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Indian People (India)

To dream of Indian people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that respects itself thinking it's important to think about things functioning properly or it doesn't think what's happening is intelligent. A thinking style that values accepting things that function, even if they are unconventional or unexpected. Caring that something is working is more important than not working. Preoccupation with whether something in your life functioning properly. Getting along with people as long as the situation is functioning. Feelings about listening being important so that a situation functions properly. Feeling that functioning is what a situation is already supposed to do. Refusing to listen to anything that isn't functioning as useful.

Negatively, dreaming about Indian people may reflect an insensitive attitude to anything that doesn't work. It may also reflect an insensitive attitude to modern advances that aren't as effective as older natural methods. Insensitivity towards someone or something that doesn't work. Insensitivity towards people who don't see what they are doing is stupid about choosing something not functioning. Feelings about people treating you like it's important something is functioning or they don't want to do anything else for you.

Indian people are symbols that commonly appear in dreams when a person wants to solve a problem in a situation where honest functioning is more important than appearances or popularity. Interest in healing naturally without drugs.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing crying Indian children. In waking life, he was becoming frustrated by difficulties at a new job he was hired for. In this case, the Indian children may have reflected his frustration with the job not functioning as well as he had hoped, and his desire for everything to work properly and smoothly.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing an Indian doctor. In waking life, he was taking vitamin supplements to treat an illness through natural methods. He wanted natural healing because he believed that modern medicine didn't work. In this case, the Indian doctor may have reflected his ability to improve his health by using vitamin supplements that worked when standard medicine didn't.

Example 3: A woman had waking visions of people in Indian clothing. In waking life, she was blind and oddly beginning to see hallucinations. In this case, the people in Indian clothing may have reflected her feelings about talking to people about her eyesight functioning with seeing hallucinations after being blind for years.

Inuit People

To dream of seeing an Inuit represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that is adept or comfortable under terrible, unbearable, or adverse conditions. You may be adapting well to a problem or are becoming accustomed to being surrounded by people with significant challenges. Surviving unbearableness without a problem. Adaptability, resilience, and survival skills.

Negatively, an Inuit person may represent you or someone else that scares people with how comfortable with their ability to cope under terrible or unbearable conditions. Becoming accustomed to and living with unbearable conditions instead of choosing to change.

Example: A man dreamed of being dressed in an Inuit suit with 2 men about to push him over an edge into the sea. In waking life, the man was putting up with a lot of stress with work, home, and relationships. In this case, the Inuit symbolism may have reflected the man's ability to adapt and survive through his difficult life circumstances. The Inuit suit may represent his resilience and ability to cope with the stress and challenges he faces. However, the two men pushing him over the edge into the sea may indicate his fear of being overwhelmed or pushed beyond his limits despite his ability to cope. The dream may be a reflection of his subconscious concerns about the pressure and stress he is facing and his ability to maintain his resilience and adaptability.

Iranian People

To dream of Iranian people represents an aspect of the personality with a mindset that respects itself acceptable that never stops thinking that's important. Respecting itself acceptable for whatever it's doing. Respecting itself accepting itself as never embarrassed. Needing to deserve to never say you or anything you are doing are a problem to other people. Respecting yourself acceptable without anyone complaining. Never embarrassing yourself or ruining yourself doing anything that isn't acceptable to other people. It reflects a desire to be seen as acceptable and not embarrassed by one's actions or decisions. It may also indicate a need for validation from others to feel acceptable. Feeling that you are not stupider than someone else because you are supposed to. Traits of being respectable, acceptable, traditional, with quality. Liking thinking you're acceptable to whoever you are talking to.

Negatively, Iranian people may reflect overdoing respecting oneself being acceptable. Feeling concerned about being perfect or good enough. Anxiety or sensitivity about how positive you're seen by others. It may also reflect sensitivity about how attractive you are. Thinking that other people liking you or agreeing with you is all that matters. Anxiety about embarrassing yourself. Iranian people may also reflect caring too much about what other people think. Overdoing vanity that's scared people don't accept you all the time. Taking it personal for ever having to say anything about yourself isn't acceptable. Overly concerned with how you are perceived by others, and may need to find a balance between self-acceptance and validation from others. An excessive need for validation from others, leading to anxiety or sensitivity about how one is perceived by others. It may also suggest a preoccupation with physical appearance or caring too much about what other people think.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing an Iranian. In waking life he was recovering from a traumatizing health condition that aged him. The Iranian reflected his oversensitivity about his youthful appearance being the only reason anyone would ever accept him. It may have felt that he couldn't respect himself acceptable if he looked aged. The man may have been overly concerned with how he is perceived by others, and may need to find a balance between self-acceptance and validation from others.

