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To dream of an armadillo represents your feelings about unbearable resistance. Forsaking all happiness or comfort for the sake up surviving or persisting. Putting up with conditions that most people consider terrible as though they were normal. Disbelief or shock at how much adversity or negativity someone else is willing to put up with. You or someone else that feels comfortable never thinking of anything nice for themselves.

Alternatively, an armadillo may reflect your extreme sensitivity to change or risk.

A sign that you or someone else may have a big problem letting go or relaxing. Being too accustomed to never enjoying anything.


To dream of an armchair represents feelings of being completely comfortable not having to think of other people's views if you don't want to. Complete security with status, being the way you are, or the position you hold. Not having to do anything different if you don't want to and not thinking anything is wrong with it. Comfortable not feeling stupid on your own. Comfortable respecting yourself on your own. Having your own opinions or choices and staying with them. No jealousy of thinking for yourself and knowing nobody is going to do anything about it. Feeling comfortable that you've already decided what you want to do. Feeling comfortable that you have alternatives to the way you think. Feeling comfortable that other people have to believe you are important by yourself.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing rich people sitting in a room on white single seat armchairs spread out within a waiting room lobby and having to sit on one of the chairs himself never being allowed to speak to anyone else sitting on the chairs. In waking life the man confronted rich people totally secure with their demands who didn't have to agree with him.


To dream of armor represents emotional or psychological defense mechanisms. You or someone else that is resistant to change or different views. A reflection of the personality choosing to protect itself at all times from pain or anxiety. Believing in yourself at all costs.

Positively, wearing armor symbolizes being mentally or emotionally immune to certain negative thoughts, emotions, or situations. You have the emotional resources required to deal with problems and stay in a positive mindset.

Negatively, armor in a dream may reflect a strong ego. Total arrogance that thinks it's better than other people and will fight to keep feeling good thinking that. Resistance to change at all costs. Believing in yourself to the point of hurting or insulting others. Bad habits that are very difficult to give up or your ego.

If you find yourself trying to kill someone wearing armor it symbolizes your attempt to control or get rid of a difficult aspect of your personality. There may be an emotional need or strong motivation to continue thinking in certain ways that may be an obstacle to progress. The ego may be too strong.

If a creepy or evil person in a dream wore armor it may symbolize a fear or a negative thinking pattern that is protected by your inability to overcome other emotions or the ego.

Example: A man dreamed of chasing someone in armor who he wanted to kill. In waking life he was in therapy and having difficulty coming to terms with his ego by thinking that he was smarter than other people. The person who wanted to kill that was wearing armor reflected how difficult it was for him to overcome his own ego.

Example 2: A man dreamed of wearing gold armor. In waking life he believed that he was in the middle of a spiritual war with demons that required him to be a perfect moral Christian for God. The gold armor in this case may have reflected his confident feelings about being spiritually defensive.

*Please See Knights


To dream of armpits represents thoughts and feeling associated with social acceptance and approval. Armpits may also reflect feelings about cultural attitudes or corporate culture. Feelings about what is or isn't acceptance by people you spend a lot of time around.

Negatively, armpits in a dream may reflect behavior by you or someone else that is inappropriate. Disgusting true intentions being discovered.

Hairy armpits may reflect a more laid back attitude or appearing to others as though you don't care about what they think of your choices or behavior.

Shaven armpits may reflect a more careful or sensitive attitude towards social acceptable behavior. Not wanting to appear too laid back or comfortable with something others may not feel is socially acceptable.

Example: A woman dreamed of herself having long straggly armpit hair that she forgot to shave. In waking life someone jealous at her workplace was continually messing up her desk and making her look to her employers like she was comfortable being lazy and disorganized while other people weren't.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing someone getting an axe chopped in their armpit. In waking life he heard news about a criminal who attempted to rob his father's house being shot to death.


To dream of an arm represents function, reach, or what's possible. Arms reflect status, talents, grasp, or resources that are available to you or some aspect of yourself.

To dream of missing an arm represents a loss of function, reach, or an extension of yourself. Some area of your life is not able to function properly or is limited.

To dream of arms being crossed represents some aspect of yourself that is stubborn, opposed, or doesn't need to cooperate.

