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To dream of a celebrity represents an aspect of your personality based on the most apparent qualities or traits that stand out the most about the celebrity. Ask yourself what feelings, behavior, or traits stands out the most about a celebrity when you think about them. A celebrity in a dream may also reflect an aspect of yourself that deserves recognition, success, or validation from others. A wish to be more influential or well-known, as well as the need to feel validated or acknowledged by others for your accomplishments. An incredible experience you are having that feels good deserving to talk about yourself to other people in a more prominent manner.

Celebrities in dreams can also represent your projection, thoughts and feelings about a celebrity. Perhaps, you are spending a lot of time thinking about a celebrity.

To dream of having having sex with a celebrity represents an enjoyable, exciting, or thrilling experience that embodies qualities mirroring your feelings about the celebrity. Fulfillment of your fantasies, ambitions, or desires that you may feel are normally unattainable. You may relish an experience that garners recognition or discussion about your accomplishments. Enjoyment in doing something uncommon or extraordinary, in a way that reflects a celebrity's most prominent qualities, while being acknowledged or praised by others. Enjoying getting away with something that other people recognize or talk about you for.

To dream about a celebrity that you have a crush on or are very attracted to may represent your desire for a certain life situation to occur. Consider how you feel when you think of them, and how those feelings or qualities may apply to a current life situation. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you need more realistic about your love life.

If you dream of a celebrity that you know little or nothing about, it's suggested you research that person's life to help form an opinion of them. Try to identify or feel the quality most apparent about them.

To dream of wearing a celebrity's clothes represents your personality matching up with the qualities you see in that celebrity the most. Your desire to adopt or emulate the qualities, traits, or characteristics of that celebrity. This could be an indication of your feelings of deserving recognition, success, or validation from others in your life, or simply to express yourself in a manner similar to that of the celebrity.

Example: A man dreamed of talking to Matt Damon. The quality of Matt Damon that stood out the most to him was being more concerned than someone else to see something unintelligent wasn't happening. In waking life, the man found himself surrounded by less experienced people than himself at work and had to use his intelligence to solve problems they couldn't. In this case, Matt Damon may have reflected the man's desire to be recognized for his intelligence and problem-solving skills while dealing with less experienced colleagues at work. The man may have felt that he deserved acknowledgment for being more competent and proactive in making sure unintelligent decisions or actions were avoided.

Example 2: A man dreamed of Jessica Alba. In waking life, he discovered an opportunity that he couldn't believe made money by trying it out once. In this case, Jessica Alba may have reflected his feelings about the surprising and attractive nature of the opportunity that presented itself to him. Just as Jessica Alba is perceived to be beautiful and successful, the opportunity he discovered seemed highly appealing, potentially rewarding, and almost too good to be true.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a beautiful famous model that he was obsessed with when he was younger. In waking life, when he was younger he used to paste every single picture he could of this model on his wall. In his current life he was obsessed with a goal that never happened.

Example 4: A man dreamed of having sex with Oprah. In waking life, this man was a successful public speaker. Oprah to him represented excellent communication skills. In his case, Oprah reflected how he felt about himself being good at public speaking.

*Please See Famous

*Please See Paparazzi

*Please See Actors

50 Cent Rapper

To dream of 50 Cent (Curtis Jackson, Fity) represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that is notorious for feeling good being more arrogant than someone else about being toughest about deserving to put yourself first while not thinking anyone else even believes in themself. Feeling good that success doesn't happen without a lot of effort while never wasting time believing in yourself the way little people do. Being in a highly competitive field, facing many challenges but remaining undeterred. Never adjusting yourself to other people who say negative things about you when you deserve to keep doing what you do. Tougher or "badder" than someone else about having to say you deserve to matter first. Behavior that is self-assured about never letting go of deserving to matter first. As tough as it gets about never deserving to talk to anyone who doesn't think you're first about believing in yourself for real. Showing off lethal about never having to say anyone else matters. Showing off being empty about mattering first no matter what. Unapologetically focused on self-preservation and success. Being better than someone at something once it's time to say it's important.

