Killer Whales
To dream of a killer whale represents feelings about behavior being incredible about believing in it at a distance while it feels dangerous and empty paying attention to you up close. Feelings about liking people or situations don't have to be personal with for the rest of your life while being uncomfortable about a close encounter. A sense of peace or indifference towards a person or situation that remains distant or uninvolved, but have a deep-seated fear or anxiety about when it becomes close or demands your attention. Killer whales may also reflect your feelings about how wonderful it will be to eventually meet or talk to someone you really like and then being terrified when you get the opportunity to spend time with them for real.
Negatively, dreaming about a killer whale may represent fear of a person or situation that you comfortably like being distant and unaware of you without a problem while fearing confronting them up close. A fear of losing control, being dominated, or facing unpredictable dangers when encountering people whom you like never talking to for the rest of your life. Liking why people who make you socially uncomfortable live far away or don't pay attention to you while fearing them immediately if you had to confront them in person. Not liking anything about someone except that they live far away and don't communicate with you because of the incredible peace of mind it gives you while fearing changing that. Feeling good for someone you don't like as long as you don't have to see or hear from them again. Overoptimism for something that scares you once confronting the reality of it becomes too emotionally personal.
Example: A woman once dreamed of standing in front of a killer whale. In waking life, she was close to getting married. In this case, the killer whale may have reflected her feelings of acceptance for how wonderful the idea of getting married felt with a distant wedding date with nobody taking it seriously yet, and the fear she felt when it was time to actually get married because she had to think of everyone she invited paying close attention to her.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a killer whale. In waking life, he was considering telling a girl how he really felt. In this case, the killer whale may have reflected his feelings about safely looking at the girl from a distance and the terror he felt when he was about to talk to her for real.
Example 3: A woman dreamed that killer whales might bite her legs. In waking life, she was fearing her faith in God was being tested when a situation got too difficult. In this case, the killer whales may have reflected her feelings about how wonderful faith in God felt with nobody questioning it, but also how scary it felt to think God didn't matter with other people observing her faith personally with critical thinking when she was in trouble.
*Please See Whales
To see a killer in your dream represents you or someone else that has the intention to end something. Beliefs, friendships, or situations that are being intentionally terminated.
Positively, a killer may reflect you or someone else that fully intends to put a stop to something. If the killer attacks bad people, the dream may represent purification and the healing process. You are standing up to negative thoughts or situations.
Negatively, a killer may reflect your fears or even other people that are purposely killing off good things in your life. Fearing serious losses or being overwhelmed by humiliating failure. Fearing being the biggest loser you know. Fear that a problem you have is impossible to overcome.
Example: A women dreamed of being chased by a killer. In waking life she was terrified of financial ruin and was doing everything to avoid it after being forced to change jobs and take a pay-cut.
*Please See Murder
*Please See Serial Killer
Serial Killer
To see a serial killer in your dream, represents people or situations that you feel are enjoying working against you. You may feel that a person is enjoying harming you or making you fail. You may have an enemy or competitor that is beating you and rubbing it in. A powerful fear of embarrassing loss or failure. A person that you feel is so terrible that want to enjoy you noticing your own failure.
Alternatively, a serial killer may reflect a problem that is influencing a lot of other areas of your life. It may also point to reckless belief system "killing off" plans or hopes you had. Positively, a serial killer may represent a serious attempt to deal with a lot of problems at once.
If you dream of a famous serial killer, then think about what stands out most about that killer to you and how that may apply to a loss or failure you are experiencing.
To dream of being a serial killer represents you enjoyment of making other people fail. You may be defeating an enemy or competitor and are enjoying rubbing it in. It may be a sign that you have issues with power trips.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a serial killer smashing down his door. In real life he was losing his looks. An arrogant better looking friend of his enjoyed making him notice that he wasn't better looking anymore and feeling as though no woman would want him again.
*Please See Killer
To dream of a whale represents issues in your life that are so powerful or influential that everything else is insignificant. Enormous accomplishments that can't be outdone.
Positively, a whale reflects a positive situation that is so powerful that all your worries or frustrations become null. Some area of your life where you are too big to lose.
Negatively, a whale reflects a situation that is so powerful that all your desires or goals are diminished. Feeling that something in your life is too big for you to deal with. Feeling too little to compete or handle yourself on your own. Feelings about yourself being so accomplished that nobody could ever do anything bigger than you.
Example: A young girl dreamed of being chased by a whale. In waking life she was about to enter high school and feared not having enough friends and not being popular enough. She felt like a "little fish" that didn't know anyone.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a smiling whale. In waking life she had just finished climbing an enormous mountain with her husband. The whale may have reflected her feelings about her mountain climb be so such an enormous accomplishment that nobody else she knew could ever achieve more.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being on vacation and fearing that a whale would attack her. In waking life she was trying to calm herself down from a very stressful issue, but the issue was too important for her to stop worrying about.
*Please See Killer Whales
Michael From Halloween
To dream of Michael from Halloween represents feelings or fears about emptiness that needs to finish you off if it ever sees you. Fear of total failure never wants to listen to anything you have to say including noticing your innocent. Feelings of fear or an evil that you feel never cares about anything except getting you back. Situations that terrify you that someone or something isn't stupid about only getting you back. An enemy that is impossible to deal with rationally. Enemies or fears that want to get you back while noticing you never get to talk back to them. Feelings of fear that someone or something will never stop coming for you like it's their job. Fear of someone or something that surprises you that it can afford to do nothing except come for you. Enemies that aren't listening at all. Enemies that don't care about why they don't like you and don't care about anything except getting you back anyway. Feelings about
Fear of an impossible ruthless enemy that will never change its mind and never want to stop coming for you. Feeling that once an enemy sees you that nothing else matters to them except making you look like a complete failure. Ignorance of terrible people that will never stop believing it's their full time job to finish you off getting you back. Putting up with an idiot that feels it's their job to never want to stop scaring you with never getting to relax.
Michael Myers from Halloween in a dream may be a sign that it's not a good idea to hope that your enemy or powerful fear will go away on it's own. It may also be a sign that getting as far away as possible from a problem or confronting a problem with a permanent reaction that you've never tried before may be better. You may need to embarrass a person publicly to draw attention to their behavior to make dealing with it easier.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing Michael from the movie Halloween. In the dream she tried and failed to beat up Michael. Michael ended up holding her throat. In waking life she was dealing with people who belittled her and felt bad that she didn't stand up to them when she wanted to.