To dream of an adventurer represents an aspect of yourself that seeks out new challenges or exciting experiences. Trying new things, taking chances, or attempting to expand your horizons.
To dream of an adversary represents people or situations that are antagonistic to your wishes or goals.
To dream of confronting an adversary may represent a conflict or a fear that you are facing in waking life.
*Please See Counselor
To dream of being an advocate for a cause represents a desire to encourage change. It may also reflect your loyalty to certain people. You may be very devoted to something or strongly support of certain ideas. You may have firmly held beliefs or opinions.
To dream of an agent represents an aspect yourself that does everything on another's behalf. You or someone else that does all the work for someone else so that they don't have to. Acting or speaking for someone else.
Negatively, an agent may reflect avoidance. It may also be a sign that you are too willing to let others do your bidding or make your decisions for you.
To dream of being an agent represents your attempt to speak for others or manage someone else's affairs. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are too controlling over someone else's life.
*Please See Secret Agent
*Please See Realtor
Albert Einstein
To dream of Albert Einstein represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people (or getting the most attention for) for being assumed the most intelligent person there is about a subject like it's always easy. Behavior that feels like it's always successful about having the right answers. Feelings about intelligent concepts explained to you like it's interesting and easy.
Negatively, dreaming about Albert Einstein may represent too much focus on yourself needing to get attention or being seen as the most incredibly intelligent person there is about a subject like it's always easy by people around you. Unrealistic expectations to be the most intelligent person you know that distracts you from focusing. The narcissism of always expecting to look good assumed or talked about as most intelligent that distracts you from focusing. Feeling that it's awesome or entertaining to like science for the most popular, fun, or interesting parts that doesn't really like thinking intelligent beyond that part. Feeling disillusioned about a serious or difficult matter that was initially explained to you in the most intelligent, interesting, or fun way because you don't like how serious the subject matter becomes once you're personally involved with it. A decreasing interest in difficult subjects as the initial excitement and fascination wane over time. Dependency on someone more intelligent than yourself to make difficult subjects seem easy and interesting.
Example: A woman dreams of attending a lecture by Albert Einstein. He explains the theory of relativity in a way that is easy to understand. She is amazed by his brilliance and inspired to enroll in physics class. In waking life, she was struggling in her physics class. She was having trouble understanding the material and feeling discouraged. In this case, Albert Einstein may have reflected her feelings about being disillusioned by the difficulty of physics after initially being sold on the idea of taking the class by a teacher or other students involved who talked about the most interesting novel concepts of physics like they were easy.
Example 2: A man dreamed of working in a laboratory with Albert Einstein collaborating on a groundbreaking experiment. He had a lot of excitement and anticipation about changing the world with their discovery. In waking life, he was feeling stuck in his scientific research. He was not making any progress and starting to doubt his abilities. In this case, Einstein may have reflected his initial interest in the most interesting novel parts of his scientific research while being unable to do anything except aspire to intellectual greatness while slowly realizing that progress wasn't possible. Einstein may have also reflected his feelings about getting attention or talking to people intelligently about his theory and not wanting to give up out of fear of looking stupid that nothing he was working on was as intelligent as he thought.
Example 3: A child dreamed of flying through space with Albert Einstein exploring different galaxies and planets. They were filled with wonder to learn about the vastness and mystery of the universe. In waking life, he was fascinated by science and astronomy and always asking his teacher questions. In this case, Einstein may have reflected his feelings about how interesting and easy science and astronomy were to learn with the aid of a teacher explaining the most interesting parts. The dream may also hint at the child's dependency on their interesting teacher to enjoy science and astronomy while not liking learning about it alone.
Alicia Keys
To dream of Alicia Keys represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's feeling good believing in itself in control of itself while deserving to make people see who you are as a person that's never afraid. Never being angry while deserving to be certain you are never afraid while believing in yourself for who you are as a person. A sense of empowerment and self-worth, where you feel deserving of recognition and respect for who you are as a person, without succumbing to fear or anger. Showcasing your true self without fear.
Positively, dreaming about Alicia Keys might symbolize a strong sense of self, emotional intelligence, and the ability to maintain composure in challenging situations. Your ability to stay true to yourself and your values, even in the face of adversity or societal pressures. This dream could also indicate a period of self-acceptance and confidence, where you feel comfortable in your skin and confident in your decisions. Feeling good responsible about not being afraid to be who you are to other people. A desire to showcase your true self to others without fear or hesitation. Feel at ease with who you are and secure in your choices while being aware of yourself getting attention.