Negatively, dreaming about 50 Cent may represent behavior that is overdoing feeling good about being toughest at mattering first while saying that other people don't matter at all. Feeling good that success doesn't happen without a lot of effort and while laughing that people are little or phony about believing in themself. A serious situation where you might need to get back at people while feeling you deserve to matter first no matter what and don't believe people can do better than you. A caution against excessive arrogance or dismissiveness towards others.

Rap Stars in general may symbolize arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A man had recurring dreams of 50 Cent talking to him about what was happening in a dangerous situation. In waking life, he had to get back at people in a legal entanglement by deserving to matter first after they lied about trying to secretly steal things from him while using blackmail to get away with it. In this case, 50 Cent may have reflected his mindset of being unapologetically focused on self-preservation and success, reinforcing his determination to come out on top in his legal struggles.

Adam Sandler

To dream of Adam Sandler represents an aspect of the personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's laughable to other people for being a regular person who's never believable about deserving to be taken seriously about losing it's temper for not liking something. Behavior that is family-safe about being unimportant while embarrassing itself by being angry. Behavior that is laughable for never deserving to think it's important while it embarrasses itself by being angry. Behavior that is laughable for being an adult that is immature about getting angry about not liking things without thinking that anything is wrong with that. A desire to find humor and lightness in a challenging situation.

Negatively, dreaming of Adam Sandler may represent feelings of not being taken seriously or being dismissed for not conforming to societal expectations of seriousness or credibility. Concerns about being perceived as a joke for lacking in emotional control for not liking something.

Example: A woman dreamed of being kidnapped by Adam Sandler and members of the mob and taken to a prison. Shortly after she became Adam Sandler and was having sex with a woman in shallow water. In waking life, she was diagnosed with depression and prescribed antidepressants. In this case, Adam Sandler may have reflected on her feelings about herself being laughable to other people for never being believable about deserving to be taken seriously about being depressed enough to do anything dangerous to herself because doctors prescribed standard drugs to control the depression.

Alicia Keys

To dream of Alicia Keys represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's feeling good believing in itself in control of itself while deserving to make people see who you are as a person that's never afraid. Never being angry while deserving to be certain you are never afraid while believing in yourself for who you are as a person. A sense of empowerment and self-worth, where you feel deserving of recognition and respect for who you are as a person, without succumbing to fear or anger. Showcasing your true self without fear.

Positively, dreaming about Alicia Keys might symbolize a strong sense of self, emotional intelligence, and the ability to maintain composure in challenging situations. Your ability to stay true to yourself and your values, even in the face of adversity or societal pressures. This dream could also indicate a period of self-acceptance and confidence, where you feel comfortable in your skin and confident in your decisions. Feeling good responsible about not being afraid to be who you are to other people. A desire to showcase your true self to others without fear or hesitation. Feel at ease with who you are and secure in your choices while being aware of yourself getting attention.

Negatively, dreaming about Alicia Keys may represent situations overdoing feeling good respecting yourself for the rest of your life living without fear for the sake of appearances that other people might not be as interested in as you are. Situations where you might overdo being in control of yourself being unafraid for appearances. Situations where you don't like being fear being forced on you to accept yourself for who you are as a person. A disconnect between your outward confidence and inner insecurities, or you might be putting too much emphasis on appearing strong and unshakeable.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Alicia Keys on a train nagging him to not take LSD which made him put the LSD away. In waking life, he wanted to purchase psychedelic mushrooms from a local store when the store was questionable legally and still controversial. The store required you to register yourself on a computer in order to make a purchase and had been raided by police once already. He was experienced taking hallucinogenics to the point that he spoke to a group of people about believing that it was never a good idea to take hallucinogenics while afraid. He didn't want to fear the police after making his purchase so he refused to make one. In this case, Alicia Keys may have reflected feelings about himself being experienced and in control of himself with hallucinogenics (Keys experience with piano) talking to a group of people about deserving to never be afraid for who you are (Alicia Keys) while ingesting them to enjoy the experience better.