Iraqi People

To dream of Iraqi people represents aspects of your personality with an mindset that's respecting itself all the time never seeing anything it does as a problem to someone else. Respecting yourself without a problem that never embarrasses anyone else. Respecting yourself all the time is important without having to say it. Respecting yourself all the time perfectly with nobody getting back at you for it. Nothing difficult about respecting yourself all the time the way you think you should.

Positively, it reflects permanently believing in your life never cancelling anything important enough to let you be a person. A permanent belief in oneself and a desire to avoid embarrassment or cancellation of anything that makes one who they are. Not wanting to hear about anyone else doing anything fake about respecting themselves because it's important to have trust, reliability, and permanence. Not embarrassing yourself for the rest of your life with something that doesn't work. Never wanting to see yourself say you don't respect yourself.

Negatively, a mindset that overdoes respecting itself all the time never seeing anything it does as a problem to someone else. Overdoing thinking it's important to respect yourself all the time without having to say it to the point that it's dishonest or immoral.

To dream of an Iraqi person rejecting your offer or request may reflect people in your life that don't think they can believe in themselves all the time the same way that you do because what you're asking doesn't let them think their lives matter. Not wanting to be a foreigner or outsider that doesn't believe in themselves around other people while other people are.

Dreaming about Iraq is common for those who watch too much TV news about Iraq, those in the military, or those who have family in the military. It can also represent anxiety about military deployments.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of Iraqi troops invading America and taking over the whole city. In waking life, she began a mental breakdown soon after. In this case, the Iraqi troops taking over the city may reflect her feelings about all her socializing shutting off, as she felt that doctors' advice was crucial to reestablishing mental health so that she could continue to respect herself without issue.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being in Japan and then suddenly being in Iraq. While in Iraq she tries to get Iraqi people to come with her, but then don't trust it and move passed her. In waking life she was planning to move away to Japan for a year to teach Japanese which required her to move to Japan all alone. In this case, the Iraqi symbolism may have reflected the response she felt from people who rejected her request to move with her to Japan because moving to another country is a big deal and people close to her would prefer to respect themselves all the time speaking english comfortably in their home country and not live as an non-Japanese speaking foreigner.

Example 3: A teenage girl dreamed of reading a newspaper article about a soldier finding a brain random lying around in Iraq and a press conference gala dinner was held. In waking life, a person she knew recently came home from the hospital after having brain surgery. In this case, Iraq may have reflected the dreamer's view of the person who got brain surgery fighting their brain diagnosis with surgery because having use of your brain all the time is important to respect yourself.

Example 4: A teenage girl dreamed of her Dad's office calling to inform her that her Dad had to stay for the Iraq war. In waking life, her Dad was quarantined in China during the SARS pandemic. In this case, the Iraq war may reflect her feelings about the Chinese government fighting the SARS pandemic to restore the country's sense of self-respect and eliminate the SARS problem, as this was important for the economy and normal daily life.

Irish People

To dream of Irish people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that respects itself believing that being accepted all the time is important. Thoughts about other people needing to be accepted the way they are or a relationship won't work. Feeling good being accepted with certainty. Social encounters where friendly acceptance matters. Feeling good that acceptance is what is most important. Respecting oneself or others never being told you're weird. Respecting yourself or others never being laughed at. Feelings about needing acceptance of a situation without question.

Positively, it reflects optimism or cheerfulness no matter what problems arise. Feeling good being accepted the way you are. Feeling good that nothing is ignoring you. Feeling good that someone is not being a snob to you when others are. Enjoying staying upbeat or looking at the bright side. Supportiveness of accepting others. Feeling good being accepted with professional or adult integrity without question. Acceptance that carries you socially. Acceptance that cancels ignorance. Snobbiness isn't acceptable. A situation that feels nice that you are accepted somehow.

