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To dream of mountains represents large obstacles or challenges in your life. Feelings the need to prove yourself by overcoming something difficult.

Negatively, a mountain may reflect problems or challenges that are too dangerous to pursue on your own. They may also reflect a complete lack of understanding about how difficult or dangerous a challenge really us. Hardships that will not be easily or quickly overcome. Feelings about a situation being the hardest challenge of your life.

To dream of being on top of a mountain represents achievement and realization of goals. An obstacle or challenge has been overcome. Pride in yourself for having completed something difficult. Feeling accomplished. Feeling a lot of respect for yourself. Feeling good having proved yourself. Feeling good having embarrassed someone else who told you that your goals are impossible.

To dream of a snowy mountain represents a large obstacle in your life that you perceive to be under terrible conditions.

To dream of climbing a mountain represents a challenge you are attempting to overcome. It may also reflect working towards a long term goal. Working to overcome a big fear or enormous problem. Proving yourself when nobody believes in you. Confronting problems in your life that may feel impossible.

Example: A young man dreamed of being on top of a mountain. In waking life he had finally gotten the courage to ask a girl he liked out on a date.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of carrying notes and research up a mountain and being disappointed when she got to the top. In waking life she was in the middle of writing a book and felt that a prestigious job offer was pointless.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of climbing up a mountain and ignoring his father below. In waking life he was trying to prove himself and get ahead in the world while ignoring his father's views.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing her mother tell her that soon they'd have to live in the mountains. In waking life she was living in Nazi Germany and felt that soon her mother would have serious problems hiding her ethnicity because she was full Jewish. (The dreamer was half Jewish).

Example 5: A woman dreamed of having to jump from one mountain to another mountain and feeling that it was very dangerous. In waking life she had worked very hard to get her career and got an opportunity for a better one that entailed risking having no job at all because she had to quit her current job to prepare for the opportunity for the better one.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing a building beside a mountain. In waking life he had just moved into a new home. In waking life he had just recently purchased a new home. The mountain in this case may have reflected his feelings about the enormous size of his mortgage.

Mountain Dew Soft Drink

To dream of the Mountain Dew soft drink represents feelings about liking challenging yourself to something new or interesting that you usually don't do without ever thinking there's a problem with it. Confronting no challenges for doing something different than you usually don't do. Liking doing something different that doesn't have to explain it. Stepping out of your usual routines or norms without thinking about it as a problem. Breaking free from monotonous patterns and experimenting with new experiences, all while staying within your comfort zone. The liberty and enthusiasm to do something divergent from the usual, embracing a different style or approach without any sense of constraint or embarrassment.

Negatively, dreaming about Mountain Dew may reflect overindulging in newfound freedom or that there are underlying consequences that you might not have foreseen. A potential for overstepping boundaries, or a warning that what feels liberating now might have repercussions in the long run. Overdoing liking challenging yourself to something new that you usually don't do without ever thinking there's a problem with it to the point of being embarrassing, rude, or mean to other people.

Example: A young man dreamed of drinking Mountain Dew with his mother and then saw the Mountain Dew begin to dangerously bubble with his mother accusing him of poisoning her. In waking life, he was having trouble with a friend that stopped talking to him which caused further problems with other friendships. In this case, the Mountain Dew may have reflected his initial feelings of enjoyment and comfort in challenging himself to approaching his friendships differently after experiencing a complication with his close friend while believing there would be no problem with it. The dangerous bubbling of the Mountain Dew with accusations of poisoning might represent the unforeseen complications and misunderstandings that arose with other friends from his new approach to his friendship (or enjoying himself without believing he needs to apologize to his friend). The dream might highlight his fear of unintended consequences and misunderstandings when stepping out of his usual social routines or norms.

Mountain Lion

*Please See Cougars


To dream of snowboarding represents feelings about enjoying not having to be responsible. Partying or enjoying yourself during the holidays. Situations that are "perfectly fixed" or "finished" and allow you to let loose. Enjoying showing off with family during holidays. Feelings about being an expert at showing off during time off or holidays.

Negatively, a snowboard may reflect feelings about recklessly doing whatever you want when you don't need to. Excessive partying or drinking during holidays. Showing off in ways that ignore family life after work or serious situations are finished. Immature or irresponsible behavior. Wasting a good opportunity to show off.

Example: A young man dreamed of losing his snowboard and then finding it again. In waking life he was having an argument with his girlfriend about his excessive drinking during the holidays.



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