Ariana Grande

To dream of Ariana Grande represents an aspect of your personality that exudes confidence, independence, while being unapologetically yourself that's impressive to other people with not lying about why it's special. Unapologetic behavior that nothing is personal about respecting itself. Not apologizing for being incredible or special the way you are. Feeling good incredible about being unapologetic for who you are for the rest of your life. Unapologetic behavior that is incredible for why it's not lying about why it more special than someone else. Happily noticing specialness that doesn't think about being ruined. It reflects a strong sense of self-worth and a desire to feel special and unique. You take pride in being attractive and enjoy being treated as someone special. Unapologetic behavior for being yourself that is incredible for why it's possible. Happily noticing specialness that doesn't apologize for never seeing itself ruined. Not being angry for why you deserve to notice yourself special once. Feeling good not caring about something is because your not stupid about why you deserve to be special.

You have a positive and happy attitude towards your specialness and do not feel the need to justify or explain it to anyone. You are incredible at recognizing your uniqueness and are not easily affected by others' negative opinions. You have a strong sense of self-awareness and do not view yourself as inferior to others, regardless of what you are doing.

Negatively, Ariana Grande represents confidence, independence, and being unapologetically yourself that overdoes it or make's people jealous. A personality that matters a lot for why it has something special about it while other people don't like it. Important enough to be special while expecting people to control themselves. Specialness that protected never having say it's doing anything stupid. You are comfortable with standing out and feeling unique, and you may seek validation and affirmation from others to maintain a sense of specialness. An unapologetic attitude about control or professionalism in special circumstances that is causing a problem with other people. Specialness that makes jealous people see you as "not the best" in some other way in order to avoid respecting for your specialness. Feeling that it's a problem to see your unapologetic, confident, and independent with other people thinking you're pushing it. Unapologetic behavior that arrogantly tests it or over deserves to notice boundaries.

Overall, this dream may suggest that you should embrace your unique qualities and talents, but also strive to be considerate and compassionate in your interactions with others.

Example: A young man dreamed Ariana Grande driving her into a lake to commit suicide, but got out of the car before it happened. In waking life he was having a disagreement with his sister about something she posted on Twitter. In this case Ariana Grande may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about his sister's comments on Twitter getting a lot of attention trying to make people feel good about her being special in a negative way. Ariana Grande may reveal his perception of his sister's behavior on Twitter as attention-seeking and unapologetic for something special about her which may have led to his feelings of frustration and disagreement with her.

Example 2: A man dreamed of Ariana Grande. In waking life he used a power of attorney before his father's death to legally transfer property when that typically takes a year to avoid waiting for probate. In this case Ariana Grande may have reflected his feelings about himself being special for his relationship with his father before he died allowing him to use a power of attorney to skip waiting times and seize power taking all the money and property like it was impossible for other people to do that while behaving perfectly legal.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

To dream of Arnold Schwarzenegger represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about being stronger than other people and makes other people believe in themselves as well. Feelings about yourself or someone else being a perfect example of a strong man that makes them believe in themselves as well. Feelings of confidence, machismo, and power. Self-image as someone strong, capable, and above the fray. An elevated sense of self, reinforcing the notion that you feel superior or exceptionally capable in some way. The conquering of obstacles, or the achievement of remarkable feats. You may feel inspired to take control of situations and display leadership. Confidence and willpower that sees other thinking about it all the time.