Negatively, an Irish person may reflect a mindset that is overdoing respecting itself with acceptance being important. Jealousy of not being accepted, snobbiness, or behavior that is unfriendly. Talking to someone that makes you feel that you have to accept them too much. Not talking about a problem because someone might get angry and you feel that maintaining a friendship is more important. Fighting, losing a temper, or getting angry for not being accepted by someone else the way you are. Friendliness or maintaining good first impressions when meeting someone that's exhausting to you. Behavior that believes it deserves to be accepted by others or it gets angry. Corruption that is fantastic at believably making others feel good being accepted before robbing them. Issues with people in waking life that need your acceptance. Behavior that won't trust you unless you tell it that nothing is weird about it.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing an angry Irish person. In waking life, he had met someone in another country at a hotel and then felt that they were angry at him at the end of the vacation after treating him wonderful. The dreamer was tired at the end of the vacation and didn't have the same energy as the other person. In this case, the Irish person may have reflected the dreamer's belief that the person he met on vacation had a mindset that thought being tireless with friendliness and acceptance was always important when the dreamer oppositely felt tired and ready to go home. He was aware of the person he met on vacation feeling rejected or treated snobbily when he didn't intend that towards him.

Example 2: A person dreamed of an Irish man saying that "religion came before country" and that they would shoot people who weren't devout. In waking life, the dreamer was very anti-religious. In this case, the Irish man may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about having an argument with someone who was much more serious than he was about believing that God and organized religion needed to be accepted as important without question.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a sign fixed to a gas pump that said "Irish fuel" while sitting in his car. In waking life, he felt really exhausted with low energy. In this case, the Irish fuel may have reflected the dreamer needing to find a source of motivation or inspiration that comes from a place of acceptance and support, rather than one that is driven by pressure or obligation.

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of a man who reminded her of her Irish uncle. In waking life, she was best friends with a man who lived in another country. The man was married to an abusive woman and couldn't escape the marriage due to fear of her and his culture. In this case, the Irish feeling of the man may have reflected her feelings about how difficult it felt to talk to her male best friend while the abusive relationship he was in needed to be accepted the way it was.

Example 5: A young man dreamed of being inside an Irish pub. In waking life, he was experiencing trust issues with people who were involved in stealing and drug abuse. In this case, the Irish pub may have reflected his initial feelings of acceptance and enjoyment of socializing with these friends before realizing their negative behaviors.

Italian People

To dream of Italian people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that's never impotent to perfectly believe in itself with family life without a worry. Behavior that likes situations working out beautifully with nothing jealous about being little. Feeling surrounded by people or situations that respect themselves never being impotent to like what's happening with a sense of being supported by people around you. Aspects of your personality that think it's ridiculous that you shouldn't like a situation working out beautifully. Feelings about family or friends during events such as a wedding or family vacation where it's important to respect everyone enjoying it being "beautiful." An aspect of yourself that believes that everything should work out beautifully while you like who you are with. Behavior that likes looking good and being confident with professionalism.

Negatively, an Italian person may represent an aspect of yourself that overdoes never being impotent to perfectly believe in itself with family life without a worry. Overdoing feeling good never thinking about being impotent about some area of your life. Feelings about needing to be strong about supporting someone with a situation working out beautifully when you don't want to. Dishonesty or criminality that likes never being treated as impotent or little. Bravado that doesn't even think of other people as a person. Feeling that it's important to feel good about other people being taken seriously even if you don't want to. Fearing why a situation needs to work out beautifully for other people with your support. Feeling surrounded by people who don't feel safe if you aren't liking them. Fear of someone that has to like themself never being impotent or little no matter what they do. Behavior that is criminal, awful, or ignorant about getting back at you for not respecting it or liking it the way it said.

