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Cedar Trees

*Please See Evergreen Trees

Cherry Blossom Trees

To dream of cherry blossom tree represents situations in your life that are perfectly aligned to let you feel good. A perfect opportunity to be close to someone or spend personal time with someone special. An event in your life that allows you to have your perfect moment.

Example: A young girl dreamed of walking along a path of cherry blossom trees. In waking life she was having trouble with her siblings and was using it as a chance to spend personal time with her ex-boyfriend.


To dream of Christmas represents feelings about a situation where everything feels good caring about you without needing to stop. A situation that is intentionally being kept wonderful without noticing problems. Quality social gatherings that make people feel they deserve to make an effort to feel good together or are cared about. Quality social activity where everyone feels good together noticing nothing is losing. Social festivity that is very caring or putting extra effort into treating people special. Quality leisure time or feeling intentionally supported having leisure time off. Feeling about easily getting something long deserved. Feeling that someone else has no choice, but to give you a deserved break or special treatment. A joyous occasion. Renewed happiness that your health is returning or that something you've wanted for a long time is finally happening. Feelings of deserving to take a break with everyone else thinking it's a good idea too. Quality time, special occasions, or receiving gifts. Leisure time or closeness with family.

Negatively, Christmas in a dream may reflect feelings of not asking for anything and while not wanting to do anything for anyone. A dislike or anxiety about quality social gatherings. A dislike of festivity or enjoy spending time with family. A dislike of feeling forced to care about other people beyond your comfort level or during special occasions. Not enjoying feeling forced to take a break or long deserved vacation.

Alternatively, from a negative perspective dreaming about Christmas may reflect jealousy of other people deserving to be treated more special than you. Feeling grateful for deserving something that should have been easy or already given to you. Allowing someone to abuse their power over you by giving you something that is already yours as though it's special. A dislike of large gatherings. Wishful thinking about the reconciliation with people you've had an argument with being easy.

Example: A man dreamed of Christmas time with family and wanting to leave. In waking life he was experiencing discomfort at having to attend a party because he was very anti-social and easily made nervous with talking to people. The Christmas symbolism may have reflected his feelings about all the effort people were putting into making others feel special at the party. It felt like it was too much closeness for his comfort level.

Example 2: A man dreamed of walking into the living room of his Grandmother's house and seeing that it was Christmas time. In waking life he was given an temporary break from a very strenuous job at work. He felt an enormous sense of relief as his employers were very demanding under unique conditions. Christmas in this case may have reflected his feelings of having a much deserved break to pursue other things he liked besides work since he rarely gets a break with the serious nature of his job.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of Christmas time. In waking life she had been ill for a very long time and was finally starting to get her health back. Christmas time may have reflected her feelings about the impact of her improved health on the quality of her social life.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing Christmas cards. In waking life she had dinner with a few family members was feeling bad thinking about how divorce and distance had torn her family apart. In this case the Christmas cards may have represented her feelings about being reminded about the importance of making effort for quality family time while eating dinner with her brother and father after experiencing so much distancing in her family.

Example 5: A man dreamed of being in a car parking lot during Christmas. In waking life he was a hard worker and didn't like taking time off.

Christmas Cards

To dream of Christmas cards represents making an effort to show other people that you care about them. Making an effort to show other people that you love them. Reciprocating feelings of togetherness. Reminding people that you are thinking about them and hoping they are happy. Extra efforts made to care about other people's feelings.

To dream of old Christmas card may reflect feelings about how close, special, or loving a relationship use to be. Remembering the effort that used to be put into showing people they were cared about in the past. Remembering better times with family. Feelings about current family life being more snobby than it used to be.

Example: A woman dreamed of people throwing old family Christmas cards in the garbage. In waking life she felt that her family was falling apart and purposely distancing themselves from each other due to a divorce in the family.

Christmas Gifts

To dream of a Christmas gift symbolizes deserved change. Positively, a Christmas gift reflects good luck, getting something you wanted, finally experiencing something you've been waiting for.

Negatively, a Christmas gift may reflect something negative happening to you that someone else feels you deserve. Embarrassment or shame that you acknowledge.

Blue gifts are positive intentions, feelings or situations. Red gifts are negative intentions, feelings, or situations.