Negatively, dreaming about Arnold Schwarzenegger may represent behavior that needs to show off believing it itself being a perfect example of a strong man or it doesn't want to do anything at all. Overconfident and possibly engaging in behavior that is more showy than substantive. Fears of inadequacy, a struggle with self-image, or concern that you're not 'strong enough' to handle certain challenges. Overemphasis on power, either in yourself or others, that might be overshadowing other important aspects like emotional intelligence, collaboration, or humility. Pressure you may be feeling to maintain this persona of exceptional strength.

Example: A man dreamed of talking to Arnold Schwarzenegger while standing on the roof of a building. In waking life, he was showing off that he could sell homes he owned in order to move to paradise without ever going through with the sale. In this case, talking to Arnold Schwarzenegger may have reflected the man's own feelings of confidence, machismo, and power while feeling good showing off believing in himself stronger than other people needing other people to see it."

Example 2: A young man dreamed of talking to people at his old job about how they were experiencing for difficult times and Arnold Schwarzenegger's grandmother yelled at him. In waking life, he recently returned to his old apprenticeship job after school finished and people were very mean to him about making him go away because times had changed. He felt that his old boss was funny and a father figure, but now his boss never wanted him to come back. In this case, Arnold Schwarzenegger's grandmother may have reflected his feelings about his boss's intuition about safe business operations during hard economic times being safer and more conservative than his usual famous humorous male personality which encouraged him to believe in himself as well.

Beyonce Knowles

To dream of Beyonce represents an aspect of your personality that incredibler than other people about natural presence that is effortlessly well-liked and accepted wherever you go, simply for being yourself. You have a natural presence with confidence and charm that makes people laugh and enjoy being with you, which makes you unstoppable in the face of challenges. Showing up is better than other people because you like everyone never seeing anything is a problem. Natural presence that likes everyone never seeing anything is a problem as the reason you'll never have a problem. Acceptance wherever you go because your incredibler presence is likable for simply showing up. Showing up laughing never questioning anything is the reason why everyone likes something about you. Natural presence that doesn't deserve to have a problem because it isn't listening to anyone saying there is a problem. You are able to adapt to any situation with ease and are well-liked simply for showing up. Laughing that everyone is with you is why nothing can stop you.

Negatively, dreaming about Beyonce represents a sense of being overshadowed or outshined by someone else's because is too good at adapting to any situation with ease and being well-liked simply for showing up. Overdoing natural presence thinking it's easy to be adapt or be well-liked. Thinking everyone likes you only requires you to stay that way. Natural presence with confidence and charm that effortless gets away with dishonesty with nothing attacking them.

Dreams of Beyonce commonly have Jay-Z.

Beyonce being famous may also reflect the dreamer's confidence about deserving getting attention or talking about themselves in way that mirrors Beyonce's qualities.

Example: A teenager dreamed of seeing Beyonce singing under a tree. She waited to talk to her. Eventually Beyonce disappeared. In waking life the dreamer wanted to leave the country legally instead of illegally sneaking on a freight ship. In this case Beyonce may reflect dreamer's idealized self-image of having natural presence and charm, adaptability to any situation with ease, being well-liked, and having a positive mindset that never believes in problems, making leaving the country the legal way to see her family seem effortless.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of taking a pregnancy test, getting pregnant, suddenly wearing a beautiful gown, and then walking to a door to speak to Beyonce. In waking life she was having a serious problem getting a job. In this case the Beyonce may have been the dreamer's desire for a sense of confidence and effortless charm in her job search. The dream suggests that the dreamer wants to be able to show up to job interviews with a natural presence and likability, without having to try too hard. Beyonce, as a symbol of natural charm and likability, represents the dreamer's desire to possess these qualities in her professional life. The dreamer may be looking for a way to embody this confidence and charm, and sees Beyonce as a symbol of these qualities.

Biggie Smalls

To dream of Biggie Smalls represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that is notorious for feeling good being arrogant about liking believing that "living large" is for life no matter what it's doing. Feeling good with the power of people listening to you being showing off respected "living large" notoriously dangerous or criminal for friends or family. Embracing a larger-than-life persona that nobody else can even think of doing better than. Feeling good showing off arrogant being as "large as it gets" that's untouchable or above the law. Feeling good that nothing is a joke about your largess while feeling good that people are around you.

