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Bobble Head

To dream of a bobble head represents a tendency to go along with what other people think. Total agreement no matter what.

Negatively, it may be a sign that you need to start thinking for yourself.


To dream of a head represents intellect, attitude, personality or perspective. What guides your choices. How a person in control of themselves. Consider the shape, color, or size of the head for additional meaning of thinking style.

To dream of a head being cut off represents attitudes or perspectives that can no longer control decisions. Evil people losing their heads represents negative thinking patterns such as fears or bad intentions that no longer have any influence over you.

To see a blue head in a dream represents positive thinking and decision making style. Negatively, it may reflect insensitive thinking style that doesn't care about anything you are feeling.

The head differs from the brain as a symbol in that the head is more about personality and the brain is about processing and figuring things out.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a someones else's head shape being criticized as having something wrong with it. In waking life he was observing so someone being criticized for not being intelligent.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing 2 people carrying dark blue heads. In waking life he encountered 2 homosexual people whom he felt were very sensitive about homosexuality being accepted without a problem. In this case the dark blue heads may have reflected the dreamers feelings of how insensitive the 2 homosexual men might become if their efforts to be accepted as gay without issues wasn't forthcoming without issue.

*Please See Decapitation

Red Head

*Please See Hair

Shaved Head

To dream of a shaved head represents completely sacrificing the way you think. Major change to your regular habits or behavior. Giving up certain thoughts and behaviors, often negative personality traits. A shaved head is common when a person is changing their lifestyle.

Example: A woman dreamed of shaving her head. In waking life she was trying to be a vegetarian. The shaved head reflected her giving up her old non-vegan habits.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of having her head shaved and having the word "cancer" written on it. In waking life 3 weeks after the dream she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The dream may have been intuitive about the shock should experience in her near future about having to completely change he life to fight the disease.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing someone shaving their head. In waking life she was considering leaving her cheating husband and divorcing him. The shaved head in the dream may have reflected her feelings about completely changing how she thought about her lifestyle from married to single.


To dream of lice represents thoughts and feelings of being unclean physically or emotionally. You may feel guilt, regret, used, dirty, or like you're not good enough. Feelings about about a pathetically dirty situation or problem with a sense that it might be contagious to be close to or cause you unnecessary frustration.

To dream of having lice may reflect feelings of total embarrassment with a frustration, irritation, or that you are not good enough in some way that will require annoying temporary changes.

Alternatively, lice may reflect people or situations that you wish to distance yourself from.



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