

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N
 O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    #


To dream of being asked a question may represent a situation that is giving you self-doubt. Perhaps, you are questioning or reconsidering the importance of an area of your life. Wondering if you are on the right track with your decisions or lifestyle. Being asked a question may also reflect a situation that challenges the established order of your life.

To dream of asking someone a question may represent your uncertain feelings about doing something different with your life or making a change. Alternatively, asking a question may reflect your attempt to challenge the status quo or the established order of a relationship.

Example: A man dreamed of being asked a question. In waking life he had visited a spiritual retreat and loved it so much he began asking himself whether or not he ever wanted to go home ever again.



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