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To dream of a selfie represents feelings about an impressive memory or impression you have of yourself that cares about social approval or acceptance. Feelings about self-image, self-presentation, and the desire for external validation or recognition. How you perceive yourself in the eyes of others. Feelings of having a memory or recollection that makes you look impressive for your experiences or who you met. Acknowledgment of your impressiveness that you can show to others. Thoughts about yourself or others giving an impression of favoritism or endorsement to other people.

Positively, dreaming about selfies may represent self-confidence, self-respect, and a healthy level of self-esteem in that whatever you are doing is impressive to someone else. A sense of empowerment and pride in your appearance, experiences, or achievements. Feelings about your uniqueness or accomplishments being impressive to others.

Negatively, dreaming about selfies could indicate insecurity, narcissism, or an over-reliance on external validation for self-worth. A warning about the potential for shallow or insincere relationships based on image rather than authenticity. Giving off a dishonest impression of favoritism or endorsement to other people. Assuming an impressive memory of yourself will help you. Not thinking of anything except that other people are impressed by you, your experiences, or who you know. External validation with impressive memories, even at the cost of safety. A need for validation or approval from others, indicating insecurity or a reliance on external affirmation. Perhaps you feel compelled to project a certain image that may not align with your true self, or you might be struggling with societal pressures related to beauty and success.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of taking a selfie of herself and posting it on Instagram. In waking life, she was trying to impress a boy she liked by telling him an impressive story about something she did by herself as a way to keep him interested in her. In this case, taking a selfie of herself may have reflected her feelings about trying to create an impressive memory or impression of herself that she believed would be socially approved or accepted by the boy she liked to keep him interested in her.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of someone asking to take a selfie with her and refusing it. In waking life, she was an employment recruiter who had to refuse someone who wanted special treatment by speaking about the meeting as confirmation of the dreamer's approval to make getting hired easier when speaking to someone else at the company with the power to make a final decision on hiring. In this case, the rejected selfies may have reflected her feelings about not wanting to give the impression of favoritism or endorsement to a potential job applicant. By refusing the selfie, it may symbolize her desire to maintain professionalism and impartiality in her role as a recruiter. The dream could reflect her concerns about how her actions and decisions might be perceived by others, especially in a professional context where her reputation and integrity are important.

Sony Playstation

To dream of a Sony PlayStation video game system represents feelings about challenging yourself to see how far you can take being completely immersed in an experience. Life situations in which you are testing yourself that require imagination, escapism, and being immersive. Training for professional advancement that doesn't deserve to be distracted.

Example: A teenage boy dreamed of seeing a PlayStation video game scene for Tiger Woods Golf 2004. In waking life, he was questioning whether to exclusively focus on training to play baseball or golf for the rest of his high school term. He was giving it serious thought. The Playstation video game scene of golf may have reflected his feelings about himself being totally immersed or focused on training to play golf to see how far he could improve his golf skills.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a sale on for Sony PlayStation 3. In waking life, she was enjoying a friend's Tarot card reading regarding her relationship with her husband which encouraged her. In this case, the Playstation symbolism may have reflected her feelings about Tarot card readings allowing her to challenge herself to be completely immersed in Tarot card mysticism helping her to improve her marriage and life.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing a game played on Sony PlayStation. In waking life, he was employed as a camp counselor taking care of campers and camp activities. In this case, the Playstation videogame symbolism may have reflected his feelings about the camp experience being something requiring people to challenge themselves inside various immersive experiences on the campgrounds.

*Please See Video Games

Super Mario

To dream of the video game Super Mario represents a challenging experience of testing limits to see how far you can take a situation by staying believable about never giving up being awesome about overcoming obstacles to restore something special. A need to stay on top of things, like you are "fantastic awesome" to friends about restoring something special. Being awesome about being believable about staying on top of a problem situation no matter how outrageous the situation gets to restore or protect something special. Resourcefulness and adaptability, as you find creative solutions to navigate through complex situations that require believability. Feeling that nothing is impossible about being awesome about never giving up being someone's friend.

Negatively, dreaming about Super Mario may represent overdoing needing to save yourself from not looking believable about never giving up doing something more awesome or special than other people. Challenging yourself to be "believable awesome" that won't waste time staying on top of it to avoid looking stupid. A party attitude for management for not getting caught when parents go on vacation.