To see muscular arms represents you or some aspect of your personality is resourceful or effective. Having the power to attain objectives, or "reach" for what you wants. Negatively, muscular arms can point to powerful or resourceful negative aspects of your personality. Beliefs or a situations that may be difficult to confront.

People who self-harm to their arms may see imagery in dreams of damage being done to their arms by "safe" or "trusted" friends along with dark colored imagery such as red, black, and dark blue. This symbolism reflect the person's attempt to harm themselves as safely as they can to get the emotional benefits they seek from the cutting while also being mindful to not kill themselves.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing her boyfriend cut off his arm in front of her. In waking life her boyfriend did special things for her that made her feeling uncomfortable and that he was behaving too nice to her. After telling him this once he stopped giving her special treatment. The arm being cut off may have reflected her feelings about "cutting off" her boyfriends willingness to try hard to do special things for her when she allowed her insecurity to criticize him.


To dream of an army represents a rigid stance or belief system. Persistent beliefs or values in the face of adversity. It may reflect your need to muster up all your strength to endure a hardship. Buckling down to deal with a problem. Following strict rules or an important schedule. Punctuality. Alternatively, it may reflect a strong sense of loyalty to a team.

Negatively, an army may symbolize a stubborn attitude or a big grudge.

Example: A girl dreamed of the Russian army coming towards her. In real life her friend was very stubbornly disagreeing with her.

Example 2: A father dreamed of living on an army base. In real life he was setting very strict rules for his son to live in his home.


To dream of Armageddon may reflect a struggle between good and bad intentions in your waking life that feels on an emotional level to be of epic proportions. Feeling that all the good you have worked for is at risk of being lost to negative intentions or bad people forever. Feeling that you are emotionally at war with terrible people. An epic struggle of moral strength.

Alternatively, Armageddon may reflect the unforgiving nature of a struggle or conflict in waking life. A difficult or stressful situation that requires your full attention and energy to confront it. Facing a powerful addiction that feels impossible to overcome. Feelings about needing to struggle through a very stressful event or emotional upheaval. A life changing event like a divorce, company takeover, or economic crisis. A serious conflict between right and wrong in your life.

Armageddon may appear in a dream when you have to confront a person or situation that's doing everything to stop you.

*Please See End Of The World

Armored Car

To dream of an armored car represents decisions or a direction in life that is preoccupied with never failing under any circumstance. Perfectly carrying out a risky plan or project. An "air tight" or totally secure undertaking.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a bankrupt armored car business. In waking life he ran a risky illegal business that had failed due to new laws he couldn't avoid.

Example 2: A man dreamed of chasing an armored car. In waking life he was trying hard to find financial success while living all on his own and found it too difficult to do so. Opportunities felt guarded because he didn't know anyone and nobody trusted him.

Armored Horse

To dream of an armored horse represents ambition and drive while being very defensive. Fighting or resisting every little thing in your way towards your goal. Alternatively, it may reflect powerful sexual drive or sexual conquest.

Negatively, it may point to fierceness, aggression, or rigidity as you work towards a goal. You may too confrontational.

Army Beret

To dream of an army beret represents an attitude or mindset that cares about except doing what you feel you have to do. Unwillingness to stray from your responsibilities no matter what. A preoccupation with a duty.

Army Clothing

To dream of army clothing or army fatigues represents the personality being very serious about defending itself. The personality is highly aggressive about a rigid stance on an issue. Feelings about life situations where you are focused on surviving or conflict. The personality is heavily focused on standing up for itself.

Army clothing may sometimes be confused with camouflage clothing.

*Please See Camouflage Clothing

Army Tanks

To dream of an army tank represents decision-making that is defensively expressing power. You or someone else that is stubbornly forcing certain choices or actions. Feelings about yourself or someone else that is very serious about enforcing their views. Having no fear about totally disrespecting someone to make them do what you want. "Rolling over" your competition to permanently destroy them. No fear of "crushing" people to enforce your decisions. Feelings about decision-making needing to be totally insensitive in order to win an argument or struggle. No concern for what anyone else thinks or feels if they are in your way. Heavy-handed enforcement that refuses to listen.