Example: A young man dreamed of being told to go to a place to get a job. He asked if it was an Italian place and the person said no. In waking life, he was getting his life back on track after being homeless. He wanted a job that didn't require paying too much taxes so he could like his like helping his family, like his life, and fall in love. In this case, questioning whether a job was an Italian place may have reflected his search for a job that allows him to live a fulfilling and enjoyable life that works out beautifully without feeling impotent or jealous of excessive taxes.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of her brother's wedding being held in Italy. In waking life, her brother was about to get married in Los Angeles. In this case, the wedding being held in Italy may have reflected her feelings about the wedding expected to be a beautiful family life event that was important for her brother to remember without embarrassment or jealousy for the rest of his life with everyone in attendance respecting it as such by dressing up and acting accordingly.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of fighting with her boyfriend at an Italian restaurant. In waking life, doubts about the relationship were beginning. In this case, the Italian restaurant may have reflected her feelings about her expectations for a strong relationship that allows them to continually enjoy being in love without jealousy before problems began.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of an Italian restaurant going out of business. In waking life, she belonged to a riding club that was about to go out of business. In this case, the Italian restaurant may have reflected her feelings about the riding club allowing her to feel that everything in her life was working out beautifully with success because she could afford it while being supported by people at the riding club with a sense of family.

*Please See Romans

Japanese People

To dream of Japanese people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that is passionate about deserving to respect itself with honesty accepted all the time. Combined qualities of thinking that are highly disciplined, honorable, traditional, respectful, and orderly. Respecting itself believing in honesty all the time. Respecting onesself not liking anything out of order, immoral, dangerous, or dishonorable at all. Feeling that honestly honoring agreements or obligations is important. Being honorable enough to see something through until the end.

Negatively, dreaming about Japanese people represents aspects of the personality with a mindset that is overdoing being passionate about deserving to respect itself with honesty accepted all the time. Sensitivity about deserving respectful appearances of total honesty, perfect orderliness, perfect respect, or perfect professionalism. Feeling that it's impossible to honestly honor agreements or obligations you made. Feeling that you need to perfectly follow through on something in order to deserve respect. Feelings about people being angry with you for not being perfectly honest, clean, or professional.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a Japanese style church. In waking life she was frustrated over the current condition of her church not being faithful enough. In this case the Japanese style church may have reflected her own disciplined and respectful mindset, which is passionate about deserving to respect itself with honesty accepted all the time, and is seeking a spiritual community that reflects those values.

Example 2: A man dreamed of a Japanese man killing his friend. In waking life he had lost his confidence and was feeling down. In this case the Japanese man attacking his friend may have reflected he feelings about having his confidence hurt or withdrawn because he wasn't perfect enough to deserve someone else's respect.

Example 3: A woman dreamed being in a room with people wearing Japanese style robes. In waking life she had been catching up with old friends of whom she had no good or bad personal feelings about, but was careful to respect their feelings. In this case the Japanese symbolism may have reflected her mindset of being highly disciplined and respectful towards her friends the entire time talking to them, even if she didn't have strong personal feelings about them.

Example 4: A man had of a lot of Japanese symbolism in his dream such as a Japanese apartment, Japanese horror movie, and a Japanese Ghost demon. In waking life he was being separated from the military for being underweight and worried about his separation papers costing him a lot of money on uniforms due to mistakes in the forms. The Japanese symbolism in this case may have reflected his feelings about the military requiring him to respect himself honoring his obligations to deserve to remain a qualified soldier with a healthy weight.

*Please See Japan

Jewish People

To dream of Jewish people represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that deserves to accept itself as "just honest, nothing special" so that a situation works by not overlooking anything. A thinking style that feels nothing is personal about being "just honest." Eyefullness of about not doing anything wrong or dishonest at all. You or someone else that rejects anything that isn't perfectly proper, clean, or healthy. Perfect compliance with rules or policies. You or someone else that is behaving a manner that is perfectly honest about needing a fact respected. A sense of obligation and responsibility to adhere to facts. No sense of humor if you don't want to do something the right way.

Positively, Jewish people represent a positive attitude towards never doing anything immoral or guilty at all. Every fact, rule, or detail having to be adhered to in order to make a situation work. Attention to detail that makes something the best there is. Not wanting to embarrass others at all. Perfectly concerned with the integrity of friends or family. Family life enforcement of honesty on others to their benefit. Strict rules needing to be followed for protection. Feeling good not being guilty about a single thing because you follow all the rules. Feelings about people with financial expertise or those who have achieved financial success through their hard work, discipline, and wise investments. Not wasting an opportunity.