Christmas Lights

To dream of christmas lights represents gestures that are intended to make other people feel good thinking they deserve things. Being happy for others blessings. Mutual goodwill. An attitude that is supportive of togetherness for friends and family.

Negatively, christmas lights may reflect jealousy, frustration, or resentment of having to be happy for others blessings. Exhausting yourself being happy for others. Feelings about other people going overboard with their gestures of mutal good will.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing christmas lights. In waking life her grandson was just born and the whole family came together to celebrate it. The christmas lights may have reflected the woman's feelings about the whole family being noticeably happy for birth of the grandson.

Christmas Stocking

To dream of Christmas stocking represents feelings about deserving something extra. Awareness of whether or not other people think you deserve extra special treatment. Feelings about deserve every single little thing that you want. Feelings of deserving perfect recognition and acknowledgement.

Negatively, dreaming of Christmas stockings may reflect a tendency to expect special treatment. Expecting to deserve absolute perfect recognition and acknowledgement.

To dream of putting coal or other negative things in a Christmas stocking may reflect feelings about having to take extra care to make sure a jerk in your life gets an extra special payback. Taking extra extra care to show someone you don't like them and that you enjoy seeing them treated poorly. Feeling that someone made effort efforts to embarrass you with feeling that you don't deserve anything you want at all.

Christmas Tree

To dream of a Christmas tree represents an established aspect of your life that requires special treatment or dedicated time to observing something special. Moments in life where family time or vacation time is important to observe and respect. A reason in your life to join family or friends for festivus behavior.

Negatively, a Christmas tree may reflect your dislike of having to take a forced vacation or feeling forced to spend time with family. A situations where you feel you deserve to be treated as special as other people after earning it through hard work or hardship. Feeling that "jerks" in your life holding power over you finally have to give you a much deserved break.

Alternatively, a Christmas tree may reflect feelings about having to spend time with your family at Christmas. A reflection of your feelings about what the social interaction with your family may be like during the holidays.

To dream that you have your Christmas tree up for longer than normal represents an extended need to respect and treat people special. A prolonged need for family time or dedicated time to vacationing. Negatively, it may be a sign that you are unnecessarily prolonging a reason to participate in festivus behavior. Taking too much time off work.

To dream of a Christmas tree on fire represents a choices that whether intentional or not have ruined other people's opportunity to enjoy festivus behavior or special family time. Mistakes, conflicts, or crisis that ruins your time off work.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a Christmas tree. In waking life he was annoyed at having to take a vacation off work due to a technicality and spend time with his family. The Christmas tree may have reflected the forced vacation time that was beneficial to all members of his family.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a Christmas tree with a spider crawling on it. In waking life she was an older woman and felt that her family was drifting part leaving her with nobody special around during the holidays. The Christmas tree in this case may have reflected her feelings about the Christmas holidays creating a reason to have to spend time with love ones while the spider reflected the scary feelings about feeling trapped alone as she was older.

Christmas Tree Ornaments

To dream of Christmas tree ornaments represents feelings about intentionally making others feel good deserving something they want. A signal to others that they should be encouraged to enjoy themselves or feel deserving of special treatment.

Negatively, Christmas tree ornaments may reflect feelings about irresponsible behavior encouraging bad things to happen to you that others might claim you deserved. A trap that has made you feel that you deserved something.

Example: A young woman dreamed of seeing an evil tree that froze people and then hung then up as Christmas tree ornaments on it's branches. In waking life she felt that her mother was very unsupportive of her emotional recovery after being raped. The mother blamed the young woman and made her feel that she deserved the rape. The Christmas tree ornaments in this case may reflected the dreamer's feelings about her mother making her feel that the men deserved to enjoy themselves raping her.

Elm Trees

To dream of an elm tree represents feelings about an established area of your life that respects itself never losing. An established area of your life that feels good about itself never going away. An established area of your life that never allows anything wrong to happen again. Feeling good that some area of your life is for the rest of you life if you want it to be. An established area of your life that feels good being permanently bigger than everything else. An established area of your life that is never jealous. Feelings about wealth or protective family life that takes care of you no matter what. Feelings of being powerfully supported being successful. An unwavering responsible support system in your life.

