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Wolf Whistle

To dream of hearing a wolf whistle that flirts represents feelings of about acknowledgment or admiration that is blatantly forward or unashamed. Feelings about being told that you are more impressive than you thought out in the open that's arrogant or inappropriate about having nothing to hide. Feelings about a public display of approval that you are more impressive than other people. Thoughts or feelings about being the center of attention or being publicly recognized, perhaps in a way that feels uncomfortably direct or lacking in subtlety. Feeling that someone is very impressed with you out in the open in front of other people. Surprise or embarrassment that you are more impressive than you thought.

Positively, dreaming about a wolf whistle represents a boost in self-esteem, confidence, or feeling flattered by someone's overt attention or admiration. Enjoying acknowledgment and attention, appreciating the validation of your qualities or accomplishments. It could also be indicative of receiving a morale boost, feeling desirable, or enjoying a sense of achievement and recognition.

Negatively, hearing a wolf whistle that flirts may represent overdoing feelings about enjoying getting attention for being more impressive than other people in public in a way that is blatant, unshamed, arrogant, or inappropriate. Arrogantly believing that you deserve to be impressed with yourself for what people think about you in public. Feeling that someone is not respecting you while they are impressed by you. Inappropriate compliments. Feeling uncomfortable that someone you aren't attracted to is attracted to you. Feel forced into a spotlight you find uncomfortable or are dealing with unwanted attention or harassment. Concerns about the intentions behind the attention you receive and the potential for misinterpretation or unwanted advances.

To dream of yourself whistling a wolf whistle that flirts represents feelings about your own behavior being blatantly overt, forward, or unashamed in showing admiration or interest in someone else. Feelings about overtly showing someone you are impressed by them by through inappropriate means or arrogant gestures. A straightforward or confident approach to expressing interest, admiration, or desire. A very public manner to show someone you think they are impressive.

To dream of a wolf whistle that calls attention (without flirting) represents feelings about drawing attention that's cool and confident about getting a response while not needing to do it a second time. A call to notice something important, urgent, or noteworthy that demands immediate awareness or action. A wake-up call to take notice of something significant in your life.

Example: A woman dreamed of hearing a wolf whistle that flirted. In waking life, she wanted God to take revenge on her husband for cheating on her and threatened her husband with God's revenge. Eventually, something bad happened to her husband. In this case, the wolf whistle may have reflected her feelings that God was publicly showing off proving much how more he respected her for her stronger faith compared to her husband once bad luck struck her cheating husband.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being at a wedding, catching the bouquet, and then having her dress fly upwards revealing her underwear. She then heard wolf whistles that flirted with her. In waking life, she was single and didn't like her married friends' expectations of her needing to get married as well. In this case, the flirting wolf whistles may have reflected her discomfort with her friends casually talking to her out loud about men who were attracted to her and might be suitable for marriage.


To dream of a wolf represents an aspect of your personality that is "on their own." It may reflect an area of your life where you feel alone or like you have to do something all by yourself.

Negatively, a wolf represents issues that threaten you, make you feel vulnerable, or make you feel dangerously alone. Fearing that a problem will not go away.

A white wolf in a dream usually symbolizes an area of your life where you are a loner or on your own. A situation that nobody else understands or that you have to do all by yourself.

A black wolf in a dream usually symbolizes a threat or sense of vulnerability. You may feel like nobody can help you or unable to get answers you need. Negatively, it may reflect a fear of being taken from or your own wish to take whatever you want from others whenever you want.

To dream of a pack of wolves represents feelings of being isolated, cornered, and vulnerable to being taken from. Having to protect yourself from numerous angles. Alternatively, a pack of wolves may reflect group behavior that is of a organized mob mentality. Positively, a pack of wolves may reflect feelings of brotherhood or sticking up for friends.

People with serious physical injuries or medical issues that won't go away often dream of wolves attacking them.

Example: A once man dreamed that wolves were eating his leg. In real life a medication he required was paralyzing his leg and doctors had no idea how to stop it.

Example 2: A gay man dreamed of a white wolf walking up to him and hugging him. In waking life he was coming to terms with accepting his homosexuality and the feelings of being isolated that it gave him. He was becoming comfortable with being gay "on his own."

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing a black wolf with blue eyes. In waking life she was worried about her daughter's well-being, but felt that her daughter was taking advantage of her.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of being a wolf while walking around the forest. In waking life he had no job while waiting for his new job to start. In this case the wolf may have reflected his feelings about being all on his own without a job never asking for money from anyone.



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