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Breast Pump

To dream of a breast pump represents nurturance or dependency that's being ensured at all times. Wanting to guarantee consistent support. A backup plan or contingency plan for special support. Making sure someone or something is cared about even when you aren't in the mood to.

Pumpkin Pie

*Please See Pies


To dream of a pumpkin represents feelings about a strong sense of closure or needing to move on that benefits you. The realization that a good time is over and that it's good for you to choose to move on. The end of a phase, relationship, or situation where you feel it is healthy or appropriate to let go and embrace new beginnings. The recognition that it's time to move forward. A pumpkin may show up in a dream when you know a relationship may be nearing its end or you feel that a loved one is close to dying. "Time is up" or feeling it's running out in a waking life situation.

Positively, dreaming about a pumpkin may represent feelings of acceptance, readiness, and optimism about letting go of the past and embracing new opportunities. The relief and clarity that comes with acknowledging that it's time to move forward. An emotional readiness to release old bonds or conditions in favor of new opportunities.

Negatively, dreaming about a pumpkin could represent feelings of sadness, loss, or reluctance over the inevitable endings or transitions in life. Grief associated with saying goodbye or the fear of the unknown as one phase ends and another begins. Perhaps you are struggling with letting go, or you feel rushed into a new phase without proper closure from the past.

To dream of a carved jack-o-lantern pumpkin with a scary face may represent feelings of being confronted with one�s fears or anxieties about it not being safe to experience closure or moving on.

Example: A girl dreamed of pumpkins falling from a tree. In waking life, she was having an affair with a man who told her he didn't think their relationship was going to work. In this case, the pumpkins may have reflected her feelings about both the men she was having romantic relationships with signaling a strong sense of closure about her relationship with them being over.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being given a pumpkin by a friend. In waking life, she started a relationship that she felt could hurt someone else. In this case, the pumpkin may have reflected her recognition of the need to move on from past relationships before fully committing to a new one as being beneficial.

*Please See Pies



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