Negatively, a Jewish person may represent a mindset that is overdoing deserving to accept itself as "just honest, nothing special" so that a situation works by not overlooking anything. An overbearing mindset that demands strict adherence to rules, regulations, or policies. It can reflect a meticulous need to overlook nothing and leave no room for error. Hypocritical behavior that demands honesty from others but fails to practice it themselves. Annoyance with someone who is too honest, or a fear of not complying with policies. Controlling parents or authority figures who prioritize responsible behavior to an excessive degree. Taking advantage of dishonest opportunities with perfect professionalism, suggesting greed or an opportunistic attitude towards life. An "asshole" that is so by the book honest it ruins everything you planned. Annoyance with someone who is too honest. Fearing not complying with policies. A dishonest use of honesty as means to deny someone power or freedom.

To dream of an evil Jewish person may reflect people or situations that you feel are going overboard being concerned with something being proper or honest. Feeling afraid or frustrated with a requirement for perfect adherence to a high level of honesty or rules. A difficult or demanding situation in your life that requires a high level of honesty, causing fear or anxiety. A jerk or scary situation in your life that demands too much honesty from you. Fear of telling the truth. It may also reflect feelings that something is unfair or "too good" for you. Fear or anger with something that is too perfect for you to do yourself. It may also represent your own tendency to be insensitive or mean in order to make sure a situation is "kosher" or has nothing wrong with it. Feelings about parents being mean to you about the truth or following rules.

To dream of being held captive by Jewish people may reflect feelings about feeling trapped in a situation that demands too much honesty. Feeling trapped or held back by unfair policies. Negatively, it may reflect feelings about authority figures in your life holding you back because you are not honest enough to be independent. Feelings about parents or an authority figure never letting go of you because you aren't honest or adhering to rules enough.

Example: A woman dreamed of an evil Jewish couple. In waking life she felt her parents didn't want to be involved in her life when she was experiencing challenging times. The evil Jewish couple reflected her view of her parents attitude of "just honest, nothing special" while withholding interest or willingness to know her until her life was in perfectly in order.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing Jewish people discussing the rituals of a funeral. In waking life the man was aware of himself creating impossible financial requirements for his son in order to avoid having to give him $200,000 that was promised because he was jealous of his son moving away to paradise with the money. In this case the Jewish people may have reflected the father behaving in a manner that was "just honest, nothing special" towards his son by not overlooking rules and obligations that were designed to make the son feel it was too too challenging to leave the country.

Example 3: A middle aged woman dreamed of finding herself walking around a large and exquisitely furnished apartment where Jewish people are going about their business without paying any attention to her. Despite being impressed by the apartment's beauty, she feels a sense of exclusion and sadness because she believes that she and her family could never afford to live there. In waking life she was experiencing financial worries and fear of her financial future. In this case the The Jewish people in the dream may represent the financial elite or those who have achieved financial success through their hard work, discipline, and wise investments. The dreamer may feel a sense of envy towards those who seem to have everything figured out, including financial experts that she cannot afford to consult.

Mexican People

To dream of Mexican people represents aspects of your personality that respects itself believing in itself. A staunch attitude about believing in yourself as something you're always supposed to do. Respecting yourself never being a fake or phony all the time. Asserting yourself with people who want you to change things that you've grown accustom to. Refusing to change because you won't respect yourself believing in yourself if you do. A perfectly stubborn negotiation where you show someone you have nothing to lose, aren't fake, and don't need them. Respecting yourself never needing to talk to someone you believe isn't good enough to talk to you.

Negatively, a Mexican may reflect overdoing respecting yourself believing in yourself. Not being afraid to take risk or believing in yourself pushing limits that go over the line. Not noticing anything fake that is scary. Socializing that isn't desperate about not needing people. Feeling that someone is crazy for not changing. Confronting ingrained attitudes or habits. Arrogantly showing off telling people how much you don't care. Feeling that someone doesn't respect you because you aren't exciting enough. Feelings of dangerous incompetent emptiness because someone prefers to feel good first. Talking to yourself about going through with suicidal plans. Not liking changing bad habits because you like yourself without needing to quit (smoking, drinking, etc.)

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful Mexican woman. In waking life he kept getting disappointed that a woman he thought liked him would never want to talk to him. The Mexican woman in this case may have reflected his feelings about the beautiful woman respecting herself believing in herself confident due to her higher level of attractiveness that made him feel that she didn't need to talk to him. She was confident socially without him making him feel that he wasn't respected because he wasn't exciting enough to speak to no matter how many times he tried.

