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Toilet Paper

To dream of toilet paper represents feeling or thoughts about being perfectly clean, presentable, or trying careful about making sure you don't get embarrassed having overlooked a problem. Not wanting to look stupid thinking you didn't try to be perfect in some way. Reassuring yourself that you don't appear dirty or like a slob to other people.

Negatively, toilet paper may reflect sensitivity about having to be perfectly clean. Trying very hard to ensure that you don't look like a slob. Hurting or embarrassing yourself trying too hard to be perfect about something that is already good enough. Being too tidy or cautious about appearing clean to others.

Example: A man dreamed of using toilet paper. In waking life he made himself feel better by catching up on work that he hadn't finished. The toilet paper in this case may have reflected his wish to reassuring himself that he wasn't going to appear like a lazy slob at work by being perfectly responsible in completing his backlogged workload.


To dream of a toilet represents a possibility or opportunity to get rid of a negative situation. Trying to get rid of psychological waste from your past or move on from a problem. A wish to properly eliminate troubles or concerns. Negative beliefs or experiences that you wish to let go of. You may have personal issues, bad habits, or a life situation that are ready to be given up. Relieving yourself of something in your life that you feel you don't need anymore. Telling the truth after having told a lie.

To dream of being unable to find a toilet represents or that they are all used up represents frustrations that inhibit your ability to care for yourself in a personal way. Too many distractions or obstacles getting in the way to eliminate a problem you have.

To dream of the only toilet available being out in the open and plain view of others represents a lack of privacy or personal time. People in living situations with diminished privacy commonly have this dream.

Cleaning a toilet represents a resurgence in energy or motivation to get rid of beliefs, habits, or an experience you are having. Giving a problem you got another shot. Preparing yourself for a clean break with something negative or undesirable.

Flushing a toilet represents undesirable situations or negative thinking patterns that you are letting go of. Getting rid of something that you don't like or value anymore. "Flushing" bitterness away. Moving on. Growing up.

To dream of a clogged toilet represents problems or setbacks that are holding back progress. You can't finish a problem of or move on. Emotional entanglements.

To dream of being unable to find an toilet available may represent feelings of personal needs being unable to be met due to other people's needs always coming first. Feeling short-changed or lacking the equal time for personal issues that others have. You may need more privacy, self-care, or self-expression.

To dream of a toilet seat cover represents your readiness to address problems.

The toilet set up reflects readiness or openness to confrontation. It may also reflect your courage to finally accept a difficult separation. A toilet seat down reflects an unwillingness to confront problems or feeling that now is not the right time. Dirtying a toilet seat may reflect sloppiness addressing problems.

Example: A woman dreamed of fixing a backed up toilet. In waking life she had finally restored civility and friendship with her ex-husband after years of bitterness. The toilet reflected their ability to get rid of the emotional entanglement.

Example 2: A man dreamed of wanting a toilet, but realizing it was upstairs so he didn't bother with it. In waking life he was meeting up with an old friend from college and was nervous about lying about his achievements after college. He was considering telling the truth, but decided it was too embarrassing to do so. The toilets in this case may have reflected the man's wish to get rid of the dishonest stories that he was planning on telling his old friend.

Example 3: A man dreamed of an overflowing toilet. In waking life he felt overwhelmed by problems as he had to fix other people's problems as well as his own.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her friend having problems using the toilet and needing to be checked in on. In waking life this person was experiencing her friend being very insecure about needing to lose weight.

Example 5: A man dreamed of having to use a toilet that had windows all around it with people looking in. In waking life he was experiencing a very awkward and embarrassing personal problem being exposed to people he knew.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a cat sitting in the toilet bowl under the water that looked up at her. In waking life she was aware of herself have a toxic friendship that she didn't have the courage to permanently end.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of being of clothing being placed in a toilet and needing to get it out. In waking life she felt that people were not respecting her after giving her the impression that they were. She felt used and embarrassed.

*Please See Bathrooms

*Please See Public Bathroom

Toilet Brush

To dream of a toilet brush represents feelings about not wanting to embarrass yourself noticing any remnants or reminders of problems you want to be rid of. It may also reflect a wish be perfectly clean about something negative or dangerous in your life. Not wanting your problems to embarrass you.

Toilet Seat Cover

*Please See Toilets


To dream of a bathroom represents a cleansing process. Confronting issues, negative emotions, or negative life situations.

To dream of dirty bathroom represents difficulties during a cleansing process. A sign that more effort is needed to confront mental and emotional problems or that a current situation is unsupportive of progress.

To dream of cleaning a bathroom represents your attempt to make facing problems easier for yourself. Getting rid of distractions or difficulties that may get in your way as your try to improve yourself.

To dream of not being able to find the bathroom or make it on time represents distractions, pressures, or postponing your own wishes for too long. You're unable to get rid of a problem.

*Please See Toilets

*Please See Urinal

*Please See Public Bathroom


To dream of defecation in a toilet represents cleansing of negative emotions, beliefs, or situations. You may be finished with something in your life. Getting rid of a problem once and for all.

To dream of defecation in an obscene or improper manner represents spoiling something good or creating a problem. It suggests thoughtlessness, and inappropriate thoughts and behaviors. You may be getting rid of a problem in a manner that careless, rude, or irresponsible. Getting rid of a problem in such a way that it creates other problems.

To dream of defecation in front of other people may represent pressure you feel being placed on you to deal with a problem. It may also reflect feelings of embarrassment as you deal with problems out in the open.

To dream of defecating out mice or rats may reflect your attempts to pass your problems off on to other people. Creating problems, the need for lies, underhanded behavior, or conflict because you preferred help yourself get rid of a problem without any consideration for others. It may also reflect problems you are creating for yourself by not getting rid of a problem honestly.

Example: A woman dreamed of her deceased sister defecating on the floor. In waking life she was experiencing her engagement being cancelled by her fiancee and many of her friends starting to turn on her because of it. The defecation on the floor may have reflected the insensitive manner in which her relationship ended creating a mess for her socially.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of defecating in her pants. In waking life she tried to get close to her crush and felt that things she said or did created an embarrassing problem that might make the crush thing something is wrong with her.

*Please See Diarrhea

*Please See Feces


To dream of an outhouse represents a less than desirable option to get rid of your problems. Confidently knowing you can deal with an issue at anytime, but not liking it.



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