Negatively, elm trees may reflect annoying or terrifying responsibility that never believes it's going to go away. Anxiety or frustration with an established area of you life that respects itself never losing. Confrontation with a difficult successful accomplished person. Annoyance with a person that is successful or accomplished. Annoyance with a difficult rich person that is never jealous of you no matter what you do to them. Jealousy of someone else's wealth or family life always supporting them. A serious responsible person causing you problems who won't leave you alone easily.

To dream of an elm tree without leaves represents feelings of haunting jealousy about an established area of your life that respected itself never losing that has finally lost. The terror of never being rich again. A powerfully original public loss that doesn't go away. Feeling afraid of losing a good life forever. An overpowering sense of never believing in yourself ever again.

Evergreen Trees

To dream of an evergreen tree represents an established area of your life that's impervious to change and never cancels no matter how terrible a situation gets. A stable area of your life that was impervious to change. Feelings about people, family, or situations with a sense of continuity, consistency, and longevity. The ability to thrive even in adverse conditions. A source of comfort and stability amidst life's changes. An aspect of your life or personality that remains unaffected by changes. A situation or aspect of your life that feels unchanging and static.

Positively, it reflects relationships or situations that can always be relied on no matter what. An inability to lose. Continuity beyond life's apparent changes or endings. The ability to sustain oneself through challenging times.

Negatively, an evergreen tree reflects a problem that survives all attempts to cancel it. Feelings about negative people who are established and impervious to change. A negative situation or aspect of your life that feels unchanging and static.

To dream of evergreen trees that are cut represents feelings about a stable area of your life that was impervious to change no longer being impervious. Difficult people who are not difficult anymore. Some area of your life that was permanent that stopped. Negatively, it may reflect areas of your life that are impervious to change to your detriment or frustration.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing 2 cut evergreen trees standing in front of him. In waking life, 2 criminals who were very difficult to catch were finally facing the total embarrassment of being caught with serious legal problems. In this case, the evergreen trees may have reflected the man's perception of these criminals as impervious to efforts to apprehend them.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of driving down a road surrounded by a lot of evergreen trees. In waking life, she was spending a lot of time thinking about issues involving family and friends and recently gotten to spend time with them like she used to after a long period of time of not seeing them. In this case, the evergreen trees may have reflected her feelings about the enduring, unchanging nature of her relationships with family and friends.

Pine Trees

To dream of a pine tree represents an established area of your life that's impervious to change and never cancels no matter how terrible a situation gets, is reliable about honestly doing its job however it can, and doesn't mind itself not being important. Established feelings about family or parental support that is reliable about its role to help you while not seeing itself as important if you don't need anything from it. Feelings about behavior that has to be supportive, but never does more than it needs to.

Negatively, dreaming about a pine tree may represent an established area of your life that overdoes behavior that's permanently, honestly, and reliably supportive but doesn't have to do more than it needs to.

To dream of smelling pine represents feelings about an aspect of your life feeling like it has to be supportive, honest, and reliable about doing its job if possible, but never does more than it needs to. Honesty that feels reliable about being clean.

Example: A little girl dreamed of a pine tree in her backyard that refused to be cut down and put in the garbage no matter how hard she tried. In waking life, she was excited that her parents wanted to move, but after 6 months of their house being up for sale there were no buyers. In this case, the pine tree may have reflected her feelings about her parents home providing an established impervious reliable backup in case she needed a place to live, with a sense about her parents seeing their job as parents to do whatever they could to support her, while also feeling that her parents are comfortable with her being a grown-up that safely doesn't require their help.

Example 2: A young man dreamed about being in a mountainous terrain surrounded by dark pine trees. In waking life, he had just started college. In this case, the pine trees may have reflected his feelings about his teacher's role in college being reliable about doing their job as supportive instructors while not minding never bothering him about his school work or attendance if he chose to screw up.

*Please See Pine Needles

*Please See Evergreen Trees


To dream of a tree represents an area of your life that is well-established or deeply rooted. A situation or problem that is immovable or unchangeable. Something that requires significant effort to alter or remove. Feelings of about an establish area of your life or roots with people that can always be relied on. Your confidence, faith, or reliance on something. Feelings about protection from parents or family life. A tree can also symbolize a well-established are of your life that you have become very comfortable with, or that you think will never change.

