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To dream of a spaceship represents navigation into unknown territory. Choosing or preparing to do things you've never done before. New experiences or new struggles that you can't predict an outcome for. You might feel that a life situation is a bit weird or chaotic. You may feel like you are "on the edge." Decision-making in your life revolving around doing things you've never had to do before or that are highly unusual.

People who take hallucinogenic substances such as ayahausca commonly see visions of spaceships. This most likely reflects how weird and unusual the experience is as people often hear voices or feel invisible people around them when they take ayahuasca.

People experiencing the death of a friend or relative often dream of spaceships. This may reflect their feelings about how unusual it feels to go on with their lives without the person.

Example: A woman dreamed of her father getting on a spaceship and travelling deep into space. Upon waking, her father had died. The spaceship may have reflected her feelings about how strange and odd it felt to have to experience her father gone from her life for good.

*Please See Outer Space

*Please See UFO

*Please See USS Enterprise


To dream of spaghetti represents feelings about a situation being wonderful about being complicated that's beautiful the way it is. A situation works out nice with why it's complicated. A complex or tangled situation that you find preferable to fixing. A situation that is beautifully a mess that doesn't have to fixed or complained about. Respecting yourself with why a situations is the best for why it isn't the best. Respecting yourself enjoying never wanting to untangle a difficult situation. Confusing or chaotic experiences that are too wonderful or special to draw attention any need to fix them.

Positively, dreaming about spaghetti represents an enjoyment of doing something difficult. Enjoying applying intelligent experience or sophisticated methods of problem solving. Feeling good being "served a mess" clean for money.

Negatively, spaghetti may reflect overdoing thinking a complicated situation is beautiful the way it is. Not complaining about a complicated situation because you prefer it without believing that someone else might not prefer it. Not wanting to piss anyone off that might not think of your situation as complicated as you do. Your anxiety about not being careful about showing your appreciation for something wonderful you fear losing. Fear of losing your job if you aren't careful about respecting complications at your workplace that you are forced to put up with.

Alternatively, spaghetti may be a sign that you find yourself entangled in a messy relationship situation that you prefer not to fix or complain about.

To dream of a toilet filled with spaghetti may reflect a wish to abandon an nice opportunity to avoid more serious complications that you were already carefully avoiding.

Example: A man had recurring dreams about his mouth being completely stuffed with spaghetti. In waking life he was demoted at his job and was scared to tell anyone about his dislike of the demotion because he feared that not showing appreciation to his employer for having a job at all would result in being fired. In this case the spaghetti stuffed in his mouth may have reflected his feelings about being forced to not talk about anything complicated as though he liked it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being fed a plate of spaghetti. In waking life she was separated from her husband for 4 years with no desire to reconcile. In this case the spaghetti may have reflected her feelings about enjoying her life never speaking to her husband again like life was a beautiful mess (no divorce yet) as long as she carefully avoided him or managed herself.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being served spaghetti. In waking life she was unemployed and occasionally given house cleaning jobs. In this case the spaghetti may have reflected her feelings about liking being "served a mess" to clean because it felt nice paying her bills.

Example 4: A person dreamed of having spaghetti stuff in their mouth. In waking life they were demoted at work and required to move around to new locations every week. In this case the spaghetti may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about being forced to think or speak about work complications like there were happy to address them because not appreciating the boss's choice might get them fired.

*Please See Spaghetti Sauce

*Please See Pasta


To dream of spanking represents a humiliating or embarrassing punishment. An embarrassing reprimand or talking down to someone. Negatively, spanking may reflect victimizing someone showing them you're the boss. Assertive acts of embarrassing domination.

To dream of being spanked may reflect feelings about an embarrassing reprimand. Feeling empty or humiliated because someone talked down to you. Feeling that someone has showed you that they are the boss.

To dream of sexual or erotic spanking represents enjoyable displays of total control or domination in some area of your life. Allowing someone else to feel good noticing themselves being powerful or assertive.


To dream of sparkles represents feelings about something being special or wonderful. Wanting to notice something being perfect forever. Preoccupation with only the good or "positive" things.

Negatively, sparkles may be a sign that you are noticing a situation through "rose colored glasses."

To dream of sparkling clothing may reflect feelings about enjoying being the center of attention. Feelings about being famous. Getting attention for why everything is working amazing. Feelings about being the most famous person in a situation. Feelings about why every single you do is just "gorgeous." Negatively, it may reflect feelings about yourself or someone else behaving in a why that is too comfortable with lots of attention.

*Please See Glitter

Cocker Spaniel

To dream of a cocker spaniel represents emotional protection through friendliness or companionship. Liking people and wanting to spend time with them. Keeping yourself safe by being with others or being part of a group. Trying your best to be likable.

Outer Space

To dream of outer space represents the unknown, embracing new possibilities, or venturing into uncharted territories in your life. You are experiencing new situations, new feelings, and new ideas. Your life and mind are experiencing a situation never encountered before.