Negatively, dreaming about Alicia Keys may represent situations overdoing feeling good respecting yourself for the rest of your life living without fear for the sake of appearances that other people might not be as interested in as you are. Situations where you might overdo being in control of yourself being unafraid for appearances. Situations where you don't like being fear being forced on you to accept yourself for who you are as a person. A disconnect between your outward confidence and inner insecurities, or you might be putting too much emphasis on appearing strong and unshakeable.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing Alicia Keys on a train nagging him to not take LSD which made him put the LSD away. In waking life, he wanted to purchase psychedelic mushrooms from a local store when the store was questionable legally and still controversial. The store required you to register yourself on a computer in order to make a purchase and had been raided by police once already. He was experienced taking hallucinogenics to the point that he spoke to a group of people about believing that it was never a good idea to take hallucinogenics while afraid. He didn't want to fear the police after making his purchase so he refused to make one. In this case, Alicia Keys may have reflected feelings about himself being experienced and in control of himself with hallucinogenics (Keys experience with piano) talking to a group of people about deserving to never be afraid for who you are (Alicia Keys) while ingesting them to enjoy the experience better.
To dream of an ambassador represents an aspect of yourself that is diplomatic or conciliatory. You or someone else that is trying to deal with people in a sensitive and effective way. It may also reflect an attempt to bridge tensions or conflict.
Angelina Jolie
To dream of Angelina Jolie represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else (or gets more attention) for being uniquely beautiful about not having to care about what other people think while liking what you're doing never has to stop. Getting attention while not being under attack for ever having to explain yourself to anyone for anything.
Negatively, dreaming about Angelina Jolie represents attention-getting behavior that scares you that it doesn't see itself as dangerous while being uniquely beautiful about not having to care about that other people think that never has to stop.
To dream of an archaeologist represents you or someone else that is trying to bring something from the past back. Finding value in old relationships, habits, or situations. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are viewing old problems like they are good thing.
Example: A man dreamed of an archaeologist talking to him. In waking life he was beginning to have feelings for an old girlfriend that he had had a horrible falling out with. The archaeologist represent his attempt to find value in the failed relationship.
To dream of an architect represents meticulous planning or preparation. You or someone else that has thought of every single little thing to make something happen. A perfectly cultivated outcome or situation. An architect in a dream may reflect a wish to make sure that ideas or plans are carried out exactly as intended.
Alternatively, an architect in a dream may reflect superior expertise.
Negatively, an architect may represent abuse of superior expertise or experience.
Ariana Grande
To dream of Ariana Grande represents an aspect of your personality that exudes confidence, independence, while being unapologetically yourself that's impressive to other people with not lying about why it's special. Unapologetic behavior that nothing is personal about respecting itself. Not apologizing for being incredible or special the way you are. Feeling good incredible about being unapologetic for who you are for the rest of your life. Unapologetic behavior that is incredible for why it's not lying about why it more special than someone else. Happily noticing specialness that doesn't think about being ruined. It reflects a strong sense of self-worth and a desire to feel special and unique. You take pride in being attractive and enjoy being treated as someone special. Unapologetic behavior for being yourself that is incredible for why it's possible. Happily noticing specialness that doesn't apologize for never seeing itself ruined. Not being angry for why you deserve to notice yourself special once. Feeling good not caring about something is because your not stupid about why you deserve to be special.
You have a positive and happy attitude towards your specialness and do not feel the need to justify or explain it to anyone. You are incredible at recognizing your uniqueness and are not easily affected by others' negative opinions. You have a strong sense of self-awareness and do not view yourself as inferior to others, regardless of what you are doing.
Negatively, Ariana Grande represents confidence, independence, and being unapologetically yourself that overdoes it or make's people jealous. A personality that matters a lot for why it has something special about it while other people don't like it. Important enough to be special while expecting people to control themselves. Specialness that protected never having say it's doing anything stupid. You are comfortable with standing out and feeling unique, and you may seek validation and affirmation from others to maintain a sense of specialness. An unapologetic attitude about control or professionalism in special circumstances that is causing a problem with other people. Specialness that makes jealous people see you as "not the best" in some other way in order to avoid respecting for your specialness. Feeling that it's a problem to see your unapologetic, confident, and independent with other people thinking you're pushing it. Unapologetic behavior that arrogantly tests it or over deserves to notice boundaries.
