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Dirt Roads

*Please See Roads


To dream of a dirt road symbolizes a path in life that is difficult, turbulent, or filled with problems. A lot of hard work may be required from you.

Long roads symbolize longer periods of adversity, obstacles, and struggles.

To dream of a paved road represents your path in life being easy or laid out for you. Your sense of direction is clear or catered to. Smooth sailing or nothing getting in your way.

Negatively, a paved road may reflect a difficult time of your life that feels like you can't escape the mundane. It may also reflect a life path that is too easy.

If you know the street then your feelings or memories about it symbolize where you are mentally or emotionally in your life.

The condition of the road symbolizes how difficult or emotionally turbulent the direction of your life is.

If a road is dark this man represent confusion, problems, or a lack of understanding as you pursue goals.

To dream of standing in the middle of a road may reflect feelings about your current life situation being risky or dangerous. Feeling that "stakes are higher" than normal. Feeling uncomfortable that you could be embarrassed by something terrible or dangerous. Feeling that problems or other people could make your life very difficult if you aren't careful.

Example: A man dreamed of standing in the middle of the road on a street. In waking life he was very uncomfortable that his rich sick father would change his will at the last moment and embarrass him front of his family if he wasn't careful about how he acted towards his father.


To dream of seeing dirt represents problems or difficulties that have to be dealt with. Unpleasant feelings about how hard or unfair life feels. Trouble. Feelings about something not being easy. Feeling that people or a situation doesn't like you.

To dream of delivering dirt or dumping a pile of dirt may reflect a difficulties you are intentionally giving someone else. A sign you are bitter or spiteful.

To dream of shoveling a pile of dirt away represents unpleasant feelings about doing whatever you can with a troubling problem. Shoveling dirt into a hole may represent unpleasant feelings about slowly getting closure you desire.

To dream of eating dirt may represent feelings about how terrible it is to accept very unpleasant conditions. Having to accept nothing or total embarrassment.

To dream of having dirt thrown in your face may represents feelings about being forced to think about a difficult or unpleasant problem. Feeling that an enemy enjoys you having to be noticed with flaws or problems. Feeling that you are intentionally being made to think you aren't perfect.

*Please See Roads (Dirt)

Dirt Bike

To dream of a dirt bike represents decision-making with an awareness of yourself being dangerous or rebellious. Doing whatever it takes to win. Knowing that your decisions are not liked by others. Being in control and defiant. Feeling good embarrassing others that you are going to do what you want because you can. A mindset that is in control and focused on not being told what to do. A mentality that is not concerned with what anyone thinks. A dirtbike may also reflect an stubborn underdog mentality. An attitude that says "screw you, I'm doing it anyway."

Negatively, you may be scaring other people that you never have to conform. Showing off being risky, dangerous, or independent. Enjoying breaking the rules to stay ahead.

To dream of crashing a dirtbike may be a sign that you are going to far with a rebellious choice or attitude. Rules or authority that can't be outdone. Going too far showing off or being defiant.

*Please See Motorcycle

Paved Roads

*Please See Roads


To dream of asphalt represents a clear understanding or grasp of a situation. Not having to worry. A clear path towards your goals. Standing on solid ground or feeling that an area of your life has been permanently made easier.

*Please See Roads (Paved)

*Please See Sidewalk

*Please See Concrete



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