Example 2: A man dreamed of sitting on a couch with a dangerous Mexican youth. In waking life he was considering killing himself because his life wasn't very exciting. In this case the Mexicans on the couch may have reflected aspects of the man's personality that were not afraid to take risks or not afraid go over the line believing in themselves to commit suicide.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing Mexicans. In waking life he had failed to keep himself off cigarettes with a new method of quitting he tried. In this case the Mexicans in the dream may have reflected his feelings about friends who respected themselves believing in themselves as smokers with no pressure to quit while the dreamer felt pressure to quit and didn't like himself as a non-smoker.

Middle Eastern People

To dream of Middle Eastern people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that respects itself staying safe never being a little person while other people are watching. Behavior that respects itself never being little about whatever it's seen doing while people are watching.

Positively, dreaming about Middle Eastern people may represent a respect for tradition, a strong sense of community, and the importance of maintaining relationships and harmony. A part of your personality that values stability, respect for elders or authority figures, and the wisdom of established practices. This mindset might be beneficial in situations that require diplomacy, understanding of complex social dynamics, and adherence to cultural norms. Maintaining a sense of dignity and stability. Respects itself thinking it's important to not be erased from mattering as much as someone else. Behavior that is intelligent about never saying anything empty to other people. Behavior that saves itself from ever being disrespected with being treated little. Feeling good being corrected or supported by someone who spares you the embarrassment of looking little while other people are watching. Feeling that listening to your father is safe or intelligent to do.

Negatively, dreaming about Middle Eastern people may represent prioritizing maintaining authority and respect to prevent emptiness, perhaps to the point of being unwilling to engage in open dialogue or consider alternative viewpoints. A strong sense of cultural or familial hierarchy, where authority and respect are paramount, and where questioning or challenging this structure is not welcomed. Behavior that may be irrational or refuse to listen if you don't see it as important in some way. An excessive focus on maintaining authority and respect to the point of stifling open communication and new ideas. A tendency to prioritize traditional structures or familial expectations over personal growth and individual expression. Being overwhelmed or constrained by an environment that is rigid in its hierarchy and resistant to change, leading to frustration and a sense of being undervalued or unheard. Old fashioned or difficult family members. Feeling stifled by your father or a male authority figure.

Example: A man dreamed of Middle Eastern people coming to permanently live inside his house. In waking life, he was about to get married and felt that his fiance's family was impossible to rationalize with. He felt that he was about to be stuck with an extended family who didn't listen to him. In this case, the Middle Eastern people may have reflected his feelings about his in-laws as individuals who prioritize maintaining family authority and respect regarding how the wedding should be conducted, perhaps to the point of being unwilling to engage in open dialogue or consider alternative viewpoints while not being empty about being around him as a new family member.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being involved in a gruesome knife fight in the Middle East. In waking life, he held progressive ideas and felt that the school he attended was highly resistant to embracing novel concepts. He engaged in a conflict with someone at the school to assert his right to be heard, but this only intensified the irrational opposition he encountered. In this case, the Middle Eastern people may have reflected the man's feelings about being overpowered by people who prioritize respect and authority of established school policy because they didn't want to look little being wrong with other people watching them do their jobs managing the school.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing 2 Middle Eastern men riding away from him in the distance in a perfect sunny day. In waking life, he was corrected by a friend with 2 problems that might have made him look little as though he didn't know what he was doing while other people were watching him.

*Please See Arab People

*Please See Saudi Arabian People

*Please See Muslim People

Mulatto People

To dream of a mulatto or half breed person represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that stays safe by never accepting negativity. Feeling good about being safe about liking your life without anything saying you aren't. Unstoppably noticing safety or family life when nobody else wants to. Behavior that feels good not noticing negative things about itself. Likeableness that has to stay safe. Being likeable isn't difficult. Safety in being likeable. Staying safe while liking not thinking about anything wrong happening. Behavior that notices perfect safety that is louder about thinking about problems. Respecting oneself permanent with never wanting to experiencing anything ugly, boring, or unfair. Thinking of why things work out is what you should be focusing on. Behavior in yourself or others that feels that being optimistic is mandatory or important to feel as standard. Staying safe never accepting yourself as a loser. Having to be safe while everyone likes it.