Example: A young man dreamed of playing Super Mario Galaxy. In waking life, his sisters were throwing parties while their parents were away. In this case, the Super Mario video game symbolism may have reflected his feelings of being a skilled party-goer who was able to handle the challenges and chaos of the party like Mario handles obstacles in the game. He may have seen himself as the hero of the party, always staying on top of things and never giving up. The Koopa may have represented the challenge of keeping everything under control and ensuring that his sisters (princesses) didn't get in trouble with his parents.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of playing Super Mario with his brother. In waking life, his brother had rewarded him with drinking alcohol after a long week of sobriety and work. In this case, Super Mario may have reflected his feelings about having to test himself by staying believable about remaining sober for a week no matter how stressful work got because he had to remain sober to restore people's trust in him as friend.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of ignoring his theatre class to play a Super Mario arcade game. In waking life, she dropped out of the theatre class, enrolled in military basic training which he dropped out of, and then returned to theatre class which he eventually dropped out of. In this case, the Super Mario arcade video game may reflect his tendency to waste time doing whatever he could to distract and challenge himself to believably keep avoiding his parents finding out about him dropping out of theatre school to join the military because his parents might get angry at him (Koopa) for not thinking the opportunity to do something special with his career.


To dream of the Tetris video game represents a challenging experience where you must figure out how to make difficult tasks, responsibilities, or various elements fit into a complex situation. The feeling that life is like a puzzle, and you need to constantly organize and manage things to prevent them from "piling up" and becoming overwhelming. Your willingness to tackle problems and challenges head-on, continuously striving to make a situation work without seeking assistance or acknowledging the difficulties to others. A challenging experience where you are testing limits to see how far you can go to make a difficult situation fit. Challenging experience of having to keep proving yourself with never letting difficult problems pile up too much.

Positively, dreaming about Tetris may indicate your ability to handle complex and demanding situations, demonstrating your skill in managing and organizing tasks effectively. Determination to keep things in order and avoid letting problems accumulate.

Negatively, this dream could suggest that you may be overly focused on managing and organizing the challenges in your life to the point where it becomes overwhelming. You may feel pressured to prove yourself by constantly taking on more than you can handle, neglecting your own well-being in the process. Feeling overwhelmed by a management task or by a situation that keeps giving you a problem that you need to make fit. Feeling that life will become an "organizing death" if you don't make a situation work. Thinking that you don't need to do anything except keep making a situation work in order to be better than someone else.

Example: A young man dreamed blocks falling down like crazy 3D Tetris. In waking life, he was a camp counselor for young people. In this case, the Tetris symbolism may have reflected his feelings about the challenges of camp counselor life as he had to see how far he could make the difficulties of camp life fit with his job managing people. The fun and chaos of camp life as he makes each project work for everyone participating while new problems are always arising requiring him to challenge himself to keep up with it.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of seeing a more advanced version of Tetris and not liking it. In waking life, she had considered going to school in another country. In this case, the Tetris-like game may have reflected her feelings about being challenged to think of how changing her life to go to school in another country would fit with other parts of her life.


To dream of Xbox video game system represents feelings about challenging experiences of training, skill, competition, and collaboration are important. Having fun being good at your job and talking to people about it. A serious or professional feeling of needing to test yourself with everything possible so that you can be good at what you do. Testing yourself with teamwork, communication, and cooperation in achieving goals or improving skills. Engaging in competitive yet collaborative activities

Negatively, dreaming about Xbox may represent a dislike of training, competition, and collaboration with other people while challenging in yourself in some way. Feelings of stress, rivalry, or conflict in group dynamics. It might symbolize the challenges of balancing personal ambitions with the needs of a team or group. Perhaps you feel pressured to perform well in a competitive setting while also managing relationships with others.

Xbox dreams are common to people with employment issues.

Example: A man dreamed of his Xbox being stolen, but then found it. In waking life, the man had a recent job interview. In this case, the Xbox may have reflected his competitive nature about challenging himself to see how far he could take talking about himself being professional or experienced with his current job to get a better job.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of a computer turning into an Xbox. In waking life, he preferred to be skilled at technology privately and not help or talk to others about it. In this case, the Xbox may have reflected his feelings about disliking collaborating with other people while being competitive with technology.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing his friend packing up an Xbox. In waking life, the dreamer's friend got married and moved into a newly built house. In this case, the Xbox being packed up may have reflected the dreamer's feelings about not collaborating with his friend about anything professional or competitive again due to his friend's new married life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being chastised by a co-worker for playing Xbox after hours because it wasted the company's money. In waking life, she was told a week earlier that she needed to get a new job. In this case, the Xbox being played after hours may have reflected her feelings about challenging herself to see how far she could take using company resources to collaborate with people outside the company to get a better job that might have ended up getting her fired.



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