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To dream of a canteen represents planning or preparation for the worst. Having a backup plan to restore comfort or confidence in case a troubling or terrible situation comes up.

To dream of drinking from a canteen may represents your attempt to regain composure when a situation has gotten more difficult than you expected. Feeling more pressure than you had hoped for. It may also reflect desperation. Using your last resources to deal a difficulty.

To dream of an empty canteen may reflect a sense of hopelessness or that you've tried everything you could without any success. A situation is just too difficult to get through.


To dream of a canyon represents feelings of having a lot of space, freedom or options, but feeling overwhelmed or unsure on how to use or utilize it effectively. Feelings of insignificance and smallness, as well as feelings of being overwhelmed by the challenges of life.

Example: A woman dreamed of being in a canyon type area. In waking life she was looking for a new job and couldn't find one that was suitable. In this case the canyon might have reflected her feelings about the job market being so open with nothing suitable. Feelings about big enormous companies offering while feeling that couldn't do anything except move on.

Canadian Bacon

To dream of Canadian bacon represents excessive total self-gratification. It may also reflect a casual attitude to having something exactly the way you want it all the time.

Canadian bacon may be a sign that you are becoming bored, spoiled by , used to, or over-stimulated with pleasure.


To dream of the disease cancer represents emotional or situational decay. An area of your life that slowly eats away at your well-being, happiness, or power. It can also reflect feelings of hopelessness, restrictions, or fundamental flaws. Feeling that a situation can only get worse or will spread to other areas of your life if you don't start taking action. Feeling that a situation is hopeless or can only get worse. Feeling that something eating away are you.

Example situations that could encourage a dream about cancer may be a difficult illness, financial problems, or a relationship that stifles you.

Alternatively, cancer can also reflect real life situations were cancer is a real possibility or someone you know is living with it.

Example: A man dreamed of having cancer. In waking life he was very depressed about his life and felt that life couldn't only get worse for him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of having lung cancer. In waking life he was experiencing anxiety about his habit of smoking cigarettes giving him cancer if he didn't quit.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing cancerous smoke. In waking life he was worried about the economic crisis.

Example 4: A man dreamed about a cancer club for children where the children were beginning to feel hopeless. In waking life he felt that his life was only getting worse and people who had previously inspired him couldn't inspire him any more.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing someone with cancer. In waking life she felt that her marriage was slowly deteriorating.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of having cancer. In waking life she was experiencing her mental health slowly deteriorating.


*Please See Marijuana

Canvas Shoes

To dream of a canvas shoes represents a casual attitude or approach to a situation. An approach to life or a situation that is laid back. Not taking anything too seriously or telling yourself that you'll just see how something goes.

Example: A man dreamed of wearing ugly light green canvas shoes. In waking life he was trying hard to respect someone he didn't like as he read through that person's research work. The canvas shoes reflected the casual attitude he was attempting to hold towards the person while being aware of himself not liking them.

Cotton Candy

To dream of cotton candy represents total preoccupation with how wonderful, fun, or pleasurable something is. Not thinking about anything except how good it feels to feel good. Not wanting to stop noticing yourself feeling good.

Negatively, cotton candy may reflect your sensitivity about losing something that feels good.


To dream of garbage represents thoughts, feelings, habits, or life situations that are unwanted. Garbage points to things in your life that are unproductive, or no longer needed to be happy. A belief or situation isn't helpful to you anymore. Unwanted emotional problems, unwanted health problems, unwanted relationships.

Negatively, dreaming about garbage may be sign that you are putting to much "crap' from other people. Feeling that you are unwanted or not respected. Being treated like a piece of garbage. Feeling surrounded by worthless options or choices. A low opinion of someone. Waking life situations where you may be experiencing an appalling conditions. Feeling that something is beneath you.

To dream of throwing something in the garbage represents feelings about beliefs, relationships, or situations that are unwanted. Negatively, it may reflect a lack of respect for other people's feelings, time, or property. Not valuing other people enough. Wasting your own power or resources in hasty overly emotional moments.

To dream of cleaning up garbage may reflect problem solving or fixing a situation that you feel is beneath you. Addressing bad habits.

Example: A young girl dreamed of someone throwing her pony in the garbage. In waking life she felt that her parents divorce was destroying her relationship with her father who liked to spend quality time with her.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of killing and throwing the dead body of his enemy in the garbage. In waking life he had gotten his first serious girlfriend and lost his virginity. The garbage scene may have symbolized his growing confidence allowing him to stop lying about having already lost his virginity to look good to friends. Metaphorically discarding his jealousy and need to be dishonest to feel respected by his friends.

Example 3: A young woman dreamed of throwing a body in the garbage. In waking life she felt that her relationship with her boyfriend was over and wanted to be rid of him from her life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of police telling her that a person was a piece of garbage. In waking life she was being told by her jealous boyfriend not to meet someone. The statement about the person being a piece of garbage may have reflected the boyfriends low opinion of the person she planned to meet.

Example 5: A man dreamed of sitting on a garbage can like a homeless beggar and then wearing a sign around his neck that said "I make room for trash if need be." In waking life he was a Jewish man living in Nazi Germany with the new race laws enacted. As an assimilated Jew with the new laws he may have felt worthless or like a "piece of worthless trash" due to how he was being so easily discriminated against.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing babies in a trash can. In waking life she was in the process of getting a divorce that ended future plans with her husband.