Negatively, dreaming about a army tank may reflect an excessive bossy attitude. Dishonestly overpowering people by whatever means are necessary. Crushing opposition you don't want to listen to. Humiliating people with less power than you because you don't want to reduce your own power. Excessive enforcement.

Coat Of Arms

To dream of a coat of arms represents feelings of strength about your roots, history, or heritage. Pride in where you've come from or what you've achieved. Identifying yourself with your accomplishments. Feeling that losing is not an option because of who you are.

Negatively, a coat of arms may reflect excessive pride in your accomplishments. It may also reflect a sense of entitlement to winning based on your accomplishments or who you are.


To dream of your forearm represents feelings about your strength, capabilities, and readiness. Your thoughts about your capacity to handle responsibilities, carry out actions, or assert your will. Your self-assessment about your abilities or effectiveness in waking life. The ability to assert yourself by staying on top of a situation or problem. Confronting limitations or challenges that affect your sense of efficacy or competence.

Positively, dreaming about your forearm might represent confidence, competence, or readiness. A conscious understanding of your capabilities and your preparedness to undertake tasks, overcome obstacles, or defend your interests. The dream might also suggest a period of personal growth, enhanced abilities, or increased self-reliance.

Negatively, dreaming about your forearm could represent feelings of weakness, vulnerability, or incapacity. Fears of not being up to a task, feeling unprepared, or lacking the strength or skill to handle a situation. Experiencing self-doubt, apprehension, or the fear of failure. Confronting situations that make you question your abilities or stretch your comfort zone.

To dream of injuring your forearm may represent feelings about impairing your ability to take action, assert your influence, or exercise your abilities. This could indicate self-doubt, setbacks, or perceived limitations that are preventing you from effectively accomplishing your tasks or pursuing your goals. It could be a sign that you're feeling overworked, overstretched, or overwhelmed by responsibilities. Fear, anxiety, or insecurity about your capabilities or performance. It could reflect feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, or vulnerability, especially in situations where your abilities are being tested or challenged.

To dream of your forearm cut off represents feelings of extreme loss of power, ability, or control in your life. This might reflect a situation where you feel completely incapacitated or unable to affect outcomes. It could suggest that you're feeling impotent, vulnerable, or seriously compromised in your capacity to perform tasks, fulfill responsibilities, or assert your will. This dream might symbolize a situation where you're confronting extreme limitations or challenges that drastically affect your sense of efficacy or competence.

Example: A man dreamed of being bitten on his forearm by a rattlesnake. In waking, life he was recently screwed out of a $10,000 job he was doing. In this case, the rattlesnake biting his forearm may have reflected his feelings of being suddenly and unexpectedly undermined or "bitten" in a situation where he was utilizing his skills and strengths with a sense of readiness and confidence to do the job.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of cutting her hands off and seeing her hand on the ground with part of the forearm attached. In waking life, she felt used by someone and now watched them be in love with someone else with no way to do anything to stop it. In this case, the severe forearm on the ground may have reflected her feelings of being significantly diminished in her ability to act or influence situations, akin to losing a part of herself that is instrumental in getting things done or expressing her will. The dream might symbolize her profound sense of loss, powerlessness, and incapacity to affect the romantic dynamics she was observing.


To dream of being stabbed represents feelings of being hurt, attacked, betrayed, or that something is getting back at you. Feeling wounded by someone else's actions or remarks. Feeling attacked with separation conflict or jealousy. Feelings about others retaliating against you. Conflict or jealousy over an issue that makes you feel that doing something a second time is a mistake. Feeling attacked for not listening. Feelings of being intentionally hurt or witnessing someone trying to cause you pain or loss. Feelings about people turning on you. You may be experiencing feelings of inadequacy. Feelings about someone taking out their anger, resentment, or frustration on you. Feelings about ignorant people or situations that want you to separate yourself from involvement in something that makes them jealous. Unresolved issues that need attention. Your emotional response to a perceived threat or act of aggression in your life.

Positively, dreaming of being stabbed may represent your awareness of a situation where you need to defend yourself or take action to protect your interests. It can serve as a warning signal to address conflicts or threats in your waking life before they escalate.