Positively, dreaming about outer space may represent your readiness to embrace the unknown, take risks, and open yourself up to new experiences. Embracing new possibilities and the excitement of discovery. Your capacity to adapt to change and face life's challenges with curiosity and optimism. Your desire for personal growth, expansion, and self-discovery. A sense of adventure, curiosity, and openness to new experiences. Pursuing new opportunities that present vast potential.

Negatively, dreaming about outer space could represent feelings of being overwhelmed by the unknown, feeling lost in a vast expanse of uncertainty, a sense of being overwhelmed by the vastness of life's challenges, or disconnected from reality. Fear of the unknown, grappling with a sense of insignificance, or experiencing disconnection from your familiar environment or the people around you. This dream could also reflect anxieties about losing your way or venturing too far from your comfort zone.

To dream about getting ready to go into outer space represents your preparation or anticipation for an unusual experience. Your readiness to step into the unknown and engage in something entirely new. Anticipation for a unique and potentially life-changing experience. Readiness to embark on something completely new or to face situations that are unlike anything you have previously encountered.

To dream of being lost in space may reflect feelings of confusion or helplessness in the face of unusual problems. Weird situations that you have no idea how to begin addressing. Feeling trapped in a situation that is unfamiliar and challenging, where you feel unsure about how to begin addressing the issues at hand. Facing weird or challenging circumstances for which you have no prior experience or guidance.

To dream of deep space could represent feelings of isolation, vast potential, or the fear of the vast unknown. It might also suggest you are exploring the unknown or vastness of your potential.

Example: A man dreamed of his father pointing into space. In waking life, he just decided to enter therapy for the very first time in his life. In this case, his father pointing into space may have reflected his conscience making the decision to enter therapy for the first time to explore his inner self and emotions, a journey into unknown aspects of his psyche.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being lost in space. In waking life, he died 3 weeks later. In this case, space may have reflected his feelings about the highly unusual health problems he was experiencing related to imminent organ failure as his body slowly deteriorated beyond its ability to function anymore.

Example 3: A young boy dreamed of feeling endangered while in outer space. In waking life, his father had gone on a business trip and he felt stupid and lost without his father around to help him with problems he had. In this case, space may have reflected his feelings of being in an unknown situation without the guidance and support he was accustomed to from his father.

Example 4: A young boy dreamed of being lost in space. In waking life, his father had been murdered. In this case, being lost in space may have reflected his sense of being thrust into a vast, unfamiliar, and frightening reality without the presence and guidance of his father.

Personal Space

To dream about your personal space being invaded represents feelings about being inappropriately bothered or spoken to. Feeling a lack of privacy. Embarrassed or annoyed that you need to discuss something you're uncomfortable discussing. Feeling that someone has stepped over the line of personal boundaries. The dream may be a sign that you need to speak up or tell someone to back off. You may be putting up with more than you should be.

Negatively, dreams about your personal space being invaded may reflect your heightened sensitivity about being nagged, reminded, or bothered at all.


*Please See Outer Space

Space Station

To dream of a space station represents a perspective on a situation where you are always confronting the unknown. Situations you are involved in where you always doing something you've never done before and can't predict the outcome to. You may feel overwhelmed by chaos or a constant state of unpredictability.

Example: A man dreamed of being on a space station fixing problems. In waking life he was handling he has confronting multiple financial problems and family issues that he had never experienced before.

Spades (Playing Cards)

*Please See Playing Cards

Spaghetti Sauce

To dream of spaghetti sauce represents feelings about sophisticated situations requiring intelligent or sophisticated experience to handle them. A wonderful or "beautiful" thing to experience if it's done right.

Negatively, dreaming about spaghetti sauce represents professional embarrassment. Sophisticated problems that are difficult to change if you make a mistake. Mistakes that become a nagging problem or constant reminder of failure if not addressed properly. Spaghetti sauce may reflect mistakes, regrets, or problems that can't be easily fixed. A negative situation requiring intelligent experience to solve.


To dream of Spain represents being immersed in a mindset that feels passionate about noticing it's passionate. An emotional state or mindset imbued with passion, expressiveness, and a zest for life. Enthusiastic engagement with life's experiences, embracing vibrancy and vitality in one's emotions or surroundings. An appreciation for the vibrancy of life, strong emotional expressions, or the value of taking time to live in the moment. Enjoying something so much that you think about liking it for the rest of your life. Being passionate about loving something all the time while speaking about it like it's most important. Feeling consumed by passions or a fervor for things you enjoy. A passionate and thrilling adventure or opportunity. A commitment to savoring something, perhaps with a sense of romanticism or fervor. Being in love with who you are never embarrassing yourself. Being in Spain may reflect a waking life situation where you are surrounded by people or experiencing repeated situations with people who are passionate about noticing they're passionate in some manner.