Garbage Bags

To dream of garbage bags represents thoughts, memories, habits, or life situations that you want to be rid of as soon as possible. Noticing something going away. Something unproductive, or undesirable is being removed or discontinued.

Garbage Man

To dream of a garbage man represents awareness of yourself never caring about something ever again. A final decision to completely rid yourself of something. Feeling good noticing something is finally over.

Negatively, a garbage man may represent feelings of being pressured to make a final decision remove something from your life that you may not be fully ready to let go of. Realizing that you have made a hasty decision to be rid of something from your life.

Garbage Truck

To dream of a garbage truck represents decisions or a direction in life that allows you to always not have to notice negativity. A choice or new method of thinking that always spares you of a problem.

Example: A young man dreamed of killing a childhood enemy and sticking his body in the back of a garbage truck. In waking life he was experiencing hair loss due to an illness and feared embarrassment. He had also just purchased a hat to hide his problem. The garbage truck represent his new hat being a way to always avoid the embarrassment of his hair loss problem.

Gummy Bears Candy

To dream of a gummy bears candy represents enjoying a situation that feels good with nothing getting back at you for using your imagination like it's completely safe. Enjoying your imagination about something potentially being real without needing to be too serious about embarrassing you or getting back at you. Feeling safe flirting with harmless imaginative ideas with someone, without the fear of any immediate consequences or negative outcomes. Enjoying imaginative scenarios about possible relationships.

Negatively, gummy bears candy in a dream may represent an overly naive, imaginative, or carefree attitude towards situations that are serious or complicated because you are too safe. It can symbolize indulgence in wishful thinking, avoiding real responsibilities or problems, or failing to consider the reality of a situation because you are too safe. Overdoing never confronting anything terrible because you can keep safely imagining that you don't need to with nobody speaking to you about needing to be realistic.

Example: A girl dreamed of a green gummy bear. In waking life, she met a guy on the internet who lived in another US state. She enjoyed talking to the guy about a potential arranged marriage for the whole day. She didn't want to stop. In this case, the green gummy bear candy may have reflected her enjoyment and comfort in indulging her imagination regarding a potential arranged marriage with the guy she met online.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of live gummy Bears candy that kept dying. In waking life, she was a bisexual who had issues with not wanting to date a man because her family would never believe she was gay. In this case, the gummy bears that keep dying may have reflected her enjoying imaginative scenarios about possible relationships with men, that she ultimately perceived as incompatible or destined to fail, due to her struggle with her sexual identity.

Licorice Candy

To dream of red twizzler style licorice candy represents feelings about enjoying passionately or dangerously never having to stop behaving "twisted." Pleasure you get from toying or experimenting non-stop with something. Feeling good enjoying something repetitive, difficult, or intentionally "twisted."

To dream of black twizzler licorice candy represents enjoyment from excessively acting your age or enjoying never having to stop telling other people that they are stupid. Feeling good being intentionally "twisted" in a responsible manner. Feeling good never having to stop hating yourself in a way that other people can't do anything about. Being awful or excessive to other people you are toying with non-stop. Pleasure derived from playing or experimenting non-stop with something difficult. Enjoying scaring people with non-stop "twisted" behavior.

To dream of red licorice without twisting represents feelings about enjoying something dangerous that takes a long time. Enjoying something you are passionate about or feels that "everything is on the line" that takes a long time.

To dream of black licorice without twisting represents feelings about enjoying something excessive that takes a long time. Enjoying excessive responsibility that takes a long time.

Example: A girl dreamed of having a jar of red twizzler style licorice sitting on a shelf. In waking life she had just lost her virginity and was feeling good expecting to experiment non-stop with other kinds of sex by seducing her boyfriend.

Skin Cancer

To dream of skin cancer represents an inability to feel good enjoying yourself again in some manner. Fearing that your ability to feel good is cut off and can only get worse.

A problem may have been created in your life due to too much enjoyment or freedom. Living with the consequences of having enjoyed yourself too much. Caution, anxiety, or careful avoidance of pleasure because you may have abused certain behavior to the point of causing a noticeable problem.

Feeling embarrassed into a conservative moderate mindset after first being rebellious or carefree to you heart's content.


To dream of a camel represents difficult situations that require you to do everything you can to get though them. A camel may appear in a dream when you are confronted with people or situations that are totally uncaring and require you to do everything you can to get away from them. A current or expected situation that requires a very long wait to be successful.

Negatively, a camel may reflect feelings of accepting yourself being patient or compliant with others needs when their needs are excessive. Not respecting yourself enough to stand up to stand up for yourself to spare yourself a lot of time and needless effort. Allowing yourself to be a "patient loser" or overworking for someone else's wastefulness. Not asking for help while enduring an emotionally unbearable situation on your own. Avoiding actions that would help you save time. Not listening to advice that would save you time.

Example situations that may encourage a camel dream may be leaving a partner, changing professions, or getting through a difficult financial situation.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing camels that needed to get through a different journey. In waking life she was under a lot of stress during a relocation to another US State to take a new job. There was a lot to endure to complete the relocation.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing camels being slaughtered at the end of a very long line. In waking life he was experiencing his father trying to rip him off for $200,000 that was promised to him when the valuable family property was sold. His father tried to control his life and force him to move away with him into a trailer instead of getting to move away to beautiful place in South America that was planned. The dreamer had been waiting for the homes to be sold for 4 years before realizing that his father had been lying to him the whole time.



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