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Whiteboard-Dry Erase Board

To dream of a whiteboard or dry erase board represents professionally presenting an idea or possibility. Professionally brainstorming or noticing an idea is possible. Professionally noticing what ideas look like before you try them. A professionally or thoughtfully presented idea that you don't have to listen to if you don't want to. Noticing an idea first, but not forever. Ideas possibilities that you don't have to listen to if you don't want to. Not having to care about anyone else's feelings if you didn't want to while looking at or considering a presented idea. Feeling that it's intelligent to listen to presented ideas at least once. Not feeling scared to listen to a serious idea. Feeling that it's just your job to present an idea as intelligently as possible. Situations where it looks better for appearances if you listen to ideas or brainstorming presented to you.

Negatively, dreaming about a whiteboard may represents feelings that you might not being intelligent or safe if you don't listen to something ideas presented or brainstormed at least once. Feelings about yourself presenting an idea as intelligent as possible, but that nobody has to listen to it. Not liking wasting your time listening to someone else offer professional ideas or possibilities. Where as a standard chalkboard may reflect having to care, think, or have anxiety related to presented ideas or brainstorming, a white board doesn't. The symbolism is based on the chalkboard being more related to school with a whiteboard being more related to non-school professional.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a person's face on a whiteboard in a classroom. In waking life the dreamer felt forced to consider the possibility of an idea by a person just in case before going ahead with any serious final decisions. The whiteboard in this case may have reflected his feelings about the presented alternative idea by a careful person which he didn't have to accept if he didn't want to.

*Please See Chalkboard



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