Negatively, dreaming about Biggie Smalls may represent feelings of arrogance, egotism, or a belief that you are above the rules or consequences. Overconfidence that doesn't believe that "living large" will ever stop. Engaging in risky behavior or believing that nothing gets back at you because you are "living large." A tendency to overlook potential consequences due to an inflated sense of self or belief in one's invincibility. Feeling the pressure to show off while living up to an unrealistic standard or image of "living large." An inflated sense of self-importance and a desire for recognition and attention. Believing that you can get away with anything because of your status or abilities. Enjoying arrogance that shows off that the cost doesn't bother you once.

Rap Stars in general may symbolize arrogance, toughness, or showing off about proving yourself that will never lose or give up. A rap star may also reflect behavior that likes to show off talking back to people with an attitude that other people can't do anything about.

Example: A young woman dreamed of hearing the song "Warning" by Biggie Smalls. In waking life, she was dealing with a delayed domestic violence court case against a man who had attacked her. In this case, the Bigger Small music may have reflected how she felt good enjoying feelings of empowerment, assertiveness, and largess when talking to other people about facing her attacker because she felt that she was better at getting back at him no matter what he did since the law was on her side and other people were looking out for her.

Brad Pitt

To dream of Brad Pitt represents an aspect of yourself that is more incredible than someone else about being more attractive than someone else without saying anything about it.

Positively, dreaming about Brad Pitt may reflect your awareness of yourself being more attractive than someone else without saying anything about it to be respectful or not embarrass anyone. Exuding confidence about better appearances than someone else without appearing arrogant. Behavior that is a perfect example of staying the way he is if it helps to not hurt someone or someone wanted it that way.

Negatively, dreaming of Brad Pitt may represent feelings of being annoyed that you or someone is more attractive than you are comfortable with. Feeling uncomfortable experiencing someone being attracted to you physically without having to speak about it. Confidence about being more attractive that doesn't say anything about it so that nobody will attack you.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Brad Pitt sitting on a black leather couch inside a red dome made of triangles. In waking life, he was inside the hospital recovering from appendicitis and was uncomfortable with how much a student nurse liked seeing his penis while inserting the catheter. In this case, Brad Pitt may have reflected his feelings about himself being uncomfortably attractive to someone without any verbal acknowledgment or interaction about it.

Bradley Cooper

To dream of Bradley Cooper represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than other people about confidence about getting ahead or moving on that never has to say it. Confidently never thinking it matters to be a jerk saying something to someone else in order to get ahead that never embarrasses itself being disrespectful yet. Behavior that makes you think it will say something mean about noticing someone else's problem needing to move on, but never does. Behavior that seems to be a "fantastic jerk" about seeing itself as having to get ahead by saying something insensitive about other people not mattering, but never has yet. Feelings about someone in your life who appears to not mind being a jerk, but never does without a good reason. Behavior where nothing scares it about being mean about moving on, but never talks about it. A part of you might seem like it's ready to say something harsh about needing to move on, but often refrains from actually doing so.

Negatively, dreaming about Bradley Cooper may represent a sense of inadequacy or a fear that you cannot live up to the expectations you or others have set due to anxieties that someone might say something mean to you about needing to move on. A fear that someone could call you out, criticize you, or ask you to 'move on,' questioning your methods or intentions.

Bruce Willis

To dream of Bruce Willis represents an aspect of your personality that is more incredible than someone else about feeling good not being alone about being a fantastic example of a grown man who thinks it's unspoken and already understood that you don't need to explain why something else is embarrassing you again. A fantastic example of not giving up believing in being a grown man who's unspoken and already understood about why something else embarrassing you is a problem. Not seeing yourself in love with yourself as a grown man that doesn't have to think about what something little embarrassing you says about you. Liking yourself tougher than someone else as a grown man without needing to say why it matters. Grown man behavior that doesn't like having to repeat itself saying why it doesn't want to be embarrassed by something else. A mature, grown-man level of confidence that doesn't require constant validation from external sources. Demonstrating a kind of unspoken but palpable self-assurance. Feeling good respecting yourself as a man never needing to bring up or point out how someone else embarrassed themself not acting their age talking to you.