Negatively, dreaming about Spain may represent feelings of being overwhelmed by emotional expressions, whether yours or others'. It might symbolize a fear of losing control in highly charged emotional situations. Being very emotional about feeling that everything is on the line to keep a relationship, job, or something important to you. Being in love with something so much that you do every single thing emotional or sensitive about deserving to believe in yourself keeping it while never caring about what anyone else thinks about it. You might feel that other people are being too impulsive, ruled by emotions, or possibly even hedonistic. A fear of being consumed by passions that could disrupt your life's balance, leading to volatile relationships, situations, or decisions driven by intense emotion rather than rational thought. It could also symbolize an overwhelming feeling, where the fervor of life or a situation creates a sense of loss of control. Disbelief that people will feel good never talking about themself as dishonest when you see it to their face. Behavior that is seductive and dishonest. Realizing other people are using empty flattery on you. Your awareness of other people seducing you with lies. Dishonest enticements regarding romantic prospects. Feeling exhausted by people who require you to like them all the time. A situation where you feel that you can't talk about yourself once because other people won't like who they are anymore if you do.

Example: A man dreamed of being about to take a trip to Spain. In waking life, the man was being used by a friend who kept lying to him about girls who liked him. In this case, Spain may have reflected his awareness of his friend being deceptive about being passionately noticing lots of fake romantic interest of girls to seduce him into being used.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her friend from Spain telling her to relax in the pool if she needed a break. She declined. In waking life, she felt overwhelmed with the amount of work she had to do. In this case, the friend from Spain may have reflected her feelings about the possibility of allowing herself a moment of rest, enjoyment, or indulgence amidst her hectic life, with the idea of "Spain" symbolizing a mindset that appreciates relaxation and the passionate embrace of life's pleasures without the constant pressure of work. Declining the offer in the dream reflects her struggle or reluctance to give in to this mindset, perhaps due to a sense of overwhelming responsibility or fear of falling behind in her tasks.

Spanish People

To dream Spanish people (from Spain) represents aspects of your personality that are passionate about noticing their passionate. A preference for putting a pleasant or positive spin on whatever is happening. Loving what you do for a living. Loving life. Optimism that is caring. Not wasting the rest of your life wanting to care about other people's problems. Optimism that doesn't control you and lets you be. You may have a strong sense of what you consider to be beautiful and may not care about others' opinions on the matter. Being in love with what you do for a living. Additionally, the dream may indicate that you feel a deeper sense of love than others and may be more intelligent about what love truly means.

Negatively, dreaming about Spanish people may represent empty promises or flattery that are made enthusiastically. You or other people that make others feels good, but never really mean it. Feeling good lying to people's faces about why everything is wonderful when it isn't. Anger that talks about it loudly or openly. Behavior that scares you that the rest of your life is on the line and you are incredible at doing everything you have to do. Feeling that a situation has to be fantastic or nobody will like you. A passionate attitude that has to notice it's passionate because nobody else ever likes anything, laughes, or feels good with other people.

Example: A man dreamed of a Spanish man walking on his left side as he moved forward towards a deep empty pit of smashed concrete, but then flying in a helicopter with the Spanish man over the pit at the last second. In waking life, the man was in a dire financial situation and had to become completely dedicated to writing a book about something he loved in order to avoid bankruptcy. Within a few years, he was able to turn his life around. The Spanish man in the dream may have reflected his passionate and determined attitude towards his work, and his need to be assertive and take risks to achieve success. The dream may have also represented his sense of relief and triumph upon overcoming his difficulties and achieving his goals.

Example 2: A man dreamed of being a Spanish man. In waking life, he was feeling anxious and stressed at work, but was also looking forward to an upcoming holiday. In this case, the Spanish man in the dream may have symbolized the dreamer's desire to tap into his passionate and confident side to enjoy the holiday despite the work stress and to remind himself that he deserves a break. It could also represent the dreamer's wish to feel more vibrant and lively.

*Please See Spain


To dream of a sparrow represents an area of your life that is underestimated. You or someone else may feel undervalued, underutilized, or like you aren't getting the respect you deserve. Alternatively, a sparrow may reflect a person or situation that you are underestimating.


To dream of a spatula represents feeling that a situation has to do different things because it's important that it does. Handling or manipulating a difficult situation. Behavior that doesn't want something to stay the way it is so something completely feels good. Decisions that make something do something the opposite way so it doesn't look stupid.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her father walking around with a spatula while crying. In waking life the woman was very scared of thinking of her sick dog dying. In this case the spatula in her crying fathers hand may have reflected her attempts to help her dog get his health back that failed even if she tried changes or opposite methods to help her dog.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of being high on LSD and see his spatula melting. In waking life the dreamer had learned about hallucinations from LSD in his health class at school. In this case the melting spatula may have reflected his feelings about preparing to try LSD with different methods so he didn't get caught that eventually felt too dangerous.



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