Negatively, dreaming about a tree may reflect an established persistent problem. An entrenched issue or problem. An enduring problem that is deeply rooted.

To dream of a tree being chopped down represents a loss of some established or secure area of your life. Often a symbol for losing parents, family homes, or jobs.

To dream of a tree being uprooted or ripped from the ground represents a dramatic change to a well-established are of your life that you thought would never happen or that you became too comfortable with. Feelings about parents selling a family home after you graduate school, people you rely on dying, or losing a sense security of deep-rooted connections or protection.

To dream of a tree trunk up close may reflect your emotional or situational proximity to an area of your life that is well-established. Experiencing an entrenched issue up close.

A dead tree represents a change to a stable or well-established situation. Either your confidence has been lost, or a difficult problem was solved. Feelings about total loss or that some well-established aspect of your life is lost. Feelings about a loss of confidence or that your life is ruined. Feelings about a thriving part of your life being lost.

To dream of a tree stump represents feelings about a significant change or a loss in your life regarding something established that you are learning to live without. The end of a phase, a loss of stability, or the remnants of past experiences that are still rooted in your life. This dream could reflect your thoughts about the importance of adapting, resilience, and moving forward. Taking a moment to reflect on your past. Grappling with feelings of regret or missing what once was. Alternatively, dreaming about a tree stump may represents an established persistent problem that you have overcome or made the effort to confront.

To dream of climbing a tree represents waking life situations where you are taking extensive steps to prove you can overcome, manage, or overtake a well-established aspect of your life if you have to. Alternatively, if you dream of climbing a tree out of fear or a need for safety it may represent a need to seek refuge in a secure, established area of your life to avoid failure or harm. It may reflect clinging or running to your family in order to avoid difficult problems.

To dream of walking on the tops of trees represents feelings of mastery, control, or transcendence over well-established areas of your life. You may be navigating over complex or long-standing problems with ease and confidence. This could reflect your ability to confront and overcome challenges, showing that you have grown past them and are now viewing them from a higher perspective. Bypassing necessary confrontations or evading responsibilities. Believing that your parents aren't important in order to feel that you are on top of something.

To dream of a tree top represents feelings about something established in your life that provides stability and protection. Parents, role models, or mentors who possess abilities beyond your own and demonstrate power or leadership, offering guidance and a higher vantage point from which to view life or problems. Power or leadership that either protects you or overshadows you. The tree top symbolizes a sense of security and the reassurance that you will never be considered inferior or insignificant in comparison to others.

Example: A woman dreamed of standing beside a tree and looking up at the stars. In waking life, she was struggling to renew her religious faith and was surprised when a friend wanting to practice faith with her. In this case, the tree may have reflected her feelings about her deep-rooted faith being a well-established aspect of her life that she could always rely on, providing a sense of comfort and security.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of seeing a tree being ripped from the ground. In waking life, he was shocked to find out that his parents home was going to be sold. In this case, the tree may have reflected his sense of home being permanent and established. The tree being ripped from the ground symbolized the sense of stability and establish homelife that was being quickly taken from him.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of climbing a coconut tree and dropping the coconuts to the ground while someone watched him. In waking life he was being accused of financial failure and had to take a number of long drawn out steps to prove that he was in fact financially secure. In this case, climbing the tree may have reflected his efforts to navigate and manage a complex and deeply rooted financial situation.

Example 4: A young man dreamed of seeing dead tress. In waking life he was very good-looking and developed a disease with caused humiliating baldness. He felt that his life was over. In this case, the dead trees may have reflected his feelings of a drastic change to a well-established aspect of his life - his appearances. His confidence and self-perception were deeply rooted in his appearance, and the sudden onset of baldness felt like the 'death' of this significant part of his identity, hence the symbolism of the dead trees.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of seeing trees getting chopped down. In waking life, her father died. In this case, the trees being chopped down may have reflected her feelings about losing her father's sheltering presence. His presence was a well-established part of her life that provided emotional security and stability, much like a towering, robust tree.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing a tree with honey dripping off of it. In waking life, his ex-wife was being nice to him and he believed it meant she wanted to be intimate with him. In this case, the tree dripping with honey may have reflected his feelings about the well-established history of his relationship with his ex-wife. The honey dripping from the tree symbolized the sweetness or desire that he perceived in his ex-wife's actions, hinting at a potential revival of their once intimate connection.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of seeing a tree with black birds sitting on it. In waking life, she was annoyed with how long it was taking her granddaughter to breakup with her boyfriend. In this case, the tree may have reflected her feelings about how established or "well rooted" her granddaughter's relationship was with the boyfriend. The blackbirds in the tree may have reflected her feelings about the annoying friends the boyfriend had that hung around with her granddaughter as a bad influence.

