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To dream of glass objects represents transparency with a sensitive issue. Perfect understanding with an issue that is sensitive about total embarrassment. Something in your life that is beautiful to notice, but easily destroyed by carelessness.

Negatively, dreaming about glass may reflect the sensitive ability to "shatter" hopes or expectations. Feelings about dangerous handling a sensitive issue.

To dream of glass that is dirty, cloudy or discolored suggests a need for more clarity in a situation.

*Please See Broken Glass

*Please See Windows

*Please See Drinking Glass

Broken Glass

To dream of broken glass window represents broken promises or shattered expectations. Your feelings may be hurt or a situation may be turning into a crisis.

To dream of shards of broken glass represents issues that can only bring you more pain or difficulties if you confront them. Disappointments that are difficult to respond to effectively. Shards of broken glass can often reflect an abusive situation.

To dream of having shards of broken glass in your throat represents a sensitive issue that creates more conflict if you express your true feelings about it. You may feel paralyzed to express yourself and are suffering for it.

Drinking Glass

To dream of an empty drinking glass represents confident expectations about something you are planning on doing. Expectations to do something easily. You know you can do something if you want to. Waiting for or needing one thing to happen before to you can do something easily.

To dream of drinking from a glass represents an easy or quick experience. A situation where you "taking it all in." Negatively, it may reflect a problem situation that you are getting involved with something too quickly. Something is happening faster than you want it to.

Consider what fluid you are drinking for additional meaning. For example, drinking milk from a glass may reflect a quick or easy experience that you feel is good for you or in your best interests.

Example: A woman dreamed of looking into an empty glass and then getting scared. In waking life she was considering killing herself, but then scared herself away from it.

Glass House

To dream of a glass house may represent a perspective or opinion that is extremely fragile to criticism. It may also reflect a heightened sense of anxiety about being attacked, singled out, or embarrassed.

Looking Glass

*Please See Mirror

Magnifying Glass

To dream of a magnifying glass represents awareness of everything you are noticing becoming amplified. The choices, experiences, or problems you are most focused on becoming more dramatic or powerful once you pay attention to them.

Negatively, a magnifying glass may represent feelings of bad luck or having your problems singled out.

Sea Glass

To dream of sea glass represents how good it feels to notice something in your life never being dangerous ever again. Feeling good noticing that the worst part of a situation is over for good. It may also reflect relief or enjoyment that the worst of a problem has been dealt with for you.

Sliding Glass Door

To dream of a sliding glass door represents feelings about smooth gradual access to change, easy opportunities with nothing in your way, or how effortless a change feels. A smooth transition towards a new option or idea. Seeing a future possibility clearly which you believe you can gradually initiate without bothering anyone.

Negatively, a sliding glass door may reflect total arrogance that believes making a change is very easy if done gradually when other people may find it very unpleasant. Disregarding others feelings with a gradual change as though it was too easy. Gradual change being made dishonestly because nobody is looking. Full awareness of a dishonest future opportunity or change you are gradually initiating.

Example: An older man dreamed of opening a sliding glass door. In waking life he was prepared to quickly sell a family home that had been in the family for generations with no sympathy for any of his family members. The sliding glass door in this case may have reflected the man's feelings of full awareness of the future upsetting his family while slowly and privately preparing for the home selling anyway.

Stained Glass Windows

To dream of stained glass windows may reflect a positive attitude about the future that you can't see. A positive attitude about something in the future that requires blind faith.

Negatively, stained glass windows may be a sign that you are putting too much blind faith into a problem instead of moving on. Thinking it's a beautiful thing to be faithful for the future for problems that are hopeless or repeatedly prove they are impossible to fix. Trusting someone too much for their future potential.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing stained glass windows in a church. In waking life she was having serious marital problems and trying hard to have faith in the future of the relationship while feeling that she could never really be certain about her marriage surviving.

Wine Glass

To dream of a wine glass represents receptivity to celebrating, enjoying your achievements, or relaxing with a sense of completion. Wanting or a willing to feel good about hard work completed or what you have done.


To dream of an hourglass represents a situation that revolves around waiting. You or someone else that is waiting a long time for something to end. Waiting for every single little thing to finish.

Alternatively, an hourglass may represent your feeling that time is running out. A deadline you have to meet or a sense of urgency. You or someone that may not have enough time.



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