Negatively, dreaming about Bruce Willis may represent overdoing liking a grown man's demeanor that is too serious or stern about not wanting to be embarrassed while someone likes you anyway, to the point of coming off as aloof or unapproachable. It may reflect an overemphasis on adult behavior that dismisses or ignores the concerns or feelings of others who like you or respect you. Shutting people out or creating emotional distance with people who respect you because you don't want to be vulnerable or appear less than perfect. Not seeing yourself in love with yourself that scares people who like you, respect you, or look up to you. Behavior that feels that it might angrily get back at someone like a grown man, but never does. Feelings about a grown man who is likable who might notice the snobbiness of not wanting anything else embarrassing him because you went too far not being in control of yourself.

Example: A man dreamed of his ex-girlfriend telling him that she was dating Bruce Willis. He didn't like it, but kept talking to her before they parted their ways. In waking life, he recently lost touch with his ex-girlfriend after deleting his Facebook account. She never bothered to refriend him and her phone number didn't work. He missed talking to her, but accepted her moving on with her life. In this case, his ex-girlfriend dating Bruce Willis may have reflected his feelings about her lack of interest in refriending him or reconnecting in any way as a sign that she was moving on to a relationship with a grown man and respecting herself with little need to tell him she was.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing Bruce Willis standing in a room. In waking life, he encountered a younger woman who had previously embarrassed herself by liking him too much. He felt good respecting himself being older than her and not bringing it up to avoid repeating the problem a second time.

Donald Trump

To dream of Donald Trump represents an aspect of your personality that gets attention for being more incredible than someone else about never embarrassing itself listening to anyone else tell it it's wrong. Your thoughts about standing your ground, exuding confidence, or asserting dominance, particularly in the face of disagreement or opposition. Feeling good that you don't lose, not caring what anyone thinks, and being unafraid to say it louder than someone else. Behavior that isn't perfect, but isn't noticing itself little. Behavior that is not laughing at itself no matter what it says or does.

Positively, dreaming about Donald Trump in this manner may represent a robust sense of self-confidence, resilience, or perseverance. Not listening to anyone tell you that you're wrong when you know you're not. Not caring about appearances when you think other people aren't listening. It may reflect a conscious choice to trust your intuition and stand by your decisions because they have proven successful or rewarding over time. It could also be indicative of assertiveness, boldness, and an unyielding commitment to your principles or vision. Snobbiness that isn't snobby towards people that disrespected you or didn't listen to you properly. Being unafraid to say you are better than someone else when the other person doesn't do anything to say anything about you that's nice. Having more experience than someone else with never believing that you are wrong.

Negatively, dreaming about Donald Trump could represent feelings of conflict, tension, or resistance. It might symbolize a perceived overbearing presence, an unwillingness to compromise or listen to other perspectives, or a tendency to overshadow or disregard others' feelings. This dream could indicate struggling with a personality, yours or someone else's, that exudes a strong, sometimes overpowering, sense of self-certainty, potentially creating unease, discord, or disputes. A male figure that will never see himself as wrong no matter what he does because he's confident or resourceful enough to never have to.

Alternatively, dreaming about Donald Trump may reflect your feelings about him as US President.

Donald Trump is the 45th US President. 45 represents having to make a change. Believing in what you are doing no matter what you are doing.