*Please See Forests

*Please See Jungle

Candy Canes

To dream of a candy cane represents thoughts about a situation being more interesting than you think to notice that sharing doesn't cost much if you want to share as well. A sense of communal giving or sharing that doesn't cost much to keep it going. Keep the spirit of giving going that doesn't require significant personal sacrifices. Feeling that it didn't cost someone else much to share with you in order to encourage you to keep the spirit of giving going. Feelings of encouragement for others to enjoy a new idea to keep the spirit of sharing going with little personal cost. Feeling that it never hurts to try to interest someone else is keeping up the spirit of sharing and togetherness.

Negatively, dreaming about a candy cane may represent feelings about behavior that you feel is a stupid, lame, or cheap gesture about encouraging you to keep the spirit of giving or sharing going like it's a better idea than doing nothing. Not liking the idea of saving money by keeping a collective or communal effort of sharing going because someone else thought it was a good idea. Feelings of skepticism or cynicism towards acts of generosity or communal spirit. You might be hesitant to participate in group activities or share resources because you believe that it might be a waste of time. Familial or societal expectations about sharing being a good idea to keep going that hinders your independence.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of large plastic candy canes scattered on the floor that belong to a boy that disappeared. In waking life, she was just beginning to learn how to drive. In this case, the large plastic candy canes may have reflected her feelings about the initial shared spirit about the low cost of communal usage of the parents' vehicles that would help everyone learn to drive and get a driver's license mpre quickly. The group of friends may have may felt that learning to drive would be easy and cheap if they just kept up the spirit of sharing vehicle time with each other.

Example 2: A teenage girl dreamed of a candy cane-colored spider. In waking life, she was preparing to start University within a month. In this case, the candy cane-colored spider may have reflected parents or other people encouraging a sense of sharing with other people all the time that made her feel trapped or hindered from preparing for her new independent life away from home as a university student.


To dream of eucalyptus represents feelings about behavior that's supportive of whatever is happening if you choose it, without having to think about itself needing to be more important. Behavior that feels good believing in itself supporting others however they wanted without having to think about itself needing to be more important. Support that respects whatever you wanted without having to say anything else about it because it doesn't want to impose or control you. Feelings about peers being neutrally supportive, meaning they were there for you but not proactive in their support.

Example: A young woman dreamed of being given a ziplock bag full of marijuana, but it didn't look like normal marijuana. It looked like oregano, cilantro, rosemary, and eucalyptus. In waking life, he did get a ziplock bag of normal-looking marijuana, but she and her friend debated about whether the marijuana was viable or going to make them sick. She never smoked the marijuana. In this case, the eucalyptus may have reflected her feelings about the coworker who gave her the marijuana being supportive of her enjoying it without having to be her best friend (or most important person she knows.)

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being in a eucalyptus forest before being taken down a tunnel by an ex-boyfriend who made unwanted advances to toucher her. She told him to leave her alone. The eucalyptus forest then turned into a thick eucalyptus jungle. In waking life, she was disgusted by a guy flirting with her and trying to touch her while riding a bus to school. In this case, the eucalyptus trees may have reflected feelings of supportive friends or classmates not minding the flirting being a problem unless she said it was serious about needing to stop. The eucalyptus tree scene shifting from a forest to a jungle may indicate that while her friends or peers were a supportive presence, they might not have been as aware or as responsive as needed when circumstances became more serious about needing the harassment to stop. She may have felt that her peers were neutrally supportive, meaning they were there for her but not proactive in their support.



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