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US Marines

To dream of the US Marines may represent feelings of being disciplined, dedicated, or regimented in your approach to an uncertain situation. It may also symbolize a need to be courageous, strong, and committed to your goals or ideals when uncertainty is all that is left. Expertise or experience in controlling yourself when dealing with overwhelming uncertain situations.

Alternatively, the US Marines may represent feelings of aggression, violence, or the need to assert your dominance or authority over others when completely overwhelmed by uncertainty. It may also symbolize a desire to protect or defend yourself or someone else when overwhelmed by uncertainty.

Negatively, US Marines may represents overdoing being disciplined, dedicated, or regimented in an approach to an uncertain situation. Being too tough when nobody knows what will happen next.

The presence of the US Marines in a dream may also be influenced by current events or personal experiences related to military service or conflict.

Example: A young woman dreamed of US Marines while also experiencing a Tsunami. In waking life she claimed that she used to dream a lot about Tsunamis, but not as much now. In this case the Marines may have reflected her feelings about herself being experienced with uncertain situations enough to control them or survive them after having a lot of experience in the past. She is tougher now about putting up with overwhelming uncertain situations.

Example 2: A man dreamed of US Marine woman riding on his back as though the dreamer was a horse. In waking life the man claimed that he had a "marine like" supervisor at work that was giving him a hard time. In this case the US Marine may have reflected the man's feelings about his supervisor being very disciplined, strict and authoritative in his approach towards the dreamer when dealing with uncertain work situations, just like the image of a US Marine. The image of the US Marine woman riding on his back may represent the feeling of being weighed down or burdened by the supervisor's authority and discipline.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of a US Marine that she knew being attacked by worms, maggots, and cockroaches in a hallway. In waking life, she was feeling hesitant about going to work and ultimately decided not to go. In this case, the US Marines may have reflected her perception of someone at work with experience and training who was unable to handle an overwhelming and chaotic work environment.


See our themes section on weapons.

*Please See Guns

*Please See Knife



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