Negatively, dreaming of being stabbed could represent feelings of vulnerability, fear, or emotional trauma. Feelings of injustice, being backstabbed by friends, or suffering from deceitful actions of others. Unresolved conflicts, lingering mistrust, or emotional scars from past experiences. It could also highlight your own feelings of guilt or regret over actions you've taken against others. Feelings of fear, powerlessness, or victimization in the face of real or perceived betrayal.

To dream of stabbing someone else represents your defensiveness, anger, resentment, or frustration towards someone. Taking out your anger on someone. You're own betrayal of someone else. A wish to restore your independence in a relationship or situation. Your own separation jealousy or getting back at someone. Wanting to feel others pain or to know that you are hurting them in some way. Attacking someone for why you never want them to repeat a certain behavior ever again. Telling someone you don't like them or don't want them near you again. Your attempt to retaliate against someone who has wronged you or prevent them from continuing a certain behavior.

Alternatively, stabbing may reflect feelings about threats of physical harm or botched surgical procedures.

Consider the area of the body being stabbed for additional meaning.

To dream of being stabbed in the neck represents a conflict with commitments that have been made. You may feel that someone or something is challenging your ability to stay committed or attacking your dedication. Feeling attacked for your commitments. Feeling that someone doesn't want you to like something ever again or wants to you give up in some way. If you are trying to stab someone else in the neck it may be a sign that you are very jealous or angry about someone else's commitment to something.

To dream of being stabbed in the leg may reflect conflict with independent choices. Feeling attacked for wanting to do something on your own. If you stab someone else in the leg it may reflect your wish to stop a person or situation from becoming independent.

To dream of being stabbed in the hand represents feelings about conflict with capability. Feeling attacked for your abilities or skills. Feeling jealousy from someone that you are capable or good at something. Feeling that someone or something is trying to turn you into a loser who can't perform well on your own. To dream that you are trying to stab someone else in their hands may reflect your attempt to attack a person or problem that is performing at a competent level that is uncomfortable for you. Jealousy that someone is doing something better than you.

To dream of being stabbed in the foot represents feelings about your principles, moral foundation, or things you stand for being wounded by someone else's actions or words. Jealousy or conflict is negatively affecting "what you stand for." A situation or person that never wants you to stand your ground ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the chest represents feelings about personal power (assertive or passive) being wounded by someone else's actions or words. Feeling attacked for your ability to assert yourself without question. Power that assumes it's an authoritative role or listened to easily feels under attack by jealousy or conflict. A situation or person who never wants you to exact personal power ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the eye represents feelings about observation, judgment, or consciousness being wounded by someone else's words or actions. Feeling that how you see a situation is under attack by jealousy or conflict. A situation or person who never wants you to observe or cast judgment in the same way ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the head represents feelings about intellect or decision-making being under attack by someone else's words or actions. Jealousy or conflict negatively affecting control. A situation or person that never wants you to control yourself or make conscious decisions.

Example: A woman dreamed of experiencing herself stabbing her sister all over her body. In waking life, she was very angry at God for the death of her sister and went into her bedroom while alone and cursed God for killing her sister. In this case, stabbing her sister may have reflected her feelings of intense anger, frustration, and emotional turmoil directed towards God for the loss of her sister. The sister's image in the dream could symbolize God's responsibility for the tragic event itself, rather than the sister as an individual, reflecting the dreamer's struggle to cope with the loss and make sense of the situation.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being stabbed with a butcher knife. In waking life, she regularly had to undergo surgeries. In this case, being stabbed with a butcher knife may have reflected her feelings that the surgeries were invasive," abrupt, and harsh, feeling almost like a violent assault on her body with scars that made her remember each operation. She may have felt that the surgeries were not being conducted with care for appearances and were more focused on medical necessity. She may have also felt that the surgeries get back at her each time she gets one done by creating unattractive scars making her feel less motivated to have more surgeries.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of almost being stabbed, but avoiding it. In waking life, she was avoiding being helpful to people she thought were ungrateful and didn't want to offer them further assistance. In this case, the almost being stabbed may have reflected her feelings of avoiding the negative experience of being cheated with losing money or wasting time on people who didn't appreciate or deserve her help.

Example 4: A woman had recurring dreams of being stabbed by people. In waking life, she was having recurring issues with jealousy of being betrayed by these people. She felt that whenever she allowed people into her life they turned on her.

*Please See Knife



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