Overall, this dream may suggest that you should embrace your unique qualities and talents, but also strive to be considerate and compassionate in your interactions with others.
Example: A young man dreamed Ariana Grande driving her into a lake to commit suicide, but got out of the car before it happened. In waking life he was having a disagreement with his sister about something she posted on Twitter. In this case Ariana Grande may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his sister's comments on Twitter getting a lot of attention trying to make people feel good about her being special in a negative way. Ariana Grande may reveal his perception of his sister's behavior on Twitter as attention-seeking and unapologetic for something special about her which may have led to his feelings of frustration and disagreement with her.
Example 2: A man dreamed of Ariana Grande. In waking life he used a power of attorney before his father's death to legally transfer property when that typically takes a year to avoid waiting for probate. In this case Ariana Grande may have reflected his feelings about himself being special for his relationship with his father before he died allowing him to use a power of attorney to skip waiting times and seize power taking all the money and property like it was impossible for other people to do that while behaving perfectly legal.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
To dream of Arnold Schwarzenegger represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about being stronger than other people and makes other people believe in themselves as well. Feelings about yourself or someone else being a perfect example of a strong man that makes them believe in themselves as well. Feelings of confidence, machismo, and power. Self-image as someone strong, capable, and above the fray. An elevated sense of self, reinforcing the notion that you feel superior or exceptionally capable in some way. The conquering of obstacles, or the achievement of remarkable feats. You may feel inspired to take control of situations and display leadership. Confidence and willpower that sees other thinking about it all the time.
Negatively, dreaming about Arnold Schwarzenegger may represent behavior that needs to show off believing it itself being a perfect example of a strong man or it doesn't want to do anything at all. Overconfident and possibly engaging in behavior that is more showy than substantive. Fears of inadequacy, a struggle with self-image, or concern that you're not 'strong enough' to handle certain challenges. Overemphasis on power, either in yourself or others, that might be overshadowing other important aspects like emotional intelligence, collaboration, or humility. Pressure you may be feeling to maintain this persona of exceptional strength.
Example: A man dreamed of talking to Arnold Schwarzenegger while standing on the roof of a building. In waking life, he was showing off that he could sell homes he owned in order to move to paradise without ever going through with the sale. In this case, talking to Arnold Schwarzenegger may have reflected the man's own feelings of confidence, machismo, and power while feeling good showing off believing in himself stronger than other people needing other people to see it."
Example 2: A young man dreamed of talking to people at his old job about how they were experiencing for difficult times and Arnold Schwarzenegger's grandmother yelled at him. In waking life, he recently returned to his old apprenticeship job after school finished and people were very mean to him about making him go away because times had changed. He felt that his old boss was funny and a father figure, but now his boss never wanted him to come back. In this case, Arnold Schwarzenegger's grandmother may have reflected his feelings about his boss's intuition about safe business operations during hard economic times being safer and more conservative than his usual famous humorous male personality which encouraged him to believe in himself as well.
To dream of an artist represents an aspect of yourself that is creative, unique, or does things different. A reflection of you or someone that is has original ideas. An artist may also reflect eccentricity. Noticing yourself being able to do whatever you want.
An artist may be a sign that you crave recognition or attention. You may have ideas, opinions, or achievements that you want others to notice. An artist may also reflect symbolic or unspoken actions you want others to identify you with. Expressing your true beliefs or thoughts with dramatic actions or words.
Negatively, an artist in a dream may point to creative exhaustion.
Alternatively, an artist may reflect your interest in drawing, painting, or other art form.
Example: A young girl dreamed of an older woman teaching her to paint. In real life she was renewing her interest in painting. The older woman painter reflected her previous experience in art that was motivating her to restart painting and improve her skills.
Example 2: A man dreamed of a slow artist that he felt he had to be patient with. In real life he felt he ha to give a business partner more time to come up with some new ideas.
To dream of an assassin represents an aspect of yourself that is concerned with ending or failing something so it will never be a concern ever again. Being totally focused on eliminating some area of your life for good. Cutting someone off for good using surprise or embarrassment. A desire to never face a problem ever again. Sabotage.
Consider the qualities of the person being assassinated and ask yourself how these qualities may apply to you or a situation in your life.
Alternatively, an assassin may represent your feelings about another person or situation that cares about nothing except insensitively cutting you out of the picture. Your feelings about people who are intentionally focused on getting rid of you. It may symbolize your feelings about someone who has privately made the decision to end a relationship or situation with you. Feeling sabotaged.