Positively, mulatto people may reflect situations where you or other people feel that it's important to feel good being secure. Feeling that it's important to love what you are doing. Always having something optimistic to say. Protective of people's feelings. Not liking being too serious. Nothing is wrong with yourself like you should always feel good believing in that.

Negatively, dreaming of a mulatto person represents likeableness that is too strong to do anything to stop or ruins you putting up with it. Likableness that overrides all rationality or objectivity. Likability that's dishonest. A preference for wanting to feel good that may be exhausting or annoying. Jealous of why proving yourself shouldn't be important. Likeableness that will notices it counts is nothing stops supporting a problem. Dishonesty that doesn't have to do anything except think or say it's not safe. Not liking yourself having to say things about yourself that you don't want to say. Behavior that sees itself too serious about never wanting to hear about a problem. Perfectly not thinking of anything negative that might cause people to be stuck with problems. Adorableness that doesn't see itself as a problem that is ruining your life because you have to like it no matter what. Ignoring terrible problems because they might get back at you if you don't think of ignoring them all the time. People need to like you or you don't know what to do with yourself. Overdoing respecting yourself proving yourself and staying safe never admitting it. Overrelying on being likeable that doesn't work after a while. Staying safe ignoring other people's problems. Adorable behavior that did something dangerous or immoral and never thinks of itself as negative. Feeling good about being permanent about liking your life when something bad overshadows your life. An attitude that thinks thinking of negativity isn't your job. Being in love with someone being in love with themselves liking their life.

Example: A woman dreamed of being attracted to a mulatto man. In waking life she still had feelings for her ex who was in prison. The attractive mulatto man may have reflected her unstoppable family life support to feel good about her ex even though he was a dangerous criminal who deserved to be in prison. She was feeling good about him while not noticing his problem with incarceration.

Example 2: A man dreamed of a mulatto people. In waking life he was refused to listen to a boss that told him he had to prove himself in a way that felt ridiculously excessive that had once chance until the boss cancelled the offer permanently requiring the employee to live with the consequences of never listening that preferred to feel good being alive instead living with their decision. In this case the mulatto people may have reflected the man's feelings about wanting to stay safe while feeling good ignoring his boss's serious demands.

Example 3: A man dreamed that his best friend's girlfriend gave birth to a mulatto child. In waking life his best friend was recently diagnosed with cancer. In this case the mulatto child may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his best friend's cancer diagnosis making people feel good about the new child having to safely like their life no matter what because the best friend's potential death overshadows the birth.

*Please See Biracial People

Pakistani People

To dream of Pakistani people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that is respecting itself being as perfect as can be about thinking it's important that embarrassment never occurred. Trust in listening being important as why nothing is allowed to notice embarrassment ever again. A thinking style that doesn't embarrass itself listening to anything that isn't important. Listening to why embarrassment doesn't happen twice. Great emphasis on social etiquette. A mindset that are very concerned with not being embarrassed at all. An aspect of your personality that is very sensitive about not being embarrassed or made a fool of to protect pride. You or someone else that wishes to be noticed by others as intelligent or equal as a priority. Sensitivity about wanting dignity or respect before all else.

Negatively, a Pakistani person may reflect a mindset that overdoing respecting itself being as perfect as can be about thinking it's important that embarrassment never occurred. Indignant attitude towards anything small embarrassing you. Deceptive tactics used to prevent embarrassment. It may also reflect a terrible attitude towards anyone who isn't treating you as an equal. Caring too much about thinking it's important nothing embarrassing happens at all to the point other people can feel it.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a Pakistani man. In waking life he was concocting a giant lie about having had sex with a girl so he wouldn't be embarrassed being noticed as a virgin. In this case the Pakistani man may have reflected the dreamer's inner conflict between his desire to avoid embarrassment and his belief in the importance of social etiquette and honesty. He may have thought it was important to lie to avoid embarrassment of being laughed at for being a virgin to respect himself being young man.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a Pakistani man being questioned about women's rights and pregnant women's timesheets for women 2 weeks away before their due dates. The man was trying to defend Pakistan's outlook on women's rights. In waking life the women was very interested in getting a new job. In this case the Pakistani man may have reflected the woman's feelings about a potential future employer trying to explain her why the company thought it was important to never embarrass women with unequal working conditions.

