Banana Splits
To dream of a banana split sundae often represents large amounts of sexual indulgence that is enjoyed being discussed afterwards. Having a lot of sex and talking about it afterwards with your friends.
Negatively, banana splits may reflect peer pressure to have sex and openly discuss it.
Example: A young girl witnessed other people buying banana splits, but decided not to buy one herself. In waking life her friends were having sex, but she decided that she didn't like the boy she was dating enough to have sex with him. The banana split sundae may have reflected the large amount of sexual activity that was being enjoyed being talked about in her social circle.
To dream of an object something being split in half through damage represents feelings about an imperfect or dangerous division. Objects splitting in unusual ways may also reflect unexpected flaws or problems. Fear or disappointment of some area of your life no longer working normally.
To dream of pants splitting in the rear end may reflect feelings of embarrassment about discipline being too uptight or strict.
To dream of a tree split down the middle may reflect feelings of division in some established area of your life. Family division. Relationship division. Employment insecurity.
To dream of doing the splits in the style of gymnastics represents feelings about an exceptional feat of independence. Fearlessness that you could ever be stopped. Scaring other people with how comfortable you are with dangerously extending yourself to maintain stability. Feelings about being dangerously capable. Feelings about being exceptionally comfortable in an unusually demanding situation. Being an expert that does't fear one thing stopping you. Enjoying doing something comfortably that other people think is too dangerous.
*Please See Crack
*Please See Breakup
*Please See Banana Split