unable to think positive in the face of a negative situation.

Werewolves can reflect lost tempers, severe anxiety, overreactions, or a negative approach to solving problems and dealing with confrontation. It may also represent people you know that revealed a darker or meaner side of themselves to you.

Example: A young man dreamed of a seeing a werewolf in a hospital. In waking life his girlfriend kept scaring him that she was going to break up. The werewolf in the hospital reflected his fear of losing his girlfriend overrunning his decisions while trying to do everything he could to fix the relationship.

Wet Nurse

To dream of a wet nurse represents selfless support of others. You or someone else that is helping someone else "have it all" without getting anything back. Teaching someone to care for themselves without compensation. Caring for all of someone else's needs knowing you get nothing in return.


To dream of seeing or being a widow represents feelings about a permanent loss or change. You are spending a lot of time noticing that something you grew accustom to is now gone. You may also have a sense of preservation or appreciation for what you still have left. Loneliness, neglect, or sadness. You may be feeling isolated or abandoned.

A widow may also reflect a heightened sensitivity about needing to respect someone who has suffered a permanent loss of some kind. Feeling a need to respect a loser in a competition. Sensitivity about what other people think about you having lost something special or powerful about yourself.

Negatively, a widow in a dream may be a sign that you have grown too accustom to living with a loss.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a widow. In waking life he was sensitive about seeing someone on a reality tv show the previous day being made fun of after they got kicked off the show and lost the competition.


To dream of your current wife represents an aspect of your personality or area of your life that is a supportive source of passive confidence. Emotional support, nurturing, intuition, and passive safety that you rely on. An aspect of yourself that is permanently supportive by being more passive and safer than you are. Feeling that you are committed to behavior or a habit that is more passively safer than you usually are. It may represent a nurturing, supportive, and resilient aspect of yourself that you can rely on during difficult times. A nurturing, supportive, and resilient person in your waking life who provides unwavering support and guidance during difficult times. Feeling that you deserve to be confident in a passive state even if it means getting angry or yelling first to achieve it.

Negatively, dreaming of your wife may represent a passively safer area of your life that has always worked that's starting to have problems. Feeling stuck with passivity that doesn't do anything except say it's better. Overdoing relying on nurturing, supportive, and resilient aspects of yourself that you rely on during difficult times. A feeling of dependence on a supportive source of nurturing, supportive safety, and passivity, leading to a lack of confidence and self-reliance. Feeling "married" to an emotional aspect of yourself that doesn't help. Relying on anger to stay passive.

Dreaming of a husband and wife may also reflect a theme of conscience and intuition where the man represents the conscience about decision-making and the woman represents the intuition about safety for the future. An example would be a fat husband and a wife that is too skinny. The husband may reflect a conscience or style of decision-making that is lazy while the wife would represent an intuition or future thinking for safety that isn't strong. Famous people oddly pared as couples may reflect a style of conscience and intuition based on their most apparent traits.

Alternatively, your wife may reflect your current projection of her and your current relationship. Anxieties or fears about the future of your relationship with your wife. Dissatisfaction with the relationship in waking life.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a husband and wife. In waking life she had decided to she wanted to move, but intuitively knew it wasn't safe to because she couldn't afford to.

Example 2: A man dreamed that Evangeline Lilly was his wife. In waking life he was repeatedly talking back to someone about never listening to them ask him to reduce himself again because he believed he was important enough to deserve to be better than that. He felt he deserved to passively respect himself passed the demands made of him. In this case, the wife symbolism may have reflected the man's desire for a strong confident passivity that didn't deserve to be asked twice.

Example 3: A female healthcare worker dreamed of seeing the dead wife of a male patient she was taking care of. In waking life, the woman experienced a dying male patient making a full recovery when it was expected that the patient would die. She was very religious and feared that man would not have an opportunity to be saved by God. In this case, the wife may have reflected the woman's feelings about the man "being married" to deserving to live as though God was supportive, nurturing, and intuitive about keeping him alive against all odds.

*Please See Marriage

*Please See Cheating


To dream of a wigger represents feelings about behavior that's fake about respecting itself proving itself being the toughest arrogant winner that has ever been. Blatant inauthentic behavior or posturing to show off being more arrogant, dominant, respected, successful, or "hardcore than other people. Feelings about people being inauthentic, arrogant, and disrespectful, demonstrating their perceived superiority and flaunting it. Behavior that is exaggerated, fake, or looks stupid in its attempts to assert itself as the most dominant, respected, or hardcore winner that has ever been. A clear dissonance between how someone portrays themselves and who they truly are. Feelings about people that you think are stupid about showing off being hardcore.

Negatively, dreaming about a wigger may represent inauthenticity and a superficial attitude. It highlights the lengths to which some people might go to appear tough, accomplished, or respected, even at the risk of appearing fake or disingenuous. Feelings of annoyance or frustration at those who try too hard to display a persona that doesn't align with their genuine self, especially if their intentions are to belittle, overshadow, or mock others. This dream could be a reflection of your disdain or discomfort with the idea of 'trying too hard. Behavior that is ignorant or fake about surviving never saying anything about itself being weak. Behavior that's fake about being as hardcore as it can get when it's actually required to behave safely in their life.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a white wigger girl walking in front of him with pink panties around her ankles. In waking life, he was experiencing a girl showing off to her friends about how easy it would be to have sex with him because he was wealthy. He was surprised at how honest she was willing to be about talking about having sex with him to spend his money. In this case, the wigger girl may have reflected his feelings about the girl's blatant inauthentic behavior or posturing to show off her ability to exploit him for financial gain.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing wiggers standing around. In waking life, he was dealing with people who were showing off on social media in public by hacking his website business. His feelings about them were that they didn't want to stop enjoying showing off projecting a "tougher than you" image of themselves while arrogantly laughing at him. In this case, the wiggers may have reflected his feelings about these individuals being inauthentic, arrogant, and disrespectful, demonstrating their perceived superiority by hacking his business and flaunting it.

Will Smith

To dream of Will Smith represents an aspect of your personality that's more incredible than someone else about behavior that is cooler than other people like it's easy that embarrasses someone else that they can't do anything about it. Versatility, effortless confidence, and joviality that laughs at itself never being littler than someone else and can't do anything except accept it.

Positively, dreaming about Will Smith may represent behavior that's versatile, effortlessly confident, and jovial that has to prove itself doing more than someone else that's "cooler" or it won't forgive itself. Versatility, effortless confidence, and joviality that bigger than someone else about family life that doesn't want to scare anyone. An inner resilience that allows you to navigate through challenges with an air of lightness and ease.

Negatively, dreaming about Will Smith may represent overdoing behavior that is cooler than other people like it's easy that embarrasses someone else that they can't do anything about it. Behavior that is never going to stop proving itself being bigger, more interesting, or looked up to while other people can never keep up.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Will Smith sitting on a black leather couch that was inside a red dome made of triangles. In waking life, he almost died from appendicitis and was recovering in the hospital with powerful hallucinations and called a friend after a few days to tell them what happened. He found out the friend thought he hated him or was angry because he never picked up his phone or answered the door. The dreamer was impressed with experiencing himself surprising the friend that his concerns believing he was hated didn't matter because he was too busy surviving in the hospital tripping out with powerful hallucinations. In this case, Will Smith may have reflected the dreamer's innate ability to remain lighthearted and confident despite facing significant adversities and his friend's embarrassing oversensitivity.



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