Portuguese People

To dream of a Portuguese person represents an aspect of your personality with a mindset that is respectful of having to deserve to be seen believing in itself without a problem. Family life is important while believing in itself without a problem. Acting it's age while it believes in itself without a problem. Deserving to be confident that nobody said you didn't believe in yourself without a problem. Feeling that you should not deserve to be impotent to believe in yourself without a problem. Preferring to project yourself as problemless. Feeling good knowing you aren't desperate. Confidence that nobody can undermine your belief in yourself. Express emotions and opinions in a way that feels more comfortable and authentic.

Negatively, a Portuguese person in a dream represents overdoing overconfidence being seen believing in yourself without a problem. Feeling that you've earned with you have so you don't have to save anyone else. Overdoing deserving to not be impotent to believe in yourself without a problem. Overconfidence about noticing nothing is losing.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Portuguese man playing soccer like he was the best at it in a stadium. In waking life he was very respectful of being honest about deserving to be the best researcher in his field. In this case the Portuguese man may have reflected his own mindset of being confident and deserving to believe in himself without a problem because he was obsessed with his work.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of his mother turning into Kamala Harris in a cop uniform who argued that cops made society safe. The dreamer responded in Portuguese "safe?" In waking life the dreamer had experienced a trauma of his family nearly being killed by cops while being annoyed his cop uncle. In this case the dreamer speaking in Portuguese may have reflected the dreamer's desire to express his emotions and opinions about cops in a way that feels more comfortable and authentic to him, rather than conforming to societal or familial expectations about cops. He may have felt his cop Uncle family prevented him from believing in himself without a problem and didn't feel it was fair to accept it.

Puerto Rican People

To dream of Puerto Rican people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that controls itself and believes in itself without a problem, while respecting family life. You are not easily intimidated by disasters or difficulties, as you understand the importance of family support. A mindset that "Isn't terrified of why anything is a disaster that has to notice family life. Insensitive about what being said because people have to do things together or not waste time fixing the problem. Behavior that is controlling itself believing in itself with family life. A thinking stye that doesn't mind every single that's happening because it confident about family support without a problem. Controlling itself passionate about believing in itself with family honesty. Arguments aren't a problem, but what has to be said has to be said. Realistic responses are what you want to hear when you have an argument.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in Puerto Rico with a Puerto Rican person with a sense of effortless communication while while running over hills and swimming together. Eventually, she lost track of the man and went down a path of dangerous lions. In waking life, she was experiencing stress at work, family problems, and had recently gone through a painful breakup with her boyfriend who quickly moved on to someone else. In this case the Puerto Rican symbolism may have reflected her feelings about her relationship with her ex-boyfriend having previously made talking away problems with other people easier with a "nothing is a disaster family life" feeling. Now that she was single, she may have found that people didn't have to like her the same way.

Romanian People

To dream of Romanian people represents aspects of your personality with a mindset that isn't mean about noticing itself respecting what matters most. Isn't mean about something difficult while noticing other people have to like something about it. Isn't mean about why you are currently not doing the best you could when you should want to. Isn't mean about being kinder than you thought. A mindset that is insensitive about noticing it's thinking about why you could be better than you are. A call to embrace a more assertive or self-focused attitude, while still being mindful of the needs and feelings of others. Hearing insensitive truth that isn't mean about wanting you to like listening to it. A balanced mindset that isn't mean, while respectful of what truly matters. Insensitive truth that notices itself wanting a situation to work out nicely.

Negatively, dreaming of Romanian people may represents situations where you may not currently be performing at your best but encourages you to strive for improvement. A need to listen to the truth, even if it is uncomfortable or difficult to hear, without feeling attacked or offended. An attitude that isn't mean about talking to you about why you should like something better for yourself. Insensitive advice that you know is true that lets you make up your own mind not wanting to hurt your feelings.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing 2 or three Romanian women sitting at a table. In waking life felt that it was shameful to smoke in front of her step aunt and her 2 twins. In this case the Romanian people may have reflected his feelings about family pressure that insensitively communicates that smoking is unintelligent for his health and influencing young people while kindly noticing they let him make his own decision to quit.



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