Example: A woman dreamed of running away from Donald Trump and the government. In waking life, she was having marriage troubles. In this case, Donald Trump may have reflected her feelings about her husband and his personality while arguing with him. She might have felt her husband was always asserting dominance, unwilling to acknowledge he was wrong, and stubbornly refusing to consider her viewpoint because he didn't have to due to his control over money. He may have appeared inflexible, assertive, and unyielding in his convictions. (At the time of the dream Donald Trump was US President.)

*Please See President

Dr. Dre

To dream of Dr. Dre represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that's feeling good being more arrogant or confident than someone else about being smooth and composed doing its job being the trusted authority of hooked up toughness, being as backed up as it said it is, and hasn't had to make history get back at someone yet. Behavior that is fearless of being in trouble, more confident than other people about never deserving to be little, smoother about maintaining composure than someone else about why a situation might get worse, while feeling good being an authority about what getting back at people while hooked up that doesn't need to repeat itself. Feeling good while maintaining composure and toughness in the face of challenges. Experiencing situations where serious/dangerous decisions are being made and people might be getting back at other people. Feeling good being supportive of what someone else assertive said that's smooth about fixing a dangerous situation with backup. Feeling good being supportive of talking back to people about a dangerous situation needing to be fixed with backup if it gets any more dangerous than it is.

Negatively, dreaming of Dr. Dre could suggest an excessive sense of arrogance or overconfidence about showing off composed and smooth about being the toughest and getting back at people which may lead to conflicts or confrontations with others.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing Dr. Dre temporarily accept himself locked in a concrete room with a solid metal door as leverage during a criminal investigation in order to prove that the criminal was a liar. The situation was sensitive about other important people having to feel good about it resolving a specific way despite how dangerous it was. In waking life, he was confident and comfortable about enduring a similar real-life situation. In this case, the Dr. Dre may have reflected his feelings about maintaining composure and a smooth attitude about confronting a temporarily dangerous criminal situation, where he had to stand firm and prove his point.

Drake The Rapper

To dream of Drake the rapper represents an aspect of personality that is more incredible than other people (or gets the most attention) for behavior that feels good showing off cool, successful, and "professional as it gets" about being hooked up that doesn't have to stop, while being safe. Behavior that's better than other people about being cool, happening, but not wanting anything violent or angry. An ideal balance of being cool and appealing, yet responsible and grounded.

Negatively, dreaming about Drake may represent behavior that overdoes showing off liking seeing itself being heavier about being cool, professional, and safe about everything working out without a problem like it's obvious when other people might think you enjoy thinking about it too much. Occasionally embarrassing yourself being a wuzzle with being safe, non-violent, never being angry, or old enough.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing Drake the rapper wanting to date her. In waking life, she lived in England and was anxious about all her family moving back to her country and having contact with old friends and relatives. In this case, Drake may have reflected her wish to show off as cool and professional as possible to all her family that moving home was interesting, problemless, and safe while connecting to their old friends and family. Drake's persona in the dream might represent an ideal balance of being cool and appealing, yet responsible and grounded, mirroring her aspirations to reintegrate into her social circle in Europe effectively and impressively.

Dwayne Johnson

To dream of Dwayne Johnson or "The Rock" represents an aspect of yourself that is more incredible than someone else about getting attention for being larger than life, embodying optimism, and doesn't take itself too seriously. Behavior that is incredibly tougher than other people about making history being totally awesome and enjoying its reputation like it's not serious.

Negatively, dreaming about Dwyane Johnson may represent overdoing showing off being more incredible than someone else about being larger than life, embodying optimism, and not taking yourself too serious.

Example: A woman dreamed of Dwayne Johnson while sitting in a military clinic awaiting news about her husband's military health status after hearing about her husband's fellow soldiers dying in Iraq. Dwayne Johnson chuckles at how frustrated she must be with her mom. She enjoys his company. In this case, Dwayne Johnson may have reflected an aspect of herself that talked to other people about her husband's tough military life with a sense of optimism, and not wanting to think of dying like it's too serious so nobody else in her family did either.



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